The Link


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"Is it love or you?" I asked Teegan. She laughed at my words and reached out like she wanted me to lift her out of the seat. I smiled and played with sock covered feet. "It's love," I admitted to her, "you just cut through all the crap." I bent down and kissed her little toes. Teegan found it especially ticklish and tried to retract her feet in a fit of laughter. We played a little game of tug-of-war until Betty returned with the aforementioned military green duffle filled to the top. I crammed it into the trunk with our other stuff, and we headed out.

"Who is she," Betty asked, turning her head to look at Teegan.

"She's Stinky," I said with as much humor as I could muster. "Actually, we call her Teegan now. And we have no idea who she is. We appointed ourselves as de facto parents."

"She sure loves you," Betty said with a grin. My first thought was Natalie, but somehow I knew she meant Teegan. "She showed me things. I was so weak to stay with that bastard Gerard. I have no idea when I lost myself, but she showed me my strength. Does she do that for everyone?"

"To be honest," I replied, "we don't know. Natalie said it was alright to show you, but I have no idea what would happen if someone like Gerard got a hold of her. We're not even sure if it is safe to bond with her. It's a risk," I turned my eyes from the road and looked at Betty for a second, "a risk worth taking in your case."

I did the best I could, explaining what had transpired to Betty. I left out some details, such as names, to protect those that helped. I had no idea how far the government, or other interested entities, might go and it would best if our friends were protected.

"So that Bruce Lee thing that Natalie did. That's all Teegan?" Betty asked.

"Yep. It takes a toll on you, though," I explained, "Aggression, or forcing things, drains you pretty quickly."

"But it doesn't effect Teegan?"

"Not that we can tell," I replied, "we're not even sure she's aware of any of it." At least, I hoped not. I had some pretty vivid visions of Natalie that a child should never share. "We've never even seen her cry," I chuckled, "food is the only thing that distracts her from her happiness. She's like an eating machine when she gets started."

"Well, whatever she does," Betty added, "it is something special. It's like instant therapy. One minute life sucks and the next, the sun is shining, and the future has vivid color." I smiled at her analogy. It is a very difficult thing to describe.

"Perfect thought," I murmured as I nodded my head.

"That's exactly it," Betty agreed with a smile, "and it's like I know you two. I mean, I trust you and Natalie. You've become important all in one magic moment."

"Yep," I said, "she does that to you. Not sure I would trust me, but since she does, others do." Betty laughed a warm, soft laugh, almost like we were best friends. I remembered Charlie, the first person who bonded with Teegan after me. He too had total trust. I wondered if Teegan made me trustworthy or I just never had cause to exercise it in the past.

"Has she told you?" Betty smiled slyly as she asked.

"Who? Teegan?"

"No. Natalie," she replied like I was a little slow.

"Tell me what? That she trusts me?" Betty laughed that warm laugh again. Somehow it made her more open and friendly. I couldn't imagine how she ended up with Gerrard.

"Are you really that dense?" Betty asked. It was done sweetly and without real acquisition. It was kind of fun to verbally spar with her. I didn't feel as outmatched.

"No," I answered with a knowing smile, "and I haven't told her either. I think we both know it though."

"Think and know are two different things," Betty continued, "the words are important, and she did just save your life." I laughed again, which reminded me of my sore diaphragm. Gerrard did have quite a punch.

"We're one for one on that count."

"You're more than good enough for her, you know," Betty said, losing her smile. I looked back at Teegan in her car seat. She smiled at me once she noticed my attention. The little nark says to much sometimes.

"Sometimes Teegan shows too much," I said with a small thread of where-can-I-hide.

"Sorry," Betty said, "I have a tendency to say too much. It's just that I know how Natalie sees you and I don't want you to blow it." I looked over expecting to see a grimace, but saw a large smile instead. She was both informing and teasing me. I smiled back, so she knew that I knew she was toying with me.

"Thank you," I chuckled. It was good information to have and delivered in a less than insulting way.

It took us a little over two hours to near Bismarck. Natalie was still sound asleep as expected. I learned about Betty's past as we traveled. She had been in the Army for three years. She worked as a diesel mechanic, pulling one tour in Afghanistan. It turned out that Gerrard was her sergeant when she returned to Fort Leonard Wood after her overseas tour. They both left service at the same time, Betty following Gerrard since he had inherited the motel from his divorced father. She had grown up in North Dakota, so it made some sense.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time," Betty said, as she brought me up to the present.

"We'll I'm glad we picked that motel, for your sake," I said, watching the road signs.

"My uncle has a cabin near here," Betty commented, looking at the same signs as I was. "He'd rent it to you on my recommendation. It's not like he has a lot of takers this time of year."

"How big?"

"Kitchen, great room, two bedrooms and one bath," she looked around the car, "it's not like you have a lot of stuff."


"Yes, a big woodburning one," Betty smiled, "he will charge you for wood used, but utilities will be included." I wasn't going to tell her that the fireplace sold the idea. My fantasy of staying warm with Natalie had found a permanent home in my mind.

"Sounds wonderful," I said, "how much?"

"I'll find out," Betty replied as she pulled out her phone. I peeked back at Teegan, her smile as lively as ever. I wondered if meeting Betty was fate or design. The coincidences were piling up, meeting exactly the right people at the right time. Granted, Tom was by choice, but Charlie, Rose, Natalie and Betty all seemed too perfect.

"Uncle Dave says 750 a month plus 150 per cord," Betty said, "two months upfront."

"What's a cord?" I asked.

"About 4 x 8 feet of wood," Betty said, "it's got an electric furnace, so you only burn for the ambiance." There would be a fire, that much I knew. Lots and lots of fires.

"Let's take a look," I said, "if it's all you say, will take it."

"Take the exit right after we cross the Missouri, heading North."

The cabin was perfect for two people and one baby who wanted to hide. It was nestled in old growth forest, but only thirty minutes from Bismarck proper. Uncle Dave was an older gentleman missing most of his hair. I could see he was ecstatic that someone was interested in the cabin. I rented the place for cash, a handshake, and a promise to sign a lease when we had a chance. He piggybacked on Betty's trust without a thought. An ideal arrangement as far as I was concerned. I hoped Natalie would agree since I just sunk the bulk of our cash into the place.

"You'll need to stock up," Dave said after our agreement, "when it snows out here, it can be a few days before the plows dig you out." He showed me how the well worked and suggested we pick up some bottled water as well. I assumed the well water had a heavy flavor. The wood was piled high in one-half of a carport that was built for two vehicles. "There's some neighbors down the road, about half a mile. The Smyth's are good people and will help if you run into a problem." He handed the keys over and gave his niece a kiss on her cheek before he left us there.

Betty held onto Teegan as I helped a groggy Natalie into the cabin.

"It's wonderful," Natalie said sleepily. She leaned on me heavily, hugging as much as needing the support. I found comfort in her reliance, adding to my self-worth.

"It has a nice fireplace," I suggested.

"Mmmm," Natalie hummed sensuously. I took her to the main bedroom and sat her in one of the chairs. I dug sheets and blankets out of the closet and made the bed. She didn't struggle at all when I stripped her down to her skivvies and tucked her in. Her eyes closed as soon as she hit the pillow.

"I love you," I whispered softly, thinking her out for the night. She smiled, and her eyes opened again. "I thought I get that out before I forget to tell you." Tired or not, her hand had enough strength to pull my lips to hers. A soft kiss, the passion more understood than enacted.

"Me too," Natalie whispered back, "remind me again in the morning." We shared a smile and another quick kiss. I let her snuggle into the blankets and kissed her forehead for good measure. I left the room the happiest man alive. It was only a few words, but they meant more than any others I had ever uttered, or heard.

"Got her tucked in?" Betty asked.

"Well tucked," I replied, unable to hide my joy.

"You told her," Betty said, reflecting my happiness.

"None of your business," I said, my smile answering for me. The 'me too' was making it hard to hold a straight face. I took Teegan from Betty's arms and did a little dance with the one that made it all possible. Betty laughed at my silliness, and I didn't care.

Chapter 13 - Sam

There is nothing that will squelch one's euphoria like easy crib assembly. I think they put the word 'easy' on the outside so you would feel like a fool calling up the manufacturer and bawling them out. Teegan was on a blanket spread out on the floor exercising her ability to roll over and almost crawl. Betty was on a supply run. Just stuff for a few days, her contribution for our helping her escape. She was going to spend the night; then we would drop her off at her sisters, who was a good two hours away, the next day.

"I should just let you help me," I said rhetorically to Teegan as I tried to figure out which screws were As and which ones were Bs. Teegan surprised me by moving her knees forward as if she could crawl. Unfortunately, she neglected to move her hands and went down face first in the blanket.

I began to smile at her trials, then my chin and left cheek suddenly felt as if I had dragged them along a rug. I rubbed the area with my hand, no damage, but the feeling was real. Teegan pushed herself back up on all fours and bounced her butt back and forth, seemingly unaffected by the face plant. I dropped the instructions and crawled over to my smiling girl. Her chin and cheek were slightly red, exactly where the pain had graced my face.

"Sympathy pains?" I asked Teegan, who just gave me her best laugh in reply. She liked my attention, no matter what the reason. She rocked back and forth with more enthusiasm now that she had my eye. I laid next to her, watching her exercise and her aborted attempts at crawling. She didn't go down again and maintained her balance on all fours. She eventually gave up and laid down and rolled to her back. I played tickle the belly for a few minutes before I went back to the crib assembly.

Betty returned with six bags of groceries, more than I was expecting, enough to get us through a week or so. I checked on Natalie before we made a late lunch. She was still sleeping soundly, recovering from the stress of the aggressive bonding. I gave her a light kiss on her forehead noting how peaceful she looked. I could only hope that there was no lasting damage from such use of Teegan. For her sake and mine.

As usual, Teegan was starving. I gave up trying to dodge her ever quickening hands and learned to work with her help. If you time it right, she would grab the handle of the spoon instead of the bowl, allowing most of the food into her mouth. Betty thought the whole operation was hilarious. Teegan acted like we never fed her. Afterwards, I gave the little monster a bath that she seemed to enjoy. Hard to tell, since she was always smiling.

"Good morning," a sleepy Natalie said as she strolled from the bedroom adding a yawn. She was back in her jeans and shirt from the morning.

"Actually, it's night," I responded with a smile. Betty and I were watching an old TV that could only pick up three channels. Uncle Dave had jury-rigged some makeshift digital antenna into a converter box, not wanting to absorb the monthly for satellite. It was reasonable since the cabin was expected to be empty a good portion of the year.

"Anything good on?" Natalie asked as I scooted over to make room for her on the couch. Teegan smiled in my lap and pumped her arms at Natalie's return. Natalie bent her head down and gave Teegan a peck on the cheek. Her lips moved higher, and I received much more than a peck. Betty looked away with a blush as Natalie lingered longer than appropriate for public consumption. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the brief interlude.

"It looks like they gave up on Flagstaff," I said when Natalie cosied into me, "not even a mention on the news."

"Is that good or bad?" Betty asked.

"Who knows," Natalie replied, "I doubt they'll give up. It may just mean they weren't fooling anyone anymore. Maybe they think we're still there."

"Or they know we left," I added, shrugging my shoulders, "you hungry?" I asked Natalie.

"Mmm," Natalie responded with a smile. For Betty's sake, I tried not to respond to the double meaning in Natalie's eyes. I shifted Teegan onto Natalie's lap and stood.

"Spaghetti?" I asked. Natalie nodded, her smile and eyes holding the same promise of her desires. I moved off to make the meal. I was just adding the noodles to boiling water when I caught Betty and Natalie sharing a chuckle that I thought was at my expense. They had moved closer and were In a deep discussion that obviously pleased them both. It was nice thinking that I was, at least, a small part of the discourse. I couldn't remember the last time two women discussed me in a positive way. I shook head. They could have been discussing hairstyles for all I knew.

Natalie called her mother while the noodles boiled. I could hear the concern in her voice as she told Rose where we were and the events that transpired. She skipped the altercation at the motel, which I thought was done to save Rose concern. I liked having a kick-ass girlfriend and would have told Rose if Natalie would have let me.

Later that night, after two bottles of wine, Betty wheeled the crib into the second bedroom. I raised my eyebrows to Natalie who returned a sultry smile. Things had been discussed between the two of them. Teegan would spend the night with Betty, leaving Natalie and me alone. Teegan was calmly lying on her back, looking up at the both of us. I reached out and caressed her tummy making her giggle.

"Are there plans I don't know about?" I whispered to Natalie, my eyes and smile on Teegan.

"She offered," Natalie answered, her hand softly running down my arm to Teegan's belly, "I simply agreed. Did you want me to decline?" My eyes shifted quickly to Natalie's in fear she thought my desires weaker than her own. Her smile instantly convinced me she was teasing. Didn't matter, I couldn't have her living with any doubts.

"Absolutely not," I responded as I leaned in. My fingers wrapped in her hair at the nape of her neck as I pulled her lips to mine. The softness of her lips sent a warmth coursing through my blood. Our desire was shared, and want grew as lips parted and our tongues became intimate.

"Jeez," Betty interrupted as she reentered the room, "way to contribute to the delinquency of a minor." Natalie laughed into my mouth before our lips separated. "At least, let me get her out of the room and protect those innocent eyes from such debauchery."

"Sorry," I said, not meaning it.

"Teegan and I are going to retire," Betty said with fake formality, "we intend to spend the night talking scandalously about the two of you."

"Thank you," Natalie said sincerely. I could hear the gratefulness in her tone. It was still so alien to me, the way the desire went both ways. Here was a successful woman, beautiful, with a life well above anything I had envisioned, wanting me alone. Love was such a brutal uneven thing, slanted so heavily toward me.

"Make good use of it," Betty said without any shame, "After tomorrow, you'll be at her mercy," She picked up Teegan off the floor who smiled at the attention. Betty turned Teegan to us, grabbed her arm and made her wave goodnight. Teegan added a laugh to the game.

"Goodnight, sweetie," I said, unthinking. Damn if I wasn't getting more fatherly by the moment. Natalie tried to hide her smile at my unbidden honorific. Betty was smiling as she headed to her bedroom.

"I thought I was your sweetie," Natalie stated, her eyes alight with humor.

"You're one of my sweeties," I joked back, "sometimes it's hard to keep them all straight." I moved closer, trying to pull her into my arms.

"Light a fire, Casanova," Natalie said, pushing me away lightly, "I'll be right back." I laughed then sucked it back as I watched the cute butt slink away in those jeans. Again, she was teasing, her hips promising me things I didn't deserve, but desperately wanted. I did what any man in my position would do; I lit a fire as instructed.

The flames were just beginning to take on a life of their own when the lights went out. I turned to find Natalie in a robe, a couple of blankets in her arms and a smile on her face. She tossed me a blanket that I instinctively knew needed to be spread out on the floor in front of the fire. She walked around the couch, flipping me the other blanket which I spread out as well. When I looked back up, Natalie had opened her robe and had dropped it off her shoulders. Underneath the robe, she wore nothing but a pair of socks that climbed nearly to her knees.

"You're cheating," I breathed, barely able to contain the lust that was building. She had seen the visions in my head through Teegan. I kicked off my shoes and moved forward, my hands not knowing where to touch first. She was like fine art that I couldn't afford to touch.

"You told me something earlier," Natalie whispered as I neared. Her robe dropping further. I ran my hand gently down the side of her neck, across her shoulder, and along the side of her perfect breast. My eyes were feverously trying to take all of her in.

A feeling of complete relief invaded my mind. It was so sudden and its meaning so apparent. I laughed at the absolutely wrong time. Natalie eye's went wide, and she began closing her robe. A mix of anger and shame crossed her face and my heart sank.

"No," I said quickly, almost begging "it's not you." Thankfully, Betty came to my rescue.

"Oh dear God!" Betty yelled from the bedroom. Natalie looked at me then at Betty's bedroom door. I tried not to laugh, but I couldn't help it. We could hear windows being slammed open and four letter words emanating from Betty. Natalie squinted her eyes at me, trying to understand.

"Uhm," I stuttered, "I felt that...I mean I knew she pooped." Natalie's head slanted as she considered me, "it's getting stronger," I added, remembering the carpet burn. Betty burst through the bedroom door.

"I can't breathe," Betty said, gasping for breath. The smell followed her out of the room and thankfully, Natalie smiled as she lifted her finger to block her nostrils.

"I'm sorry," I said to Natalie as I reached for the bag that contained the diapers. The real meaning of love is sacrificing everything for the target of that love. Natalie followed me into the gas chamber without a thought. Love could ask for nothing more. Together we cleaned up the sewage and wrapped Teegan in a fresh diaper after a liberal powdering. I walked outside, barefoot, and tossed the offending diaper into the trash can that was thankfully well away from the cabin.
