The Link


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"Your room is next to Teegan's," Frank continued, "there will be attendants outside in the hall if you should need anything." He stopped and turned around, "they can arrange for walks on the grounds. You'll find the landscaping quite beautiful and soothing this time of year."

"By attendants, you mean guards," I said. He turned back and began climbing again. I followed.

"Trust will come in time," Frank said, "and they are guarding the child."

"Teegan," I repeated. I hated how he tried to dehumanize my daughter.

"As you wish," Franks said, "Teegan is the one I am charged to protect." He stopped again and paused before turning toward me. I think he had been debating with himself about speaking. "I'm not your enemy, Ms. Williams. The welfare of Teegan, and, therefore, you, is my highest priority. The cooperation we seek requires your happiness. You will lack for nothing here."

"Freedom?" I responded.

"Trips can be arranged," Frank continued, turning back up the stairs, "Teegan will remain here and someone will take you anywhere you want to go. You're a guest, a rather privileged guest." A gilded cage was the only thing that came to mind. I smiled at him when he glanced back to see if I was following.

The idea that I would stay cooped up in this mansion was ludicrous. I had become used to Sam next to me in bed. The way he immersed me with love, straight from the source, was a drug I wasn't willing to give up. I even loved his apprehension. He had no idea I could feel that as well. A gorgeous man who would never take me for granted. The father of my future child. Teegan's father.

We stopped outside of a door to what I believed was Teegan's room. Frank was about to open the door, then stopped. He let a loud sigh escape and turned to me.

"There are men on the grounds and in the house," Frank said, "camera's throughout," he pointed to a corner in the hallway where I could see a darkened lens. "I know your defensive skills are exceptional, but we will not hesitate to use force to keep Teegan on the premises." His eyes went all puppy dog, "please don't put Teegan at risk."

"You are the ones who put her at risk," I corrected.

"May I remind you, she was in a cabin in the woods," Frank said, then shook his head, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to say you weren't doing the best you could." The apology was misplaced but honest. I let it go though the need to defend Sam and me was strong.

"Am I to be watched in the bathroom as well?" I asked calmly.

"Teegan's bathroom has cameras," Frank said, pointing at the door across from the one we were about to enter, "the rest do not. Of course, that means that Teegan shouldn't be in the other ones." I nodded, not wanting to debate the difference between guest and prisoner.

"I will not leave without her," I said, my voice one of resignation, "and you won't let me leave with her." I held out my hand, "I will obey the rules as long as I know she won't be hurt."

"That's all we ask," Frank said with a smile. He shook my hand and opened the door.

The room was a child's dream. The walls were decorated with all kinds of imaginary animals and cartoon characters. There was a crib and a small bed shaped like a boat. Every toy from every catalog littered the many cubby holes that were set along the walls. It was if someone did a broad search on Amazon and hit the by all button. The carpeting was plush, colorful and added to the overly happy decor.

In the middle of the room, a woman sat in a yellow medical suit with skin tight latex gloves. The color fit but the suit itself looked liked it belonged in a contagious disease ward. In front of her stood Teegan, her back to me. Her diaper was sagging, obviously full of pee, wearing a bright green t-shirt. She turned toward the door, and an unbelievably powerful wave of joy hit me.

I dropped to my knee, basking in Teegan's love, as she ran to me, her diaper bouncing oddly between her legs. 'Mama's here,' I thought as I opened my arms.

"Mama!" Teegan yelled. My eyes filled as she folded into my arms. Her arms wrapped around my neck and I sucked in my breath.

A vision of the highway speeding in front of me. To my left, another motorcycle keeping pace. Behind me, other bikers followed. Love enveloped Teegan and me. It was unfettered by constraint or of any reservation. It was pure, demanding, and strong. A thought barreled through with clarity. 'I'm coming,' Sam said.

"Da," Teegan sighed in my arms. She was feeding off my thoughts. Our love was bonding us together into a powerful family. I quickly wiped my eyes, trying to hide what was happening.

"See," Frank said, "Teegan needs you, and it seems you are not unhappy about it." I lifted my girl into my arms and stood. Teegan smiled happily leaning into me like I might leave again. It would have taken an army to prior her from my hands at that moment. Sam faded away, and reality returned.

"I'll admit," I said, my smile growing, "it's good to hold her again." I tickled Teegan's belly to hear her wonderful laugh. It was such a glorious sound. Frank signaled to the chemical-suited nurse, waving her out of the room.

"We have staff prepared to spare you," Frank continued, "whenever you tire or are in need of a break, just look up into one of the cameras," he pointed to the ceiling where lens were watching, "and wave your hand. Someone will come and see to her."

"I want her crib in my room," I said, trying to find my limits.

"I'll have another put in your room," Frank said, his sly smile letting me know that there was little I couldn't request inside of the house. "and yes, you may take her outside on the grounds or anywhere else in the house. Feel free to explore."

"Except for the other bathrooms," I clarified. Frank laughed and started to leave. "She needs to be changed," I added, feeling Teegan's heavy diaper.

"Her bathroom has everything she needs," Frank said, holding the door for me. I didn't like the situation, but I had to admit, Frank was not altogether as evil as I wanted to define him. He had idiotic loyalties but his passion to make Teegan happy was in line with my desires.

"Thank you," I said with a smile.

Chapter 21 - Natalie

The bathroom was almost as big as the cabin. It was decorated like the bedroom, lots of rubber ducky yellow and safety strips in the tub. There was a built-in seat for someone to be close to Teegan as she bathed. Teegan started getting excited when she saw the tub, so I tried to turn on the water. It turns out that a person needed more than a law degree to accomplish it. I was about to call out, then decided that pointing and shrugging to the camera was a good test of the surveillance.

A young woman, I believe the one who was in the chemical suit, entered the bathroom in under a minute. She was still wearing gloves and kept her distance from Teegan, though didn't shy from me.

"It's a digital system," she said, tapping a dark flat panel that I had ignored. I had thought it was for watching the news or something. "The governor is set to avoid burns on her skin, but you should be able to find a comfortable temperature."

"I'm Natalie," I said, thinking I needed as few enemies as possible.

"I'm Abigal," she said, "I was hired as the nutritionist, but inherited the babysitting title." Abigal smiled at me and continued the lesson on how to set the temperature and water level. "The temperature will be maintained by the heaters in the tub wall. It is state of the art."

"A tub that never gets cold?" I asked, "seems you would never want to leave." April smiled at me and set the water for 98 degrees.

"You may not want to use this tub yourself," Abigal matched my tone, "it lacks the privacy."

"So, you're fine with snatching Teegan?" I said, lifting Teegan up. The proximity made Abigal take a step back. Teegan smiled at her movement.

"The water will start flowing in just a moment," Abigal continued, ignoring my question, "the system will heat the water first."

"Amazing," I said.

"Life can be good here," April said, "Mr. Corbett has told me to see to your comfort. My loyalty will make me do no less." She flipped some her blond hair over her shoulder. It was a nervous twitch that I am sure she didn't even know she was doing.

"I'm going to need some clothes and things," I said. April smiled again.

"I've put some clean sweats, shorts and t-shirts in your room," April was ticking off some invisible list with her fingers, "Also some panties and sports bras. I had to guess at your sizes, but I think they'll do in the short run. I'll get your measurements tomorrow, and we'll hit the catalogs. Your only limit will be your closet space, which," she chuckled, "will amaze you." I raised my eyebrows.

"The chief is asking what you would like for lunch," April kept going, "he is suggesting a grilled apple, bacon and cheddar sandwich with roasted red onion mayo." I raised my eyebrows higher trying to decide if those even go together. "If Anthony says it good, it usually is. You can always give it a try and switch to something else if it doesn't suit you."

"Sure," I said, noticing my hunger for the first time, "I'll give anything a try once." April nodded, "and maybe some iced tea if he has any."

"That won't be a problem," April said brightly, "I'll have it brought up as soon as her bath is over."

"Teegan's bath," I said, wishing everyone would call her by name. I wanted them to recognize her as a human being.

"Of course, Teegan."

"Thank you, Abigal," I said with a smile and laid Teegan down on the cushioned changing table. The water began flowing, and Teegan heard it, and I felt her excitement fill me. Far away, I felt Sam's chuckle. I loved feeling him. Distance didn't seem to weaken it.

Teegan proceeded to turn bath time into playtime. I had to admit it was fun. One thing is seeing the joy in your daughter's face; another is feeling it seep into you. She loved to slap her hand down and splash water as far as it would go. I was getting as wet as her, splashing her back playfully when she got me. She caught onto the game quickly and everything went well until some water got into her eyes. I was laughing at her expression as I wiped off her face with a towel. As soon as she was back to normal, her laughing and splashing began again.

I tossed some toys into the water. Teegan was impressed with the way they floated. She would drag them underwater and let them flop back to the surface. She did this with a blue cartoon boat a few times, then repeated the process with a plastic ring, a duck, and a red ball. Her face was so serious while she studied their buoyancy. When she was finished, her smile returned, and she looked up to me like she had had enough.

"Are you done sweetie?" I asked. Teegan raised her arms to me. I lifted her out of the tub and held her in my lap to dry her off. She was learning. I could almost see her brain churning as she played with the little boat. Not that any other child wouldn't have played with it. It was her analytical testing of the other three toys. Each one once. She seemed to come to a conclusion and then she was done. Her intelligence was growing quickly.

"You're a smart girl," I whispered. I wondered if her knowledge was enhanced from my mind. Her calling me 'mama' was new and offered right after I thought it. I found diapers and powder in the cabinet above the changing table. Teegan laughed when I powered her butt and kicked her feet out. All baby again.

Abigal was there with some dry sweats for me and a new shirt for Teegan. They were watching us closely, and I can only assume it was both a kindness and a reminder of their vigilance.

"Thank you," I said, "so thoughtful."

"You're welcome," Abigal replied with a charming smile, "lunch is on its way up unless you want to join us downstairs."

"No offense," I said, letting my smile show, "I would kind of like to spend some alone time with Teegan."

"None taken. It's important that you show her we mean no harm and that you'll be here for her," Abigal said. I started to remove my shirt, but Abigal stopped me. She opened the closet door and waved me behind it and moved to make sure Teegan didn't roll off the table. "I'm not the only one watching the video feed," she informed me, "it's only important that Teegan remains viewable. You're allowed your privacy." I quickly changed my wet shirt and then traded it for Teegan. Abigal took my laundry without question.

"Thank you again," I said and this time, I meant it. I would have to get used to the cameras and find out where the blind spots were. Abigal seemed as much friend as prison guard. I wondered if it was the Stockholm syndrome setting in. She smiled at my gratitude and headed out. Teegan and I returned to Teegan's room.

The sandwich was heaven on bread. The flavors mixed so well and tickled the side of my tongue is such a lovely way. Even the texture of the panini that housed it was inviting. As if on cue, Abigal returned to collect my plate just as I finished. Another man entered with a high chair for Teegan, complete with a bowl of what looked like fresh baby food.

"I took a guess that you would like to feed her," Abigal said. She added a baby bottle of what looked like milk to the high chair tray. Teegan started to pump her arms and hoot like a chimpanzee. I had to smile at the excitement in her eyes. She knew exactly who the new food was for.

"Yes," I said, sharing my smile with Abigal as well, "and whoever made that sandwich is a genius."

"Anthony is as talented as they come," Abigal said, "I'll pass on the compliment. He's making stuffed chicken Florentine tonight unless you would prefer something else."

"I think I'll trust Anthony after that sandwich," I responded, "does everyone eat this well?"

"It comes with the job," Abigal replied, nodding her head, "is there anything you want to test him with. Anthony has never failed yet, and we're dying to stump him." It took only a moment for me to flashback to my trip to France six years ago.

"The best soup I ever had was French onion served in the Eiffel Tower restaurant in Paris," I said gleefully, "see if he can top that." Abigal smiled and patted my forearm like a friend. It struck me that I was being pampered. I was being manipulated to join some strange family bought and paid for by Corbett. Abigal saw the change in my expression.

"You'll get used to it," Abigal said quietly, then her smile returned, "give Anthony 24 hours and you'll forget all about the Eiffel Tower's soup." She cleared the room so that I could feed Teegan in relative privacy, as long as I ignored the cameras.

The cold bean mixture in Teegan's bowl looked appetizing enough. I tasted one and found it slightly bland, no additional seasoning but a very light oil. Teegan didn't wait for the spoon. The beans were perfect for little hands, so I let her go for it. I had to pull the bowl away for short periods so she could finish what was in her mouth before she attempted to stuff more in. My little human vacuum cleaner had no complaints for the chef.

I decided to find out what was allowed later that afternoon. Teegan and I had played with her numerous toys after lunch and changed one very stinky diaper. It was time to stretch our legs and find our limits. I picked up my girl and exited the room and headed downstairs, toward the great room. We found a man, well groomed, probably in his fifties by the look of his graying sideburns.

"Can I help you Miss Williams?" the man asked politely. He wasn't blocking my way or trying to steer me from my path.

"Call me Natalie, please," I replied, "we just want to take a walk. Get some fresh air."

"With our without a stroller?"

"Is there a paved walkway?" I asked.

"Yes," the man smiled, "and lots of grass for the little one to run on. I'm Victor by the way. Essentially your concierge for the evenings. Abigal is on break right now."

"Nice to meet you, Victor," I said, making sure my smile set him at ease, "a stroller would be wonderful. Does the walkway go around the whole property?"

"Yes it does," Victor replied, his hand guiding me toward the glass doors that opened to the back porch, "I think it is a little less than two miles all the way around. It circles the pond, and there are usually some ducks swimming around."

As we exited, a stroller was being brought from around the corner by one of the black-shirted guys I had seen earlier. I noted that there must be audio as well as video in the house. Victor hadn't called for it. My request was being handled without his intervention.

"You are all very efficient," I commented as I put Teegan in the stroller. She smiled and patted the padded bar in front of her. She liked the sunshine and desired a scenery change as much as I did.

"Teegan's welfare, and, therefore, yours, is our highest priority," Victor replied, "The walkway circles the edge of the property. There are three paths leading out to it, the one here," he pointed to the asphalt path leading away from the stone porch, "another on the other side of the house, and the driveway makes the third. It is well lit," he pointed to one of the decorative street lights that followed the path and housed cameras, "so you can stay out as long as you like. There's a blanket under the stroller in case Teegan gets cold."

"Isn't someone going to follow?" I asked.

"There will always be someone near," Victor admitted, "though they will attempt to allow you your privacy."

"Well then," I sighed, "would you like to walk with us, Victor?" His eyes lit up at the request. He had a charming smile, one I would expect from a father.

"I would be delighted," Victor replied, his palm once again pointing the way. I pushed the stroller forward, and he slid next to me, walking at my pace.

"Is there anything you aren't allowed to talk about?" I asked. Teegan was shifting her butt back and forth in the seat. I think she wanted me to go faster. All baby.

"No," Victor replied, "nothing is prohibitive. I am sure you can find something I won't talk about, but I could expect the same from you." He was smiling when he answered. That fatherly smile again.

"Do you agree with Teegan being kidnapped?" I asked flat out. He chuckled. I looked away at the evergreens we were approaching, so I didn't have to react to his laughter.

"I think of her as being returned," Victor replied, "She is safer here than anywhere else in the world." He paused and waited for me to look at him. I did. "There are people who would see her as an abomination. Knowledge of her creation would send shockwaves through the religious communities. Do you think you could guarantee her safety if the world knew?"

I looked away. Sam and I had never thought of the rest of the world. It was baby first, then knowledge of how she came about. We already loved her. Victor was probably right, the crazies would be all over her. Some thinking she was the second coming, others the Armageddon. I reached down and stroked the side of Teegan's head. She smiled and pumped her hips faster, pointing at some of the bigger trees we were nearing.

"I hadn't thought of that," I admitted, "though I suspect Mr. Corbett has an interest beyond her safety. I was lead to believe he wished to breed her." This time, I had to wait for Victor to look at me. He was looking down on the ground as we walked. I suspect constructing his response.

"Yes, there is that," Victor said. I was surprised that he admitted it, "can I ask where you heard that from?"

"I think you found a question I won't answer," I said, adding a smile to soften the response. He smiled back to let me know it didn't offend him.

"Just so you know," Victor continued, "the intent is for in vitro with a surrogate. Mr. Corbett doesn't intend something completely sinister."
