The Lost Tribe Pt. 02


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She reached one of her powerful arms around his neck and began to squeeze. Jason could feel the muscles of her arms bulge as it tightened around him. Quickly he began to feel light headed and, as his vision began to fade, he ceased to struggle and his body fell limp under her.

Wasting little time Carlita turned him over onto his back and stripped him bare. She was pleased with the fact that even though it had taken little time for her to subdue him, he had obviously become sexually aroused. His member was almost totally erect even as he slept a dreamless sleep. Quickly she removed her loincloth and the leather ties from above her biceps and stood over him.

His eyes began to flicker open and his arms began to flail as they had before.

"Did you have a nice nap?" She said, as she looked down on him as he became very aware of his precarious situation. And yet, at the same time, the blood that had previously been cut off from his brain, began to pulse into his cock until it began to twitch with every beat of his heart.

"I'm glad that I still arouse you. Maybe in a couple of more months you won't find me so desirable. We will have to satisfy your hunger soon, but not just yet. First, I want to play with my food a little bit."

She quickly yanked him to his feet and just as quickly slammed him back down on the mat. She repeated the move a second time. She hauled him back to his feet a third time, but instead of slamming him down again, she moved behind him and captured his arms in a full nelson, turned him towards the mirrored wall so that he could see and understand the power she had over him and then leaned backwards pulling his feet off the mat.

"You know I could dislocate both your shoulders if I wanted to; but I like you too much to ever really hurt you. Instead we'll play a little game called pain and reward; you've already experienced the pain, now for the reward."

Still maintaining the hold, she modified it by capturing his right wrist in her left hand, freeing her right hand, which reached around his runner's body, captured his very stiff and swollen erection, and began to stroke him.

"I wonder how long it will take for you to cum; not long I imagine; but that would be an awful waste."

She paused, not really sure, what kind of abuse she wanted to inflict upon him. When she suddenly spied her sister walking down the stairs.

"Oh look," she said with glee, "I guess Maria wasn't as tired as she thought."

She turned Jason, still helpless in her deadly embrace, to face the staircase. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, Maria turned and slowly approached them.

"I couldn't find any clean workout clothes to wear. I hope you don't mind Jason."

"Maria, you're just in time. I'm not sure how much longer Jason can control himself and I really don't want him to cum all over the mats. Could you take care of him for me?"

"It would be my pleasure."

She stood right in front of him, leaned down slightly and gave him a toe-curling kiss, which had him quivering with desire.

"I think you'd better hurry, Maria, it won't be long now."

Maria slowly sank to her knees in front of him as she dragged her long manicured nails down his body. Noting the condition of his cock, she quickly opened her mouth and began to swirl her tongue around its nearly purple head.

"Oh my God; I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum."

Maria engulfed him just as his body overwhelmed his willpower. To Jason, it felt as if he was being turned inside out as Maria sucked frantically on his overstimulated member. Four, five, six spurts of his essence splashed against the back of her throat as she swallowed desperately trying to keep up with the torrent. Then his legs seemed to turn to rubber and he would have collapsed if Carlita did not have a good hold of him.

She eased him onto the mats, his unseeing eyes seemingly fixed onto the ceiling.

"Mmmmm, that was good, but it looks like we're going to have to wait awhile before he'll be any use to either of us." Maria exclaimed with a mischievous grin. "Since I got the first load, I'll give you first choice; which end do you want, heads or tails?"

"I'll let you get payback for your oral action, you can have his face, and I'll take that glorious cock of his. Then later, we can switch and I'll force feed him whatever he gives me."

"And that's why they've always referred to you as the evil one."

For the next two hours, Jason was subjected to a very exhausting but satisfying muscle fuck, he lost count of how many times he had cummed or how many times he nearly drowned as the woman on his face took her pleasure from him. In the end, the women had to carry him upstairs and place him between them on their bed.


Two weeks later after a well-deserved break, the two researchers took up their task once again. Maria returned to the reservation and resumed her search, while Jason began his narrative of all that they had learned. He ultimately wanted to write a book about the Hawkes and the Amazonians, but knew in his heart that he could never get permission to have it published, so he typed it in journal form, content to have it all written for future generations of the tribe to study and learn about their heritage.

Chapter Six: Two New Members of the Tribe Are Born

Jason watched as his two lovers slowly lost their girlish figures. Not that he was any less attracted to either of them, in fact, it was just the opposite, and to him they never looked more beautiful. This was one of the things that he regretted about leaving the valley before Anna gave birth.

"I can't go down there again. I just don't have the energy anymore."

"Then don't Maria; this is not a race. Let it go for a while, just concentrate on the baby." Jason said as he rubbed her shoulders, helping to relax her obviously tense muscles. He marveled at how her body looked, how they both looked, from the back you would never know that they were into their eighth month. Although they had both lost their waistlines and their hips were slightly more pronounced; it wasn't until they turned sideways, that their extended bellies became obvious.

"Ooooh, that looks good," said Carlita as she entered the bedroom after her morning workout; "I'm next. Then you can join me in the shower."

"Maybe I'll join you as well."

Jason laughed. "I don't think there's room in there for the five of us; but you can join me after I take care of Carlita."

Their showers took nearly an hour and by the end, Jason could barely stand but boy was he relaxed.


All during the pregnancy, they had seen their obstetrician and had taken natural childbirth classes. Jason had been introduced as the father of both babies, which earned him more than a few withering looks from the feminists in the group and hidden looks of respect from the expectant fathers.

As their due dates approached, they confirmed their final arrangements with the birthing center of their local hospital. Because money doesn't just talk, it screams, when faced with any obstruction to its owner's desire, they were able to share one of the birthing rooms. This way Jason, as coach, could be available to both expectant mothers.

Their contractions started within an hour of each other. Jason got the car packed and ready, while the ladies changed and prepared themselves for the event to come. From early afternoon, the contractions were sporadic at first, but by late evening, they were regular and more frequent. Maria and Carlita made a game out of this first stage of active labor. They went to the kitchen and with each contraction paced around the breakfast table and after the contraction passed, they squatted.

"Should you two be doing that," Jason asked with a worried expression on his face.

"Absolutely, it will help us to dilate faster. In the valley, many of the women continue their workday as if nothing has changed. Anna told us that she only stopped working about two hours before her child was born."

When the time between their contractions was about five minutes, Jason called their doctor.

"Okay, since you're about an hour away, I think it would be a good idea for you to leave now; I'll meet you there."

The hardest part of the trip was the very beginning; getting two very pregnant women in to the back of his SUV. As they traveled, Maria said, "I hope our water doesn't break, it would be a shame to ruin the leather seats."

Jason looked at them both in the rearview mirror and just smiled. "Don't you worry about the seats, just pray that we don't hit any traffic jams, or I'll have to deliver the babies myself."

When they reached the center, the women were wheeled into the facility, while Jason parked the car and checked in at the desk.

"We have a little bit of an issue," the attendant at the front desk exclaimed, "Your insurance company is refusing to cover both of the women. They say that they can't both be your common law wives."

"Don't worry, I'll pay for the one that they refuse to pay for," he said as he handed her his credit card." Would a fifty-thousand-dollar deposit be sufficient for now?"

The attendant accepted the card and was more than a little shocked when the charge was approved.

"I anticipated this happening so I made arrangements with the credit card company. Can I go in now?"

"Have a seat over there; a nurse will be out shortly to get you."

When Jason finally was let inside, he found both women in their birthing chairs and their doctor calmly talking to them. "It looks like you both are doing great. It shouldn't be long now. I wish all my mothers kept themselves in as good shape as you two."

She turned as Jason came into the room. "You cut it a little close, but they're all set now for the final push so to speak. I'll be back in a little while to check on them again."

Jason assumed his position as coach between them, offering his right hand to Maria and his left hand to Carlita, just as the head nurse entered the room. He looked up just in time to catch the expression of absolute disgust on her face. Apparently, she had just been told that he was the father of both babies. He was grateful that she did not have a scalpel in her hand because she looked like she would have castrated him if she could.

And then the next contraction hit.

"Okay, concentrate, breathe and push," he coached to them. After about a minute as the contraction passed he wiped Maria's forehead as she smiled up at him; and then he turned to Carlita so he could do the same for her.

"You did this to me. You just wait until we get out of here. We're going to see if you can breathe and push and deal with the pain." She still had his hand in hers and suddenly he felt as if his hand was just run over by a truck.

Thankfully, the doctor returned and after examining both of them, announced that the crown of the head was clearly visible. "You're almost done; one more good push should do it."

It actually took two. Carlita's baby came out first, right into the waiting hands of the doctor. She had just enough time to hand the newly born baby girl to the head nurse and get in position in front of Maria when she gave one last push and her baby came into this world.

"Okay coach, you can step outside in the hall for a few minutes while we clean up here and check out the babies; but from what I could see they are both very healthy and very beautiful baby girls. Now go, daddy."

Jason was allowed back in about thirty minutes later. Both women were holding their newly born girls to their chests and had smiles a mile wide on their faces. He looked down at each, gave four kisses and looked as proud as he could be.

"I'm a father."

It was Maria who looked him in the eye and exclaimed. "You've been a father for nearly three years."

"In fact fourteen times already if my count is correct."

Jason turned to them both, "but this is different. I can see them, feel them, watch them grow up; and I can love them." The tears of joy streamed down his creeks as his new reality hit home.

After a one-night stay in the hospital, Maria and her child Jennifer and Carlita and her child Rebecca were released. The ride home took longer than it should have because the proud father spent most of the drive in the slow lane barely doing forty-five miles per hour.

When they finally arrived home, Jason led the women up to the nursery, but when he opened the door, he stopped short and stared. He hadn't been allowed to enter the room since Anna had been there. The room was one giant mural. It had been painted depicting the walls of the valley, there were figures of Native Americans; children and mothers, on every wall, scenes of everyday life in the valley and the ceiling had been painted a pale blue, the color of the desert sky in late summer, with white puffy clouds and cherubs looking down from the clouds over each of the cribs.

"I bet you never realized that Carlita was such a talented artist."

"My God, it's gorgeous. When did you have time to do this?"

"I had nothing but time since you were so wrapped up in your quest. Besides, once I had my general idea of how I wanted it to look, it went pretty quickly."

Jason's gaze was still traveling around the room when he spotted her. Anna was standing in the open entrance to her cave, holding her baby, and pointing directly at him, as if saying, "See there's your father; I told you he would be here soon."

He turned and as a tear dripped down his cheek, he kissed Carlita. "Thank You."

"We know you miss the both of them; we wanted to remind you every day of what awaits you back in the valley. Someday, maybe sooner than you think, you'll be with them again."


It took about three months for the women to whip their bodies back into shape and much of that time Jason was forced into a life of celibacy. Not that he ever complained; it was just that they both looked so desirable. They did grant him some measure of relief from time to time and if the truth were told, they both were just as frustrated as he was.

The night of the celebration of the girls' three-month birthday, Jason was awakened in the middle of the night by two beautiful, very naked, and very horny women, who wouldn't take no for an answer.

It was sometime near dawn before they finally were fully sated.

"How are we going to explain our relationship to the girls when they get older?" Jason said to no one in particular as he stared at the ceiling, a very satisfied woman under each arm."

"Don't worry about that now; we have plenty of time before that will become a problem." Carlita had said as she rubbed his chest.

Maria chimed in, "It's like they taught us in Sunday school. 'Oh Great Spirit, Give us the Strength to accept the things that we cannot change, the Courage to change the things we can; and the Wisdom to know the difference.' We're just going to have to go with the flow about that when the time comes."


A month later Maria was ready to return to her quest and Jason was more than happy to take up the slack at home in her absence.

After six long, hot, sweaty months, Marie found the document she was searching for. It was a deed to a parcel of land on the outer edge of the reservation. The land was sandy, too sandy for growing crops or grazing animals even with irrigation. Silver Fox Hawke had purchased it in memory of her lost son. There were several deed restrictions written into the document. The most interesting as far as Maria was concerned was the fact that only descendants of Joshua Hawke could own the land. That anyone who lived on the property had to be named Hawke and that they must prove that they were the direct descendants of any of several children that Silver Fox Hawke had adopted before her death in 1912. And finally, that any marriage of a Hawke descendant must take on the family name and are bound to uphold their sacred duty to care for and educate a female baby that would be presented to them every twenty years or so.

"That's it then. That explains why my mother was named Hawke; she is a direct descendant of Silver Fox Hawke. This deed guarantees that each successive generation from her would be named Hawke even if they married someone other than a 'Hawke'. It also explains why my sisters and I are all named 'Hawke' even though we are not descended from Silver Fox. Our stepmother gave us the name 'Hawke' so that we could live under her roof, she couldn't have known that we were actually descendants of Joshua Hawke.

Jason was reeling from the latest implications. "And that means that all of my children are entitled to own the land. We'll have to have a lawyer figure out how to change those deed restrictions; otherwise we'll have an ownership war on our hands."

It took a little over two years, but after some legal maneuverings and an agreement between the only known descendant of Joshua Hawke and the only known descendants of Silver Fox Hawke, all of the deed restrictions were dropped and the title to the land was placed in a perpetual trust for the benefit of all current and future descendants of Joshua Hawke. Lawyers for the tribe tried to convince Maria and Carlita that they were giving up their rights to the land for little or no compensation but they insisted that they understood what they were doing and that there was no coercion or undue influence placed upon them. They could not reveal that they were both 'married' to Jason and that each of their children were direct descendants of Joshua Hawke; and they certainly wouldn't and couldn't reveal the existence of nearly twenty more direct descendants of Joshua Hawke.

Chapter Seven: The Death of Running Deer

Early one summer evening, Jason was sitting on the back steps of their house, enjoying the evening breeze and the peaceful quiet of the desert landscape. The hikers had long since abandoned the trail below them for the evening. Looking up at the Superstition Mountains, searching for any form of life, he spied none, but he knew that life was there; more than most people realized, you just had to know where to look.

Inside the house, there was plenty of life. His daughters, Jenny and Becky had only recently turned thirteen, full of life and wonder; they were the joy of his life. Maria, Jenny's mom, was also inside, dealing with the rambunctious teenagers and trying to proof read his journal detailing their search for the Amazonians, the lost tribe.

Just as he was about to get up, intending to go back inside, he spotted her as she headed down the trail out of the mountains. Carlita had made the weekly trip up the trail and to the hidden valley, to see if they needed anything and to especially check on how their sister was doing.

Jason watched as she steadily descended the trail, her regal stature projecting an air of confidence and urgency. When she reached the cutoff that turned up towards their house, Jason could just make out the expression of sadness on her face.

"There's been another death in the valley."

"That's the third in less than a year, who this time?"

Carlita exhaled slowly, "Running Deer, Anna's grandmother."

"I've got to go to her." He said as he turned to enter the house.

"Yes, but no just yet. She said she will meet you at the spring pond at midnight tonight."

"How will she know when it's midnight?"

"I left her my watch. Come, let's go inside and tell Maria and then we can make the arrangements to get you there and back."


Jason was just getting his hiking boots out of the closet, when Maria approached him.

"Jason, for nearly fifteen years we have lived together, loved together, raised two beautiful children together, and you have never made one attempt to escape or contact the outside world or endanger the tribe in any way. I think you have earned the right to make this trip on your own. We will see you in the morning. Give her our love and make sure she knows that if she needs anything, anything at all, all she has to do is ask."