The Magus Provectus series Vol. 02

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The court sorcerer accidentally expands his maids breasts.
8.3k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/02/2020
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The Magus Provectus series

Vol. 2 -- Milk-filled Maid

"Before you begin milking, secure the cow's head so that she can't wander off. To effectively milk a cow, first clean the udder, then sit on a sturdy stool and lubricate the individual teats before you begin milking. Pull downward from the base of the teat, and squeeze the milk out into a bucket."

I slowly inhaled as I memorized the practical information and deliberately closed the book. "Please hurry, Valin..." Sara nearly begged me while she supported her swollen breasts, "It really hurts!"

Despite the young maids unexpectedly painful situation I felt my mouth form into a fiendish smirk as I mused on my short-term solution to her ailment. Good thing I`m not some sexual degenerate, I thought sarcastically, or I might just enjoy this a little too much...


-Three days earlier-

"Do you see what I mean, my lord?" The scraggly bearded farmer asked. My brow furrowed as I studied the contents of the pail he held up for inspection. "Well... I definitely understand why our King sent me to aid you," I muttered, thoughts churning in contemplation.

The leader of this particular farmstead had requested an emergency audience with the court, stating that his cows 'have run dry'. Now, looking at the meager amount of milk the man had managed to squeeze out of the animals teat, the acuteness of his problem slowly started to dawn on me.

The milk these cows provided is used as nutritious sustenance for the entire village, besides being used to nourish the next generation of cattle. A scarcity would cause a serious lack of protein for the villagers, both from the absence of drinkable substance for the children and the scant production of meat. I felt my head starting to throb as I absently imagined the amount of various ailments that outcome entailed.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked, squinting my eyes at the farmer to make the sun`s radiance tolerable. "Well... I suppose it`s been about two months now," he spoke hesitantly, eyes darting around in thought. "At first we thought it might just be a lack of water or grass, but the other communities helped us fix those issues before week`s end."

"What else have you tried?" I inquired as I turned my gaze out to the field, where the livestock stood grazing peacefully. I didn`t know much about handling animals, but I supposed more information would help me figure out which part of the cows anatomy I might have to influence, in order to mend the problem.

"We made sure all the heifers have been mounted by a bull at least thrice and had Old Pete take a look at them, since he has years of experience." A defeated tone snuck into the farmers speech as he counted the farmstead`s failed solutions on his fingers. "We tried sheltering them, in case something frightened them, we tried different kinds of grass and vegetables, we tried pairing them with different calves... Nothing worked."

He let his hands drop down onto the wooden fence as he uttered those last words. I could clearly tell the well-being of the herd weighed heavily on him. I sighed and mentally began listing my next steps.

"Give me a few days." I stated slowly.

The middle-aged man regarded me hopefully. "Will you be able to help us, my lord?"

I crossed my arms and compressed my lips in thought, "I just might be..."


Before returning to the castle I made a detour to visit one of the villages largest bookshops, looking for information on bovine anatomy and physiology. Of course there were plentiful volumes about husbandry and caring for the large animals, but relatively few texts about their inner processes seemed to exist.

Eventually the bubbly daughter of the shop`s owner helped me locate a few books that culminated into a respectable source of knowledge for my task. She kept chatting while she stretched up to reach the books on the top shelves, giving me a perfect view of her exposed midriff. Needless to say the sight fixated my eyes with little difficulty.

Focus! You`re here for a reason! I chastised myself, as I felt my mind filling with a dozen interesting scenarios involving the shapely girls bare belly beneath my hands. There wouldn`t even be a need to caress anything but her stomach to make her moan my name in delight before she climaxed...


I plastered a friendly smile across my face in an attempt to disguise my lustful daydreaming, payed the stern shopkeeper his due, politely nodded my head to his daughter and took my leave.

The day`s light began to give way to the night and I could barely recall the route I`d walked back to my tower chamber. My head was swimming with possibilities to solve the farmsteads pressing problem.

Peculiar problems always tended to grip my mind in its entirety, refusing to release their hold until I`d worked out every minute mystery, every conceivable angle. My master would have been proud.

My chamber door creaked a bit as I swung it open. With a practiced bit of concentration I focused my will on the logs in the hearth, instantly enveloping the wood in bright flames. The same arcane trick lit the lamps above my table and I splayed my purchased books out on the wooden desk before me. My knuckles cracked satisfyingly as I entwined my fingers and extended my hands upward. I adjusted my chair, grabbed the nearest book and began reading the large pages for the required knowledge.


The world around me was dark when I finally felt I had a firm grasp on what needed to be done. I could see the black sky in the east giving way to a dark blue, indicating I`d studied through the night. Dully, I stood up and stretched my arms to the sides, attempting to alleviate myself of the sluggish feeling the sitting position had instilled in my muscles.

Only then did I notice the now cold bowl of stew standing next to me, which my maid had silently left for me, not wanting to disturb me. Sara is going to be cross with me if she finds out I didn`t eat again, I considered. As if to punctuate its agreement with my fussy maid`s attitude, my stomach growled a loud rumble of dissatisfaction. I`d better grab a bite before beginning my work.

I scratched my chin and yawned as I reached for the doorhandle. A dry click and soft creaking quickly made me take a step back as the door swung open. ...Speak of the devil...

With a clean linen bedsheet over her shoulder and a plate filled with bread and honey in her hand Sara entered my chamber. She looked me over from head to toe and drew up one of her eyebrows. "I could have known," she sighed.

"Goodmornin` ma`am," I managed to greet her, still recovering from her sudden appearance. I made it a habit to address her with the honorific as a little inside joke, despite the 5 year age difference, but mostly because her scolding gaze could put even the queen`s to shame. It seemed my humor was lost on her.

"Books still wide open, clothes rumpled, bed untouched," she tallied as her eyes took it all in. She tilted her head sightly when she fixed my eyes with hers, "You know I don`t like it when you do that."

"Do what?" I intoned smugly while I took the plate from her. I knew damn well what she meant, but teasing Sara in the morning never failed to lift my spirits a bit. "...take care of yourself, Valin," came her exasperated response. "I don`t like being worried about your well-being, even if you can be an annoying bastard at times."

She spoke those words as her stern expression softened and I almost felt guilty for letting her down. Hey, wait a minute! "Oh no!" I exclaimed as I realized what she was doing, "don`t you try to guilt me for performing my tasks, you shrewd wench." I said the last part with a decidedly playful pitch and wide eyes, to show her I meant the insult merely in jest. Her worried look melted into a sly smile. "Nearly had you though," she sniffed.

I took a bite of the honeyed bread and closed my eyes in delight, mmm... heavenly, as I ambled back to my desk. "All kidding aside, I`m not fooling around, Valin." Her voice followed me, "I`ve seen you exhaust yourself before and I know about the responsibility the King has placed on your shoulders. I can`t in good conscience allow you to run yourself ragged again, not after last time..."

The genuine worry in her tone made me turn around. I set down the sweet breakfast and wiped my lips with the back of my hand as I strode towards her. She crossed her arms as I placed my hands on her slender shoulders.

"I promised you that would never happen again, Sara." I said softly. All hint of levity had left my voice as my eyes locked with the petite young woman, "I know you mean well, but I need to finish this as soon as possible, then I`ll take all the rest you want me to, okay?"

Her shoulders raised my hands as she took a deep, slow breath and let it out. "Okay."

I planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, she could be so sweet when she wasn`t threatening to physically restrain me to my bed so I`d get my sleep. "Thanks, Sara."

"Just promise me you`ll let me help in any way that`ll make this easier for you." The returning austerity in her voice was slightly negated by the way her eyes crinkled as she tried to deny herself a smile, "or else..." Her left eyebrow twitched.

"...You`ll tie me to the bed", I finished mockingly, letting the grin spread across my face as I quickly walked past her and out of the room. I nimbly grabbed my satchel on the way out and made for the town, in search of the ingredients I`d need for my solution.


"Let`s see," I hummed as I took in the contents of my carefully scribbled list.

After thoroughly reading several texts on bovine anatomy, and an extensive account of a local veterinarian, I believed that the best way to make the cows produce more milk was to subtly influence their reproductive cycle. A potent mixture of various alchemical substances seemed the best method to achieve that, once I`d brewed them into a potion.

Basically I was going to trick their bodies into thinking they were simultaneously pregnant and in heat, as this would stimulate lactation while at the same time prompting them to mate, so their increased milk output would be sustained by the birthing of new calves, even long after the potion had worn off.

Pretty inventive, yet elegantly simple, if I do say so myself, I mentally complemented myself while I decisively navigated my way to various stores and market stands.

It didn`t take long to acquire every item on my list and before the sun had reached its peak I was back in my room.

"All right," I hollered excitedly, clapping my hands together, "Time to earn my keep."

I snapped my fingers to light a small gaslight that would function as my heat source before I placed a cast-iron boiler on a stand over the flame. My alchemy station hadn`t seen as much activity as it probably should have, but I preferred different schools of magic over the tedious and meticulous structure of concocting.

Alas, this particular problem was most effectively handled by the measured preparation of an ingested vector to deliver my intended modification. Mostly because the effects needed to last for more than a few hours and the minute ever-changing workings of the body were difficult to effectively alter with a single spell.

There are ways to achieve it, of course, I mused, but the rigors of a continuous stream of will to monitor and adjust the animals internal chemistry seemed nearly unsustainable. Not to mention that I`d have to repeat the process with every cow in the farmsteads care, for Gods knew how long...

"No, thank you," I caroled as I weighed the appropriate amount of crushed chaste berry on my delicate copper scales and waited for the small gas flame to boil out the impurities of the fenugreek oil so I could obtain a concentrated amount of zinc.

I soon fell into a focused silence as I prepared, mixed and distilled various mundane ingredients into alchemical substances by enriching them with my arcane will.

I lost all sense of time while I worked diligently. Stars and moons travelled across the sky as I labored.

"Finally!" I croaked. Arching my back to elicit the triumphant music of cracking joints.

Before me stood a row of vials, brimming with sorcerous potential. I`d had to adjust the opaque final product twice when various elements of my original design proved incapable of attaining a stable equilibrium, but the day`s work had paid off. Tomorrow I`d make my way to the farmstead and Gods willing settle the issue of the 'dried up' cows.

But first; bed.

My eyes practically fell shut the moment I let myself fall backwards onto my bed and I quickly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


"Valin... Valin, get up." I started awake as the urgent tone of the voice was joined by a hand shaking my shoulder. "Valin, please, wake up." I carefully opened my eyes, squinting into the morning`s bright sunlight shining into the room.

Sara stood over me, a distressed look coloring her normally calm features. One hand now rested on my arm as she held her other in a peculiar position, as if not wanting me to see it or touch anything with it.

"What?" I managed to growl. I covered my face with my hand and rubbed the corners of my eyes in an attempt to fully wake up. "What is it, Sara?"

"I -umh-, I spilled something, Val." I lowered my hand over my mouth, so I could let my disgruntled gaze bore into her. Apparently my mind hadn`t quite picked up speed yet as I could barely fathom why that was worth rousing my almighty self from a well-deserved slumber. "Ah haa..." I grumbled slowly, prompting her to explain herself.

After that the words seemed to flow out of her like a waterfall. "I didn`t want to wake you, you seemed to need the rest, so I thought I`d start cleaning your desk. You know I`m always very careful around your magical stuff, Val, but something must have fallen or-or- or cracked because somehow I spilled something over my hand and now it`s tingling and I feel a little woozy!"

She ended her verbal onslaught by staring at me, her deep blue eyes wide open, probably hoping I`d be able to wave my hands and magically solve everything. Only now did I note the fast rising and falling of her chest and the tension in her posture.

"Show me." Monosyllables seemed to be the best I could manage until I`d stuck my head in a tub of cold water.

Sara hesitantly moved her hand to where I could see and I studied it with all the concentration my sluggish mind could manage. She had long, dexterous fingers that I knew were stronger than they appeared. Elegant nails topped her fingers, filed down as not to interfere with her daily chores. I gently held her palm and rotated her hand. The import of a thorough examination seemed to rouse me completely. "I don`t see anything wrong with it." I concluded after a lengthy inspection.

"What?" She pulled away from me and quickly considered the extremity herself. She twisted it around, like she didn`t believe what I`d seen. "It- it`s gone."

"Probably a few drops of water or something like that." I said as I swung my legs around and stood up. "Could you prepare something to munch on for the road?" I asked without looking back at her while I stripped off my clothes to wash, "I want to leave as soon as I`m decent."

"Uh, yeah, sure," came her muttered response.


The trip to the farmstead was refreshing after the night I`d had. Especially since Sara packed me some of my favorite foodstuffs to chew on while I walked. Each step of my brisk pace produced a soft clinking, due to the now stoppered vails inside my satchel.

It took me barely two hours to reach the farm, where I was promptly met by the stocky man I`d spoken with a few days ago.

I explained to him what I`d prepared and how it would most likely effect his cows. "Mix one vial into one full bucket of water and make sure a single animal doesn`t drink more than half the contents. It can`t hurt them, but you might notice a little odd behavior the first days." I instructed as I described how the concoction would work.

"Odd how?" The bearded farmer asked skeptically. "The formula will cause them to enter both a fake pregnancy and a state of heat." I answered, before explaining how this modification would be beneficial.

For a simple farmer the man had some surprisingly in-depth concerns. At first it annoyed me that he wouldn`t just take my word for it, but eventually I saw that his caution was born out of fondness for his herd and calmly addressed his questions. After a lengthy back-and-forth he seemed convinced of my knowledge and thanked me.

"I`ll be back in a few days to check in!" I shouted back at him as I made my way down the packed dirt road, back to the castle. I raised my arm in greeting, which he met, before tightening my empty bag and picking up the pace.

It felt good to help an entire community, instead of curing some noble`s impotence. I should do this more often, I thought joyfully. Maybe I could try to enhance their crops... The journey home took considerably longer than I`d expected as I daydreamed of ways I could aid the local communities.


"Thank the Gods you`re here!" Sara exclaimed as I opened the door to my chambers. Before I knew what hit me she`d pulled me inside and slammed the heavy oaken door shut.

I blinked my eyes in amazement.

"You look a little different, Sara," I began teasingly, "did you do something to your hair?"

I swear, if looks could kill I`d be writhing on the floor in agony. Sara tried to cross her arms and stared daggers at me while I tried to keep my mouth from twisting into a toothy smirk. "I DoN`t sEe aNytHiNg wRoNg wITh iT," she said in a deep tone, mockingly imitating my statement from this morning.

Hopelessly, I struggled to maintain eye-contact with my chamber maid, yet failed miserably. Her chest was just to alluring.

In the few hours I`d been away Sara`s bust had grown immense. The fabric of her roughly woven tunic seemed ready to tear from the sheer strain of containing her swollen breasts. She clearly saw me staring and quickly covered her chest with her arms. "Stop ogling me, you charlatan! Fix me!"

My pack and cloak made a soft rustle against the wooden chair when I set them down. "Damn, Sara... I`m not sure I can." I noted bewildered. "WHAT!" Was her screamed response. Her nostrils flared wide as she strode furiously towards me.

Sara might have been a slip of a woman, barely 5'3", but when she closed the distance between us pure animalistic instinct told me to back up or be demolished by the enraged girl. Except; there was no room to back up.

My shoulders thudded against the coarse stone wall moments before Sara grabbed the hem of my tunic and held her face inches from mine. "Don`t you dare tell me you can`t undo your magical nonsense, Valin," she snarled at me, "I will not go the rest of my life toting these- these obscene... Tits!"

"They do look kind of good on you, though." Bad choice of words.

The small woman kneed me right in the breadbasket. I was momentarily surprised at the downright vicious action, before I puffed out a constricted sound of pain and sank to my knees while clutching my bruised balls. I have such a way with women.

"If you don`t deflate these indecent globes, I`ll make sure to swell your own." She hissed in my ear. "It feels like these sloshing udders are about to burst and it hurts, Valin!"

Is it weird that this is turning me on? I thought, simply to distract myself from the lightning bolts of agony lancing from my groin. Wait a minute... udders...

"I think I know how to help you," I managed to chirp in a strained whisper.