The Majestic Oak Ch. 01


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"Just to look," Amanda said. "We didn't have the guts to get take our robes off, in case someone got in. Although now I feel much more comfortable being half naked in front of you and your husband."

Kate and I exchanged embarrassed looks. Amanda went on.

"Rumor has it," she went back to what she was going to say before my question, "that some of the hot baths there have streams designed especially for women."

"What do you mean?" Kate asked.

"You know... they bring hot water exactly where you want it."

Kate still had hard time to understand what Amanda meant. Amanda didn't give up.

"You get a stream of hot water right into your special place," she said. "To press your button just the way you like it."

I saw Kate blushing. She just realized what Amanda was saying. "I don't think this is relevant for me," she said. "I'm not going to get naked in public, and sure as hell not to water-masturbate in public."

"Yeah," Amanda replied, "I don't think I'll do this either. But I heard another rumor about this place."

"What?" Kate asked.

"People change here."


Back at the bungalow, Kate went to the shower to get the sunblock and chlorine off her body before dressing for dinner. I was still horny. Being in a small hot bath with a sexy, half-naked woman who wasn't my wife didn't help.

I decided I was going for it. I removed my bathing suit and went straight into the shower.

"What are you doing here?" Kate asked, surprised.

"I want to fuck you," I said.

Kate looked embarrassed. I haven't been so direct with her in quite a while. "Can't it wait for after the shower?" She asked.

"I waited too long," I said. "I've been waiting for two fucking weeks! If I wait any longer I'll explode!"

Kate looked at my erection. It wasn't any smaller than it was when we dressed before going to the swimming pool. "OK," she shrugged. "Have your way with me."

I went over to her, held her in my hands and kissed her. She kissed me back, passionately. I could feel she liked my boldness. Then she reached down to my penis and started stroking it. "Do you like it?" She asked.

I nodded. But I wanted more. I turned her around to face away from me, and reached down between her legs. "Do you like it?" I asked her, as I started massaging her clit.

"Aha," she replied. With my other hand I massaged one of her tits, cupping it in my hand and then running my fingers uphill, until they met at her nipple. Then I played with her nipple a little.

"This is all very nice," Kate said, "but I thought you wanted to actually fuck me, not just play around."

Then I realized she was just as horny as I was. She raised one leg and rested it against the shower wall. This created an opening for me to get my penis inside her.

Kate and I have tried shower-sex a few times when we were just starting to date. We were never very successful at it. But now, eight years later, we were willing to give it another go.

Nevertheless, this time wasn't any better. I managed to get inside her, but not enough to feel anything, or to make her feel anything.

"Let's try the bed?" I said after two attempts.

"I'd love that," she replied.

She turned off the shower and we stepped out. She ran a towel quickly over her body, just not to drip all over the bungalow, and I did the same. Then we both ran to the bed. She lay on the bed, legs open, and waited for me to come on top of her.

She didn't have to wait long. I was ready to go. Getting inside her, the regular way, felt so good! I missed this feeling so much. The feeling of our naked bodies pressing against each other in pure passion. The feeling of her wetness lubricating my way deep inside her.

I looked right into her eyes as I went back and forth, getting in and out of her. She looked right back at me, smiled and sighed in pleasure.

I wanted to go on like that longer, but at some point I felt the pressure building up inside me, to a point I needed to let go and release it. I sighed as I felt my thick cum thrusting out of my penis and into her vagina. This time it wasn't a mechanical thing we needed to do in order to bring offspring. This time it was just she and I, having some adult fun.

It took me a minute or two to get my breath back, but I didn't want to leave it at that. I wasn't ready to leave the bed before she came as well. And so, the moment I could breath normally again, I jumped from where I was lying, and positioned myself between her legs.

"Oh," Kate said in surprise. "You haven't done that in..."

She didn't finish the sentence. None of us wanted her to. It was just too sad. I haven't gone down on her for almost four years. Why so long? Because oral sex doesn't make babies.

"Did you miss my pussy?" She asked me as I started licking her clit softly.

"Very much," I said. "We used to be best friends..."

"It missed you too," she said, sighing softly as my tongue ran over the opening of her vagina, before returning to her clit.

I licked her for a short while before she said, "Can you finger-fuck me?"

"With pleasure," I replied, and stuck my index finger inside her, moving it in and out.

She was extremely wet, from both her juices and my cum, but I couldn't care less. I drank everything she had for me, and enjoyed all of it. The salty-sweet taste, the strong familiar smell and the sounds of her juices flowing around my finger.

Bit by bit, I got her closer to a climax. Her panting grew stronger and stronger, faster and faster. Her legs flexed around me. She started moaning louder and louder.

And finally it came. The well anticipated orgasm. She cried out with all her lungs as her vagina strobed around my finger. I felt her legs shivering as she wrapped them around me.

I got up and lay besides her, looking right at her. Her eyes were closed, but I could see a tear running out of one of them. She had a dreamy smile on her face. I felt I was in love with her once again, just like in the old days, eight years prior. I wanted to kiss her, but my face was full of her juices and I wasn't sure she was going to appreciate it. So I just lay there, besides her, looking at my beautiful wife.


We woke up when we heard the door opening. As we were both naked, our first instinct was to take cover under the sheets. We managed to do so before we saw two people we didn't know, a woman and a man, getting into the room.

They both seemed much older than us, probably in their late forties. The man's hair was all gray, but the woman had relatively long, blond hair. She was a big woman. She was relatively tall, and very, very heavy. She was wearing a yellow sun-dress with a generous neckline, showing a nice portion of her huge breasts. Her breasts were just a bit wider than the rest of her body, dominated by a big, round belly, and an equally big ass. The man had a medium build, gray hair, and was wearing khaki shorts and a white polo shirt. On his head he had a beige Texan cowboy hat.

"Howdy," said the woman in a clear southern accent. "I'm Barbara, this is Darin. We are your neighbors on the other side of this wall."

"Hi Barbara, Darin," Kate said with a broken voice, the sheets barely covering her naked body.

"We heard you making love a few minutes ago," Barbara continued, "so we realized you have arrived. We decided to wait a few minutes before we come in to say hello, you know, to not intrude."

"Thanks for that," Kate said, not trying to hide the sarcasm in her voice.

"We were on our way to dinner," Barbara said. "Do you want to join us?"

"Sure," Kate said softly, probably wanting to say anything to get them out of our bungalow. "We just need to get dressed."

"By all means," Barbara said.

We expected them to excuse themselves and wait outside, but they didn't. They just lingered there, in front of our bed.

"We need you guys to step out, so we can get dressed," I said, stating the obvious.

"Oh, sure," Barbara said. "Come on, Darin. They're shy. We'll wait for them outside."

Finally they left. Kate and I breathed in relief. We got dressed really quickly and joined our nosy neighbors on our way to dinner.


On our way to the restaurant building, Barbara and Darin (OK, mostly Barbara) had a chance to better introduce themselves. As we had already guessed based on their accent and Darin's attire, they were both Texans, born and raised. They'd been married for twenty four years, and their youngest son had just moved out for college. They lived in a small town, about one hour drive outside of Dallas. When we expressed our surprise from how far they had traveled to get to the Majestic Oak, Barbara replied, "We would have traveled across the whole wide world to get here if we had to. This place is one of a kind."

They told us this was their fourth time there. They came there first three years earlier, in the midst of a marital crisis, and kept on coming every year since.

"This place made us fall in love again," Barbara said. "I know it sounds like a cliché, but it's really true. We wouldn't have traveled so long so many times if it weren't."

The restaurant was arranged as a buffet. They had many vegetarian dishes, including many vegan ones, but for carnivores such as Kate and myself they also had one pork dish and one chicken dish. The food wasn't fancy, and neither was the location. but the food was good enough and the place felt cozy.

We sat at a table with Barbara and Darin. One minute or so after we sat down, a couple that looked our age asked if they could join us.

"Hi," said the woman. "I'm Tracy." She was petite, had short, dark hair and brown eyes.

"Oliver," said her husband. He was tall, probably six-foot-two, and wore a pair of glasses.

Barbara took the liberty to introduce everyone sitting at the table to our new friends.

Tracy and Oliver were New Yorkers, living in Queens. This visit was their second time to the Majestic Oak. They too told us how bad their marriage was before coming there for the first time, and how this place had improved it.

Their story, along with Barbara and Darin's made Kate and I hopeful we had made the right choice coming there.

At that point there was no way for us to know, but just three days later, the two couples sitting with us around the table would become the first two couples Kate and I would have sex with.


That night, as we were getting ready to bed, Kate took all her clothes off, and got into bed naked. I looked at her, trying to remember the last time she did that.

"Are you coming?" She asked me, and tapped on the empty space next to her.

"Sure," I said, and took my clothes off.

We hugged and kissed for a while, under the covers. Then she took my hand and brought it between her legs, letting me know how wet she was.

"Do you think we can be quiet enough?" She asked. "I don't want them to hear us again."

"We can try," I replied, and climbed over her.

She was well lubricated, so I could slide right in. She folded her legs and brought her heels against my butt, urging me to go faster.

I went faster and faster, bumping into her inner thighs every time, making a muffed clapping noise.

"I hope they can't hear it," Kate whispered.

"I believe they can't," I replied.

This time I wasn't sex deprived. I just had great sex with her a few hours earlier. So I managed to hold myself for longer. Long enough to see how Kate's breathing becomes heavier, her hold of me tightens and her eyes jumping back and forth between me and the ceiling.

And then it happened. She tried to be silent, but I noticed it was hard for her. She rolled her eyes and let out a long sigh of relief, one that should have been much more vocal, if only she allowed herself. I felt her fingernails closing around my arms and her legs stretching far, pressing down on my legs.

"I love seeing you orgasming," I whispered.

She was too out of breath to speak, but she did smile at me, as if she was saying, "I love orgasming with you."

Seeing her silent orgasm was exactly what I needed to get over the top. As soon as her grip of me loosened I started moving again, pushing myself in and out of her. It didn't take me much longer before I felt that familiar pressure building inside me, and I didn't feel the need to resist it. I just let it out. I tried being quiet, but I'm not 100% sure I was.


Kate and I remained in this position, hugging one another, still connected through our genitals, for a few more minutes. Then, I slid off of her, but kept hugging her.

"That was really good," she whispered.

"For me too," I said.

We tried to close our eyes and fall asleep, but then we started hearing something banging against the bungalow wall on its other side. Kate and I knew exactly what that was. While we were very careful not to be heard, our neighbors weren't so discrete.

As the banging continued, we started hearing moans in Barbara's deep female voice. The wall did muff some of the voices, but we did hear her saying things.

Whispering, we tried to guess what we have heard. For the most part it was things like "Oh yeah," and "Fuck me baby." But one time I swear I could hear her saying something like "Fuck me, you bull. Fuck your fat cow!"

Kate giggled as I whispered to her what I had heard. "No way she said that," she told me. "No way she called herself a fat cow."

But then we heard him, loud and clear. "Take that, you fat cow!"

We both giggled.

Then the banging sound became more frequent and instead of talking we heard both of them moaning. They didn't hold back. They didn't mind if anyone heard them. In fact, if they had anything between their ears, and they both did, they knew we have heard them. But they did that anyways.

After reaching their common climax, their moaning subsided, and with it the banging sound.

"They sure had fun," Kate whispered.

"They sure did," I replied.


Around three AM Kate and I woke up to the sound of more banging against the wall, more dirty talk and more moaning. The moaning was probably not as loud as it was before, after all, this was three AM! But it was enough to wake us up.

Kate kissed me passionately after hearing them orgasming together once again. "Do you think we can be like them?" She asked.

"Like them how?" I replied.

"You know, free and careless. Caring about nothing but our own pleasure. Not about what anyone thinks."

"I don't know," I said. "We're very different people than they are."

"Maybe not so different," Kate said. "You heard Amanda, People change here."


At around seven AM we woke up to another display of affection on the other side of the wall. This time, Darin was a horse, and Barbara was a cowgirl riding it.

In the faint light that came through the drapes I could see Kate's smile as she heard the cowgirl next door urging her horse to fuck her harder.

Then Kate reached with her hand to grab my penis, and looked satisfied when she felt it was fully erect.

"Do you want me to..." I started asking, but instead of replying, Kate jumped over me, and sat at my lap.

"I want to be your cowgirl," she said. "I want to ride you like a horse."

I didn't respond. I didn't have to. She wasn't waiting for an answer. She guided my penis inside her and lowered herself so it could get all the way in.

It felt great. Like other things we had done since arriving there, I could not remember the last time Kate and I had sex with her on top. Back in the day, we used to love it. She liked being on top because it gave her control, allowing her to use my body to her needs, to pleasure herself the way she wanted to. I liked it because it would give me a front-row view of her perfect body, as she was moving up and down, focusing on her own pleasure and experiencing amazing orgasms.

So that morning was no different. The faint light that come in through the drapes was enough for me to see my wife's perfect body as she was using my penis to please herself. She started slowly and carefully, making sure I do not pop out of her. I could see her clit popping out of its hood with every movement down, brushing against my erection, and then going back under its cover with every movement up.

As she gained confidence, she started moving faster and faster. She moved up and down, and also back and forth, trying out different angles for my penis to penetrate her. As she got to a relatively fast rate I watched her tits moving up and down. I reached up to grab them, and she held my hands with both her hands, pressing them tight against her breasts.

Then, as the pace was too much for me to follow with my hands, she left her grip of my hands and sent her hands back, to hold my ankles. I knew she was close to an orgasm. Her back was arched, her grip of my ankles was tight and she was facing the ceiling. I knew she wanted to cry out loudly, but instead, she let out a long, silent sigh. Then she crashed over me.

"You rode me like a true cowgirl," I whispered to her.

Again, she was too out of breath to respond, but she smiled and nodded, letting me know she agreed.

Then, as she was still panting, she gripped me with her hands and legs and attempted to roll me over. I followed her lead and rolled over her.

I was still inside her, my penis still erect.

"Fuck me," she whispered. "I want to feel your cum inside my pussy."

I didn't need that much encouragement from her. I was horny as hell and was close to cumming as it was. But her dirty talk made things even easier for me, and a few seconds later I started shooting my cum inside her, moaning silently in the process.

"That's so good," she whispered. "All these years I was so focused on having sex with you, I forgot how much I enjoyed fucking you!"

I think I got what she meant.


Suddenly, we heard the door opening, and saw our two neighbors entering the room. Luckily, we were already covered by a sheet. Unluckily, I was on top of Kate, and we were both naked under the sheet.

"Hi neighbors," said our nosy, horny and extremely loud neighbor Barbara.

I rolled off Kate very quickly. "Hi Barbara," I said.

"Ready for breakfast?" She asked.

"We just need to get dressed," Kate said.

"By all means," Barbara said, and again, stayed in her place, as if both her and her husband wanted to get glimpses of our naked bodies as we get out of the covers.

Once again, I had to be more blunt. "You see," I said, "I need you guys to step out. Kate and I have just fucked and we're naked under these sheets. As we don't want you guys to see us naked, I would cordially request that you step out of the room."

"OK, OK," Barbara said. "No need to get mad. We're leaving. But just for the record, you guys are welcome to see us naked any time."

Somehow, that last remark did not come as a surprise to either of us.

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NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago

Good start but the ominous nature so far makes it seem like people are going to change

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Carry on!

Pay no attention to the negative comments found in this category. Somehow these trolls think this is constructive for someone. No one really cares what their opinion is anyway. This is starting as a great story. My only regret is that they will only be there 5 days. More and more please. Carry on!

TonyBCaTonyBCaabout 4 years ago
A very well written fantasy...

While there may be a few flaws in the "reality check" behind this story, one has to admit that it's very well written: especially the tastefully graphic descriptions of their sex scenes. Personally, I have never had the opportunity to be a swinger, but would absolutely love to have something like this happen for me someday. I too would be willing to "travel across the whole wide world to get to a place like this" - especially with the right partner, premise and preparation. Agreed that such an experience could either make a marriage wonderful - or otherwise utterly shatter it. There is no question that it would be changed by it... I enjoyed the "surprise factor" in this story (however unrealistic that may have been). I found this story hot and erotic - so clearly a 5* from me too...

patilliepatillieabout 4 years ago
Maybe unfairly, I presume

this is going in the direction of the "vibe" of the place leading this young couple to swinging and sharing, or more probably cuckolding. I havent read this writer 's other stuff, so I dont know what his proclivities are. The fact that the husband did not strongly and without any room for doubt chastise the other couple for coming in their room unannounced and without explicit permission a second time tells me he has a bit of a submissive streak. I woulda knocked that ol' cowboy ass over tea cup out the door.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Dear Swingers

You cannot have failed to notice that Loving Wives stories almost universally depict an utterly unrealistic picture of married and divorced life. Why would you expect an accurate depiction of swingers and the establishments they frequent?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Not sure what the heck you are trying to do . You have a talent but what you just have written is a complete waste of time writing. The loving wife category is swamped with this type of stories and this will make you look like a complete fool. Please don’t waste your talent on writing this type of story while the loving wife category is being flooded with newbie writers trying to make there mark . Don’t get me wrong it will die down shortly but while this lockdown thing is on this site will get swamped with this type of stories. So all I ask is just try a different category and go have fun.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
You should stay in the Group Sex genre. There will be blood here.

Just based on the lack of sound proofing this sounds like a pretty cheap joint. I don't know, but I suspect Swinger resorts, or at least dedicated swinger events, are not that difficult to find. So why would the wife be that clueless about the nature of the resort? And why wouldn't the couple put a Do Not Disturb sign on their front door?

But you've already told us this is going to devolve from an attempt to get pregnant to a promiscuous fuck fest with strangers. And they're all just going to be so excited about their group sired baby and their future polyamorous or at least promiscuous relationships. The perfect remedy for a struggling marriage, especially with a wife who is feeling inadequate and depressed. Bet the wife can't wait for her husband to knock up some other younger sexier and mostly more fertile woman. Oh, won't that be exciting? And they'll all be just one big fucking family. It takes a village to raise an idiot. The ones who are going to get fucked the most will be the children.

Thanks for the effort.

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago
Kal knows

Kal knows his swingers. Don't try to slide anything by him, cause he will catch you.

iameaseliameaselabout 4 years ago
Well written

But if they're so fragile and they know this trip could "make or break" them, then the two of them doing this is absurd.

Perhaps if they fixed their relationship first this might possibly be a good story but not with where they are now. After all them suddenly enjoying sex again is NOT them being fixed to any degree.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Erotica in LW

What a novel welcome change. Good start, 5* story.

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