The Masturbation Club Ch. 01

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A young man joins a masturbation club.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/13/2024
Created 05/23/2024
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"Well, this must be the place." I told myself as I nervously rang the doorbell. I could already hear people inside. Not as loud as some rambunctious or rowdy parties I've been to, but you could tell there were plenty of people there. I was relieved to know I wasn't the first to arrive. As I heard someone approaching the door. I thought back to how I got here.

Just a few weeks earlier, I was just a normal, horny guy in my early twenties, enjoying my daily, solo masturbation sessions. Well, OK, maybe more than once a day. But it was an activity I definitely enjoyed. And I especially liked the health benefits associated with that release, namely stress relief, relaxation, and reduced anxiety. I mean, who doesn't like a nice orgasm?

I enjoyed jerking off in bed or in the shower, closing my eyes and dreaming of some sexy scene. Stroking my cock until I blew a nice big load. Of course, I also found plenty of material on the internet to get me going. That's where are started exploring some of the chat sites, looking for another way to spice up my masturbation sessions.

There, I found a few nice ladies to chat with and sometimes go on cam as we watched each other masturbate. I can't tell you how exciting that was at first. Chatting with some stranger online, then agreeing to watch each other perform such intimate acts. Commenting on what we were seeing as we pleasured ourselves. We sometimes shared our fantasies with each other. Fantasies we never shared with anyone else. It was part therapy, part pleasure. And I enjoyed every minute of it.

The excitement of watching others and being watched was intoxicating. If only I could do this in person, I often thought to myself. I even confessed this fantasy to a couple of my online friends. Needless to say, I often masturbated thinking about this fantasy. Imagining some scenario where a large group of people were watching me jerk off. Encouraging me to stroke my cock and shoot my cum for them.

It was there, at one of the chat sessions that one of the ladies, whose online moniker was SultrySuzie81, or "Suzie" as I began calling her, encouraged me to join a masturbation club. "A masturbation club?" I thought to myself? "Was that something online?" No, she told me. Apparently, there are plenty of clubs around the nation where you get together in person and everyone there enjoys masturbating in front of each other. Exactly as I had fantasized. Watching, enjoying, and encouraging, with some occasional "active" participating, depending on the type of party. And she had even joined one herself.

Naturally, I was intrigued and starting researching these clubs and did find a large number of them in multiple cities. I had no idea there would be so many. I guess it shouldn't have surprised me to know that masturbation was so popular. Suzie also gave me the website to the one she frequented and to my shock, it was in my same city.

I told Suzie that the thought of going to one of these clubs was incredibly exciting to me, but I confided to her that I was a bit too nervous to go. "Nonsense", she told me. "You're obviously comfortable jerking of with me on cam. What's difference doing it live in person?"

"Hmm, good point." I responded. Though on cam, we never showed our faces, keeping at least some semblance of anonymity. And to be honest, Suzie had a particularly outstanding set of breasts. I'd recognize them anywhere. So getting a chance to see them in person gave me a bit more incentive to go.

"Well, I suppose I'd be more comfortable with a familiar, um, acquaintance." I sheepily commented, hoping she might accompany me. And to my delight, Suzie responded with "I would be happy to."

She then laid out her ground rules, to which I was in complete agreement. "This is not a sex date, nor an invitation to begin a relationship." Suzie explained. "I don't want a boyfriend and I'm not looking for one. I've had my fill of long term relationships, and at this point, I just want to enjoy myself and have fun."

"Sounds perfectly fine to me. Any other rules I should know before I sign up?" I asked.

"The host will go over the rules once everyone arrives." Suzie replied. "But here are the basics. Be on time, bring your own lube, and clean up after yourself."

That seemed perfectly reasonable to me. She then added quickly, "Oh, and no judgment. People there come in all sizes, shapes and ages. So just be respectful."

And with that, I went back to the website, signed up, paid the requested donation amount, and waited for the email confirmation. Within just a few minutes, the email came with the date and time of the next event, along with the address.

Then suddenly, the door to the house opened, snapping me back to the present. A lovely older woman, about 5' 3", possibly in her mid 50's, greeted me with a smile. "Well, you must be our newest member, Josh. Is that right?" I smiled and nodded back. "I'm Peggy. Please come in and meet the members."

As we entered the living area and kitchen, she addressed the group, "Everyone? Please meet our newest member, Josh. Let's give him a warm welcome, shall we?"

With that, I was greeted by a number of welcomes, hellos, and nice to meet yous. All in all, they seemed like a pleasant group of folks. As I waived and said my hellos to the group, I slowly scanned the members, hoping I might recognize my online friend, Suzie. But I couldn't quite guess which one she could be.

There were about 12 people, with ages seemingly ranging from mid 30's to an older couple who appeared in their late 60's. I guessed there were about 4 couples, judging from their body language and familiarity with one another. The rest, most likely single.

A couple of the single ladies appeared to have rather ample bosoms hidden under their clothes. Could one of them be Suzie? One of them looked to be in her mid 30's, about 5' 10", tall and thin framed with blond hair. But she had a higher pitched voice than I remembered. The other lady looked was a brunette, about 5' 5", a fuller figure and looked to be in her late 40's. She was quite attractive but I didn't hear her speak so I couldn't be sure if that was my online friend. "Come on," Peggy said as she grabbed my arm, "I'll give you a quick tour."

As we walked through the home, she pointed out 3 of the 4 bedrooms. The master bedroom was off limits as the host wanted to keep that private, but the other rooms were available. Each had a sofa and several chairs. Over each sofa and chair were blankets and towels. No doubt to help with keep things clean, I suppose. She pointed out the stack of clean towels and paper towels in each room, as well as the clearly labeled bins to put trash and used towels. It was all arranged very well.

"Now, sometimes new members can be a bit nervous at first." she explained. "But don't worry. I'm sure you'll adapt quickly. Our members are very warm and welcoming. You're free to walk around and observe. Take in the sights. And if you see something you like, feel free to sit down and enjoy the show. And don't forget to have a little fun yourself." Peggy grinned and gave me a naughty wink.

The doorbell rang again and our host Peggy left my side to go let them in. They were the last two guests to arrive. Once they greeted everyone, Peggy addressed the group.

"Ok everyone. It looks like the whole group is here. Now I do recognize most of you from previous meetings, but for our newcomers, here are a few things before we begin. The kitchen is stocked with water, juices, and soft drinks as well as some fruits and snacks. So, if you need a break and want to re-hydrate or re-fuel, don't be shy. Just help yourselves. Now, for the important rules."

"Rule number 1: No clothing. Remember, you joined a masturbation club so you can leave your modesty at the door. Just fold up your clothes and leave them here on this table when the party begins."

"Rule number 2: No judging or body shaming here. Being naked is our natural state and our bodies are beautiful. Being natural is beautiful."

"Rule number 3: Clean up after yourselves. Things can get a bit messy as you can imagine, so please clean up after any unintentional, or hopefully intentional messes. There are stacks of clean towels and paper towels in each room. I've also marked some bins for you place any trash or used towels."

"Rule number 4: Be sure to ask permission before touching others. While we enjoy watching and having others watch, it's OK to indulge in a little more active pleasuring, if you know what I mean. Just be sure it's alright first."

"And lastly, rule number 5: Have fun! So, with that, let's begin!"

As soon as Peggy finished her speech, everyone in the room began undressing. As expected, they placed their clothes on the table and spread out throughout the house. Some went straight to the living room and sat down to watch whatever was playing on the large television. It appeared to be porn, mainly some well produced masturbation videos with that soft focus soap opera look. As the video played, I could see some members already beginning to fondle themselves as the action on screen unfolded.

I couldn't help but look at everyone's bodies. Some fit, some not so fit, but all seemingly comfortable in their own skin. Large breasts, small breasts, perky breasts, droopy breasts. The men, mostly average cocks, but a couple long and dangly dicks. I tried my best not to stare, but I knew I was the "new guy", so everyone seemed to tolerate my glances. Although, I did notice a few ladies assessing my package.

I started going from room to room to catch a few sights as Peggy suggested. In one room, there were two men sitting on the sofa together, a gay couple from what I could surmise. Their bodies were perfectly waxed and hairless. You could tell they spent long hours in the gym, sculpting their fit bodies. As they began stroking their cocks, they placed their other hands on each other's thighs. One of the older members of the group walked into the room and sad down on a chair opposite them. They smiled and nodded to each other. The older man, in his 60's, had an enormous cock. It looked like it was 9 inches long and still mostly soft. He would slowly stroke it up and down, waving his thick, floppy cock around as he watched the other two men. As their cocks got hard, I could see they were sporting 6 to 6 1/2 inch cocks. The whole situation still seemed unreal to me. After a few minutes, I could feel the blood starting to flow into my cock, but I decided to check out some of the other rooms.

In the next room, two of the other couples were there. One couple on the sofa and the other in the two chairs opposite. As I stopped at the doorway, they all smiled and nodded to me as I smiled back. The men had their hands down between their partner's legs, rubbing their pussies, while the women had their hands wrapped around their partner's cocks. The couples seemed very comfortable with each other, probably having been to several of these meetings before and happy to see familiar faces. As I watched the scene unfold, I could feel more blood flowing into my cock. My hand instinctively reached for it as I began some slow and gentle strokes. I could see the women's eyes glance down towards my cock as I stroked it. As their eyes went back up to meet mine, they smiled in approval. Even the men took some time to watch me, also giving me a nod of approval.

It was hard to explain, but it was one of the most exciting experiences I've ever had. Standing there in person, watching other people pleasure themselves and them watching me. There was this wonderful sense of uninhibited freedom. Somehow, masturbating on cam just couldn't compare.

As much as I was enjoying that room, I decided to check out the remaining room. I let go of my cock and started walking down the hallway, my hard cock bouncing with every step. As I entered the room, I saw that there was another door on the other side. Just as walked in, a woman walked in from the other door. Our eyes met and we smiled. I then looked down to, trying not to stare longer than I should, but it was then that I recognized those amazing tits.

It was definitely Suzie. Those huge DD tits, that narrow waist, and those voluptuous hips. I'd recognize that body anywhere. This was no mere girl. This was a woman. A woman with curves as damn near perfect as you could have.

It was Suzie that first broke the silence. "Well, hello there." she said, using that sultry voice I remembered so well.

"Hi there." I shyly responded.

"I'm glad you made it." she said as her eyes dropped down towards my hard cock. "Looks like you're enjoying the club, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. It's even more exciting than I expected." I told her.

"Yes, I can see that. Shall we?" she said as she gestured towards the room, then sat down in one of the chairs.

"I'd love to." I sat down on the sofa opposite of her. My eyes fixed on her face. She was truly beautiful, with only a few wrinkles and gray hairs giving any clue to her possible age. I tried to drink in as much of her as a I could.

She then placed one hand down by her pussy, slowly and sensuously teasing her clit. The other hand cupping one of her large breasts. My own hand went straight to my cock as I wrapped my fingers around the shaft and slowly stroked it. My other hand cupping my balls, gently bouncing them.

In my head, I secretly wondered if she liked younger men. Or did she just like my cock. Either way, my 7 inch prick felt harder than it had ever been.

Suzie and I had shared several cam sessions together and I knew she wasn't one to rush things. She delighted in the pleasure. Often giving herself two or three orgasms in one session. It was difficult for me to keep from blowing my load too fast as I watched her. I loved her moans, her breaths, and the sounds she made as she came.

We sat there in that room pleasuring ourselves for several minutes, sometimes commenting on our techniques and turn ons. She told me she liked my cock, which made me happy. And one of her favorite things was seeing a cock go from soft to hard. I told her I loved the delicate way she played with her clit. And of course, I mentioned my admiration for her large, beautiful breasts.

With that, she took her fingertips, one on each nipple, and delicately drew small circles around them, making her nipples even harder than before. Then she cupped her breasts in her hands, bouncing them up and down for me. It was incredibly hot, watching her do that.

It was then that I saw Peggy standing at the doorway in the corner of my eye. One hand playing with her pussy and the other hand also teasing her nipples. "Mind if I join you?" she asked.

"No, of course not." I responded. Suzie smiled and said, "Come in Peggy and have some fun with us."

Peggy sat down on the sofa right next to me and immediately started playing with her pussy. Peggy fairly large breasts which hung appropriately for her age. She had large, dark areolas with prominent nipples. She too would cup her breasts in her hands from time to time and stimulate her nipples.

"So, Josh, are you enjoying the club?" Peggy asked as she stared down, fixated on my cock.

"Oh yes." I answered. "It's just what I hoped for."

"Oh good. I'm so glad." Peggy then added. "It's nice to have fresh young blood join our club from time to time." She then turned towards Suzie and said, "Thank you for inviting him."

"I'm glad you approve." Suzie responded.

"Mmm, yes. So healthy and young." Peggy added, continuing to stare at my 7 inches of hard meat as a slowly stroked myself while the two ladies watched.

By this time, there was a good amount of precum flowing out of the head of my cock. I would occasionally spread it over the head with my thumb or with my index finger. Tracing it around the head, making sure the ladies could see it glistening.

I could swear that every time I did that, Peggy's lips would open slightly, licking her lips, almost as if she wanted nothing more than to drop her head down onto my cock and suck out all that precum. I have to say, the thought of that made me even harder.

After just a few more minutes of intense pleasuring, I could see Suzie start to lean back, her breathing growing faster. Then the moans began. Oh god those sexy moans. Her hand furiously rubbing her clit and pussy. I knew she was going to cum. She tilted her head back and let out a loud gasp, followed by more moans. Her body quivering from the orgasm. Her pussy juices glistening in the light. She then relaxed her body and slowly opened her eyes.

Both Peggy and I stared back at her with intense arousal. And in just a few moments later, Peggy started the same intense breathing and moaning. The moans increasing in pitch and volume as she too came. Watching and listening to these two women cum was too much for me. I know I wouldn't last much longer.

Peggy now leaned in towards me and said, "It's your turn now, sweetheart. Show me what you got."

I didn't need any more encouragement than that. I started jerking my cock faster and faster. My orgasm was imminent.

"Oh yeah baby, stroke it." Suzie commanded, only adding fuel to the fire.

"Show me what your young cock can do." Peggy added.

I leaned back and pointed my cock straight upward as my cock exploded. A huge rope of cum shot up several feet into the air and back down onto my chest. I continued jacking my dick as rope after rope shot out. At least 6 or 7 large spurts of white, creamy cum landed on my chest and onto my hand. The last few spurts dripping down the shaft as I squeezed out the last few drops.

"That looked intense." Suzie declared.

"Mmm, wonderful. You did great, sweetheart." Peggy added. "Here, let me help you get cleaned up."

Peggy grabbed some paper towels and handed them to me. As I sopped up most of the cum from chest, Peggy took some cloth towels and helped clean some of the semen that dripped down my sides and onto the sofa. She then gestured towards my cock and asked, "May I?"

"Of course." I responded without hesitation.

Peggy then took hold of my cock with one hand and with the other, wiped off any remaining cum from my cock, squeezing it, making sure she got every last drop out. She then took another towel and reached down under my balls, cleaning them as well.

"You boys make such a mess, don't you?" she joked. "But not to worry. We don't mind, do we Suzie?"

"No, we don't." Suzie answered.

Peggy stood up and said, "Well, I'm going to get some refreshments. Need to keep up my energy." She then looked back towards me with a wicked grin and said, "Now, I hope you have a few more in you. Remember, the party is just getting started."

I could see Suzie also grinning knowingly. Hmm, I wondered to myself. I can't wait to see what's next. Let's just hope my stamina prevails.

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gypsyviolingypsyviolin25 days ago

Brilliant start so far!

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