The Milkmaid Program


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She was definitely going to have to ask about those bras. She'd never needed one except for very thin shirts (which she rarely wore anyway), and she usually just threw on a sports bra for those. With her newly grown chest, though, that wasn't an option anymore; it looked like she was smuggling cantaloupes under her jacket.

It was like going through puberty all over again. Her top half was all off-balance, and it changed by the day. Work had been a real mess - she no longer knew how much space she took up. Squeezing by people had suddenly become much harder, and she was absolutely dreading the coming month, which usually saw them hiring in a bunch of high schoolers on break. She shivered just thinking about how much ogling she was going to get from them; she was already getting enough of that from the customers. And her manager.

The bus ride had been equally jarring. She'd never noticed just how rough it was before, but now that she had giant sacks of liquid stapled to her sternum it had become painfully apparent in a very literal manner. Every jostle had sent them bouncing, and it quickly started to hurt. She had tried to endure it as long as she could, but when she saw people staring she'd abandoned her pride and crossed her arms on them to hold them in place. It was an uncomfortable pose, and her arms ached now from having held it for so long.

She looked around the small room she was in. It was a different one from when she'd been here last, but it looked roughly the same. She wasn't sure what she'd expected from a milking room; some kind of torture rack device, maybe? To keep her held down while they drained her? She knew that was ridiculous, but now that she'd seen BVT's effects firsthand, she didn't know what to expect anymore.

The doctor - a different one this time, less kindly and more hurried - had checked her over briefly and told her she was good to go. Then she'd been shuffled off to a larger room with lockers on one side and given some kind of hospital gown with a flap on the front for her breasts. Now she was just...waiting. Waiting to be milked, she thought, and shivered. She squeezed her thighs together.

A knock at the door snapped her back to reality and she realized she was breathing a bit heavily. She counted prime numbers in her head while the door opened and a tan-skinned man wearing a lab coat and a baseball cap walked in wheeling some kind of machine. A transparent central cylinder with graduated markings led up to a pair of...wait, were those...

Eliza gasped, and the man looked up from the machine with concern. "Oh no, I'm sorry!" he said apologetically. "They said to just come in whenever I was ready, I didn't realize you were already in here!" He was kind of cute, in an unimpressive way; Eliza hadn't thought much of him until she'd seen his eyes. And he was tall; she could tell now that he wasn't hunched over pushing that machine. She was sitting on an elevated surface, but if they stood side-by-side, he'd tower a full head above her, easily.

"Ah! No, it's...sorry, I just didn't expect a man," she said quickly, picking a different reason for her outburst. Her eyes wandered back to the tubes that trailed down from it, ending in suction cups. It was no torture device, but it was still very...industrial. It looked efficient.

His face flushed and he tilted his head down, pulling the brim of his cap over his eyes. "I can, uh, get a woman if you'd prefer, ma'am."

Eliza felt her eyes drawn back to him. After seeing the machine he'd pushed in, she was a little surprised he was treating her like an actual human and not livestock. "Oh! No, that's fine." She tried to laugh and hoped it didn't sound too forced. "My gynecologist is a man too, I'm sure you'll be quite professional."

He let out a small breath, evidently relieved, and reached out a hand to shake. "The name's Daniel, or Mr. Finnery if you want to keep things formal."

He looked at her carefully, clearly trying to see what kind of tone to take. She paused for just a moment, then went with her gut. She reached out and shook his hand firmly. "I'm Eliza. It's nice to meet you, Daniel."

He gave her a warm smile and bent down to plug the machine into the wall. She tried not to stare at his butt; the packet had warned about increased libido being a possible side-effect, but she hadn't really taken it seriously. "Glad to have you aboard, Eliza. This is your first, uh, session, right?"

He was a lot less blasé than the doctor had been about it, that was for sure. "Yeah, I've never...really...well." She shrugged. "Do you have much experience know, m-milking?" She felt a blush rise in her face as she said it; this had seemed a lot less dirty when she thought it was just going to be another woman.

Daniel just gave a short laugh and picked himself up, checking on a small control panel on the side of the milking machine. "Oh, quite a bit, actually. I was a neonatal nurse before the whole boslacstilla thing; apparently the government snapped up quite a few of us. Guess dairy farmers weren't good enough, huh?" He glanced at Eliza and saw her blank expression. "Neonatal means newborn babies. I've actually taught a lot of mothers how to breastfeed!"

Eliza glanced down at her swollen chest. "I'm definitely feeling like a mother right now. So how does this work?"

Daniel detached the suction cup tubes from the sides of the machine and held them up to her. "Well, first you've gotta open up your top so we can attach these." Although his tone was professional, he was blushing a little. Eliza felt an odd twinge of pride; she'd never inspired that in anyone with her chest before. That emboldened her, and she reached up to undo the flap on the front of the gown. Just like a visit to the gynecologist.

Except it wasn't just like that. Her gynecologist was an octogenarian who probably hadn't seen any action since the Vietnam War, and Daniel was young, and cute, and being such a gentleman about looking to the side while she took her breasts out! She felt heat rise in her cheeks, and she looked away as well, steeled herself, and undid the buttons.

"Okay, what now?" she asked, staring resolutely at a point on the featureless wall and willing her heart to stop racing. She didn't want Daniel to realize he was the first man she was happy to have see her topless. It was bad enough she couldn't act like he wasn't the first to milk her.

"Now I just...excuse me here, ma'a--Eliza, sorry," he said, and Eliza felt a hand slip under her left breast and lift it up. She let out a tiny gasp. She couldn't help it; his touch sent shivers across her skin. His hands were firm, but not rough, and his grip was gentle and considerate. He maneuvered the suction cup onto her nipple as quickly as he could, then let her breast back down carefully.

Eliza let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, only to suck it back in as he moved to the other side. She immediately found herself craving more, and, entirely unbidden, a fantasy began to form of those strong hands carefully wrapping themselves around her breast and squeezing just right to start a tiny dribble, then a consistent squirt, and then--

And then he was done. She turned back slowly towards him, conscious of her somewhat heavy breathing, and looked down. The suction cups were attached now, one to each breast. The clear plastic around them was a little fogged, but she could still see her nipples standing at attention. Daniel had already turned away to face the control panel; she hoped she hadn't made this weird for him.

She chewed her lip and tried to think of how to apologize for the noises, but he spoke first. "Okay, starting it up!" he said, and his head turned just a little bit. Enough for her to see a hint of red, but not enough to know what it meant. He flicked a switch and the machine hummed to life, beginning a rhythmic sucking on her breasts; first left, then right, then repeating. It caught her off guard at first, but as it went on she quickly became used to it, and she watched the suction cups in fascination.

A minute passed, and she began to worry. She looked up at Daniel, who was still politely turned around, and decided that the embarrassment was worth it. "Um, Daniel?" she said hesitantly. " something wrong? Nothing's coming out."

"It's normal for it to take a little while, especially at first," he said reassuringly, without turning around. "I wouldn't worry about it."

Eliza took a deep breath, steeling herself. "I'd...feel a lot better if you came over and made sure everything was okay." She turned away quickly, peeking at the back of his head out of the corner of her eye, suddenly remembering the noises she'd made when he was hooking the cups up. Maybe the distance he was maintaining wasn't just him being polite after all.

He stood still for a moment, then did a small nod - it seemed to be to himself, rather than to Eliza. He stood his shoulders up straighter and then turned around, all smiles. "Sure thing, Eliza! Let's take a look." He walked over and bent his head down to look at her nipples, his hat's brim hiding his face from her. "The seal looks okay to me; how does everything feel? Any pain or discomfort?"

His matter-of-factness was helping, and she tried to answer honestly. "It feels a little weird," she admitted. "There's no pain, though."

He nodded absentmindedly, like he was thinking something through. "BVT's a little different than natural lactation; normally I'd tell you to let the baby drink its fill and then hand-express any excess, but they've been telling us to discourage hand-expressing under any circumstances." She caught a glimpse of his face as he looked back up to the machine; he had a worried frown on. "To tell you the truth, I don't like it. I think they're worried someone's gonna hand-milk themselves at home and sell it on the side, but it's important to be able to relieve pressure. Hell, dairy cows get milked two or three times a day!"

Eliza's stomach tightened as she pictured herself strapped into this machine that often. "That's...a lot," she said lamely. Was that where she was headed? The packet had said she'd be scheduled for milkings more frequently as her production ramped up, but it hadn't said by how much.

Daniel looked back at her with a flash of concern. "Oh! Didn't mean to alarm you, Eliza. I don't think you're gonna be that productive. Besides, that'd qualify as slave labor - they couldn't force that on you, no matter what you signed."

Suddenly, Eliza felt a small shift in her chest, and she looked down to spot a small dribble coming out of one of her nipples. "Oh! Oh! I think it's working!" she exclaimed, all pretense of decorum vanishing instantly. The droplets were quickly sucked away by the machine, only to be replaced by more, and soon both sides were shooting steady streams. She sighed in relief as she felt the pressure in her breasts begin to lift at last.

Daniel leaned over to peer into the suction cups. "Hey, atta girl! That's more like it." He paused for a moment, and Eliza suddenly became very aware that he was just staring at her naked chest. "Size you're at, should be half an hour or so to empty them out fully from here."

Eliza balked. "Half an hour? Does it really take that long?" How was she going to sit here for half an hour with Daniel staring at her without losing her cool?

"Yeah, blame that on BVT. Normally takes about half that time, but it gets really packed in there thanks to whatever they put in that stuff." He shrugged and pointed at the machine. "That thing can hold up to twenty gallons, if you can believe it."

"Twenty--" Eliza reeled, trying to imagine herself pumping out that much milk. How would it even all fit in her? Forget that, how heavy would it be? She pictured herself trying to work the cash register over breasts twice the size of her body; she wasn't quite sure what to make of the idea.

Daniel quickly waved his hands in front of himself. "Oops! That was just supposed to be a fun fact, I'm only supposed to get up to three gallons from you this visit." He scratched his head sheepishly. "I really gotta work on how I deliver these tidbits, huh?"

Eliza laughed nervously. "Is three...a lot?" she ventured, trying to gauge his reaction to see if he was sugarcoating it.

He just shrugged. "If you were a breastfeeding mother I'd be amazed, but I've seen the stats for later-tier BVT - some of those girls can churn out sixteen or seventeen gallons a day. I don't know what qualifies as a lot anymore, honestly." He checked his watch. "Hey, third done!"

They lapsed back into silence for a few minutes, avoiding both each other's gazes, the repetitive whirring of the machine as it drained her the only noise. Eliza squirmed a little; this was exactly what she'd been afraid of! Was every session going to be like this? She wished they'd let her bring her phone in, but it had been confiscated at the front door at a security checkpoint.

"You work anywhere? Besides here, I mean," Daniel suddenly said, staring off at the wall. "No judgment if you don't, obviously, this pays well enough not to."

"Oh, just, know Fun Burger?" she said automatically, then immediately wished she'd just said no. She couldn't just leave it hanging there, though. "I'm...kind of a minimum wage worker there."

"No kidding," Daniel mused. "I fucking hate that place, their fries taste like paper."

Eliza giggled. "If you saw what they look like before we throw them in the fryer you'd probably never want to eat one again!"

Daniel laughed in return, and the ice was broken. They spent the rest of the session chatting about whatever came to mind - hobbies, media, food, the general stuff. Daniel liked to garden, it turned out, something he said he'd picked up from his late mother.

"The spring after she died, I saw all her little plants poking out of the ground in the backyard, and I felt like I just couldn't leave them to die. So I sort of just picked up where she left off. Moved them all into pots and planters and set them up on my apartment balcony. After a day of working with babies at the hospital, taking care of plants feels downright relaxing!"

The more she learned about him the more outclassed Eliza felt, but he never showed any sign he was looking down on her. Not when he'd learned she worked a minimum wage job, not when he learned she'd dropped out of college, not even when he learned she lived in an apartment only a bit bigger than the room they were currently in.

She was telling him about her disastrous college roommates when his watch's alarm went off, startling her. Had it already been twenty minutes? She looked down at her breasts, and realized that the persistent pressure in them was gone now; the machine wasn't pulling much out anymore, just small dribbles.

Daniel walked over and checked the gauge. "Three point two gallons," he muttered, writing something on a clipboard on the back of the control panel, then pressed a button on the front. The suction stopped, and he walked back over to remove the cups from Eliza's breasts. This time he didn't seem quite as embarrassed about it, and Eliza found that neither was she; they weren't strangers anymore. She still shivered a little at his touch, though.

"Sorry about that," he said sheepishly. "Lost track of time there. I'm supposed to be out of here as soon as you're dry; I need to get this to the cold storage area." He latched the tubes back onto the machine, then looked back at her. "I'll send someone back to help you out, but...carry on where we left off next time?"

He looked legitimately interested, and Eliza found herself nodding eagerly. "Deal!" He excused himself and she buttoned back up. Her thoughts turned to the three hour bus ride back, but more than that, they turned to her next visit.

She couldn't wait.

Tuesday, May 5th, 10:00 AM

"Bright and early today, huh?" Daniel said as he wheel in the machine. Eliza just yawned in reply, and he laughed. "Things are going well for you, I guess. They upped you to two sessions a week pretty quickly, and an hour for each. Guess they liked your milk!"

Eliza blushed and quickly turned away. "Y-Yeah, I guess they did." She'd looked at the milk aisle at her grocery store on her last trip, and for the first time had really noticed how many of the cartons had that "Made with BVT" sticker. They outnumbered the ones that didn't, now. Somewhere in the country, there were cartons just like those ones, except they had her milk in them. For all she knew, those cartons had had her milk in them! She'd raced away in a panic after that. "Hey, Daniel? Have you...tried BVT milk?"

Daniel paused for a moment, finger hovering over a flashing button. "I, uh..."

Eliza cut him off immediately in a panicked rush. "You don't have to answer that! Forget I asked!" She busied herself with unbuttoning the gown flap and getting her breasts ready; somehow, that felt less embarrassing. She had to undo the hooks on the maternity bra she'd been provided, which took enough effort to distract her. It was much tighter than it had been when she'd left last Friday, so she was clearly still growing, but it wasn't nearly as drastic as the first week's ballooning. Mostly they just felt heavier, so she was thankful for the bra's support.

The silence grew while she fumbled with her clothes, until Daniel finally broke it. "...yeah, I have." He resumed calibrating the machine as he spoke. "I'm a big milk drinker, so when boslacstilla hit and cow's milk started quadrupling in price I tried switching over to soy, then almond, even goat milk. None of them really worked for me. Then the BVT stuff came out. And honestly?" He snuck a quick glance at her. "It's even better than the old stuff."

Eliza felt her heart pounding in her chest.

Daniel walked over to her with the suction cups, and she lifted her hands to let him attach them, her breath catching in her throat as he grasped each breast firmly in turn. He flipped the machine on and sat down next to her, looking apologetic. "I hope that's not uncomfortable for you. I swear, I got hired here after I was already drinking it."

Eliza shook her head and watched the machine suck away at her. "I'm not uncomfortable. I've just never really had to think about anything like that."

Daniel nodded pensively. "Hey, me either. This job kinda snuck up on me. I'll be honest, when you freaked out when you saw me last time, I thought I'd messed up. Most of us have two or three, um, charges to work with, but they've only got me signed up with you right now." He laughed. "I was worried I'd screwed up with my only chance!"

Eliza giggled. "I'm sorry about that! Honestly, I just saw the machine and it suddenly hit me what I'd signed up for."

"Oh really? So it wasn't that I was a man after all?" Daniel said, the corner of his mouth curling up in a sly grin.

"Oh please, these girls haven't pulled in a man since high school. I forgot it was even possible for guys to care about them!" Those days seemed so far away now that she was constantly catching eyes locked to her chest whenever she went outside. She really needed to get some new clothes.

"You want an opinion?" Daniel asked diplomatically, and Eliza nodded, a little unsure. "You better get ready for a lot more propositioning. Might not mean much coming from me, but you're definitely in the big leagues now." He drew his hat over his face and turned away a little, but not before Eliza caught a hint of a blush on his cheeks.

They quickly lapsed into regular conversation after that. Eliza told him about her disastrous college years and they commiserated over terrible roommate stories. He told her about his time at university in return, and somehow it didn't make her feel anxious about having dropped out. They chatted about the job and paychecks; Eliza was particularly excited to get her first one today.