The Milkmaid Program


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"Hey, congratulations! Once you see those zeroes, maybe you can quit your job at Fun Burger," Daniel said with a wink. Eliza laughed, but the idea stuck with her, and she found herself thinking about it in more serious terms than her regular fantasies.

"If it looks like it's enough, I'll probably just walk out on the spot," she admitted.

"Tell me all about it if you do, your manager sounds like a prick. I bet he'll blow his top!"

"Absolutely! I'll..." Eliza paused, realizing what she was about to say, then let the momentum carry her. "Hey, can I get your phone number? I'll call you about the good news if I get it."

She held her breath. Her heart beat out each slow second. Daniel looked like he'd just had the air sucked out of his lungs. Finally, he responded. "Oh! Uh, yeah, yeah, sure! Absolutely!" He started patting himself down, then dashed over to the control panel and detached a piece of paper from it. "Nobody'll care if I take one of these timesheets, there's dozens of blank ones back in the supply room anyway." He took the pen from the panel and jotted something down on it, then handed it to Eliza. "Here! Feel free to call me, uh, whenever, I guess!"

Eliza glanced at it - guy number! - and folded it up, sticking it in her purse. She hoped Daniel couldn't hear how loud her pulse was right now. "G-Great! I'll call you when I get home later, just to make sure it's the right number."

Once again awkward silence enveloped them, and once again Daniel leaped to the rescue. He tapped the tank, drawing Eliza's attention to it. "Hey, look at that - already hit the three gallon mark, and it's not slowing. You're doing good!" He winked. "You'll hit that twenty gallon mark before you know it."

Eliza felt her face flush, and she crossed her arms under her breasts and turned her head away, pouting. "Hmph!" She was pretty sure it was Daniel's fault anyway; she hadn't been able to stop thinking about him, and she wasn't sure if she could still just blame the libido-altering side effects for it.

She set her jaw. She hadn't flirted in almost a decade, but it was time to start trying again.

Tuesday, May 5th, 3:00 PM

Eliza stared at the check in her hands, still not sure it was real.

"Eliza? You still there?" Daniel's voice called out from her phone.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry, it's," she whispered. "Daniel, this is more than what I make in an entire month. And that was for three gallons?"

Daniel's laugh clipped out the audio momentarily. "Yeah, they might drop it later when the dairy crisis is under control, but right now you're gonna be able to live pretty large. Might wanna put some of it into savings, though."

"I don't think I've ever seen a check this big in my life," she muttered. "Is this what it's like being a doctor?"

"I wouldn't know, I've only got a master's," Daniel corrected her. "I'm pretty sure you're being paid more than I am right now, actually. You're more of a contract worker, though, since you get paid based on your output."

"You know, the other girls told me the pay was outrageous, but I had no idea." Eliza had been surprised on her last visit to find the changing room full of other women, many even bustier than she'd become. She'd stopped dead in her tracks when she'd entered, flashing back to high school, but they'd welcomed her in and she'd soon become part of the fold. They'd turned out to be a huge help; they'd told her a lot of things the packet had neglected to mention, like tips on how to find tops that would accommodate her as she continued to grow. She had several of them in her contact list now, although none of them lived as far out as she did.

"Maybe you can move closer now," Daniel suggested. "No more three hour bus rides."

"That does sound nice..." Eliza agreed, although inwardly it terrified her. She didn't have much holding her here, but moving was still a scary process in and of itself. And there was no guarantee things would keep working out like this. One of the other girls had said she was coming in daily, though. If Eliza got to that point, would six hours a day on the bus, plus three hours at the facility itself, really be something she could handle?

"Hey, if you're scared of your manager, just call me over and I'll tell him off for ya!" Daniel said. "That job's not worth anchoring yourself to."

Eliza smiled; it was a misunderstanding, but a sweet one. "I'll think about it," she said. "Besides, I do want to see your garden at some point."

"Oh! I almost forgot, the blueberries are coming in! Hang on, I'm sending you a picture!"

Eliza picked up her phone and swapped to her texts. Daniel's tone in them was always so flat and formal; it was such a contrast to how he acted in-person that she found it weirdly adorable. A blurry picture of a bunch of green blobs on a stem popped up at the bottom, mostly obscured by a big round smudge. "Daniel, your finger's in the shot."

"Oops. Hang on, lemme try again."

Eliza smiled and waited for the new picture to pop up. She didn't need to rush any decisions just yet; she could just enjoy this for a while.

Friday, May 8th, 1:00 AM

Daniel tightened his grip on Eliza's curly hair. "Don't stop..." he moaned, pressing himself forward into her mouth. She pulled back a little to let herself breathe, but Daniel's hand kept her from backing off completely. She looked up at him as best she could from her position and saw his head was back and his eyes were closed, and she knew he was right on the edge. She dived back down on him and began to bob furiously between his legs, holding a breakneck pace until...

Eliza gasped as her eyes flew open. She was staring at her apartment wall and it was the middle of the night. She looked down and sheepishly pulled her hand out of her pajama shorts, still too groggy to really process the whole thing. She sat up and groaned, rubbing her eyes with her clean hand, then pushed the covers off and turned on her bedside lamp so she could wander over to the sink and wash up.

She laid back down and picked up her phone, groaning again when she saw the time. She turned off the lamp, rolled over, and decided to try to get some sleep before her shift in three hours.

And most importantly, she decided to try to keep her thoughts from returning to Daniel.

Friday, May 8th, 1:00 PM

"You still with me, Eliza?"

Eliza snapped her head up; she hadn't even noticed herself nodding off. "Whuh? Huh? Yeah, yeah, I'm awake!" She paused, then smiled sheepishly at Daniel. "Sorry. You were saying, uh..."

"I was saying you look like you need to get more sleep," Daniel said, frowning. "I hope you're not pushing yourself too thin trying to do this and keep your fast food job."

Eliza looked down at her breasts and the milk flowing out of them. The experience was so relaxing and pleasurable that she'd just nodded off right away; she rarely ever fell asleep sitting up. Daniel's voice made for very calming background noise, too, but she didn't want him to know that.

"I'm fine. I can handle it." It came out a little grumpier than she had intended. She couldn't bring herself to trust that check; she hadn't even cashed it yet. Deep down, she felt afraid something bad would happen if she did. Daniel was nice, but he was clearly used to things going well; she knew to prepare for them not to.

"Sorry, that was rude of me," Daniel said conciliatorily. If he felt insulted, he hid it well. He looked like he wanted to say something more, but instead he just looked at her with a little bit of concern. It made her even grumpier - she didn't like being pitied.

"Look, I''ll be fine." Who cared that she'd gotten yelled at again by her idiot manager for basically no reason? He was mad that he wasn't allowed to fire her despite all the days she was missing because of her milkmaid work, so he stalked her until she made the slightest mistake and blew up at her for that instead. He was a middle-aged man stuck managing a local fast food restaurant, and she had a lucrative career ahead of her; in some respects, he was more trapped than she was. He made her miserable constantly, but somehow she couldn't bring herself to hate him. Just to pity him.

Daniel checked his watch and then scooted his chair closer to her so that they were side by side. She looked at him with confusion, and he leaned towards her and patted his shoulder. "C'mon. We've still got most of the hour to go. I don't have a pillow, but maybe this'll do."

Eliza hesitated, suddenly remembering her dream. The feeling of being milked was heavenly, and with Daniel so close, she was sure it would be an absolute disaster. She'd already had a sexy dream with zero stimulus; this was just asking for trouble!

She looked up at his face, and his earnest smile wiped away all her concerns. She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, losing herself in the pumping of the machine and Daniel's nearness.

She was out like a light.

Thursday, May 14th, 9:00 AM

"Come on, pick up, pick up..."

Eliza bit her lip as she waited for Daniel to answer his phone. Normally she'd go to her online friends to gloat about this, but for some reason she really wanted Daniel to be the first to know she'd quit her job. Besides, her online friends didn't know she was a milkmaid; they would probably be concerned about her finances.

She'd initially just held off telling them until she knew it was official, but the longer she waited the more complicated things got. It wasn't just how much she was enjoying being milked, which she hadn't expected and was worried she'd be judged for; it was also about Daniel. She still didn't know what he meant to her, but she was beginning to think of him as more than just a good friend. At the same time, she hadn't had any in-person guy friends in a long time, and there was a lot going on right now. She needed time to sort through her feelings on her own, and she wasn't ready to have them interrogated by her friend circle just yet.

The ringing finally stopped, and Daniel's voice came through a few moments later. "Hey Eliza! Are--"

Eliza cut him off immediately; she had to get this out or she was going to explode. "Daniel! I quit my job!"

"Oh! Is--"

"I know I said I didn't want to, but my manager was being such a...a jerk today and I couldn't take it anymore! I took off my apron and I threw it at him and I was just like You know what, I quit! and I stormed out! He was yelling at me to get back here and I just ignored him and walked to the bus stop and now I'm waiting here for the bus and...and..." She began to run out of steam and petered off; it had seemed like a much more exciting story before she'd told it.

Daniel gave her a few moments to see if she was truly done this time, then started again. "Is everything okay, Eliza? You sound a little...I dunno, manic."

Eliza wriggled uncomfortably. She could still see the store from the bus stop; she kept expecting her manager to come storming out of it after her, but it seemed to be business as usual there. It felt more depressing than she had expected to realize how little she actually mattered to the operation. "I guess I thought it would be more fulfilling than this. I've been daydreaming about quitting pretty much since I started there. My manager...he didn't even seem surprised. I think he was pleased. Like he'd won."

"He's a big fish in a small pond," Daniel replied. "He's more trapped than you are. Once he's done gloating he'll realize how empty it all feels too." There was a pause. "Or maybe he won't! Maybe he's happy being in a position of minor power where he can pick on people without consequences. Some people are like that. Either way, he's not your problem anymore."

"Yeah..." Eliza murmured, looking up at the sky. It was overcast; a pretty nice day, by her standards. But it did mean she was a bit cold, even with a sweater on. It was the biggest one she had, a mistake she'd made in the past when ordering online that she hadn't worked up the courage to return. Now it was the only one she had that fit her massive chest.

"So, what're you gonna do with the rest of your day?" Daniel asked, pulling her out of her thoughts.

She looked down at her sweater puppies and thought about her bank balance, which was currently higher than it had ever been in her life. "I think I'm going to do a little shopping."

Wednesday, May 20th, 4:00 PM

Eliza stared out the bus window at the passing scenery. Even a week after quitting her job, her schedule had changed surprisingly little. She had Tuesdays and Thursdays free now, but she was still coming in to be milked three times a week, and the travel time made that feel more or less like a regular workday. She'd catch the 9am bus over, wait around for an hour or so, then she'd be let in for Daniel to milk her. That was taking an hour now, instead of the half hour it had used to. After she was spent, she'd get on the 3pm bus and be home by 6.

Her phone buzzed in her hands, and she looked down to see a new text from Daniel; he lived close enough that he could get back home before she was even a third of the way there, so they'd started chatting on her ride back. "Sorry. I was held up. My boss says I should get ready to come in every weekday. I think that means they are going to move you up to daily sessions."

The thought stunned her. She didn't mind the milking itself - quite the opposite, in fact - but a nine hour workday was worse than her previous job, even if the pay was outrageous. "Maybe I should get a reserved seat on the bus," she texted back, adding a grimacing emoji.

Seconds stretched into minutes while she waited for Daniel's reply. He was probably overthinking something, she decided, and glanced up around the bus. She caught a teenager across the aisle staring at her; he buried his face in his phone when he saw her look his way, but he couldn't hide the blush on his cheeks. It was a reaction she was still getting used to inspiring, and part of her hoped she never really got tired of it.

She looked back down just in time to see Daniel's reply. "My apartment neighbor is moving out at the end of the month." Attached to it was the apartment complex's website, and the floor plan for the neighboring unit.

If the idea of coming in for daily milkings had made her mind stumble, this knocked it to the floor. She felt like she was floating. Was he really asking her to move in next to him? That was basically like asking her to move in with him, right? Or...wait, maybe it was different. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself, wishing she had a proper reference for this sort of thing.

She decided to treat it as a reasonable suggestion for the time being; it would be nice to not have this bus ride back and forth. Maybe Daniel could even drive her to work! He was a functional member of society, unlike her; he definitely had a car. They could grab coffee on the way, and chat together over it, and they'd start getting closer and closer, until one day, they'd be in the parking lot with a little extra time, and...

Her phone vibrated in her hand and she jumped a little. There was a new message from Daniel. "I would be okay with that." For a paranoid moment she thought he'd somehow been reading her mind, but then she saw there was a message from her above it that she didn't remember typing.

"Maybe you could drive me to work then, haha!"

She felt like the floor had dropped out from under her. When had she typed that? She pulled her traitorous thumbs away from the screen before they could do any more damage. She shot a glance at the teenager to see if he'd been peeping and saw whatever face she'd just made, but he was actually looking at his phone this time. She turned back to her texts and looked at Daniel's message again.

"I would be okay with that."

"Are you sure? I don't want to cause you any trouble!" she tapped out quickly, realizing she'd spent a while just staring at the screen. While she found Daniel's overly formal way of texting very cute, it made it hard to determine what he was thinking beyond the contents of the message itself.

The reply came back almost immediately. "It's no trouble. We both work at the same place and have the same hours." Right, right. Of course. It's not like he would be going out of his way for it, especially if they were neighbors. It'd be like taking the same bus to school. Except instead of school, it was a room where he milked her.

"I'll look at the apartment and get back to you," she replied, then paused. "Does this mean I could see your garden?"

There was a long pause, and she began to worry. Maybe he hadn't been thinking about her coming over to his apartment after all, and she'd misread the situation. Was he really that dense? Then, a picture popped up; it was a stem covered in blueberries. "You can come see my garden whenever you want."

Eliza decided that was altogether too stupid a statement to make her heart beat as quickly as it did.

Saturday, May 23rd, 1:00 PM

It had taken Eliza several seconds to recognize Daniel at the bus stop. Up to now, all their meetings had been very clinical; Daniel in a white lab coat, Eliza in a blue gown. She hadn't realized how unprepared she was to see him in a more casual setting.

He'd spotted her first and waved to her, and then she'd realized that it was him in the polo and slacks, his button down jacket left hanging open. She felt very outclassed; a sweater and jeans seemed dumpy in comparison, no matter how big her chest was.

It was a short walk to his apartment, and he spent most of it excitedly telling her about all the nearby restaurants he couldn't wait to show her. She was stunned at how much more relaxed he seemed outside of a work environment; he'd never struck her as particularly stressed by his job, but she suspected he had a hard time turning off the "bedside manner" mode while on the clock. He'd gotten a lot more casual with her at work since they'd started, but there was definitely still a bit of a barrier there.

But here, walking towards his apartment complex, it was gone.

The actual tour was a whirlwind. Daniel stuck around for it, which she was thankful for; the landlord was a thin-faced man who seemed to regard her with contempt, and kept staring disapprovingly at her massive chest. He sniffed loudly whenever she asked a question, and kept turning towards Daniel as if expecting him to approve each line of inquiry. Daniel, for his part, stared unblinkingly at the man each time, turning it into an impromptu staring contest that the landlord always lost. Eliza soon started asking questions just to see how long he would last against Daniel's unnerving gaze.

Eventually, he'd had enough, and did his best to politely move the discussion towards signing a lease. Eliza needed no prompting; she'd made up her mind more or less the moment she'd stepped off the bus and seen Daniel in casual garb. The tour had almost felt like they were interviewing for a place to live together, a fantasy she had sunk into quite happily. They would browse for their dream house, and she could wrap her arm around his while they viewed it. He'd ask about space for a children's room, and she'd gasp and blush, then hug his arm even tighter. The agent would look at her a little hesitantly, and she'd nod back fervently, her free hand moving to her belly unconsciously...