The Move Home Ch. 01


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"Mom-Judy gave me the option of telling you about our relationship if I felt guilty for not being honest. Originally I did not plan on explaining my family relationship with Judy Walker. But, I am really loving our fun night together. I want the three of us to become best friends since we are having so much fun. So I needed to be honest with both of you now, hoping my two new friends would understand my original dilemma."

Emily spontaneously started boohooing loudly, "Tonight is the best time in my life! No other girls or young ladies have ever treated me as wonderfully as you two. Other girls have always seen me as the blind-Emily, pitying me. You both see me as your friend Em, just as you treat a sighted woman, which makes me so happy.

"I love it when Renee calls me an idiot or jokes about her not trusting my driving because she looks past my obvious disability into my heart. I want all of us to love and respect each other, and I totally understand why MCsee needed to be honest with us. Let's always be true and honest friends, which I have never experienced with a sighted person in my life."

The three beautiful young ladies hugged, cried, laughed, and sipped cabernet late into the night. They had indeed become dear friends in the past twenty-four hours. All three agreed there would be lots of fun times together in their futures. They talked and talked, enjoying their chilidogs and fried apples, along with drinks until almost midnight. After freshening up, all three ladies crawled into Renee's downstairs MBR king-size bed for a good night's sleep.

Renee had secretly invited Jules to breakfast on Saturday morning. Still, she did tell MCsee while Emily was cleaning up earlier after they were up. The new friends were still talking up a storm while getting dressed to start the day. Renee convinced them to dress nicely in stylish Bermuda shorts and blouses since it was still possible for MCsee's moms to return and visit Renee's place this morning.

Emily set up the dining room table nicely while Renee and MCsee cooked breakfast. The alert bell rings, and Renee yells, "Em, please answer the door?"

Emily slowly walks over and cautiously opens the door. She immediately recognizes Jules' soap and aftershave scents, exclaiming, "Jules, what in the world are you doing here this morning?" Then quickly corrects herself, saying, "Oh Jules, we are so glad you are here!"

Jules laughingly answers, "I brought fresh warm pastry for breakfast, Emily, and where is my good morning hug?"

Emily is totally bewildered, stuttering, "Sure, Jules," as she steps in to hug him.

Emily then tears into the kitchen, screaming, "I am going to spank your bottom because this is definitely your doing, Renee!" Emily chased Renee all over the townhome living/dining/kitchen area, with the two of them yelling and laughing uncontrollably.

Jules is absolutely stunned seeing Emily dogging Renee step for step since she is sightless. Also, Jules had never seen Emily so animated and full of joy like today. She looked gorgeous and sexy in her shorts set and great new hairstyle.

MCsee introduced herself to Jules when Emily's wild chasing of Renee slowed down. Emily had become a bit subdued after her initial outburst when Jules arrived. She slowly regained her enthusiasm when Jules asked her several questions in general conversation. Renee grabbed Emily's hand under the table for a quick squeeze, which assured Em that Renee would not out her having a crush on Jules.

Toward the end of breakfast, Judy Walker and MCsee's mom, Paisley, phoned, saying, "We have just now arrived in Charlotte."

Renee squealed, "MCsee, invite them over, and we will make more breakfast."

Emily jumped up and started clearing the table when Jules gently touched her arm, saying, "I will help you with the table, Emily."

She replied, "Thanks, Jules," giving him another soft hug!

Judy and Paisley arrived about thirty minutes later with introductions made all around. Both moms were utterly amazed by the cute interactions between the three girls and Jules. Everyone was smiling and joking around in such good fun and delight with each other.

After seeing her serving breakfast, coffee, and pastry, Judy Walker instantly understood Renee's hiring Emily as the HR Manager. Emily glided around the dining room area, laughing and talking without any sign of worry about being sightless.

Renee had spoken with Ronnie who would organize audio versions of all important HR Personnel documents for Emily. He also had contact with a group who provided double-sided filing tabs. The tab's front side was normal type with slightly raised English letters while the back side was in Braille. Emily would quickly learn to identify the raised letters with her sensitive touch. Ronnie felt that Emily most likely will only need to use the Braille side for maybe a month or two. From that point forward, she will place and remove the audio files using the normal English raised letter file tabs.

Ronnie was a genius with detailing these kinds of items or issues, which could possibly be attributed to his Autism. Ronnie had assured Renee, that he and Sheila would have Emily fully up and running in two weeks maximum. Ronnie knew Emily fairly well since he currently spends 80% of his time at Catawba working on Production and QC Protocols. Once Renee mentioned her idea of Emily being the HR Manager to Sheila, Ronnie immediately started planning for Emily's transition to her new BMS-AVT HR Office.

Judy and Paisley left shortly after 1:00 PM since they were exhausted from the freeway emergency stop and stay-over while driving home yesterday. Jules also left with them since he was going into the office to clear a few critical items off his desk.

Emily jumped right in with, "Hey boss, all work and no play makes Jules a very dull boy!" not surprising anyone. She then cutely giggled while walking over to hug him and MCsee's moms goodbye. Renee's place was quiet again as the three ladies diligently cleaned up after their nice breakfast.

The three new friends relaxed in the den, deciding what they should do for fun today and tonight. Renee hooted, "Let's go out for dinner and dancing at someplace nice tonight. We can hit the malls today shopping for 'hot outfits,' grabbing something light like a salad for lunch."

MCsee eagerly agreed, saying, "We can buy similar little black dresses, black patterned silk thigh-highs, coal-black Jimmy Choos, and get really tarted up."

Renee looked at Emily, saying, "You are awfully quiet, Babe, so would you prefer staying in tonight?"

Emily sighs, "I have never been out for dinner and dancing, which sounds wonderful. But my pay is not high, and I probably cannot afford the price of a nice dress ensemble. I think I might know some dance moves from my touch lessons at the State school when I was younger. But it seems so scary thinking about dancing in a public place for the first time!"

Renee counters, "Em, you will have an excellent pay package as our HR Manager. I will ring your items up separately, and you can pay me back after working four or five months."

MCsee adds, "Em, first we will practice two or three dances here this afternoon using the touch method. You will be able to feel our hips move as we teach you swaying styles. At the restaurant, we will all dance together, keeping you in the middle, so we can guide your moves with our bodies. You are smart, Em. Just stay loose, laugh like you're crazy, and sway those hips."

Renee adds, "We will also practice slow drags, where you just push those long legs tightly into Jules and follow his lead. Then whisper seductively in his ear, 'Jules, darling, please lead me in this hot-n-sexy slow dance,' and he will take it from there, Babe."

MCsee moans sexily, "You're all set on being a sexy hip-swaying vamp, Em, so let's check with Jules and see if he would like to join us. He certainly enjoyed our company this morning at breakfast, especially the tall, slim, long-legged one."

Emily, blushing, "Stop it, guys!" Then she almost whispers, "I guess it would be nice if Jules wants to come tonight."

The ladies had a fun day buying dressy clothes, 'Victoria's Secret' lingerie, Jimmy Choo heels, and other items. After practicing a few dances with Em, they relaxed for a while at home. Later on, Renee and MCsee helped Emily dress, primarily styling her hair and applying cosmetics. They had also purchased three short little black dresses, which accentuated their long legs, especially Emily's, who stood at 5'10".

Jules had jumped at their invitation, saying the entire evening would be his treat since the ladies made him a lovely breakfast this morning. He also mentioned they had already spent quite a lot of money on their day out at the mall.

Jules would arrive at 7:00 PM and secure a nice table in the quieter dining area. A light music dance band would start playing in this section at 10:00 PM. Both he and the ladies were using corporate Uber transport since they planned on consuming a bit of wine with dinner and dancing.

Renee's and MCsee's plan was to always keep Emily between them, so she could follow their lead. Renee had clued Jules in that he should ask Emily to dance on a few of the slow drag songs, where he could easily lead her. She and MCsee would join them for a few slow dances keeping Em company, but their devious real plan was to give Emily the time of her life on the faster songs.

Jules was waiting at the table when the hostess led the ladies over. Emily was walking in the middle with their arms casually linked as they glammed their way to the table. Jules absolutely could not take his eyes off Emily, especially her spectacularly long luscious legs in that cute little black dress.

He stood and greeted each lady with a kiss on the cheek. When he came to Emily, she slightly moved her head to the right, offering Jules her lips. She whispered in his ear, "I am so excited, Jules. This is my first time ever at a dinner and dance club. Renee and MCsee styled my hair and put on our makeup. I am just so happy for this wonderful weekend, and I may kiss you one or two times while we slow dance as thanks for this special night."

Jules sighed, "You are absolutely stunning, Emily, and I want all of your slow dances tonight if that's okay with you."

Emily widely smiles, holding onto Jules's arm, "I want to dance-dance-dance the night away and will gladly give you every slow dance the band plays. You smell and feel so handsome tonight, aren't I the lucky lady?" She then kisses him gently as Jules seats her beside him. MCsee sat on the other side of Jules, and Renee sat next to her.

The four friends enjoyed a terrific evening out, with great conversation and dancing. Emily, Renee, and MCsee danced to several faster songs. The girls kept Emily in the center, holding hands while voicing their moves to her. Emily's dancing was not perfect, but her dazzling smile said it all as she enjoyed her first-ever social evening of dining and dancing.

Jules constantly talked with Emily encouraging her to try many fast dances with Renee and MCsee because she was with her best friends. He assured her that he was happy watching them dance and his time to dance with her would come soon when the band played a slow set.

Renee and MCsee also talked intimately about Judy and Paisley Walker's marriage, which Renee had not yet come to grips with. Renee was appalled by them being forced to keep their ten-year relationship and marriage secret out of fear of retaliation from BMS-C senior management.

MCsee offered Renee solace, "I know you are stunned by my moms' having to hide their relationship and marriage for over ten years. However, my nearly eleven years with two moms have been heaven compared to my life from four to twelve years old. I was four when I became old enough to realize the extent of my mom's pain from being abused and lived in real fear for eight years. Jesus sent Mom-Judy to us when we were almost at our breaking point, and I will always love her dearly." MCsee teared up, so Renee leans in close, softly cooing and rubbing her shoulders.

While Renee and MCsee were quietly talking, Jules said, "Come on, Emily, the band just started a slow set. This is one of my favorite ballads, so it is time for our dances and maybe one of those promised sweet kisses."

After rubbing MCsee's shoulders for a few minutes, Renee softly whispers, "I know that we are two ladies, MCsee, but I really love this ballad! Do you feel comfortable slow dancing closely with me in public?"

MCsee, with a huge grin, said, "Let's go dance beside Emily and Jules for the next few songs, so Em will know we are with her." The two of them strolled cutely out to the dance floor in their Little Black Dresses, intimately dancing while smirking at Jules and Emily. The two couples continued their quiet personal conversations on the slow dance set until the band took a break.

Back at the table, Emily gasped, "Whew, I must be getting old since I am danced out! Of course, this is my first time ever out dancing socially, so maybe it is normal for me to be tired with the tenseness of doing something new."

MCsee added, "I am also a bit tired, but have never had so much fun as in the past two days with you ladies. I really love my two moms to death, but I am quite happy they were waylaid for a day by the road construction emergency. Otherwise, the three of us may not have become fast and best friends like we are now."

The four friends cleared their dining tab, with Jules paying for the entire evening. He left a nice tip, also suggesting they take one Uber. The Uber would drop the ladies off first and then continue to Jules's place.

As they were preparing to leave, the hostess approached them. She was with a waitress who had been working in a different section. She had asked the hostess to introduce her to the four of them.

The darker-skinned waitress said, "My name is Rosalyn, and please forgive me, for I am not trying to be rude." She then looked intently at Emily, softly asking, "Are you really blind, or is that someone's idea of being a smart-alec?"

Emily smiles, "We do not like using the term Blind, which suggests that one is completely out of touch or contact with the real world. However, truthfully I was born sightless and have never seen anything, so the word out on me is true."

Emily continues, "May I ask why you are so concerned with my not seeing, since you asked to meet our group? But I have a strong feeling you really want to speak with me personally about my being sightless."

The waitress responds sadly, "My six-year-old daughter, Jaime, is blind, oops, I mean sightless. I worry so much about her future and happiness. As a mom, it has been so uplifting tonight seeing your zest for life and thinking maybe my daughter's future is not totally hopeless."

"I am Emily Jo Madison, with my lady friends Renee and MCsee. Jules is Renee's big brother and a really sweet guy." Emily leans in, giving Jules a kiss on the cheek. "I will be happy talking a lot more with you, Rosalyn. Right now, I am totally bushed after our long Friday night girl's PJ party, shopping most of today, and lots of dancing tonight!"

Emily asks Renee, "Do you have a business card in your clutch?" She explained to Rosalyn, "I will soon start my new job as the Human Resources Manager at BMS-AVT. I do not yet have business cards, but Renee is our Executive VP. Please email me at Renee's address with a photo of your daughter and contact information. Renee will forward your email to me, and I will respond. Since I am in transit to my new job at BMS-AVT, Renee and I will discuss the best time for inviting you and Jaime to share lunch with us.

Rosalyn smiles, "Thanks so much, Emily. I will follow through with emailing Renee. You all are such wonderful friends to each other and so kind to everyone. I wish that all of our customers were like you!"

Emily, being Emily, joked, "Watch what you wish for, Rosalyn. It would get pretty messy in here, were the restaurant filled with sightless people like me."

Rosalyn steps up, hugging Emily tightly, "You are just downright crazy, and I love it! Good night to all of you, and I will surely email Renee tomorrow."

The Uber dropped the girls off first before taking Jules home. Before the Uber left, Emily gave Jules a quick hug asking, "Will you stop by Renee's tomorrow?"

Jules answered, "You guys talk more tonight and Sunday morning on plans for the day. I know this is a ladies' weekend, and I am quite pleased with being included in today's breakfast, along with tonight's fun. Do not worry about me if you three want to do girly stuff tomorrow. I am so happy with you all becoming such good friends, as well as meeting other nice people such as Rosalyn."

Emily smiles saying, "Okay. We will talk tomorrow," giving Jules a soft goodbye kiss.

The ladies entered Renee's townhome, where Emily immediately started jumping up and down, dancing around, and hugging her two friends. She loudly yells, "Tonight is the best time I have ever experienced. I just loved fast dancing with you two crazies and being held securely in Jules's arms as we slow-dragged to many ballads."

Renee offered, "Let's enjoy a glass of wine together while discussing tonight's events. Em, I was so scared that you would be unhappy with me for pushing the situation with Jules. My elder brother has always supported me, even paying much of my university tuition, so I want the best for him.

"I know that Jules likes you a lot, Em, and I think you have definitely felt those strong vibes from him as well. He has never dated much, just working very hard to help support our family, especially me. I am thrilled about being back home and our companies working together on this extremely important COVID Type Therapy project.

"Now that Jules feels comfortable with our lives, he has the desire to socialize and date. I only want the best for my brother. I am certain you are that special person, Em. I have secretly engineered bringing you two together. Em, the signs of Jules and your feelings for each other are easily visible to those who really know and love both of you."

Emily clings to Renee, softly crying, "I am terrified, Renee! Jules is so smart, tender, handsome, loving, and a good brother and son, so I necessarily wonder why would he want someone like me who cannot see?"

Renee counters, "Trust your instincts, Emily! You know that Jules quietly watched you bump into things when you started working at Catawba. Then one day, he came over to ask if he could help, and you answered truthfully. You had never experienced this problem with moving around in a small space, once knowing where everything was placed. It seemed as if someone was playing a 'really nasty trick' by moving things, which could cause you to fall or trip.

"You and Jules worked together that night reorganizing the office layout to best suit your sightless mobility. Jules noticed the bruises on your legs and brought cream from his office to the guest waiting area. The cream would help reduce the pain and prevent major swelling. You asked him to massage the cream into your legs below the knees since it was hard for you to reach, being very tall. Jules massaged your sore legs for over thirty minutes, never going up past your knees or getting fresh."

Renee continued, "I know all of this because you confided in me, worried how you will be received as the HR Manager at BMS-AVT. Jules also confirmed the basic details when I asked him if I could consider you for the HR Manager's position. It was during our two conversations regarding your transfer to BMS-AVT that I realized Jules has strong emotional feelings for you."

Renee finishes with, "Em, go sleep on our discussion tonight, and if I am wrong in my beliefs, I will apologize to both Jules and you."