Milly Scott Pt. 00: The New Assistant


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Olivia, Grace and I went for lunch and we laughed as we caught up. I promised myself that I would stay in touch with them and that I would try to see them from time to time. As much as I adored Alex it was important to have friends as well and, apart from the wedding, I had neglected them for far too long.

I walked through Covent Garden towards the underground station from where it would be a quick trip to the main railway station so that I could travel home to the love of my life, my wife. I had plenty of time before my train and stopped to watch a busker when I realised that I was standing in front of a jewellers and that there in the window was a watch. Alex always wore a man's wrist watch and they suited her, this one was identical to one that she had admired in magazines several times and actually coveted. Without really thinking I walked in, spoke to the salesman and twenty minutes later I resumed my journey home having spent the money that I had been given a few hours ago.

I was sipping a glass of wine as the fields whizzed past. I opened the box and studied the watch, was I crazy to blow that much? I took another sip of wine and thought about it very briefly, no, the money was unexpected and I was in love. It would feel so good to give a gift to the person that I loved. She had given me things that no amount of money could buy. I smiled and closed my eyes.

Alex met me at the station with a huge hug. We dashed home and I told her about my day as we prepared dinner. Her day had been unremarkable.

I pushed my plate away and we stared at each other. I looked at my watch, "What time is it?"

"Are you going somewhere?" She checked her watch, "It's just after seven."

"Are you sure? Is your watch right?"

She looked puzzled, "Yes, it's the same as the wall clock."

I was trying hard not to laugh, "I think you need a new watch." I slid the box across the table. It was worth all the money that I had paid just to see the expression as she stared at the name on the box.

She looked at me with an unspoken question and moved a hand towards it but it was as if she expected to get a shock and she hesitated, then she flipped the lid. I would have paid double the amount to see the look of incredulity and awe as she looked at the watch.

"Fuck, Milly why? Have you lost your mind? Too much, too much."

I put my hand on hers, "I love you, it's a gift and to see the look on your face it's worth every penny. Please put it on."

I had to help her to close the clasp because her hand was shaking. When she finally had it on she held her arm out and admired it and then looked at me and smiled and her eyes shone. "I don't want to appear ungrateful but why and you can't afford this."

"Simple, I love you and I wanted you to have it and I could afford it. Like it?"

"I want to accuse you of asking a dumb question but you might take it back if I do. Thank you, thank you so much. I love you." The dishes were left as she grabbed me around the waist and half carried half dragged me to the bedroom.

She would not let me do anything that night except kiss her. She stroked me, kissed me, sucked on my nipples and clit. She made me come so many times it was ecstasy and when I eventually pushed her away she cuddled me and kept saying thank you and I love you.

A magazine that Alex wrote numerous articles for sent an email asking for a view on a specific political strategy. I had developed a habit of starting to do the research that she needed before passing the request over to her. Sometimes she would ask me to do some further searches before she started writing. On this occasion I carried out the research as normal and I knew that she had a lot on her plate, so I drafted what I thought were some useful bullet points for her. I left it for her to read.

The next morning I took her coffee through, "Miss Morgan I have your coffee, will there be anything else?" I curtsied as I stood at her desk, she looked and laughed.

"Pack it in. Hey, that article outline that you did, really good, it will be a great help when I get round to it. Thanks Milly, love you."

By mid afternoon I had caught up and really had nothing to do except some filing and that did not enthuse me. I picked up the outline that I had prepared for the article and after a moments' thought 'why not have ago.' So I started writing and it seemed to flow pretty well. I was well aware that Alex would have written it in half the time that I took but by the time we left for home I was pretty happy with what I had.

After sorting through the emails the next morning I edited what I had written and was pleased with it. When I next delivered coffee I left it on the corner of her desk.

I was about to go and make some sandwiches for lunch when I heard her. "MIlly, get in here." Ooops! I peered round the door.

"You wailed Miss Morgan?"

"MIlly stop mucking about with this Miss Morgan stuff and tell me about this." I explained what I had done and why but I was just a little worried that I had overstepped or made a complete mess of it.

"Not only great legs, but pretty damn smart and insightful. This is good. There are points in this that I would not have thought of and I might have reached a slightly different view on some of it."

"Sorry Alex. I knew you were busy and thought it might help."

"Don't apologise it's brilliant. Could you get Zoe on the phone for me?" Zoe was her agent. I heard nothing more and made lunch which I took through to her office and I sat on the couch as she finished her phone call.

She looked at me and I grinned back at her, she was gorgeous and I was feeling mischievous so I flashed my panties at her.

"Behave yourself Miss Scott. Actually Zoe is going to submit that article and explain that it is from one of my staff, an assistant writer."

"Okay?" I shrugged, I was puzzled.

"It means that your name will be on the article, congratulations."

I was stunned, I had never intended that but she was obviously pleased judging by her smirk. "Does that mean that I get a pay rise?"

"No, but you do get to sleep with the boss."

"Gee thanks." She threw a cushion at me.

"Actually I'm pleased and proud and I love you." I was proud as well, very proud, now I was a writer.

A couple of days later Zoe emailed the proof for the article that I had written. I also needed to sign an agreement for her to be my agent! I had an agent! I read the proof and at the bottom it concluded with some details about me -- it did not say very much: I had been working as a researcher and this was one of my first articles. It gave my name; Milly Scott. I sipped my coffee and closed my eyes. I had never thought about my name, wasn't I Mrs Morgan now? Was I? Did I like that?

By the time that I finished my coffee I had my answer. I sent Alex and email asking for an appointment to see her, that should amuse her, I never did that, in fact I made all of her appointments.

She yelled, "Milly what the hell is this, an appointment?"

I strolled through to her office and gave her my best simper, "Yes Miss Morgan, I'm just a humble typist and you are so important I did not want to just walk in." I gave her a grin.

She burst out laughing, "Okay Miss Scott the typist or should that be secretary, researcher, writer, lover? What do you want?"

"Actually I'd like you to address me by my proper name please." I looked serious and she looked puzzled.


"It's Milly Scott-Morgan and I'd prefer if you would address me properly."

"What?" Somehow it seemed that her brain had ceased to function or she had become deaf, but maybe I needed to let her off the hook.

"I'm changing my name if you don't mind. I'm still Milly Scott but I want to add yours, so Milly Scott-Morgan sounds good. What do you think?"

She got up still looking stunned and walked round her desk to put her arms around me. It felt great and then she grinned, "Really?"

"Really," I replied, "I like it."

She kissed me for a while. "I like it as well. Thank you."

I laughed as I went back to work. Ten minutes later I got an email from Alex Morgan asking me to attend at her office.

I stood at the door, "You called."

"Can you change my auto signature?"

"Yes, easy."

"I want it to say Alex Scott-Morgan, please." I stood looking at her like a goldfish.

Half an hour later I managed to pick up the papers that had fallen from her desk in the mad passion that followed when she threw me over the desk and ripped my panties off, literally.

We had been working very hard and decided to go away somewhere warm so that we could relax. This time we went to the Seychelles. It was magical, the weather was great and we had one of those cabins on stilts which meant that we could slip into the sea straight from bed.

For our second night Alex suggested that we have dinner in our cabin and arranged for one of the staff to serve it. We ate lobster and drank some very cold white wine, it was very tasty and I felt like royalty. The person who served us cleared the plates, served portions of cheesecake and a pot of coffee before leaving us. We sat outside listening to the waves lapping against the wooden supports and watching the stars overhead.

"Milly, that was lovely. I am a very lucky woman and I love you very much. I have something for you." She handed me a box that obviously contained jewellery and I gasped.

I lifted the lid to see that the box contained a bracelet; it was three bands that were each a different colour, of what I assumed were gold, and that were interlinked.

"In Russia they have wedding rings of that same design but I love the bracelet."

"It is beautiful." I slid it over my fingers but it came to a stop and would not go any further. It would be fine on the wrist but it did not quite go. I was scared to look up and when I did I saw what I expected, Alex looked crestfallen and gutted.

"Oh Milly, I'm so sorry, I can get it changed."

"Just wait." I could fix this. I went into the bathroom and got a tube of lube that I had in my toilet bag. I had expected to use it during some of our games but this was important. I covered my right hand and washed my left so that I could get a good grip. I slid the bangle on and tucked my thumb in tight. It was still sticking but I was determined and gritted my teeth. One more good push, I gasped, "Fuck, that fucking hurt."

Alex rushed in, "are you okay?" she asked.

I held up my right wrist in triumph, "Sorted, some lube, brute force and determination, and a bruise."

She laughed and then scowled, "It looks great but how will you get it off?"

I stared at her with a look of incredulity, "Why would I want to take it off? Did you not mean for me to wear it?"

"Of course, but not all the time."

"Too late for that, it's on and it's staying. I love it and thank you." I gave her my best kiss, which although I say it myself was quite something.

I took her hand and led her back to the deck where she drank coffee whilst I teased her for a few minutes then lost the few clothes that I had been wearing. As I nuzzled between her thighs I looked up at her, "I am wearing three things and you gave me them all."

She looked puzzled so I raised my left hand on which I wore wedding and engagement rings and then my right which had the bangle.

We both swam naked that evening and Alex made me come twice in the sea before we went for a shower. That had to be a brief one because of water scarcity but we made up for it on the floor, on the couch and in the bed.

Alex had been working on a book when I first started working for her but progress had been slow. I managed to make room for her to write more and after 18 months it was finished and being edited. It left me a little more time and one day I had no work to do so I pulled out my sketch pad.

There had been a story on the news about a nasty argument in parliament the previous day between the PM and Leader of the Opposition, who clearly did not have a great deal of time for each other. They both had quirky looks and I sat doodling. Before I knew it I had a sketch, well more of a cartoon of the two of them face to face over the Dispatch Box. I had just finished when Alex came in and saw what I had done.

"That is so good, and funny. Can I scan it?" I gave it to her, it was just a bit of fun.

The following day she took a call from her agent and then appeared at my office door. "Your sketch is going into my book. It is a great illustration of some observations that I made about our politicians."

I was shocked, it was a bit of fun. "Don't be daft it's not that good."

"Actually it is and I am proud to use and give you credit and I may even buy you some new heels by way of thank you."

"New heels is that all I'm worth? In any case that is just you buying something for yourself so that you can have lewd and evil thoughts when you stare at my legs." I pouted.

She laughed, "Correct."

A couple of months later the book was published and for the next week I wore a pair of very expensive and very high heels at the office and Alex asked me keep them on for sex everyday that week and frequently afterwards as well.


I heard a screech and the sound of a collision that was so loud that I went to the window. As I looked down I saw a leg bent at an impossible angle, a car at another strange angle and a head, Alex's head, and there was blood, a lot of blood.

Jess held my arm as I got out of the car and I could barely see the coffin through the tears. People said words but I did not hear them, I sat trying to remember her face, her eyes, what were her last words to me? Why had this happened? Was god angry at me because I fell in love with a girl?

I have no clear recollection of the next few hours or the next day, but I found myself driving north. I had no idea where I was going, no plan. I could barely see the road for tears but eventually I saw a sign that said Lake District. I had never been there but I knew of a poem about daffodils that was set there so I followed the signs and I ran out of road in a small village near to a large lake.

I sat outside of the pub and wailed some more. She had promised never to leave me and I loved her and wanted her back. I wanted one last kiss, one last touch, one last smile, one last hug. I was alone, oh so alone.

Someone knocked on the car window and asked if I was okay. They told me that there was a small hotel at the end of the road. I asked for a room and got to bed and cried some more. I lay there in the early hours of that morning and thought about how I could kill myself so that I could be with her again. I could walk into the lake, that would do it? I fell asleep for the first time in a week.

The sun was out and someone came into the room and spoke to me. They were worried about me. I got up and washed and went down stairs, they gave me tea and toast. I sat outside and stared at the water. I felt that it was calling to me; I think that I was delirious, and then I heard a voice, a voice that said 'no, no, Alex would not want you to do that.'

I was angry at her, so very angry even though loved her. I sat there all day until it was time for dinner when I picked at some food then went to bed. When I got up the next day I did the same thing. I just sat there.

"Miss Morgan, are you Milly Scott, Milly Morgan?"

I looked up but I could not see anything really except a black shape against the sky. The tears had stung my eyes so much that I was almost blinded. I dabbed at them with a tissue, it was a police officer.

"I'm sorry. Yes, I'm Milly Scott-Morgan, have I done something wrong officer?"

"I'm Jenny Nelson, can I call you Milly?" I nodded and she sat.

"A lot of people have been worried about you. They have reported you missing. Are you okay?"

I sniffed and felt the tears coming again, "No not really, she's gone, my Alex has gone and left me and I ...."

"You have no idea how you are going to cope without her and you think that life is not worth living and you are hiding here."

"How do you know?"

"I was told what had happened before you vanished. It was not difficult for me to work it out. Can I get you some tea and you can tell me all about it?"

I don't know how a police officer managed to find an hour to listen to a sobbing idiot spill her darkest thoughts but she did and it helped a little. She advised me to go home and speak to the people who cared for me and take care of the things that needed to be attended to and to take one day at a time. Doing things would be better that just sitting. She was right and her kindness made me feel a little bit better.

Jenny came back to the hotel the next morning as I was about to leave, to check on me. She gave me a hug and wished me luck before I drove off.

The end

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FlynDutchmanFlynDutchman2 months ago

Brilliant in drawing your reader in, making us present and apart of the story, feeling the love, joy, anger and pain! So heart felt.

nawrtyboynawrtyboy4 months ago

Great story,so many stories on here are busy being explicit and very little storyline,this was loving and erotic,yes the ending was sad,but it life we don't always live happily ever after.

Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai6438 months ago

A really great story!

Incredibly traumatic ending!

But that's how life is sometimes from sunshine and lollipops to absolute hell in the blink of an eye!

So well written!

Thank you for sharing!

kbone1kbone19 months ago

I hated it! The story is so heart breaking, that it made me want to cry. I am sorry about being hateful, but the story is so sad!

burrito54burrito5410 months ago

Great story. Going to read more of your work.

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