The New Neighborhood Ch. 12


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"Sean, can I ask you a very candid question. Everything we discuss here is confidential."

"Yes, ask me anything," replied Sean.

"When was the last time that you had sex?" I asked with a kind calm voice.

"Ummmm, you mean with a woman," He replied hesitantly.

"I mean with any other human being," I clarified.

"Well," he sighed. "Never, I never have," he admitted and seemed proud of that record.

"When was the last time that you kissed someone passionately?"

"Never," he replied again, getting a bit defensive.

"Sean, you and I look at the world differently. I firmly believe that human intimacy is essential for happiness. Can I introduce you to one of the women that I love more than life itself?"

"Yes, I would love to meet her," he replied sincerely, but also clearly perplexed by my declaration of love for more than one woman.

We each took another swig of beer. I stood up, "Give me a minute. I'll be right back." And I moved down the hall to the master suite.

Molly and Trixie greeted me. "What's happening out there?" Asked Molly.

"He's just like a teenage boy, but he's almost 30 and because he is a priest, he is quite proud of his virginity. Can you put on something sexy with a conservative dress covering them?" I asked Molly.

"Sure, but I won't do anything unless I'm certain that he wants it," she smiled.

I went back out with Sean. "Molly will be out in a few minutes," I smiled.

"Thank you Tom. You have been very kind. So are you telling me that the happiness in these families is simply because you have helped them to rekindle their love and to bring intimacy back into their marriages?"

"It's more fundamental than that. I simply have asked them to look at their lives and be honest with themselves and each other about what they want," I began.

"So you mean the couples, right?" interjected Sean.

"Well, yes, the couples, but also each of the adult individuals," I corrected him and braced myself to face my greatest fear.

"But Tom, we are talking about intimacy as a path to happiness. That's only for a man and a woman who have pledged themselves to each other in marriage."

"Sean, you and I look at life differently. I see marriage as a bond between two people who love each other and would do anything to strengthen that bond and ensure mutual happiness.

"I don't see that as a difference. That is exactly how I counsel the couples that bring their marital issues to my attention."

"How can you counsel them when you have no experience with either marriage or intimacy," I asked carefully.

"I have the word of the Lord to guide me," smiled Sean.

"So if a married woman comes to you and confesses that she has had sex with a man who is not her husband, what do you say to her."

"I'd tell her the truth, that she has sinned in the eyes of the Lord. That Satan is finding his way into her life. That she must repent and ask her husband for forgiveness," replied Sean. "How could you tell her anything else?"

"Sean, you said you came here, not in your official capacity as a priest, but it's clear that you only look at the world through the eyes of your religious convictions. I would not tell this woman anything, I would ask her questions. I would get her to talk about what led her to seek sexual gratification with another man."

"Why would that matter? She has sinned and must repent!"

"It might be nice if life were that simple. This scenario seems simple until you start asking questions. Then it gets complicated. In my experience what people are seeking is happiness."

"I agree," replied Sean. "Believe in God, and follow in his footsteps and you will be happy."

"Sean, people are more complicated than that. There is no single path to happiness. However, most people find happiness in connections with other people. These connections range from simple conversation to hugs, and can include kissing, and more intimate endeavors."

"Molly and I share a similar view toward life. Neither of us wants to force you to change your views. All we can do is give you a chance to explore the options. It's totally up to you. Would you like to meet her now?"

"Yes, I would," he smiled nervously.

"I'll be right back. I'll get her." I walked down the hall and entered the master suite.

"Hi, how's it going out there," smiled Molly.

"Even worse than I had feared. He's like an ignorant young teenage boy who thinks that he has all the answers," I sighed.

"Let me talk to him. I won't pressure him into anything, but if what Kate and Tory tell us is true, there is a chink in his armour."

I went back out with Sean and waited for Molly.

Molly came out looking absolutely stunning. Her eyes sparkled and her smile was captivating. She walked up to Sean. "Hi, I'm Molly, welcome to our house."

"Uh, Hi, Hi Molly," replied Sean, clearly tongue tied. "I'm Sean, and I'm glad to be here."

"Let's go sit in the living room to talk", as she took his hand and led him to the couches.

"I'll bring you something to drink," I offered.

They were chatting away as I brought them each a glass of wine. Molly had minored in religious studies so she and Sean connected on an intellectual level.

They sat on the sectional sofa near the corner. They were close enough for a quiet conversation. Occasionally their knees would bump or Molly would lean over, laugh and flirtatiously touch Sean's thigh.

"So Molly, do you have the same beliefs as your husband when it comes to human happiness?" Asked Sean.

"Oh, Tom and I aren't married, but yes, we believe that intimacy is essential for human happiness. That can range from heartfelt conversations, like this one, to hugging and kissing and of course, making love," smiled Molly.

Sean set his glass of wine on the coffee table and stood up, clearly flustered. "I, I, I have to go," he stuttered with tears in his eyes.

Molly felt her heart ache for the young man, stood up and hugged him. The dress and her thin lacy bra did nothing to detract from the sensation of her breasts pressing into his chest. This flustered him even more as his aroused body betrayed his beliefs.

Sean ran into the bathroom, closed and locked the door. The sound proofing was good, but he could be heard sobbing, blowing his nose, but mostly there was silence. Finally he emerged and walked up to the two of us.

"I'm not sure what I expected to do here today. You're right Tom, I said that I wasn't coming in my official capacity as a priest, but I can't separate myself from that. I don't want to."

He started walking toward the door, and Molly called out, "Are you sure that you can drive in your current condition?"

He ignored Molly's question and simply shouted, "I have to get out of here! Satan owns this house and you are both going to Hell!"

He left, slamming the door and went out and locked himself in his car.

"Well, that was fun!" I joked. "Remind me to thank Kate and Tory."

"He's a prisoner of his beliefs," sighed Molly. "But in some ways, we all are."

"I think he came here thinking that he'd find a link between our way of life, our path to happiness, and his belief system," I smiled. "Oddly, he doesn't see it, but the link is simple. He believes that God made man and woman, and they were created with abilities for passion, sensual exploration and orgasmic pleasure."

"He is young, and needs to find a way that works for him."

"He's still out there, sitting in his car and staring at the sky," I grumbled. "Why did I even consider meeting with him. I wanted to avoid the drama that might have been created by ignoring him, but what I've created is much worse."

"I love you Tom," smiled Molly to interrupt my rant. "And I love the way that you share your thoughts out loud with me. This may shake up the neighborhood, but we have both survived much worse and we'll survive this too." She smiled and hugged me, kissing me softly on the lips.

I checked outside and his car was gone. Then I looked up the street and I saw him walking up to Tory's house. I laughed at myself for labeling it that. I'm pretty sure that Tim and Melissa purchase it, and that Rick would take umbrage with that label as well. "He's headed up to Tory's house," I quietly informed Molly.

"I'm not sure how this is going to work out," began Molly, "But I have to believe that it will," she smiled.

"As long as I have you, Heather and Mike, I'll be happy."

"What about Trixie?" Asked Molly

"Oh no, she's still in the bedroom waiting. I think we need to let her know what happened."

"Well, there you are," smiled Trixie. "If you two are going to Hell, can you please take me with you," She joked.

"So I guess you heard?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, you never should have sold your house."

"What?" I asked, perplexed by her statement.

"You know, Satan owns it now," she laughed and both Molly and I smiled.

"I think that we were overly optimistic to think that a 30 year-old Catholic priest would be intrigued by our lifestyle," pondered Molly.

"I wonder what he's telling the other families?" I sighed.

"I guess we got all dressed up for nothing," sighed Trixie.

Molly leaned in and whispered in Trixie's ear and she smiled.

"If you don't mind Tom, we're going to stay dressed," smiled Molly as I watched the two women help each other out of their dresses while leaving on their shoes, stockings and other sexy and nearly transparent undergarments.

"Thank you ladies! You have brought out the sunshine on a very cloudy day," I quipped.

I gave them each a long hug, a passionate kiss, and soft caressing gropes of their firm exposed asses.

We all moved out to the living room. My phone buzzed with a call from Claire. "Heather, Mike and I are all wondering how the visit is going with Father Mulcahy?"

"Thank you for clearing out. I hope your time at the library was more productive than his visit," I replied.

"Come on home and we'll fill you in," chimed Molly who was holding me from behind and pressing her body against mine. I ended the call and she reached down and caressed my engorged cock. "Somebody's day is perking up," she laughed.

A short time later, another call came in from Melissa. "Hi Tom, I'm calling to apologize for the unnecessary drama. Father Mulcahy came to visit us and he told us what happened. It sounds like he made an ass of himself!"

"Hi Melissa, we're OK, although we had hoped the visit would be somewhat friendlier," I replied calmly.

"We'd like to come over and let you know what happened here. I hope it will clear the air. Is that OK," asked Melissa with a pleading tone in her voice.

"Certainly! Come on over so we can fill each other in and talk about how this may impact the neighborhood.

As the three of us waited, both Molly and Trixie decided to remain dressed as they were. I sat at the kitchen table and each of them stood at one end and leaned over, supported on their elbows.

"You look worried," said Molly as she lifted her head, looked into my eyes and smiled.

I smiled at her, "Well on one hand, it's hard not to worry with all the drama that we had earlier. But on the other hand, sitting here looking at two beautiful, scantily clad women, has my blood rushing to the head that never worries!"

"Would you be less worried if you fucked me," chirped Trixie as she spread her legs, reached back, pulled her thong to one side, and wiggled her hips invitingly.

Moments later the front door opened and in walked Mike, Claire and Heather. They joined us in the kitchen. "Oh! Is this what you wore to seduce Sean," asked Heather.

"We never got that far but decided to leave them on to stimulate Tom's imagination," laughed Molly.

"Are you expecting company?" asked Claire.

"Yes, Melissa called and they're coming over," I replied.

"They'll be here soon. We saw them coming down the street when we got here, " warned Mike.

Molly and Trixie stood up, and we were all ready to greet the guests when they knocked.

I checked the door cam, laughed and said,"It looks like they brought an army!

Heather answered their knock and in came Melissa, Tim, Rick, Tory and Pop. They were also joined by the other Catholic family of Keith, Suzie and Kate.

"Welcome everyone!" greeted Molly cheerily. "Let's all have a seat in the living room."

"Before we get started," began Melissa. "I want you to know that everyone who just descended on your home, has come of their own volition, and is 1000% in support of everyone who lives here, the lifestyle that you've chosen, and all that you have done help our families and others in the community."

I breathed a sigh of relief, and both Molly and I had to take a moment to clear our teary eyes that had welled up as a reaction to Melissa's strong kind words.

"We were a bit surprised when Father Mulcahy showed up on our doorstep this morning," began Tim. "We welcomed him in and he related his story of his brief visit with the two of you."

"Do you think that he told you the truth," I asked.

"Well, yes. At least regarding the facts. His opinions, on the other hand, were just that, his opinions," barked Melissa.

"When he arrived, he asked if we could invite Keith and his family over, which we did. He then proceeded to tell the details of your short visit. He was very complimentary about your hospitality and candidness. He was so proud of himself when he got you to tell him that you were promoting intimacy and sexual relations outside of marriage. This was when my blood started to boil," growled Melissa.

"We all know that you were kind, as you always are, and that you explained your views on happiness to him as you have to us in the past," added Suzie.

"When he told us, with glee, how he had declared your home the House of Satan, that was when Melissa erupted like a volcano," smiled Keith.

"To be fair, I simply told him that he was a pompous little piece of shit," smiled Melissa. "Then I made him listen to all that you have done to help others, and I have a feeling we don't know the whole story there. I also told him about my incestuous relationship with Pop, and how he became Rick's biological father."

"And I told him how wonderful it is for me to make love with my father too," added Tory.

"I told him how you had saved our marriage and how happy Suzie, Kate and I are now." began Keith. "We were careful not to tell him about sex between people who weren't in the room with us. But I did tell him about me making love not just with Suzie, but also with Kate, Melissa and Tory."

"I think that it may have pushed him over the edge when I told him how much I enjoy sucking cocks and licking pussies," laughed Tory

"Or when Kate, Melissa and I chimed in, 'Me Too!'" smiled Suzie.

"Father Mulcahy, broke down in tears and ran from the house, without saying a word. I imagine that we have seen the last of him in this neighborhood," finished Tim.

"That was quite a visit. In general I like to avoid drama, but I wish that I could have been there to hear Melissa erupt. I hope that this won't interfere with your regular attendance at church?"

"No, we have vowed to keep the faith and not to let us be chased away from the church by a priest that clearly needs to get a grip on reality," smiled Suzie.

"Yes, yes, I think that's important, but honestly I was mostly thinking about how much I enjoyed stripping Tory and Kate out of their church dresses before fucking them for the first time," I chuckled.

As we all relaxed, and pushed Sean Mulcahy from our minds, I looked around and realized we had quite a crowd, with six men and eight women. Trixie broke the ice when she stripped off her thong and whispered in my ear.

"Trixie will be a Free Use Slut for the remainder of the day. Don't ask her what she wants, just use her as you like. And her one request is that you be creative!"

The gathering disrobed and couples and groups quickly formed. Molly and Claire came to my side as the remaining women and men gathered around Trixie. Tim spoke to her and soon she was on her knees, sucking five cocks while the conversation continued.

Claire helped Molly out of her thong and I removed her bra. I kissed Molly while Claire dropped to her knees and sucked on my throbbing cock.

We kept an eye on Trixie to ensure that she was getting what she wanted. All five men warmed up with fucking her throat. Several of the women joined her in that experience but begged off on taking either Pop's or Rick's cocks deep in their throats.

I lay down on the floor and Molly and Claire took turns riding my throbbing hard shaft. Molly was riding my cock and Claire moved to kneel over my face, allowing me to lick her ass, pussy and clit. Our arousals grew and soon I groaned, "Aaaannnnnggggghhhhh!!!" And shot streams of cum deep into Molly. This triggered her orgasm as Claire's pussy was cumming into my mouth. The women collapsed into each other's arms as we all turned to see what else was happening in the room.

We saw Trixie spit roasted by men rotating through both her face and pussy. Each time that she took a load in her pussy, one of the women would volunteer to suck it out and lick her clean. Nobody was focused on Trixie getting off. The focus was only on using her sluttly little holes for their pleasure.

Suzie and Melissa were sitting on the floor leaning against the couch and each other. Each of them had their fingers probing the cum-filled pussy of the other, while they watched Trixie's next adventure.

Finally Tim, Pop and Rick made her airtight, with Pop in her pussy, Tim in her ass and Rick in her throat. They fucked her till they all groaned and came, dumping their remaining cum into Trixie, as she finally climaxed in silence and collapsed on top of Pop.

"I've got to try that," chirped Suzie.

"I really loved it," giggled Melissa.

Suzie was wide eyed and astonished as she turned to Melissa, kissed her softly on the lips and whispered, "I have got to hear that story."

End Chapter 12

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4chuckssite4chuckssite2 months ago

As a Catholic, I am glad you let Sean keep his values. However, following the trends of this neighborhood in your writing, I enjoyed the frolics of the neighborhood as presented.

jpattison1101jpattison1101about 2 years ago

I read the entire series and was completely captivated, enthralled, and aroused the entire time reading all 12 episodes. Please, please, please don't stop writing. I would love to read more of your work. I truly hope you can continue with this story line and like you said in the very beginning, you could also write about the first time Heather seduced Tom.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Please write more!

heroticaheroticaover 2 years ago

airtight at its best

Bronco56Bronco56over 2 years ago

I love this story. It is a very fun and erotic read. Thanks and I am looking forward to the next chapter.


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