The Oathkeepers Ch. 07


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Her mouth was small, heated and panting. She nipped at his upper lip teasingly and he groaned. Though he tried to hold back, his kiss turned hungry. He wanted to consume her, wanted to delve so deep within her they could never be pulled apart again. He sent his tongue questing, taking her, showing her how he would eventually make her his in every way. His Zoe. His human. He growled as he dropped a hand to her waist and hoisted her back on the bed. He scrambled up, lifting her light body beneath his so he could straddle her on the bed.

"Ouch!" she screeched into his mouth. He jerked back from her "My ankle," she gasped, her face screwing in pain.

Shame rose within him. He was like an animal, unable to control himself around her. Aegis pulled back. "I'm sorry. That was--"

"It was fine," she said, her voice breathless as she lay beneath him in the bed. Aegis's cock throbbed as he stared down at her. Though she tried to comfort him, he sensed the pain radiating from her. He took her in. Wild golden hair, dried blood on her ripped dress. He couldn't bear the sight.

"It wasn't. I shouldn't have. You need rest, a shower, new clothes, food. I'm acting like a monster," he sighed as he pulled from her. He felt his own aching wounds as well. And his hungry belly. There would be time for all of THAT later. He suddenly felt they had all the time in the world. "Go, shower, get clean, I think you'll find some new clothes in the bathing room. They'll be large, but good enough for now. I'll make some food."

She grabbed at his hand as he turned away. Those wide eyes of hers laughed at him. "If you're a monster I am as well." She pulled his hand gently to her face. Kissing his palm with her silken lips. She glanced up to him. "But I'm also starving," she grinned.


Aegis pulled Zoe up and helped her limp to the bath room. She was still too aware of his presence, his bulk next to her. Suddenly she couldn't bear not to be touching him. But he situated her within the small (by Oathkeeper standards) room and left her to it. Like everything else in the station, the bath was stark with only a shower and the other essentials. She slipped her stained dress over her head and peered at herself in the mirror. Her face had a vicious bruise where the other Onyx had slapped her. Her eye was nearly swollen shut and the deep purple snaked across her cheek down to her jaw. She moved her hands across her skin, everything felt sensitive, sore, abraded. The bruise from Paragon's fingers around her neck was all but gone though. Like him.

She slipped into the shower. As the heated water pounded against her head she let it dull her mind. She felt she vibrated, inside and out. Aegis felt like he was all around her. Seeping into her skin. She lathered her body, scrubbing at the dried blood, the sweat and abuses of the last few days. What could she scrub from her? What was now a part of her?

Drying after her shower, she dug through a cabinet for clothes. Pale ivory coveralls, a few pairs of pants, vests. She turned over the strange clothes. All had places for the wings on the backs. She chuckled as she pulled on one of the pairs of coveralls. Casting around she found a rope belt at the bottom of the cabinet and cinched it around her waist. She was forced to roll the sleeves and hem of the pants but still swam within the suit. She fiddled with the back. There were two wide slits for wings with a buckle over the top to clasp the collar closed after slipping it on.

She laughed as she turned in the mirror, not the most flattering or practical outfit for a human. But it would do for now. She picked back up her damaged dress, suddenly feeling sadness at its state. She realized now how much work Paragon had done to prepare for her. The dress was still lovely, though it was ripped in a few places and stained with Onyx blood. She fingered it, then dropped it into the sink, resolving to clean and repair it as best she could.

She poked her head out the door of the bath. "Do you think there's a sewing kit somewhere?"

Aegis cocked his head. He had a few packages from the food supplies scattered on the counter and that suddenly familiar smell of the oniony soup he'd made her that first day wafted. Her stomach yowled its excitement. "There should be. That seems like an essential. I'll check in the supply closet after." He picked up a couple of the bowls and placed them on the small table next to the kitchen.

Zoe's eyes went wide as she took in the spread he'd filled the table with. She didn't recognize any of the Oathkeeper provisions, but her stomach didn't care. She hurried across the room, her ankle grumbling at her as she limped. Aegis smirked at her as he set the soup bowls on the table and studied their feast. "Anything I'm missing?" he asked.

"If you are, I don't care," Zoe grinned as she dropped into one of the chairs and grabbed up one of the flatbreads from a heaping plate in the center of the table. Somehow, even with Bastion and his fleet sitting over Homeworld, she still felt a weight had lifted. Aegis's face was the most open she'd ever seen it. His eyes still followed her, but affectionately, with humor and hope now. Zoe squeezed at her slowly drying hair as she dipped her flatbread into the soup and took a huge bite.

"It's the best right? When you aren't feeling well," Aegis nodded as he dipped into his soup.

"It really is," she said with a full mouth. "So." She swallowed, started again. "So, I was thinking. You wanted me to know Paragon when he was good. Will you tell me about him? About your people?"

Aegis stilled, his eyes dropping to his food as he methodically chewed. She felt how his mind worked. Though she didn't have that Oathkeeper psychic ability it was becoming too easy to read Aegis. "What do you want to know?" he finally asked.

"I don't know...I'm just curious I suppose. How did your people end up where they are now. The Gilded now extinct. Onyx will follow eventually..." she trailed off.

"Yes. Eventually we will." His dark eyes were so far away. "Long ago, when your people were still discovering fire on your Earth, it was the height of the Oathkeepers, The Glory. Of the power of the Gilded. During the time of Glory, a Gilded ruled on each of our worlds, with the queen here on Homeworld ruling over them all. But, as happens, some pushed too hard. Wanted power for their family. The Gilded clashed, set the lower colors against each other. When the dust settled there were less than twenty Gilded remaining with Paragon's grandmother triumphant as queen. She'd had three daughters. One died during the Glory, one was Paragon and Bastion's mother, the last was mine. And then no more Gilded females were born. The last slowly died, leaving just Paragon."

"So they brought it upon themselves..." Zoe mused. She felt the weight of this dying civilization. One that had risen and fell among the stars when her people were still learning to walk.

"They did," Aegis bowed his head.

"But what of your mother? You called her Oathbreaker."

He stiffened and glanced to her. "She was. She was angry after the war. Disdainful of the other Gilded. She thought they'd brought their doom upon themselves as well. And when she fell in love with an Onyx, she refused to mate with any of the remaining Gilded. She said that they deserved to go extinct. That valuing Gilded over an Onyx, or Ivory or Sapphire was what had brought about their downfall in the first place. That mating without love, just to produce more Gilded was what created the grasping ones that started the war."

Zoe reached a hand for his. His expression was so dark, filled with bitter sorrow. "Perhaps she was right. And I think she'd be proud to see the Onyx you've become," she whispered.

The urge to comfort this beautiful, sad, obsidian being coursed through her. The violet of his eyes pulsed as he stared at her.

Zoe stood, moved slowly around the table to stand in front of him. She inched closer, nudged his knees apart so she stood between his thighs. Standing in front of him brought her to his eye height for the first time. Tenderly she picked up his hands, placed them on her waist as she ran her eyes over his naked torso. She dug her fingers into his broad chest, relishing the cool, granite-hard muscles. Up she traced her fingers to his strong shoulders. Still higher she moved to the coiled, barrel neck. Then she found his face. She wanted to memorize each sharp line. Each swooping detail of his gently pointed ears, his full lips.

She kissed him, pressing against him as she ran her lips over his. He sucked in a breath and his grip on her waist tightened. Gently, he lifted her, sat her in his lap so she straddled him. Her lips never left his.

Achingly slow she explored, teased at him. She sucked at his bottom lip, nipping and darting her tongue coyly into his mouth. His arms wrapped around her and she felt the subtle shift. His kiss turned hungry, he parted her mouth, delving possessively into her. Deeper his tongue lapped as he sucked the air from her lungs and clutched her tight against him.

She shifted her hips, felt the budge of his manhood between her thighs. Arcs of arousal coursed through her as she ran her hands down his hulking body. She gripped at his waist, wanting to tug him into her as she began to grind her pelvis against him. A wave of pleasure ripped through her as she pressed against him. He growled softly into her mouth and then grabbed at her hair, gently pulled her head back to give access to her throat. Zoe nearly purred in excitement. She dropped her head back in submission and Aegis's mouth fell upon her. He ran his tongue along her neck, sucking and nibbling at her. His hands moved lower, gripping her ass now as he helped her move against him. His length was hard as granite, insistent between her legs and she moved against it, knowing she set him alive just as the exhilaration mounted within her.

His teeth grazed her neck, took her earlobe into his mouth. Zoe moaned, frantically grabbing at his hips to try to pull him closer. "I will fuck you now," he whispered huskily into her ear.

"Yes," she moaned, dipping her head back to kiss him ravenously.

He rose from the chair, forcing her to wrap her legs once more around his waist. His lips never left her. They ran along her neck, grabbed at her mouth, plunged lower to bite lightly at her collarbone. He dropped onto the bed, lowering her gently beneath him. Zoe melted into the bed, committing each beautiful detail of her Onyx to memory. He leaned over her, expertly unbuttoned her coveralls. No knife this time. She let him work, move her body like she weighed nothing as he pulled the clothing from her. When she lay naked, he paused, running his eyes over her and she knew he tried to memorize the picture as well. She arched slightly, throwing her head back invitingly.

"You're mine," he rasped. It was nearly a question.

"I'm yours," she agreed as she glanced back to him, her eyes heavy with lust.

He tugged at his own pants, freeing his swollen and throbbing cock. Zoe moaned, imagining it moving inside her. Finally. He knelt over her, held her eyes as reached to fondle her nipples. His large, cool fingers were delicious against her. He fingered the little buds, tugging them to stiff peaks as Zoe moaned and arched, pressing her breasts against his gentle fingers. As he pinched one, he slid a hand between her legs and Zoe whined. She knew the clenching, aching lust that sat within her. Now he did as well. He glanced to her, his eyes dark as he felt how wet she was. "This is for me," he rasped as he teased at her folds, mimicking the movements of his finger on her nipple.

"Always, it's always been for you," she panted as he worked her higher.

The need sat within her belly. Aegis moved slowly, methodically against her, intent only on pushing her higher and higher. And she rose. The winding, panting arousal coursed through her. She whined in frustration as he dropped his head and took her nipple within his mouth. She arched against him, thrusting her hips against his slowly moving hand, hunting for what she really wanted. "I thought you said you were going to fuck me," she growled.

"Is that what you want?" he murmured against her breast. His tongue lapped sensually against her. Before she could answer, he went on. "You want me to open you wide, to take you? You want to feel me inside you? Why?"

"Because I belong to you. I always have," the words fell from her. The words she somehow knew he craved hearing.

He twitched against her and then his hand moved, pushing her thighs wider apart. And then she felt it. He positioned the head of his manhood against her entrance. She churned for him. Wanted him to slam into her. He leaned over her, one hand cupping her face as he adjusted.

"You do belong to me," he whispered, holding her eyes as he began to push into her.

Zoe moaned, lifting her hips to give him access, grabbing at his back like a lifeline on the ocean. He entered her achingly slow, stretching her eager entrance around his girth. As his ridged head passed into her channel Zoe bucked against him, whining in excitement. More. She needed more. He continued to press into her. Together they savored every dragging inch as he stretched her wide. After what seemed like an eternity her bottomed out within her. Zoe had never felt so full. He speared into her like he'd always belonged there within her sheath.

Aegis began to grind against her, pressing his base into her throbbing and swollen clit, getting her hungry channel used to his length. "I've dreamed of this moment since the moment I saw you," he whispered as he dropped his face to hers. As he began to kiss her deeply again, he moved his hips against her. Slowly he began to thrust, drawing a high whine from her every time he retreated. With every thrust back into her, she arched, grabbing at him and letting him dominate her mouth.

As he moved within her, Zoe felt she floated. The only thing that existed was Aegis around and within her. There was no separating them, not with him so deep inside her that he stroked alive the places she hadn't known existed. Her only sense of place was Aegis and his strength within her. The stars could open up, they could float through the blackness of space and still she would survive on Aegis alone. He was her anchor, her shield, and there could be no separating of them again. He belonged inside her. She belonged to someone; her body was no longer her own. Even as the prisoner of Paragon she hadn't felt owned like she now felt possessed by Aegis.

His thrusts turned insistent against her and she bucked against him. The winding, curling ecstasy within her had no where else to go but up, up until she clenched so tightly around Aegis she thought she'd break in half. She wanted to collapse into him. He became her gravity.

He grabbed at her hair, tugged her eyes to meet his as he gave one last brutal thrust against her. Her world exploded and she howled, writhing beneath him. "Yes, come with me, little, savage human," he growled as he ground against her. Her climax hit in wave after wave of mindless pleasure. She felt him pulse his release within her, filling her with stars and his glorious, Onyx seed.

"Aegis," she whispered into his mouth as he continued to thrust shallowly against her, forcing everything he had into her.

"I'm going to fuck you again," he panted hungrily against her lips.

Zoe swelled, wrapped herself around him with humming encouragement and they fell back into each other.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

That was amazing. Paragon's death and the shifting tides of power adds realism.

The culmination of Aegis & Zoe's fraught relationship into something exaltant, really comes to personify the desire that has been nagging at the reader all along.

Well, that's just how I interpreted it.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Bastion looks like a guy who needed to be heavily influenced to look more than a villain, and Aegis and Zoe (more on Zoe) need to have more of negative characteristics to look not entirely like good people.

I'd like to see Zoe have a child that's half-Onyx and half-Gilded (either as like a werewolf or like a hybrid like a chimaera).

I'd also want Zoe to become the Saviour of the universes.

SkuldTheNornSkuldTheNornalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Well I'm glad I've upset (most) everyone with Paragon's death! My evil writer's heart is full. I'm currently about halfway through the next chapter, so stay tuned! Some of you have great guesses and I'm afraid some will be disappointed. I do want to forewarn that I will not explore the idea of 'mates' in the 'destined to be together/bonded' route. I don't like this trope and frankly find it to be inhibiting. (which is why I've decided to not write any more werewolf based stories).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Thank you for writing this!

I hated Paragon but still I feel sad upon his death. His last words were heartbreaking. Your writing made me sympathize for my most hated character .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Oh my word it just keeps getting better and better! please continue

cantfightfatecantfightfatealmost 3 years ago

Well, I got my wish. Assassination. And it's bittersweet. Paragon was awful but Aegis loved him. And bastion is much worse.

Predictions... They will have some sort of mate bond. Mental connection at the very least. She will get pregnant with Gildeds and Onyxs. Bastion will try to kill her baby gilded and take some humans for himself so that he can maintain power over the oathkeepers with his own gildeds. But it won't work without the bond. Aegis and Zoe will have to become some sort of ambassadors to let earth know the danger. But will come back to rule homeworld in a better way.

How close am I? Can't wait to find out!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I have loved the story so far but I’m sad paragon is gone. I loved the dynamic and tension between the 3 of them. I think his death was too rushed and would’ve liked him around a bit longer

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Funny how some readers seem sad over the death of Paragon, while I was just waiting for his dominion to be over! What’s interesting to me about the idea of Paragon as a multifaceted character is that it tends to mirror many of the contradictions within our own world’s hero’s/celebrities, etc. Micheal Jackson, the painter Gaugin, Lewis Carrol, Micheal Foucault, R.Kelley, Woody Allen—all incredibly talented and famous artists. ALL of whom were or are pedophiles. It seems to be true that a person can be capable of both unparalleled genius and talent as well as insufferable cruelty and monstrosity. Society certainly hasn’t figure out how to appropriately deal with this yet, but i’m interested in seeing how you as a writer choose to discuss it.

You have a lot of different places to take the story, and i love the elaborate world-building. You’ve yet to explain how/if childbearing is possible between the two species so i’m interested in that. I also very much disagree with the comment i saw that found that only two options are possible for the remainder of the series. Thinking in binaries and absolutes always seems to me to be a mistake, and i think you have soooo many places to take this war, romance, character development and adventure. Though i did find it a bit unbelievable that Zoe would forgive Aegis so quickly (what was the point of the whole you-could’ve-set-me-free-but-didn’t thing if she was just going to immediately forgive him?) it was very satisfying to get a consenting and passionate love scene. It’ll be interesting to see how the war plays out, and the contradictory feelings that will inevitably awaken in our main characters. I love the story, really! The first i’ve ever actively checked for new chapters.

Thank you!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Very interesting chapter, I wasn’t upset in any way about the Paragon’s death. An anticlimactic death seems appropriate. He had a very skewed sense of right, wrong and justice. He had this misplaced concept that he loved Zoe and that she was going to love him in return. He was giving her this great privilege of being his fucktoy and at the same time he enjoyed being an utter bastard towards Zoe and Aegis, because he was angry that Zoe wanted to be with Aegis instead of him.

Like Aegis said he used to be a good person. Logic dictates that there’s unlikely to be a HEA for these two, if he takes her home he’ll be killed or captured and then killed. If they get captured by his people they’ll both face a messy end.

Tess (uk)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

A very unsatisfying death for Paragon.

Also, the interplay between the three characters was what made this interesting.

Now we face either improbable triumph, or heartrending tragedy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I was the one who wanted to smash his face in but I was so upset when he died! I know I know. I know Paragon had to be gone for them to be together but I didn't want him dead! And I knew that Bastion was trouble but I never saw that coming. I didn't want you to kill off Paragon just for them to do the nasty. Aghhh!

vacienvacienalmost 3 years ago

Noo......! Somehow paragon's death feels more climatic than the lovers finally getting together. For all his power, he died so quickly. And those horns! In the end they served no use except to help Baston hold his lifeless head up.

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