The Only Constant is Change Ch. 13


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"Well," he said, "I never met your husband, of course, but he obviously didn't know what he had. And provided you can choke down this meal, we'll see about making it a regular thing. I've enjoyed spending time with you, and I'm not anxious to see that end."

Hearing his words, she teared up. It had been a long time since she'd felt good about herself. Knowing that her husband had cheated on her throughout their marriage had killed her sense of self-worth. And she felt the warmth of Jeremy's smile down in the depths of her heart, thawing some of the ice that had collected there.

"I'd like that," she replied, softly. Then she asked for the steak sauce and almost got thrown out of the house.

When the words came out of Monica's mouth, it took a second for Jeremy to understand what she was asking for. "Tell me you did not just say that."

"What? I just asked for some steak sauce," she said.

"'Just asked for some steak sauce' she says," muttered Jeremy. With the long-suffering patience of a parent teaching a toddler, he said, "I'm only going to say this once, so pay attention: Steak sauce is the lazy way to make cheap meats taste palatable. If you know how to choose and prepare the meat properly, you should never need a drop of that...that...vile concoction."

Monica looked skeptical. "But I've always added sauce to my steaks."

Jeremy shrugged. "I can't do anything about the past, but I can promise you that you don't need it. I'll make you a deal. You close your eyes and I'll put one bite of steak in your mouth without anything added to it. If it's not the best piece of steak you've ever had, I'll go to the store right now and buy you a bottle of your favorite sauce. But," he grinned, "if you admit that it's the best ever, you will owe me one favor, payable at a time of my choosing."

"What kind of favor?" she asked.

"Could be anything," he said with a grin.

"How can I make a deal like that?" she protested. "It's only a steak, for crying out loud. You make it seem like a life-or-death decision."

"I don't mean to," he said. "But I do take my meat seriously," he finished with a twinkle in his eye.

She playfully swatted his arm. "You are so bad! Alright, fine. I'll take the bet. One bite versus one favor." She settled back and closed her eyes, waiting patiently.

Jeremy carefully cut a piece that was perfectly cooked, the center reddish-pink, the juices still sliding out of the flesh. Turning towards her, he was momentarily caught up in looking at her lips. Even back in high school, he'd been fascinated with her lips. Her lower lip was a little fuller than the upper, and but both were plump and kissable. She'd worn a wine-colored lip stick this evening, which set off her skin tone nicely. He really just wanted to kiss her again, but instead he softly said, "Open up."

When her lips fell open, he carefully placed the bite into her mouth. As he watched, she found the bite with her tongue and her teeth closed on the meat to gently tug it from the fork. Jeremy found the entire process highly erotic. He couldn't help but imagine sliding a different piece of meat between those lips.

Monica chewed with her eyes closed, savoring the myriad flavors. She could taste the smoke and char from the cooking process, hints of garlic, onion, and pepper in the seasoning, and the richness of the juices from the meat itself. As she chewed, she began to understand what Jeremy had been talking about. Steak sauce simply covered over everything else, until that's all you tasted.

She slowly opened her eyes to find Jeremy watching her intently. "So?" he asked.

"So," she began. "I guess I owe you a favor, because that was hands down the best bite of steak I've ever had. You've made a convert out of me."

Jeremy smiled hugely. "Welcome to the church of the carnivore."

They settled in for a very pleasant dinner, and Monica continued to rave about Jeremy's cooking skills. They chatted about things that had happened in the years since high school, eventually moving to sit in the living room. She was stunned when Jeremy described the events surrounding Taylor.

"Let me get this straight. Ava wanted you to hook up with this Taylor woman?"

He nodded. "She pretty much arranged it, actually."

Monica sat back, sipping her wine, as she processed that information. "I don't know if I could do that. I'd probably be too jealous. Especially after what happened with Jerome." She paused, and then asked, "Did you guys have an open marriage then?"

"Noooo," he said vehemently, with a shake of his head. "It may be hypocritical, but I know I couldn't share my wife. As much as I enjoyed the things we did, if Ava hadn't pushed it, we would probably have had a pretty standard kind of marriage. I mean, it was one thing to juggle multiple girls in high school when it was basically just for fun..."

She stopped him there. "What do you mean you juggled multiple girls in high school?"

"You knew that, didn't you?" he asked in surprise. She shook her head, so he went on to explain, "I dated Ava and Serena Chase for most of the spring semester our senior year and into the summer. I also played around a little with A.J.'s sister, Hannah, that summer, with Ava's consent. Lanie Harper was willing, but...well, I'd rather not say. It just wasn't a good idea, and it didn't work out."

"I had no idea! You were a man-slut," she giggled.

"Hey! I resemble that remark!" he playfully protested. After a moment, he said, "Actually, I never thought it would work. Jess Harper suggested that I try dating non-exclusively, since I hadn't dated much before I moved to town. Ava was skeptical, but she went along with it. Eventually, Ava...Ava found some things out about herself. It wasn't long until she figured out that knowing I was desirable to other girls made her want me more. By the time we got married, that had morphed into her desire to actually watch me with other women. Eventually, she even began to play with Taylor, and the occasional girl we'd pick up together. But she never pushed for reciprocity.

"I never really understood Serena's deal. She went along with it, too, but I could always tell that it bothered her a little more. Her interest in me was at least as much to thumb her nose at her parents and Colby Walters than anything I did, is what I think."

At the mention of Jeremy's old nemesis, Monica's face took on a look of disgust. "Ugh, Colby Walters. I never understood how that guy kept getting girls to fall for his crap. I went to school with him from kindergarten on, and I can honestly say that I disliked him from day one."

"You won't get any argument from me," Jeremy said. "He rubbed me the wrong way right from the start."

Monica took a deep breath and said, "Well, as much fun as this is, I've got some business to discuss. It's good news. At least, I hope you think it's good news." She went to her satchel and returned with a portfolio embossed with the logo for Gåta Systems and handed it to him. "Inside, you'll find an offer letter detailing your salary and benefits. There's also an employment contract." She sat back to watch his face, curious to see his reaction.

When he saw the salary numbers, his eyebrows rose and he looked her way. "Are these numbers correct?" He'd known that the private sector paid significantly more than government work, but the disparity was beyond his imagining.

"Mmhmm," she said with a smile. "I probably shouldn't say this, but they really enjoyed the meeting the other night. And they're anxious to get you on board. Those numbers reflect that."

Jeremy sat back in thought. It's really happening. If I do this, it effectively closes an entire chapter of my life. This is a step in the direction we talked about, sweetheart. The thought of Ava pulled him up short of reveling too much in the offer. He said, "I'll need some time to go over it, of course, but I'm very excited that they felt the same way about our dinner meeting. It was the least awkward business event I've ever attended."

She smirked at him. "From the looks Cat was giving you, I think you had plenty of reason to be confident. What was that all about?"

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "That's a private matter that I probably shouldn't discuss. I'm sorry. All I can tell you is that Cat and I did meet the week before, and neither of us knew that we'd see each other professionally, especially so soon. Beyond that, it's probably better if Cat tells you the story if she'd like."

"Very nicely done, Jeremy," she said with a grin. "Of course, you're assuming that Cat hasn't already told me the story."

Confused, he looked at her under a furrowed brow, trying to determine if she was telling the truth or just fishing. "If you already know the story, then why are you asking me?"

Monica chuckled. "Mostly because I had a feeling you'd get that look on your face right now, and I wanted to see how you'd play it. After what Cat told me, I'm a little jealous."

With his confusion melting a little, Jeremy was at a loss as to how he should handle this situation. "Well, I'm still not convinced you're not on a fishing expedition. If you want me to confirm details or something, you're going to have to be a little more specific."

"Okay, that's fair. How about this? Cat told me that you fulfilled a fantasy of hers, and that it was the single greatest night of passion in her life. What do you think about that?"

Jeremy smiled the kind of smile that you give when you're not sure if a smile is appropriate or not. But his ego was making it pretty difficult. "We did have a night of passion together, yes."

Monica had tucked herself into the corner of his couch, drawing her feet up under her. As much as she wanted Jeremy, she was having quite a lot of fun teasing him, and she wasn't in any hurry for the night to end. She'd never had a guy friend before, but she could definitely see Jeremy filling that role if they never managed to get together. She slowly rubbed her finger around the lip of her wine glass, a smirk on her face. "Jeremy, I've known Cat for a long time, now. We met our first year at college and just hit it off. We're sorority sisters, but she's more like my own sister. When I tell you that she gave me details, I mean she told me everything."

"If she told you everything, then you don't need me to tell you anything, do you?" he asked with a smile. "It's not really my style anyway, but surely you can appreciate that I'm already in the awkward position of possibly working for someone I have a small history with. There's no need for me to compromise that by shooting my mouth off, is there?"

"Fine," she said, begrudgingly. "You don't want to talk about it, we don't have to. But let me just say this: Cat said you were by far the best she'd ever had, and that you rocked her world."

Jeremy grinned sheepishly and said, "All I'm going to tell you is that I spent a very enjoyable evening with Cat as well."

Monica looked at her watch and realized that the hour was getting late. She stood and said, "Well, if you're not going to brag about your skills, I guess I'm gonna have to take off. I have an early conference call tomorrow."

Jeremy escorted her to the door and helped her into her coat. Before she left, Monica turned to Jeremy and said, "Thank you for this evening. All kidding aside, this was more fun than I've had around a man in a long time. Whether you take the job or not, I really hope we can get together again soon. There's just something about you...I can't describe it, but it was there in high school, and I've been reminded of it since we reconnected. I just feel good when I'm around you. And now that I realize it, I'll miss it if it goes away again." Then she reached up to hug his neck before gently kissing his cheek and making her way out into the night.

Closing the door, Jeremy was beginning to feel conflicted. He really did find Monica to be very sexy, and he enjoyed being in her company. It was obvious that she was feeling the same way about him. Cat evoked a different kind of feeling in Jeremy. There was more of a magnetism between the two, despite what little time they'd spent together. He was forced to ask himself if it was simply lust talking after one of the most erotic experiences of his life. Shaking his head, Jeremy really hoped that he wasn't that immature. Regardless, he felt like he needed to tread lightly moving forward to avoid hurting anyone's feelings.


"Oh good, you're here. Dear?" she called into the house, "My young lover is here to sweep me away for a weekend of passion. You'll be okay on your own while we're gone, right?"

Harry Pearson rounded the corner and said to his wife with a twinkle in his eye and a wink at Jeremy, "Thank God! Maybe I can finally get a good night's sleep for once. Between the snoring and the ice-cold feet..."

His playful banter was interrupted when Martha slapped his shoulder. "You should be so lucky!" Turning to Jeremy, she said, "I don't snore."

Stepping inside, Jeremy said, "I don't mind if you do. I sleep very heavily. The ice-cold feet might be a problem, though."

"Now don't you start," laughed Martha as she wrapped one of her favorite men in the world in a big hug. "Oh, it's so good to see you. It's been too long. I was worried, you know."

Guiltily, Jeremy acknowledged her concern. "Thank you. I know it's been a long time, but things just sort of got away from me. It wasn't anything to do with you. I just...I couldn't face people all the time, you know? People mean well, but it keeps the hurt front and center. I start withdrawing just to get away for a while, but 'a while' became a lot longer than I intended. I'm sorry I made you worry."

Her hand on his cheek, she gave him that look that only mothers can produce, the one that said, "I know what you mean, but it's my job to worry about you." Which is basically what she said, except she added that she was only standing in for his mother, since she wasn't there. Then she gave him the stink-eye about his eating habits. "You're not eating right, I can tell. Your clothes are hanging off you," she said.

"I'm getting better," Jeremy protested. "I had a big steak and baked potato just the other night, and pizza yesterday."

She shook her finger at him, and said, "Don't make me come over there and check up on you. I'll do it." Jeremy suspected that she was only halfway joking. It was always a funny thing when Martha Pearson got worked up. She was a short woman, five feet tall at best, and while she wasn't rail-thin, there wasn't a whole lot to her. But she made up for her lack of physical stature with a huge personality. Jeremy had learned quickly that her much taller husband might be a naval captain, but Martha was the captain of the family ship. No shy and retiring wallflower, Martha Pearson was the kind of woman who was quick to love, loved fiercely, and completely fearless in expressing her mind if she thought you needed to hear it. She really was like a second mother to him, and he loved her dearly.

He solemnly crossed his heart and said, "I promise that I will take better care of myself." She seemed mollified for the moment, so she grabbed his hand and led him towards the kitchen. "Come on, dinner's just about ready. Grab yourself a beer and head into the dining room." Harry trailed along behind, knowing better than to get in his wife's way.

Entering the kitchen, Jeremy took one whiff and turned to Martha with a big smile on his face. "You didn't?" he asked.

She nodded with a smile, glad to see her efforts pay off in Jeremy's smile.

He kissed her on the cheek and said, "You spoil me. You didn't need to do all this."

"Of course I didn't need to do it," she said. "But, I wanted to."

"This" was a favorite family recipe of hers, a beef and stout pie. Sort of like a thick stew under a flaky pastry crust, the richness of the stout and beef, combined with the earthiness of mushrooms, potatoes, and carrots, made it a wonderful dish when the whether turned colder. She only made it occasionally; it was a lot of work for only two people. But it was one of Jeremy's favorite dishes, so the effort was worth it tonight.

Dinner with the Pearsons always reminded Jeremy of being at home with his parents. It was one of the things that made him feel so comfortable in their presence, and it was also why he enjoyed seeking their advice. They'd gone out of their way in the last few years to make Jeremy and his family feel more than welcome. He'd already talked things over with his actual parents; now he just had to relay his decision to his "second parents."

After the initial feeding frenzy, Jeremy wiped his mouth and said, "Thanks again, Martha. You really shouldn't have gone to all that trouble, but I'm glad you did. It's a perfect meal on a cold night like tonight." Martha assured him that he was most welcome.

Clearing his throat, Jeremy launched into the reason he'd asked to see them this evening. "I've come to a decision, sir, about that subject we discussed a couple of weeks ago."

Martha was lost and looked at her husband for guidance. Harry's expression was neutral, but contemplative. He had a feeling he knew what was coming next, so he nodded and said, "Mmhmm."

"I've decided I'm going to resign my commission and take the job with Gåta Systems," said Jeremy.

Martha responded in a panic. "Don't tell me you're leaving!"

Jeremy chuckled and said, "Don't worry, 'Mom,' I'm staying in the area. Besides, it'll take about nine months to complete the separation. Initially, I'll be interviewing candidates to assemble my team, reviewing company procedures, making a list of resources I think I'll need...they've been setting up an office here, but I will be responsible to putting together the division that I'll be overseeing. So it'll be a lot of nights and weekends for a while. After that, I'll be on-the-road a fair amount."

Mollified, she replied, "As long as you still drop by every once in a while, I guess I'll be okay." Her expression softened, and she reached over to take Jeremy's hand. "I know you know this, but Harry and I think of you like a son. I've been worried about you since Ava passed. I hope this means you're starting to look to the future without dread again. That's a good sign, and I'm happy for you, we're happy for you. Right, dear?"

"Absolutely," Harry added. "I think this'll be good for you. I'll miss seeing you around the office, but I think this is the right move. It's time for you to get back on track. When were you thinking of turning in your letter?"

Jeremy hadn't realized how anxious he was about this conversation. In his heart he'd known they'd support him. Still, it felt like he was ending a relationship somehow. To hear their encouragement eased his mind significantly. "I'll probably turn it in on Monday to get the ball rolling. Honestly, I didn't realize until recently just how long the lead time needed to be."

Harry grinned ruefully. "No, they don't make it easy to leave once they have their hooks in you. Can't blame'em, really, since they've put an awful lot of resources into training and developing you. It's definitely not like giving two weeks' notice."

As they discussed his future plans, Jeremy helped Martha clear the table and put away the leftovers. She made sure he had another pie to take home with him. By the end of the evening, Jeremy couldn't tell who was more excited about the job and its possibilities, him or Martha. She was honest enough to admit that she was selfishly thankful that he'd still be in the area.

As he was putting his coat on to leave, she off-handedly said, "Now that you've got your job figured out, it's time for you to get back out there and find someone to love. It's not good for you to spend too much time alone, Jeremy."