The Other Woman's Club


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"Do the others all feel the same way? Please tell them I'm sorry too. I used you all just as much as you used me. All of you helped me, you brought me back; I was lost when I first came here, but you helped me be the person that I was intended to be."

I stood, drained my glass, and helped her to her feet. She was still impossibly beautiful. As I looked up into her deep blue eyes, words were not needed; I gently kissed her lips for the last time. She placed her arm over my shoulder and walked me to her front door. The full moon was high in the night sky, its light guiding me home to my wife.

When I finally arrived home, the house appeared to be dark; apparently my wife was not involved in tonight's decision to end my arrangement with the other women. As usual, I entered the house through the garage and the laundry room. I removed my shoes and placed them on the rack, removed my clothes, placing them in the washing machine, and naked, I headed for our bedroom. The hallway was lit by a single nightlight. I could see that the bedroom door was closed, but a sliver of light escaped the room from under the door.

I opened the door; the room was lit by a single candle on her night stand. Even in the limited light I could clearly see my wife, her naked body lying supine staring up at the ceiling, her arms and legs pointing to the four corners of the mattress.

"Thank goodness; I was beginning to worry that Monique had changed her mind. Before you wash up, can you come here and secure my right hand; I couldn't make the strap tight enough to prevent me from freeing myself."

"What is this all about?"

"My former husband used to have me restrain him once in a while; he said it was very therapeutic for relieving the stress of running his business. I never trusted him enough to do it myself, but I know I can trust you. My safe word will be 'algebra'. If you hear me say it then you know I've reached my limit and that I want you to release me. Otherwise, no matter how much I plead with you to stop, just keep doing what you are doing. Just remember, someday you might find yourself in the same situation and I have a very good memory."

I secured her wrist and retreated to our bathroom. I took my time; washed my hands and face, brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth with a mouthwash, and dabbed a bit of my cologne on several parts of my body. I was already erect as I returned to the bed.

From the foot of the bed I crawled between her legs running my fingertips up her inner thighs until I reached her sex. Instead of touching her there, I passed over my ultimate target and continued up her body. I invaded her navel with the tip of my tongue, drawing circles around the edge, and then I continued up her center, over her washboard abs, until I reached the valley between her breasts. I circled one of her erect nipples with my tongue as I rolled the other nipple between my finger and thumb.

She moaned with pleasure and I felt her trying to make contact with my erection as she arched her back and lifted her ass off the bed. I gently but firmly pushed her back onto the mattress. "Not yet my dear," was all I said as I switched nipples and repeated the process.

Ignoring her whimpers, I released her nipples and placed my lips lightly on hers. Moments later I switched to the side of her neck and then her earlobe. All the time my breasts were rubbing against hers and with each change of location, she moaned louder and I could feel the slight trembling of her overly stimulated body.

I continued upward; now straddling her body, my knees were even with her breasts and my cock was suspended just out of reach of her out stretched tongue. She looked like a baby bird begging to be feed by its mama. I took my cock into my hand and not so gently struck her cheeks, first one and then the other. After several blows to each cheek I guided the head into her open mouth.

"Make me wet."

She took as much as she could into her mouth. I could feel her tongue circling its head. The pleasure I was feeling was unbelievable; enhanced by the fact that she was totally helpless and I was in absolute control of the situation. I moved my hips back and forth; I could feel my cock rubbing the roof of her mouth. When I felt that I was sufficiently lubed with her saliva I backed out of her mouth and placed my cock in the valley of her breasts. I placed a hand roughly on each breast and pushed them together. My cock was engulfed by her flesh. Slowly I moved back and forth in the moistened valley of her breasts. With each thrust I hit the point of her chin, and then she adjusted the angle of her head and took the tip of my cock into her mouth. She sucked hard for as long as she could until I pulled back out of her mouth with a loud popping sound.

I was not going to be able to control myself for much longer. Looking into her hungry eyes, I could see she was ready as well. As I reached the point of no return I thrust my hips forward and held them there as my throbbing cock let loose into her sucking mouth. Her eyes widened as she gulped down my essence. At the same time I felt her legs begin to quiver and she began to scream around my cock.

I had to grab hold of the head board to keep myself upright as I slowly regained control of my body. I opened my eyes when I felt the suction on my now softening erection begin again. Reluctantly I pulled out of her mouth and retreated back down her body until I was back between her legs. I noted the small wet spot on the sheet between her legs.

Getting off the bed, I went into the bathroom and retrieved a bath towel which I placed under her ass over the wet spot. It was now my turn to perform oral sex on my wife and I was very happy to do so. Her moisture was still leaking from her as I settled between her legs. I stretched out, got comfortable, placed my hands under her ass and my elbows on to the mattress and went to work.

I started by lapping up the moisture leaking from her. My tongue ran up her middle, from the rosebud of her ass to her extended clit. Again and again I repeated my movement. Soon the moisture began to flow more quickly and I heard her begin to moan again. Her breathing became more erratic. I knew she was close so I doubled my efforts.

"Oh God, I'm cumming, I'm cumming. Don't stop, don't ever stop. I'm cummiiiiiiiig!"

When the reverberations of her scream finally dissipated and my hearing returned to normal, I assumed a kneeing position between her outstretched legs and waited for her body to relax once again. Now it was time to work on her prominent clit. At first I just blew on the head of her miniature eyeless cock; it seemed to extend further out from under its hood.

"Not yet; not yet, I can't, not yet."

I didn't hear her safe word, so instead of waiting, I took her little morsel between my lips and began to circle my tongue around its head. I alternated between tongue action and suction. She arched her back and pressed her heels into the mattress, lifting her ass off of the bed in order to break my grip on her clit. Soon, however, I detected a certain rhythm to her movements; she was, in essence, fucking my mouth with her clit. It didn't take long for the telltale signs of her approaching orgasm to manifest themselves again. Her breathing came in gulps, her legs began to shake, and a soft moan escaped her lips and escalated to an unintelligible high-pitched scream. Only the last four words came out clearly.

"Fuck me, you bastard!"

More than willing to oblige her request, I placed my fully erect member at her entrance, leaned forward placing my hands under her outstretched arms, and gave her everything inch I had to give until there was nothing left. In long smooth strokes I slid in and out of her slick channel. I could feel her internal muscles trying to repel the invader, but I would not be denied. Picking up the tempo, I continued my assault of her helpless body; until I, too, began to gulp air into my oxygen deprived lungs.

Soon the sound of skin slapping skin filled the room. I felt her quake under me but soon realized that I was no closer to my own release than I was when I began. Something was missing, and after several more frustrating minutes I felt I knew what it was.

I disengaged and reached out to unfasten the restraint from her left wrist and then her right. Her eyes opened and she looked at me with a questioning look in her eyes, but said nothing. Then I reached back and released the bonds that held her ankles as well.

"It wasn't right for me. I need to feel your arms around me. I want to be in your loving embrace. Without that, it was like making love to a lifeless rubber doll; not that I have ever done that before. Now, where were we?"

I slipped back into her; this time, however, I felt her arms slide under my supporting arms and wrap themselves across my back. Her legs draped over mine and I felt her body thrusting up to meet mine and we quickly got into a rhythm that only long-time lovers could achieve. I'm not sure how long we went at it; but soon our passion reached a fever pitch.

"Cum with me," she said as her mouth locked over mine and her legs crossed over my hips with her heels pressing hard on my ass urging me ever deeper into her. Suddenly I felt the surge of pleasure travel from my brain to my loins and I emptied my essence into her. Truly, two had become one.

When my breathing returned to normal and my heart stopped pounding in my chest, I smiled down at her and expressed my never ending love for her. Before replying, she tightened her embrace of my body and flipped me over onto my back.

"I love you with all my heart."

Those were the last words I heard that night, as my eyes slowly closed and I fell into a dreamless peaceful sleep.

When I woke the following morning I was alone in our bed. As I got out of the bed, I noticed that the restraints were no longer attached to the bed. After taking care of my morning business, I walked into the kitchen. I found my wife, dressed in just her short summer robe, standing in front of the stove, working on my favorite breakfast, a Mexican omelet, stuffed with melted jack cheese, bacon, peppers and onions; she was singing a silly Mexican pop sound. She always sang when she was happy.

"There you are sleepy head. Sit down breakfast is almost ready."

I poured myself a cup of coffee and took my usual seat at the table. As she placed my omelet in front of me, she kissed my cheek and then returned to the stove to retrieve her omelet which was warming in the oven. As she sat down in front of me I quipped,

"I noticed you removed the restraints from the bed."

"Yes I did; but don't worry; I didn't throw them away. I put them in my nightstand drawer. Someday, you might wake up to find yourself strapped to the bed, naked and unable to move. Then we'll find out if you enjoy it more being restrained and helpless."

I felt the blood rushing to my cock.

Chapter Seventeen:

We spent the next year bonding with each other. My "older woman" was everything I could have ever wished for as a mate. We both acknowledged that the rest of the women of the Other Woman's Club were very wise indeed.

It had been over five years since the great pandemic and it was time for the annual 'State of the Union' address by the Joint Chiefs. It was our turn to act as hosts.

After drinks, a scrumptious Mexican dinner, and several mouthwatering desserts, we settled in front of the television and waited for the address to begin. The address began as always with a greeting and a complement as to how well the country was recovering from the catastrophic loss of nearly the entire male population of the world.

......"That is good news, especially about the economy. Now for the not so good news; the population of the world continues to shrink. For the last five years more people have died, mostly elderly women, than have been born. The numbers of male babies being born has been roughly the same in each of the last five years. Unfortunately that number is slightly less than 48% of the total of all births each year. Scientists are at a loss to explain why this is continuing to happen. Never the less, people far smarter than us are predicting that the population of the world will continue to drop for the next ten to fifteen years; at which time they feel that the population of the world will hit a low point of just over three billion people. At that time nearly 40% of the population will be over the age of sixty years of age and will consist of almost all women.

"If this world of ours is to survive, we must increase the birth rate, especially the male birth rate. That being said, we encourage all women who are of child bearing age to consider becoming pregnant through artificial insemination.

"There is a small, but significant, consequence of our planet's reduced population. Environmental scientists are telling us that the climate appears to be cooling. The ice packs at the poles appear to be growing and the average global temperatures appear to be cooling. The main reason for this seems to be the sudden reduction in the world's population. All of the computer models indicate that the world's climate has reverted back to that of the climate of the sixteen hundreds. Dr. Chen's virus has had one good result; it has broken the back of global warming.

"That is all for now. Please continue doing what you are doing and consider what I have told you. God Bless America"

After the normal programing had resumed, the table was cleared, and the dishes loaded into the dishwasher, the women said good night and returned to their homes.

Once we were alone, Maria and I poured ourselves another glass of wine and settled in comfortably padded chairs on our patio enjoying the warmth of our fire pit and the crystal clear night sky.

"Dallas, I can't get tonight's address off my mind. I've been thinking about this for a while now."

Not understanding what she was talking about, I let her continue uninterrupted.

"I'm thirty-seven years old; my biological clock is running out of time."

Now I knew where she was heading. I had never given the topic much thought; I was only twenty-seven and was too busy trying to live my life as a partly transgendered female, trying to readjust back to a male, in a world that had barely survived back to back pandemics. Now she was going to ask me what I thought about having a baby.

"I never gave the subject much thought; let's talk about it."

"Ok, let's talk. How would you feel about having a baby, our baby?"

I took a long time to respond.

"I'm not opposed to you having my baby. You know I love you with all my heart, and I would love a child of ours the same way. But, we have a lot of baggage we have to clear up before we bring a new life into the world. You have been on the pill for a long time now; is that going to affect your health and the health of our child? Remember, your history with child birth, is not ideal."

"I know I lost my first baby, but that was a long time ago and I never really took care of myself nor did I have much in the way of pre-natal care. Looking back I think I never really wanted to be a mother; I was too young, and too scared to do anything about it. I already talked to my Doctor; she said I could have a baby anytime I wanted to, all I had to do was stop taking the pill, wait a couple of months before getting pregnant, and everything would be fine."

"That's good. Now the problems are mine. For the last seven years I've told everyone that I am a female. How are we going to explain how you got pregnant? And after the baby is born and begins to get older, how are we going to explain these, indicating my implanted breasts?"

"That might be a problem, but we can figure that out later, at least a few years from now. As to how I got pregnant, that's not any of their fucking business. If anyone has the nerve to ask us, we can just tell them we decided to go to the Phoenix sperm bank. If anyone asks why me and not you; we'll tell them that my clock was running out and that you'll have the next one."

"What about the pool and the other women of the club?"

"The pool won't be a problem if I get pregnant in September or October, I can use the pool up until the beginning of the seventh month before I'll really begin to show. By that time most of the members are either already heading back to their primary residences or have escaped the dreaded summer months' inferno and the pool is mostly deserted. You and I can just stay out of the public eye until after the baby is a couple of months old. As to the other club members, I don't think I want to tell them until I am sure that I'm going to be able to carry the baby to full term. That means everyone; you won't be able to tell even your mother until it's time to tell them all."

"And what about these? How do I explain them to our child? I want to be a father to our child."

"You can have them removed over the winter following the baby's birth. Then in the spring, you can gradually reveal yourself as a man. Over time most of the seniors won't remember that you had tits. The others, who cares what they think."

"Let's hope my being a mature man doesn't cause any problems with the sexually frustrated females."

"You leave them to me. I'll make sure they know that you are a very happily married man and if anybody tries to get between us they will wish that they had never tried. Now, let's get inside, we have a lot of practicing to do."

"Practicing for what?"

"For making a baby, of course."

Maria stayed on the pill until the end of June. During that time we did practice, a lot; and we also read a lot. It seemed that most studies on the subject suggested that although there was no scientific evidence that a couple could actually determine the sex of their baby, they did suggest a number of ways to increase our chances of having a boy.

The most important of these was the timing of our sex. The timing was to coincide with the day of ovulation, no sooner than twenty-four hours before and up to two or three days after; basically that gave us a four day window of opportunity. Deep penetration sex was recommended, the doggie method was suggested on most websites. It helped, they said, if the woman orgasmed during sex. That went without saying, because if my woman didn't orgasm during sex often enough there would be very little sex happening at all. One website suggested that an energy drink, a cup of coffee or some chocolate be consumed by the woman before having sex. Diet also had a lot to do with increasing the chances of having a boy. Increasing the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, foods high in potassium such as bananas, salmon, and avocados, highly alkaline foods such as citrus fruits, nuts, and root vegetables and finally, avoiding dairy products until after becoming pregnant.

It was a glorious time for the both of us. We practiced safe sex during the period five days after her period ended, then had no sex for the next three days in order to recharge before the final assault, and then for the next four days did everything the articles said to increase our chances of having a boy, and finally, for the rest of the time before her next period we practiced safe sex once again.

I can honestly say that those four days were the most exhausting, but at the same time, most fulfilling of our entire sex lives. Each night I would spend several minutes on foreplay; she didn't need much at that point. I would then reposition her onto the middle of our bed, on her knees with her ass in the air and her head resting on her pillow. I would crawl on my knees between her legs until I could grab her hips. I was rock hard by then, and with no warning I would enter her.

My long, deep strokes resulted in the sound of skin slapping skin breaking the silence of our bedroom. The first night was extremely sensual for us both; quickly, almost too quickly we cummed together. Maria had warned me beforehand that she wanted me to hold her tightly and remain coupled with her. I could feel the contractions of her inner muscles; they seemed to be trying to milk every last drop of my essence out of me. Although I never totally lost my erection, this added stimulus soon brought me back to fully erect again. Moments later the room was filled with the sounds of slapping skin and hard breathing. Once again, for the second time that night, I felt my imminent release approaching. Maria for her part was rocking back and forth forcing me ever deeper. I announced my cumming to world for a second time and held her firmly against my body.
