The Other Woman's Club


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We stayed that way trying to catch our breath. I thought we were done, mission accomplished, at least for the evening. As I started to ease my slumping erection out of her I felt her rock back against me and constrict her muscles around my now captured cock.

"One more time," was all she said and began a slow sensual rocking motion along the length of my now growing erection. I had never cum three times in one night in such a short period of time; but I was game if she was.

For the next twenty minutes I pistoned in an out of her. I was breathing through my opened mouth, gasping for air. My heart was pounding in my chest. Just when I thought I couldn't go on much longer I felt my overworked balls tighten and the muscles around my prostate begin to pulse forcing whatever was left in me into her. I collapsed onto her back, clutching my arms around her waist; my cock was buried to the root. The image of a male dog, knotted to his bitch flashed across my mind as I got my breathing under control. I stayed that way for a long time fearing that she was not yet done with me.

"Okay, I think that did it; you can get off now."

With that I eased myself out of her and flopped onto our bed next to her. Maria was smiling from ear to ear but she still remained in the same position as before. After several minutes more she said, "Would you be a dear and get me a towel; I don't want to wet the bed."

It took less than two months, sometime during the month of October, Maria became pregnant. Now we just had to wait for her Doctor to let us know; either way we would love and cherish our new baby. By the beginning of February we still didn't know the sex of our baby. The results of the earlier ultrasound were inconclusive. Maria was getting very anxious.

"Is my baby alright?" She asked her doctor.

"Your baby is fine. Let's schedule another ultrasound scan for early next week."

Maria, her doctor, and me watched the monitor as the doctor guided the wand over my wife's small, but expanding, baby bump. It was amazing watching our baby floating in her body; we could see the baby's face, we watched as the baby sucked its thumb. And then the baby turned giving us an unobstructed view of his genitals, which appeared to be slightly out of proportion to rest of his body; he was also sporting an erection.

"That's my boy." I said, with a little more enthusiasm than I had intended. I was rewarded shortly thereafter with a hard punch to the arm from Maria. The doctor turned to me, and after momentarily glancing at my breasts, said, "It's not a sexual reaction, and it just indicates that the baby's nervous system is developing normally.

Although we hadn't told any of the other women of the club, and even with Maria wearing slightly looser, less revealing clothing, somehow my mother knew we were expecting, and challenged us one evening.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"

"How did you find out?" I responded.

"You can't keep something like that secret, especially from your mother. Mothers have a sixth sense about that; especially when it's her grandchild."

"Well, we didn't want to tell you because of the problems Maria had when she got married the first time and had lost her baby. And by the way your grandchild is a boy."

"Wonderful!" She said with a mischievous smile on her face. "I had a baby boy once. Then he grew up and thought he was really a girl. It was a good thing that circumstances prevented him from completing his transformation to a woman or I would have never gotten the chance to spoil my grandson."

"I guess I deserved that."

"Yes you did, but all is forgiven. As long as you will allow me to throw you two a baby shower."

"Mom, not a baby shower; just make it a party. We've already bought most of the things we are going to need in the way of furniture, baby toys, and supplies. We are old enough and rich enough to afford anything we will need for the baby. Let's just celebrate our good fortune."

Without indicating that she even heard my request she asked, "How is Maria feeling, we haven't been seeing much of you two in the last several months."

"She's feeling good. She's happy and singing to the baby as she works around the house. She's eating well; mostly fruits and vegetables. She's also eating foods that I have never seen her eat before. When I asked her about that, Maria told me that she is trying to develop the baby's taste for healthy foods. She has also eliminated sweets and unhealthy foods from her diet. Her doctor told her that will help the baby to avoid obesity later in life. She's going to be a great mother."

The party took place at the end of the seventh month of her pregnancy. Contrary to our wishes, it was very much a baby shower. It seemed that our baby to be would have not one grandmother, but five. The pile of baby outfits, boxes and boxes of diapers, and plush dolls and baby books seemed to fill the entire room.

It had been decided to have the party to coincide with the State of the Union address. The Joint Chiefs talked about the condition of the economy in the country and the rest of the world. It appeared that the United Nations was actually working as it had been originally designed. Government officials from around the world were coming together to help solve pressing problems in their countries as well as providing resources to countries that required immediate assistance. For the first time in recent memory, there had been no armed conflicts for a period of nearly seven years, peace at last.

"As you know, we are coming up on the sixth anniversary of the start of the Great Pandemic. At the end of this year we are authorizing that the normally scheduled national census take place. We need to know how many people are actually living in the country, and more importantly, where they are living. It should take about two years to do the census and to process the information. Once we have that information we will forward it to the legislatures of each of the individual states. The states will use that information to re-draw their congressional districts to correspond to the reapportionment of the 435 seats of the Representatives to the House of Representatives.

"The people of the United States will, for the first time since we had to enact martial law, vote for their representatives in Congress. In addition, at the same time, the state legislatures will appoint four men to run for the two Senate seats from each state. The two winners from each state race will fill the remainder of the terms of that state's former senators as if each senator had been allowed to serve their term uninterrupted by the pandemic.

"Once the elections take place, the elected members of the House and the Senate will assume their positions effective January 1, 2033.

"We, the Joint Chiefs, will assume the duties of the office of the President of the United States. We will continue in this roll until such time as the surviving boys who were thirteen years of age at the time of the Great Pandemic reach the age of thirty-five years, the age at which they could assume the office of President. The earliest election for President that could be held would be in the year 2044, unless one of the few men who survived the virus wishes to run. We are doing this because we feel that having an election of President at this time could only result in the election of a woman.

"We are not opposed to having a woman in the office of President; but we feel that to have an election where only a woman could be elected would taint the office for decades to follow. As it is, because the Constitution dictates that the minimum ages of a member of the House is twenty-five, and for the Senate thirty-five, the entire government of the United States would consist of all women for at least the first four years and a vast majority of the Senate for another five years longer. We just want to level the playing field a little until such time as men make up a greater percentage of voting public. They will still be in the minority until the women who were of voting age at the time of the Great Pandemic begin to die off; in fifty or sixty years from now.

"We feel that this is a fair plan to reinstate our government as established by our Constitution; at least now we have a goal to shoot for. Let's make it happen. That is all. God Bless America."

Chapter Eighteen:

The final two months of her pregnancy were particularly tough, especially for Maria. As the baby continued to grow within her womb, he became much more active. Some nights as I held her close to my body, I could feel an arm or a leg poke me in the belly. Maria was complaining more and more about backaches.

Her mood swings were the worst. One minute we would be happily discussing names for our son, and the next minute she would be glaring at me as if saying "You did this to me. Look at my body; how am I ever going to get back into shape."

As we headed into her ninth month, I was told in no uncertain terms that as far as she was concerned our sex life was put on indefinite hold. I had been expecting it so it didn't really surprise me. My role had been reduced to doing all of the heavy lifting, the running around town, and catering to all her wants and needs.

"What do you think of the name Pax?"

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" As usual in the last couple of months she brought me into the conversation she was having with herself, at its midpoint.

"I said, what do you think of the name Pax for our son. It means peace in Latin; a period of general stabilization in world affairs under the influence of a dominant military power."

"Pax Crawford; I like it. Definitely unique; gender neutral like mine."

"I know the circumstances resulting in today's peace don't exactly fit the definition; it's more like 'from the influence of a mad scientist over a dominate military power,' but the result is still the same."

The women of the club took turns visiting our house as her due date approached. We were basically confined to our home because I couldn't risk the additional scrutiny that Maria's condition would initiate. My mother was the calming force in the group. None of the others, including Maria, had ever carried a baby to full term.

Everyone was on pins and needles when her due date came and went without the start of labor. At our last check-up, her Doctor had proclaimed that everything was as it should be and that it was only a matter of time; two weeks at the most she reassured us.

Her labor began on the morning of the fourth day after her due date. Actually, she had gone several hours into her labor before realizing exactly what was happening. When the contractions became regular and were occurring every ten minutes or so, Maria began to pace around the kitchen table and chairs. With each contraction she would grab the back of the nearest chair and squat until the contraction stopped.

I worried that by doing so she would have the baby right here in our home; but she assured me that all was fine and that she had not yet transitioned from early to active labor. She did tell me to pack the car for our trip to the hospital. I ran into our bedroom closet and picked up the prepacked suitcase that she had left there. I also retrieved a large towel for Maria to sit on during our twenty minute trip to the hospital.

By the middle of the afternoon, Maria was having regular contractions lasting about one minute each and occurring at least every five minutes for nearly two hours. According to what her Doctor had told her, it was time to go to the hospital.

The ride to the hospital took only eighteen minutes. In route I had called the hospital and told them we were coming.

We got to the hospital before her Doctor, which led to a rather contentious situation. Hospital personnel and the head nurse wanted to have all the paperwork filled out before my wife and I were brought into the delivery suite. When we handed in the paperwork, the head nurse reviewed it for accuracy.

"I'm sorry, you, Dallas, cannot be the Father under Arizona law. You are a partner in a same sex union."

"I looked at her incredulously. "What are you talking about? She's my wife and she's having my baby."

She looked me up and down; her scrutinizing gaze locked onto my chest and then I knew. I had dressed in my normal comfortable clothing, a pair of lightweight leggings, a cotton blouse which barely covered my butt, and a pair of running shoes. It was my 'I am a woman' manner of dress for going out in public.

"I am a man, and I am her husband, and she is pregnant with my baby; therefore, I am the Father. If you want I can prove it right now."

"That won't be necessary." We all turned towards the sound of the voice of the woman who had just entered the room. It was my wife's Doctor, who already knew the circumstances of my aborted attempt to change my gender from male to female.

"I'm glad I got here when I did." Looking at me, she whispered, "Would you really have 'dropped trou' to prove your point?"

When I nodded in affirmation, she replied, "I would have paid to see that."

She turned to the head nurse, "Is everything ready."

The head nurse, after quickly composing herself, replied. "Yes, everything is all set, the patient is nearly ready, the room is all set, and it looks like the baby is cooperating nicely. All systems are go."

"Alright then, let me get into my scrubs and wash up and let's have a baby."

It was almost anticlimactic; everything went smoothly, just as it had been explained to us. I watched as the baby's head slowly appeared; followed by his shoulders, and then with a final hard push, out came the rest of his body. I wiped Maria's face and kissed her cheek as the Doctor handed our baby to the Head Nurse for her to give him a quick wash, wrap in a towel, and place him in Maria's arms.

After taking in the experience of childbirth, the results of her labor, and making sure that everything was ok with the our baby boy and his mother, I was quickly escorted out of the room and told where I could wait while they cleaned out my wife and did an examination of both mother and child. It was nearly an hour before we were all reunited in my wife's room in the maternity wing of the hospital.

I watched as Pax slept on Maria's chest, the sound of her beating heart and the familiar smell of her skin easing the anxiety of the trauma of being born.

A nurse came into the room and gently rubbed his back for a few minutes before picking him up.

"I think it's time for everyone to get some rest. You, Daddy, should go home and get some sleep. Tomorrow will be soon enough to start getting to know your son. And you, Mama, need to rest as much as you can, when you can. This guy is only going to sleep for a short time before his stomach begins to growl."

She left the room with our son and I gave my wife a kiss. "You did good; he's beautiful. Get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow."

I had already called my mother to tell her that all was well; that Maria and Pax were both well and that I was coming home for the night. I asked her to tell the rest of club members.

When I got home, I noted that there were several cars parked on the street in front of my house. As I entered the house I saw that all the lights were on in the kitchen and great room. They were all there; someone opened a bottle of Champagne with a loud pop and began to pour six glasses. The rest crowed around me, giving me hugs and kisses, and wishing us a happy life with Pax.

A toast was made and glasses drained. The group moved to the dining area where the table was set and serving bowls of various foods were displayed. Opened bottles of both red and white wine magically appeared on the table and we all settled down to a great meal. At one point I looked around the table. These were our friends, including my mother, everyone who was important to us. I knew we were blessed and that they would be there for us as we raised Pax in this brave new world.

As the party wound down, everyone helped clean up and return the house to normal. As each person left I received another hug and a kiss and the assurance that they would visit Maria and see the baby sometime during the following afternoon.

As I settled into our bed later that night, I revisited all that had happened that day. It had been a very good day, a day I would never forget. My mind revisited the party, specifically sitting at the table. With the exception of my mother, I had slept with each of those women; each had taught me something about how to be a man. I would be eternally grateful for each of them being in my life. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, I became aware that I was becoming erect. Chastising myself, I willed my erection to wilt and fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next day I got to the hospital just as visiting hours started. My wife was sitting up in bed, in her arms my son, Pax, was nursing at Maria's breast. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.

"Your son is a little piggy," she said with a smile on her face. "All he wants to do is eat, poop and piss. The nurses are pleased with his progress."

"When can both of you come home."

"My Doctor wants to keep us here until tomorrow morning."

"Why, is anything wrong?"

"No, she just wants to let me rest one more night. Based upon my age and my history, she wants to be sure that everything is okay. Pax is doing great; he'll be ready to come home tomorrow. How was your night?"

"They threw me a party. They all promised to see you today."

"I guess you behaved yourself; you look well rested."

I wasn't sure how to take that comment; but I knew better than to comment on it.

True to their word, the entire club came to visit that afternoon. At one point we had six people in the room besides Maria and Pax. When the duty nurse came into the room to retrieve the baby she exclaimed, "What are all of you doing in here? Four of you are going to have to go downstairs to the cafeteria, only two visitors at a time."

"That's okay, we were just leaving anyway. Besides, now that you are taking the star attraction away, there's no real reason to stay. We can see these two anytime." We all joined in the laughter that erupted.

The next day, I returned to the hospital and after an hour of hospital administration bureaucracy, guided my wife and baby boy out the front door of the hospital and into the back seat of our car; Pax in his infant car seat and Maria strapped in next to him.

Soon we were experiencing all the joys and all the tribulations of living with a new born. Our lives revolved around him and on his time table.

The 2:00 A.M. feedings were the worst. Because Maria was breast feeding I had little, if nothing, to do other than to sit with her and commiserate with her at the lack of sleep. I learned early on the proper technique involved in changing the soiled diaper of a baby boy. I swear I saw him smile the first time I pulled off his diaper and he hosed me.

After four weeks our routine was pretty much set. My Mom was a frequent visitor, offering opinions only when Maria requested one. She was well aware that she was the only one of the club who had ever gone through this before. We were wise enough to at least listen to her suggestions. During the fifth week I noticed a slight coolness between Maria and myself; especially at bed time. For the first time of our married life she insisted that I wear underwear to bed. Not wishing to cause an unnecessary marital fight, I left my briefs on when I crawled into bed.

One night, shortly thereafter, I was practically thrown out of bed by the wailing sound being emitted by the monitor in our room that was linked to a similar one by Pax. Maria shot out of bed; the covers pulled half off my body. I was just about to check on them when I heard Maria's voice, "oh Pax, how the hell did you manage that? Dallas, I need you here; hurry."