The Other Woman's Club


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I jumped out of bed. Just as I reached the door of Pax's room, the stench hit me full force right in the face. Maria had the baby in her left arm, while using the right hand to try to pull the crib sheet over the obvious mess in the bed.

"Here take him, clean him up, and get a diaper on him while I clean up this mess. Somehow he managed to slip out of his diaper; there's crap everywhere."

I reviewed my actions earlier in the evening and thankfully, I wasn't the one who changed him before going to bed. Relieved, I placed the baby on the changing table and cleaning his legs and butt, placed him in a clean diaper.

At that point Pax decided it was time to exercise his lungs once again. "Bring him back to our room and see if you can calm him down. I'll be in as soon as possible to feed him."

He was still screaming when I got back to our bed. Not knowing what else to do I crawled back into bed and, lying on my back, held him against my chest. He fussed a bit but finally seemed to quiet down. That's when I experienced something I had never experienced before. With his head resting on my left shoulder, turned towards my right, his mouth had discovered my left nipple and he was slowly suckling on me.

At that moment Maria entered the room and burst into uncontrollable laughter. "That's one way to quiet him down; but I'm afraid that's not going to last much longer once he realizes that nothing is coming out."

Contrary to her prediction, Pax seemed content to continue until he slowly stopped all together. His mouth opened slightly and he appeared to be asleep, allowing Maria to make a quick trip to the bathroom, before preparing herself to nurse our sleeping son. Instead of taking him back into his room to feed him in her comfortable nursing chair, she chose to sit up in bed next to me, allowing me to watch as she placed his mouth over her extended nipple. That seemed to awaken him and he began to nurse. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. After switching breasts, she allowed him to take as much as he wanted until, with his belly full; he fell into a peaceful sleep once again.

It was time for Maria and the baby's six week checkups. I had been anticipating these events with more than a little excitement; at least Maria's. Yes, I was concerned with the health and progress of my son, but Maria's welfare was my primary concern. After all, it had been over two months since we had last had sex. I was chomping on the bit. Maria, on the other hand, didn't seem at all affected by our lack of intimacy, and that concerned me.

Since the medical group that her OBGYN belonged to also included a very well respected pediatrician the three of us first entered the office of the pediatrician. Pax was examined and pronounced perfectly fit and progressing nicely. Later the three of us entered her doctor's office, and while Maria was admitted to the examine room, Pax and I returned to the waiting room. The exam seemed to last a lot longer than I thought was necessary. Afterward, Maria entered the waiting room, took our son in her arms, and proceeded to head for the exit.

"Well, what did she say?" I said maybe a little more forceful than was necessary.

"Physically, I'm fine. He wants me to see a psychiatrist."

"Why, what's wrong?" All she said was 'depression'. "I don't want to talk about it right now. Let's go home; I have to set up an appointment."

I was hurt; but I knew better than to press her further. She would open up to me more once she understood more about herself.

Two days later she had her first appointment with a specialist in postpartum depression. I stayed home with the baby, but my thoughts were with my Maria. When she finally came home she sat me down and explained just what she was feeling and more importantly, why.

"For most women, the first weeks and months after childbirth is a time of emotional upheaval. Intense feelings of joy, exhaustion, fatigue, confusion, loneliness, disappointment, anger and happiness are all possible and more often than not, common. Most mothers experience these symptoms within the first six weeks after giving birth, and the symptoms can last up to six months or longer. She told me that it may take even longer to feel like my old self again; and that during this time that I may feel as though my body has turned against me."

"What can I do to help?"

"Be patient with me. Know that whatever happens that I will always love you; it's not you, it's me. I have to work my way through this. We have to make time for each other; we have to fall physically in love all over again. It's going to be a slow process; but she assured me that it will happen. One thing that can help me recover faster is exercise. Right now I feel, fat, soft, and unattractive. The best thing for me is to go to the gym and work my body back into shape. We can do it together. I'm sure we can get everyone to take turns watching Pax, especially his Grandmother."

She was right of course; everyone volunteered to baby sit while we spent afternoons in the gym. We started off slowly at first; we both had abandoned our workouts in the time just before and nearly all the time after Pax's birth.

She was right, our time together in the gym was just what I needed to make me fall in love with her even more deeply than I had done before. I could only hope that she was feeling the same about me as well.

We still weren't having sex, but at least I could see improvement in her disposition. She was allowing me to touch her more, to rub her shoulders, to hold her hand, and to cuddle in bed at night.

Just before dinner one evening, the phone rang and she grabbed it before I could. From the one sided conversation I was hearing I could tell that the caller was Monique and that she seemed to have a problem. When Maria hung up, she said.

"Monique wants you to come over tonight after dinner. She has something that she needs your help with."

"You sure you'll be okay with Pax by yourself?

"I'll be fine; I'll feed him around 7:00 and put him down for his four hour nap. She wants you to get there by 7:00 so I'll have some quality alone time before you get home and he wakes up."

I left the house at 6:45; on the walk over I tried to imagine what Monique wanted. I had changed into one of my public casual outfits, a colored tee shirt, and a pair of stretch pants, and a wind breaker to keep out the chill of the evening desert air. When I rang the doorbell, I had to wait several moments before the door opened revealing Monique dressed in a one piece leotard, black with long sleeves, made of some sort of latex fabric, which clung to her like a second layer of skin. She invited me in and after greeting me with a kiss on the cheek, led me through the house towards one of her guest bedrooms.

I followed, mesmerized by her still slender physique, her impossibly long legs, and the sensual swing of her hips. But what really turned me on was the fact that she was barefooted. I had always been attracted to girls when they were barefooted in public. There was something about a girl's bare feet that I found extremely sensual. Now, after nearly five months of celibacy, I was sporting a serious erection.

At the doorway she asked me to remove my shoes before entering. The room was covered wall to wall with an inch thick blue vinyl mat.

"If you don't mind I'd like to finish my workout while we talk. You can sit against that wall."

Of course I didn't mind, so I sat with my back against the wall and crossed my legs.

"We are having this conversation because two of my 'sisters' asked me to. Your mother felt the subject of our conversation would be a little too sensitive for the two of you to have; and Maria felt that she was a little too unstable right now to talk about this without becoming too emotional."

Now Monique had my full attention, but instead to beginning to speak she began stretching her arms and legs and bending at the waist. It almost seemed that she was stalling, trying to determine how to best begin our conversation.

"You know, of course, that your transformation from a man to a woman was doomed almost from the start; it was a complete folly from the beginning.

"The male of the species is a rather simple being, having a limited range of emotions and is normally binary in his thinking. He sees everything as, right or wrong, black or white, and he thinks as much with his dick as he does with his head. It's not all his fault; he has had over a hundred thousand years of evolution to adapt to the violent world around him. His primary duties were to survive in a violent world, protect and provide for his family, and to copulate with any willing female in order to propagate the species. Our 'civilized' society has only had a few thousand years to soften these traits.

"The female, on the other hand, is a far more complex being, having a vast range of emotions, and is a much more cerebral being, seeing the many shades of gray that exist in all situations. She is far more cunning, manipulative, and forward thinking than the male.

"Physically, you started out alright. Your breasts are beautiful, just perfect for your build; but if you had been permitted to continue the process, the mutilation of your genitals, you would have condemned yourself to a life of physical and mental health problems and sexual frustration. The continued use of female hormones to 'feminize' your body would have led to one health crisis after another, organs would have begun to fail, your bones would have begun to weaken and break, and you would have been no closer to becoming a woman than when you first started.

"Sexually, you would have been neither a man nor a woman. Your breasts would not have been an erogenous zone any more than on any man. Your so called vagina would have had limited sensitivity and would certainly have not been a source of orgasmic feelings. You would have become nothing more than a cum receptacle.

"A woman is a complex mixture of erogenous zones and nerve endings all sending messages to her brain when stimulated, which in turn stimulate the many processes within her vagina which lubricate her and allow for the whole process of procreation to be both enjoyable and fulfilling, culminating in orgasms radiating throughout her body.

"If you had remained as you are now, at least you would have experienced sexual release from time to time as long as your partner was considerate and caring."

I sat there too stunned to speak as I contemplated just how close I had been to ruining my life. I asked one simple question. "How do you know so much about this subject?"

"Because in my previous type of work, I rubbed shoulders with numerous people in the entertainment industry. Many of them have either known people who have been affected by this trend in our society, or know people who know people who have been affected."

"Why don't they say something to stop it?"

"They are afraid to; their livelihood depends on being accepted by the public, but more importantly by the people who control the industry. You can be blacklisted very quickly and watch your source of income evaporate almost overnight if you express an opinion contrary to that of those in charge.

"It's also happening in our educational system as well. They are actually pushing kids towards this type of gender reassignment at ages where they have barely reached puberty, and without the consent of their parents. If parents speak out against this outrage, they are labeled child abusers and accused as being gender intolerant."

A heavy silence fell over the room, as Monique performed ever more complicated and sensuous exercises. My erection came back almost immediately.

"Enough about that, now what I want to talk about is the effects of pregnancy on the human body.

"As I have previously discussed women are complex creatures. The whole process of pregnancy and child birth is mindboggling. It takes a heavy toll on a women's body; but also wreaks havoc on her mind as well. Parts of her body, namely her breasts and vagina, switch from almost purely sexual in nature to taking on specific functions. Her body goes into nurturing mode, and for nearly nine months all functions focus on the health and safety of the new life that is forming in her womb.

"Suddenly it's time to give birth, and everything changes again this time to rid the body of this new life and to restore the body back to some semblance of normal. Herein lies the problem; it takes time to undo the damage that pregnancy has done to the body. But just as important is healing the damage done emotionally, psychologically, and even sexually.

All this healing takes time; the physical damage normally heals in six to eight weeks after child birth, the other healing can take as long as three to nine months depending upon how caring and loving her partner is and how well he understands her problem. It's her problem not his and the sooner he understands that the sooner he can help her overcome her problems and have their lives get back to normal.

"Dallas, do you understand what I am trying to tell you?" She said as she moved seductively toward me, invading my personal space. Reaching down she placed her hand on the lump running down the top of my thigh. "Do you want me to take care of this before you leave?"

"If you don't mind, I'll have to take a pass on that; I have a troubled wife to go home to."

"I was hoping you'd say something like that. I can't say that there is not a small part of me that's not disappointed, but that's something I have already had to handle."

She put her long arm over my shoulder and gently guided me towards the front door, and with a kiss on my cheek she sent me on my way. By the time I walked through my inside garage door my erection had subsided and I was prepared to help my wife in any way I could.

Maria was just getting off the phone.

"That was Monique; she said she had an interesting conversation with you. She also let me know that you were a very good boy and that she was very proud of you. In the spirit of full disclosure, it was my idea to send you to her. I wanted to know how badly I had hurt our marriage. Now that I know that you are totally into our marriage, I want to let you know that I am too, and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel."

For the next several days I was extraordinarily attentive to her every need. I helped with the baby, made sure that the smelly diapers went directly to the garbage can in the garage, and even did a load of wash. I was rewarded for my efforts by being allowed to come to bed naked, like I used to before she became pregnant. She allowed me to rub her back before we turned in for the night. Normally that would have led to a great round of sex before the need for sleep conquered any other need.

Later that night I was deeply involved in a very sensual dream involving Maria and me. We were at the pool, which was apparently completely deserted. I was lying on my back, my head was where my ass would normally be and my legs were hanging over the end of the lounge chair, with my feet resting on the ground. My arms were outstretched to the sides, under the arms of the lounge chair. And I was completely naked.

My equally naked wife was straddling my hips; her hand was wrapped around my impressive erection, guiding it to the entrance of her dripping pussy. Before we could consummate the act, the harsh Arizona sunshine faded as I became aware of my surroundings, our bedroom, lit only by several battery operated candles on our night stands. The next moment I felt the familiar feeling of my erection slipping into her wet heat; a feeling that I hadn't felt in nearly six months.

A moan escaped her lips as she took me deeply inside and began to move slowly up and down along my entire length. Her full breasts swayed invitingly with her movements. I wanted to reach out and caress them, but when my arms could only move a couple of inches because of her familiar restraints being wrapped around my wrists and the posts of the headboard, I began to tremble with frustration.

"Relax my dear. I had to be in complete control before I could bring myself to be with you again. I promise you that I will never hurt you. Just lay back and let me have my way with you."

I could just barely see the clock on my nightstand. I wanted to establish a timeline for our lovemaking. Even if I had awakened at the very beginning of our session, I estimated that we had been at it at least ten minutes. Considering my forced abstinence I was amazed that I had lasted this long.

As if she could read my thoughts, she commented. "This will be your second orgasm of the night. You slept through the first. By the way, you tasted very good, even better than you normally do."

I wanted to thrust into her; but feared to do so because I wasn't sure how she would react and didn't want this to ever end. At the twenty minute mark, I felt her shudder and sink hard upon me as her first orgasm washed over her. A short while later she resumed her movements. Maria leaned forward and devoured my mouth as she increased the pace of her twerking on my overly abused cock.

I wasn't going to last too much longer; and told her as much, as she increased her efforts.

"I'm gonna cum. Oh my god I'm gonna cum."

After I finally came down from my orgasmic high, Maria disengaged and crawled up my body until she was sitting on my chest. "You're not finished yet, clean me and make me cum one more time. If you're really good I'll release you."

She slid down my chest keeping herself just out of the reach of my extended tongue. I watched as a mixture of our fluids began to slowly drip out of her. "Don't miss any, get it all. If you allow the bed to get wet I'll leave you here until morning." She said with more than a little malice in her voice.

"Stick your tongue in there, get it all."

She must have seen me wince as I swallowed what she had feed me; because she laughed as she said, "You men are all alike; you can dish it out, but you can't take it. Now, make me cum."

She covered my mouth and slowly rubbed herself up and down over my extended tongue, using my nose as a miniature cock to stimulate her extended clit.

"That's it. That's it; I'm almost there. Suck me, suck me hard." she said as she got two handfuls of my hair and steered me where she wanted me to go. Then she held me tightly against herself as her body trembled and a fresh flow of her fluids covered my face.

When she calmed down, she reached towards my left wrist and pulled away the Velcro fastening strip and released me. She did the same for my right wrist moments later and stretched out over my body.

"Hold me and never let me go. I have a feeling that I'm completely cured."

And with that we fell into a peaceful sleep. Until Pax let us know that he was still in the house; and that he was very hungry.

Chapter Nineteen:

One day while we were in the locker room after our workout, Maria turned to me and whispered. "You know, you're going to have to get rid of your implants sooner or later. They are not a problem right now, but the older he gets the more obvious they are going to be and he will, at some point wonder why his father has boobs. You can't hope to hide them forever and winter would be a great time to have them removed. It will allow you time to heal and by the time we are ready to resume our sitting by the pool, I'll be able to introduce you as the baby's father, my husband, not just my workout partner."

"I'll call the woman who took over my old doctor's practice and see if I can get an appointment."

Thanksgiving was less than two weeks away. When I called the doctor's office, she wanted to schedule me for the beginning of the New Year.

"That's not soon enough; may I speak with the doctor."

When she finally got on the phone, I explained who I was and why I needed to have this procedure done as soon as possible.