The Partner Swap Pt. 02

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A Golf Trip takes an unexpected turn; Anne's Story.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/19/2023
Created 09/19/2023
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This is a two part story, the same event told from the individual perspective of husband and wife Mark and Anne. Each stands on its own, but the reader may wish to read both!

I woke from a wonderful dream, or was it a memory, my husband Mark was on top of me, his cock firmly embedded in my pussy and I was cumming, not one of those screaming orgasms, but a warm satisfying glow that started deep inside me and built and built until it burst like a sky rocket. I opened my eyes and remembered where I was, in the car being driven by Mark to a golf trip with some good friends. The sun was warm through the window, the road smooth, and I'd drifted off.

We'd made love this morning and that was what had triggered the dream and I smiled, the memory still fresh, Mark erupting inside me as we both orgasmed, our love still good, an easy familiarity with our bodies.

I looked over at him and smiled, I could see that he was looking down at my breasts, the seat belt tight between them and I admonished him for ogling me rather than watching the road, but it still pleased me that he could look at me and still find something interesting after all these years of marriage. I slid my hand over to rest it on his thigh and wanted to touch him, but prudence dictated that I didn't. Dear old Prudence, I sometimes wished she didn't interfere with our lives so much, that we could be a little more reckless, but with age comes wisdom and prudence was a close relation.

I was looking forward to this trip, it was always nice to go away and play golf somewhere else, and the other three couples were amongst our best friends, we all got on well together, and as we were staying for several nights we could all relax a bit and hopefully let our hair down. Mark pulled into the car park and we could see Beth and Phil getting out of their car. They were a slightly odd couple, Beth was shortish and roundish, to put it politely, and Phil tall and rangy.

They greeted us warmly and we set off in search of the bar where we had all arranged to meet. The four of us were the first there and we got some drinks and food in, just as Cathy and Bill arrived. Cathy was the organiser amongst us, her calm, precise manner seemingly applied to everything in her life, it was difficult to imagine her ever doing anything off the cuff. Bill just got on with it, content to let her organise him.

Finally Diana and Charles turned up, bickering, which to be fair was a bit unlike them, arguing over why they were late. Diana was a live wire in every way, a provocative dresser, an outrageous flirt and huge fun in a social setting. Charles was incredibly good looking, a lock of fair hair continually falling over his forehead and a well looked after body.

We collected our buggies and drove round to the cars to pick up our clubs, then on to the first tee where Cathy had already picked up our scorecards and was busy telling everyone who we were playing with. Mark and I were playing with Diana and Charles, I could see that Mark was pleased with this, Diana had on a pretty short skirt and her flouncing continually gave him flashes of her knickers. There was some sort of on-going competition that Cathy was running, but in truth everyone just wanted to play well and enjoy themselves.

Despite having spent a couple of hours in the car, Mark and I played reasonably well, something that was clearly not the case for our playing partners, their bickering continuing and affecting their game. As we holed out on the last green the men shook hands and I hugged and air kissed Diana, "Sorry about that prick of a husband of mine, he still won't let it go."

I assured her that it hadn't affected us as Charles came over and kissed me on the cheek. "Bloody woman," he mumbled. I noticed that Diana had pulled Mark into quite a tight hug and his hand had slipped down her back to rest dangerously on the top of her bum.

In the bar we gave our cards to Cathy who started to collate them as we had a couple of drinks. We went and checked in, then back to the car for our cases and off to the rooms. I was very pleasantly surprised by the room, a huge double bed and a beautiful bathroom, with not only a full size bath, but a large walk-in shower. I unpacked and stripped down to my bra and panties before going into the bathroom. I debated whether to have a shower or a bath, but decided on the shower and stepped in to a lovely cascade of water from the rain head. I was soaping myself all over when I heard the door open and saw Mark coming in, he was naked and his cock was sticking straight out. Me or Diana, I wondered?

Whichever, he opened the door and got in with me, pulling me into a fierce hug, his head bending forward to latch on to a nipple, sending a little frisson down to my pussy which his hand cupped, one finger just sliding into my folds, almost but not quite slipping inside me. I grasped his cock and started to stroke it, looking forward to feeling it inside me again. I knew he like me to suck him and I slid forward onto my knees, slipping him into my mouth. I took his cock in as far as I could, I'd never manged to deep throat him, my gag reflex was just too strong to do that, but I still tried.

I felt him pull me up and stood as he knelt, pushing his face into my crotch. I looked down and saw the water swirling over him as his tongue extended and brushed up against my slit. I'd trimmed my pubes last night and was glad I'd done so, not only did they look much neater but they made oral sex so much more pleasurable. I pulled him hard against me, pressing my body against his face, feeling my pussy get wet inside.

He stood, bringing his cock up between my legs, pressing against my pussy and I felt it engage as I lifted my leg up onto his hip, allowing him full access to my welcoming hole. He pushed all the way in, meeting no resistance as I opened up to him, my slick tunnel surrounding his cock. He was pumping into me, almost lifting me off my feet with each thrust, his hands grasping my buttocks. I could see that it was quite a strain and I focussed on squeezing him with my pussy muscles as hard as I could.

He started to gasp and I knew he was going to cum, "Not inside if you don't mind, or I'll drip all night." With a roar he pulled out, and I grasped his hard cock, rubbing it vigorously as she came all over my stomach, the water washing it off instantly and down the drain. "You owe me one," I told him as my mind wandered over all the possible ways he could repay me. We dried ourselves and dressed, then went to the bar again for pre-dinner drinks. We were the last ones there, Diana and Charles were talking by now, but were still casting glares at each other.

Dinner was good, washed down with several bottles of wine, and it was a little unsteadily that we ambled back to the bar for one final drink. Cathy was explaining the set up for the next day, but was interrupted by Diana, "Can we swap partners for tomorrow?" Charles glared at her, but it was Beth who surprised everyone, "Golf partners or sleeping partners?"

"Well I meant golf, but if you want we can do sleeping as well." There was a stunned silence as she continued, "We're all good friends and I wouldn't mind spicing things up a bit once in a while." No-one said a thing, then there was a hubbub of voices, "Well I wouldn't mind", "Well I don't know."

I came to the rescue, "Look we've all had a bit to drink, let's think about it overnight and decide in the morning." With that we all drained our drinks and said good-night, returning to our bedrooms. I put my hand out for Mark's, both to steady myself and just to feel his touch and we made our way back to our room.

Mark went straight into the bathroom and I could hear him peeing, then brushing his teeth. I sat at the dressing table, taking my jewellery then make-up off, as I pondered what Diana had proposed. Mark came out and I asked him what he thought about it. "Well I'm happy with just you," he said as he took his trousers off and hung them up, "Surely you're not in favour of it are you?"

I reminded him we were there because we wanted to try different golf courses, perhaps the same applied to us, and perhaps we should try something different. He didn't seem totally convinced, and I stood up and took off my dress, going into the bathroom to finish getting ready for bed. I took off my bra and panties, staring at my reflection in the mirror, wondering whether I was up for it or not.

Sighing, I turned and went back into the bedroom, seeing that Mark was already in bed. I wriggled over to him and we kissed, his hand cupping my breast and I felt that familiar tingle in my pussy. I reached for his cock, finding it only half erect and I slowly stroked it, feeling it grow in my hand. "I just want this in me now," I murmured and I rolled over on my back, pulling Mark with me. His body pressed down between my legs, pushing them apart and I felt the end of his cock nudge between my legs, seeking my pussy, I changed angle slightly and felt it engage, then slide in.

I couldn't help it, I wondered what it would feel like having another man's cock inside me after all this time, I was not exactly a virgin when Mark and I met, but I hadn't exactly led a promiscuous life either, three more cocks would pretty much double my total. I tried to imagine what Bill, Charles and Phil's cocks would look like and had to stifle a giggle at the thought. Whether it was those thoughts or just Mark pressing all the right buttons in the right order I don't know, but I came quite quickly, feeling his cum spurt deep inside me.

The bed was empty when I woke and the shower was running, I stretched and got up, padding my way cross the room to the bathroom door. It was ajar and I went in, seeing Mark in the shower. I lifted the toilet lid and sat down, my pee spurting out of me and decided a poo could wait out of consideration for Mark. I got up and opened the shower door, giving Mark a kiss as he slipped out and I began to wash myself.

We dressed and went downstairs to find everyone else already arranged round a table. "OK, now you're here we can make a decision," started Cathy.

"About what?" asked Mark.

"Diana's proposal, of course."

"The golf bit or the sleeping bit?" he asked.

"The golf bit is a no brainer, I've already changed everything round, we need to vote on the other bit," she said a little cagily as she looked around, "Everyone gets to vote and I suggest it has to be unanimous." She handed round some pieces of paper and instructed us to write yes or no on it and return it folded up. A pen was passed round and suddenly I was holding it, wondering how I should vote. To be honest I hadn't thought any more about it.

I looked round the table, wondering who was going to vote how. I looked at Cathy and made my mind up, it didn't matter how I voted, there was no way she was going to vote in favour, so I boldly scrawled "Yes" and folded my paper up.

She collected the votes and carefully opened each one up, placing them in a pile, I could see "yes" on the first couple, then she continued to put the rest in the same pile. They all said the same until she came to the last one, which to my total amazement also said "yes". There was a collective sigh around the table, everyone looking at each other. "Right, that's unanimous then. We need to consider what, if any, restrictions we put on what can happen. Think about it today and we'll decide tonight. In the meantime we'll draw for playing partners and those will carry over into sleeping partners that night." She handed the men their cards and fanned the remaining four out face down. Bill picked my card out and I felt a lurch in my stomach, this was real, I was going to be fucked by another man tonight.

Mark and I walked back to our room, both in a bit of a daze. He asked me if I was OK with it all, and at best I could only nod, "I really didn't think you'd vote in favour." he said. I pretended I'd thought about it a lot and told him it was time to broaden our horizons, but inside I wasn't sure I was even convincing myself, but I wasn't going to back out now.

He suggested one last time together, but we didn't really have time and so we set off to collect our buggies and get our clubs. Mark picked up his from the car and I stood and waited for Bill to arrive, which he duly did. He looked a bit embarrassed, "I'm glad I picked you first," he said, "best of the bunch, no doubt about it, Cathy excepted of course." We loaded up and set off for the first tee.

We were playing with Mark and Beth, so it was a relatively normal round, except that I had the feeling we were all regarding each other in a different light. Mark was certainly staring at Beth and I couldn't help but wonder about Bill's cock. Mark's, I thought was a bit bigger than average, whatever that was, would he be well hung? I also wasn't sure how I felt about someone other than Mark cumming inside me, we were all clean I was sure, but it was an intensely personal thing for me.

The round finished, we gathered in the bar and Cathy was collating the cards. "About the other thing, I have had some thoughts and some of you have also had some ideas." Basically, to my relief we were going to use condoms, although the women could waive that. We girls would also stay in our own rooms, the men would come to us although they had to be gone by seven in the morning, bang goes my early morning love making, I thought, then suddenly remembered it wasn't Mark I would be sleeping with. Finally we were not to talk about it amongst ourselves, partners excepted.

The idea was that we stay with our spouses after golf and during dinner, but would slope off some time afterwards. It all seemed fair and poor old Bill was despatched to buy some condoms.

Mark and I returned to our room, deciding to go for a swim before dinner. We put our swimsuits on and wrapped our hotel robes round us, heading off to the pool. Charles and Diana were there, Diana dressed in a very skimpy bikini. We waved but didn't approach each other.

Returning to our room we removed the robes, then Mark peeled down my one piece, rolling it down over my breasts, then past my waist and off. He backed me up against the bed, the backs of my knees hitting the edge as he lowered me down. He opened my legs and pressed his face to my pussy, licking and kissing me all over. Suddenly I wanted him so badly, I wanted to feel his tongue in me, and his cock inside me, and I pushed up hard against him as I felt his fingers inside, curling upwards, pressing on that so sensitive spot at the top of my pussy.

I knew I was leaking copiously, I could feel his tongue lapping up my juices and I could hear little whimpers coming from my mouth as wave after wave of indescribable pleasure washed over me. His tongue was flicking my clit one minute then buried deep inside me the next and suddenly I came, my hips bucking uncontrollably. With a final shudder I collapsed back onto the bed, my heart rate slowly returning to near normal.

He stood up and I saw his cock was rock hard, I knew he wanted to put it inside me, and that was all I wanted as well, but we both knew that it wouldn't be fair. "Do you want me to make you cum?" I asked. He nodded and I took him in my mouth, swirling my tongue round the crown, sucking him in as I rubbed around the base. He didn't look as though he was going to last long and I could see the desperation in his eyes.

"Anne," he gasped, touching me on the shoulder. I held him inside me as I felt the first blast hit my throat, I desperately wanted to swallow it all, but just couldn't as there was so much of it that finally I had to open my mouth and allow it to seep out. I apologised, but all he did was pull me into a very loving hug as we went into the bathroom and showered together.

I didn't quite know how to dress, so decided to wear what I had planned to, a simple skirt and blouse. I did debate leaving my panties off, but practicalities won out and I put on a nice pair, gone were the days of really sexy underwear, and those that I did possess, I'd left at home. My pussy was nicely trimmed I thought, that would have to do.

Drinks and dinner passed agreeably, albeit with a slight edge and we moved into the ballroom where a band was playing dance music. Almost unconsciously we moved to be close to our partners for the night and I found myself dancing with Bill. I couldn't see Mark and Beth anywhere and forced myself to focus on just the two of us. A slow number was being played and Bill pulled me into him, automatically I put my arms round his neck as he held my waist, although lower down than he would normally have done.

As he pulled me into him I could feel a bulge pressing into me, and I returned the pressure, feeling a little quiver of anticipation. One hand slipped lower and brushed against my bum, then settled against it and I could feel his fingers tracing along the edge of my panty line. I felt strangely excited as Bill's lips pressed to my neck and a shiver ran down to my pussy, sending a surprising surge of love juice down it.

"I think it's time we made a move, don't you," he suggested, as he took my hand and led me away from the ballroom, heading for my room. We walked nervously along the corridor until we reached my room. I fumbled with my key card, but suddenly we were in, the door closing behind us.

No sooner were we in the room but Bill had me pinned to the wall, his hard cock pressing into me as his mouth rained kisses on my neck and throat. One hand was on my breast roughly mauling it, while the other was frantically pulling the tails of my top out of the waistband of my skirt. He succeeded and his hands slipped underneath, both of them squeezing me, pinching my nipples through my bra, which he pulled up, freeing my breasts for his grasping hands.

So sudden had been his onslaught that my own hands were just hanging limply beside me, but fearing for the safety of my blouse, I pushed them between us and started to undo the buttons, fumbling in the close confines of our bodies. I managed to get it off and Bill immediately bent his head to take a nipple in his mouth, sucking on it as he rubbed his hand over the other one. Thinking I ought to be doing something I pulled his shirt out and over his head, his hands momentarily leaving my breasts.

Despite the quite rough handling, his attentions to my nipples was having a predictable effect on my pussy which I could feel starting to leak. Bill reached one hand down to the hem of my skirt and hitched it up, his hand moving up between my legs to cup my pussy through my panties. A fresh surge of juice seeped out of me as he pushed hard against my pussy, I could feel his fingers parting my lips as he rubbed me.

My panties were pulled to one side and his fingers were now against my pussy lips, then they were inside me, slipping easily into my wet tunnel. My knees buckled slightly as the pleasure washed over me. Coming to my senses a little I started to undo his trousers, actually eager to see his cock, and fumbling with his belt first, I yanked them down, taking his underwear with them. His cock sprang up between us and I took it in my hand. It was shorter than Mark's, but seemed a little bit fatter as I began to rub it up and down, feeling the pre-cum seeping from it already.

Bill pulled me away from the wall and guided me to edge of the bed, so that I was facing away from him, then pushed my upper body down so I was bracing myself on my arms, my breasts hanging below me. He lifted my skirt up to my waist and pulled my panties down to my ankles and off. I felt his hands on my bum cheeks, opening my crease then his face pushed into me, his tongue licking around my puckered hole, then down to my pussy. I pushed back against him as his tongue forced its way inside me, one hand now flicking at my clit.

Although I was used to a much more gentle approach from Mark I found Bill's roughness surprisingly stimulating, and I was looking forward to feeling his cock inside me. I didn't have long to wait, abruptly his mouth deserted my pussy and he straightened, then I felt the end of his prick nudging against my bum. Automatically I tensed, worried that he was going to try to put it in my bum hole, but it slid down and pushed against my pussy, my body instinctively pushing back.