The Party and the Indecent Proposal


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As if she read my mind, she giggled. "None. I know you, Adam. No other man has been in my bed. I'm not saying I haven't had sex. I'm only human, but if a man took me home, I went with him."

The sex, as always, was amazing. We were so perfectly matched sexually. She knew all my triggers, knew what I liked, and it was the same for me. I knew which buttons to push.

The morning was strange, but comforting. Waking up with her in my arms made me wonder whether the whole thing had been nothing but a terrible nightmare. But, as my eyes opened properly and I took in the surroundings, the reality crept back in.

Yeah, it was awkward, for both of us. I didn't have to be a mind reader to figure that out.

The next few months were pretty awful. Ali's brothers were home, and that meant I had to go through another round of lectures. Ali laughed, because apparently the ones I got, weren't half as bad as the ones she got.

The funeral was awful. Damon and I had to hold Ali to stop her from falling. She was distraught. Ray, he may have been the strongest man I ever knew, but he couldn't take it. He relied on his sons to get him through.

The pain, god I have never seen anything like it. He was a beaten man.

Ali did ask me to stay the night, but with Damon there, it didn't seem right. He wanted his parents back together, and I didn't want to feed him false hope.

That's my life now. In many ways, it's filled with regret. Every time I bump into Ali, it's always the same. We talk, have a few laughs. She has been honest; she wants to get back together, and in many ways, so do I.

If we got back together at that point, I would be laughed out of town.

I heard through the grapevine: she dated a few guys. It was the same for me. I dated a few women, but Ali set the bar pretty high. She was hard to replace.

Life, as they say, goes on. There was no sexy nubile twenty year old for me. I'm an average man. I'm still dating, and still hoping to find somebody.

At least I escaped becoming the laughing stock of town.

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doctrptdoctrptabout 10 hours ago

A well-crafted story, but do two less admirable people exist? If they really had been together for 20 years and got to this point, they already had horrible communication problems. Her disrespect for his feelings and his clear need was off the charts, and his placement of more importance upon the rumors and finger pointing as more important than his marriage, both were despicible. The defining factor to his credit is that married people should be smart enough never to put themselves in that position. She was ok putting herself in a place where the gossip would destroy them, while he warned it would end them, which it did. He saw that gossip would destroy them (perhaps especially him) and begged her not to do it. If you spouse begs and you say "no" to your spouse and do the very thing they begged you not to do, then regardless of love, thr lack of respoect and consideration says you have no marriage. By her actions, she destroyed their marriage. By his reaction, he made sure it was dead. Both were idiots. She should never have done it, and he should never have had a need to play the ultimate betrayal card.

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

We liked the story to a point, but conflict lack of trust and respect just got worse and worse - with two who supposedly loved each other. It could have and should have been shut down before it ever escalated. The D word should have been used on day 1.

Two smart people so stupid!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

As usual in these kind of stories, the wife has absolutely no respect for her husband, and does not care about their relationship. Then, the husband gets blamed for beeing too proud or too stubborn.

Readers, however, let themselves be fooled. This story is about lack of respect, and a woman that does not care about her relationship. Why don’t you get it??

Ocker53Ocker5314 days ago

The MC put his pride before everything but sadly for men sometimes pride is all they have left and if you lose that then you truly have nothing else to lose. The wife put a price tag on their marriage, it does not matter if she slept with him or not she still prostituted herself and destroyed her marriage for money. It’s like the old joke, we already know your a whore we are just negotiating the price.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

Pride. Both of the suffered fro it and it killed their marriage.

Find it hard to believe any truly loving wife of 20 years would go through with her ploy, after the strident and angry ultimatum by the husband. On the other hand he fatalistically pulled the trigger too soon. 20 years over the opinion of other people when he realized she did NOT cheat on him with Brett. Her story sounds quote believable. He knows Brett is lying. Obviously a smear campaign for revenge. So yeah he goes to sleep at night with his reputation intact. Oh goodie. Seriously? It is a bad argument. Both sides are prideful. She made a horrible error in judgment. He sought only to sever and move is that working for him? Well written. Can't say I love it because both characters were stubborn assholes and the ending was way too sad.

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

Have to agree with the Anonymous commenter from 5 months ago with the post starting with "Ray was an ex-cop,...". They were both fools but the MC, though maybe divorce or separation was inevitable, was actually the bigger asshole, because he was motivated by pride and his worry about his reputation. Ironically when she stiffed Brett, and he dumped on her reputation, she actually took it, because she had already lost her husband. Too bad they coukd not work it out after some time apart. The MC and Ali are both miserable. But MC was intransigent. Yes they were both stubborn and the reason for a divorce is she adamantly refused his wishes and concerns and ultimatum. As an aside, she could have easily been drugged by Brett. Not hard nowadays. She was too trusting in her command of the situation. But the MC was driven by concerns about humiliation from external sources. Have to agree with Ray. The MC was even more stubborn. Again I can understand a divorce, though not factem discussion. She was clearly in the wrong. But she did not cheat. They had a disagreement and arguments. At least talk it about it.or try counseling. Then separate / divorce. Buy not bring able to reconcile later? Wow Old Testament heart of stone.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This is the third Cagivagurl story I’ve read, and I had to give it a couple days to truly gather my thoughts before typing this. The conclusion I’ve come to from reading multiple stories that they’ve written is that I love the way they write, but I *hate* many of their characters. The relationship-toxicity I’ve seen in some of their characters has made me so angry… And yet I realize that, in order to generate that kind of anger in me, they must be a fantastic writer, as I’m someone who does not get angry or frustrated easily. I’ve seen plenty of characters in plenty of other authors’ stories that I didn’t like, but most times I couldn’t care less, those characterizations meant nothing to me. Cagivagurl found a way to make me care about the characters, and it was only because I cared that I could dislike them so much. The fact that they were able to generate those feelings in me also means their skill is something I can’t doubt. Maybe it’s just because I’ve only read stories of theirs in the Loving Wives category that I dislike the characters so much. Perhaps if I read some of their stories in other genres I’d be able to relate to the characters more. But then not having that emotional conflict at play makes me worry the stories wouldn’t hook me as strongly. I’ll have to think about that. In the meantime, I could probably spend all night pointlessly debating character traits and perspectives, hell I could probably write an entire essay on the characters just from the three stories I’ve read, but what’s most important is that the author has genuinely managed to impress me with their skill. So that’s what I want to convey. Kudos to you, Cagivagurl. You’re a heck of a writer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I will say that this story sorta just didn’t make sense. As another commenter mentioned, why did Janice have sex with Brett? That clearly was unnecessary.


And then Ali just wouldn’t give up on this weird revenge that wasn’t even revenge. It made no sense why she was fixated on this issue when she clearly didn’t judge Craig or Janice. So I’m not sure if it just wasn’t your best story or if I’m missing something. It was odd. Her behavior was extremely strange.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

More childish prattle. It makes no difference if the writing is slick if the content is constantly careening from ridiculous to implausible to degenerate to demented to grossly immoral to bumpersticker slogans. Undoubtedly the tranny thinks he's being heroically "transgressive". Unfortunately, all he achieves is the absurd and morally grotesque.

The husband made the right choice. IRL, no one would believe the slut, there would be no way to know the truth of what she actually did. What she did do was show a profound lack of respect for her husband and betrayed her marriage. Unlike in Hallmark movies, doing the right thing often doesn't lead to rainbows and unicorns. This author needs to grow up intellectually and emotionally. Truly a wasted talent.

phill1cphill1cabout 2 months ago

Just going off with another man breaks "forsaking all others". Propositioning anyone's wife is an invitation to violence, not mortal violence, but maybe a kick in the nuts. Make no mistake, propositioning another's wife is an attack on the man. The woman is an object in this scenario.

mdadaminmdadaminabout 2 months ago

I do not think that the wife is telling the truth. She was ready to sacrifice anything to go with her lover (and I say her lover because this is the truth) and to look at the facts in this story.

First, the husband was very clear that he would divorce her if she continued to interact with her lover. He asked her more than once not to respond to him and to contact the police to obtain a restraining order against him, but she refused and continued to talk to her lover and negotiate the price with him.

Although she claims that she intends that she will not have sex with him and that she only wants to make him feel defeated, the husband made it very clear to her what would happen and that no one would believe her.

Secondly, when she agreed to go with her lover the husband gave her divorce papers and gave her one last chance to call her lover and cancel the agreement, but she refused and signed the divorce papers, which means that going on this trip is more important to her than her marriage, and therefore the situation is very clear and she is ready to sacrifice anything to be with her lover, and therefore all Her claims is false

Thirdly, if she truly intended not to have sex with her lover, then why did she not record the conversations that took place between her and her lover when she claimed that she refused to have sex? Her husband warned her about what would happen and that no one would believe her, and therefore she had to have proof, and the audio recording was very easy to prove to the world that she rejected him and did not have sex with him, but she did not do that, which indicates that she did have sex.

Fourth, concerning the contract that the husband sent to the lover, it must have contained clauses that explicitly stipulated not to have sex and not to divulge the confidentiality of events, meaning that if the lover tried to say that she had sex with him, she had the right to sue him, but she did not do that and left the lover to destroy her reputation and she became a prostitute who sells her body. With the money in front of all the people, this alone is proof that she had sex with him, and she does not dare say the opposite to people, because it is certain that the lover has pictures or videos that she does not want people to see, so she just contented herself with ignoring people’s opinion of her.

It is clear that the wife from the beginning of the novel does not have any ideals or morals because she was defending her friend who had sex with her lover and told her husband that he lives in the dark ages and that he must open up to the world now and accept the idea of the wife having sex with others, and this indicates that She has no objection to selling her body for a large sum of money, and therefore she is a prostitute and the husband was right to divorce her, even if he was late in making this decision.

It is clear that she lived her life after the divorce, had sex with many people, and enjoyed her freedom and the money she earned when she sold her body to her lover.

The story is good, although it is full of errors and quite long, and the conversations are repeated and become somewhat boring.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Well everyone has their price. Surprised she wasn't drugged at some point on the trip. She was naive about what Brett would do. But MC was too focused on external humiliation. Believable that she had no sexual contact with Brett. Not sure why the MC wanted to die on that hill.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19812 months ago

I would have divorced her with the whole car situation so the husband leaving her he made the right call it's not about Rather or not she had sex with him which she probably did it's the principal of it she chose to go on a weekend trip with another man and didn't care what her husband thought about it that's almost a worse betrayal than actually fucking another man in a lot of ways it is worse and if money never meant anything to her before then she was definitely curious about what it would be like to fuck him and she used the money and so called revenge as a excuse him remaining friends with her just makes him out to be a pussy the fact he didn't knock the guys dick in the dirt Said he was a pussy sure he wasn't a cuck bitch but still a pussy which isn't much better basically as always this writer shows she's a man hater as she made not just 1 but 2 men bitches and not a man at all 1 she made a cuck bitch and the other a pussy, coward and wimp still a bitch at the same time she made 2 women to be sluts but then again damn near every single story in this category is about sluts not loving wives

Just_WordsJust_Words3 months ago

Sometimes you need divorce to find yourself and own your mistakes. I don't think he had any real choice. That said, after the divorce there comes a time to stop caring what people think and get on with your life. The MC needs to figure that out.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

From the whole story, it's clear that Ali was a gold digger who had been waiting for the opportunity to come to her way. And when it came she'd shown her original character.

chess1972chess19723 months ago

Improbable ... yes. Still a good story where everyone stayed true to themselves. Sometimes people get into situations where there is no good way out. Nothing that will make everyone happy.

WargamerWargamer3 months ago

Adam in the end was a dickhead, sure she was naive and stupid, but he’s a dickhead thru and thru.

Still 4/5

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Long winded, improbable and horrible to boot.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good story, characters stuck to their themes and thoughts and principles, and the drama unfolded as it would, while still gripping the reader.

I agree with our hero almost completely, which is not hard, as he is a principled man and the story was written to show that his judgment was fairly accurate and sound.

Two interesting points of contention, first, I feel re-marriage should be on the table.

They are older, wiser, still love each other, there can be pre-nups, etc., and if they re-marry, it should be obvious to all that she really wanted her husband back, after all of the drama and after what MIGHT have happened with Millionaire. The husband's judgment of everyone's opinion at that point I think is no longer 100% correct.

Secondly, there is a small, fine point about Wifey's not having sex with Millionaire:

"Ray, was an ex cop, and had strong values. "You're telling me," he growled disbelievingly, "you know she didn't have any god damned sexual contact with him, but you're still divorcing her.""

A possible response from our hero:

"No, Ray, she TOLD me she did not have sex with him. That is a different matter. She started acting very different from how I expected from the beginning of this money-challenge problem. Even if I believe her, which, let's say I do believe her, 1) that does not mean I KNOW she did not and 2) She may have incentive to lie to me about it, in her own mind, from the very simple "believing she can have it all" to protecting something she wants to believe about herself or have people believe about her. A lot of life's choices revolve around incentive, and she started acting very differently when A LOT of monetary incentive was involved. She is a wonderful woman, and I love her very much, but we learned something about each other through this, and this is where we are."

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