The Pasture in Space - Revolution


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Her vagina readily submitted to this state. Though part of her anticipated a profound moment of agony, the almost impossible to bear girth of the pair only pushed her over the edge again. Her climax rocketed her back and forth, balancing her between the cocks, the collection of tentacles the only thing keeping her upright in the air.

They continued their assault, recognizing the intensity of her pleasure. The cock in her ass spasmed, adding more cum to her body. Pulling out, the two inside of her pussy stretched out even further, together as large a fist or a forearm. And yet they were delicate, deliberate. Another tentacle traced over her clitoris, adding extra stimulation as the two members inside of her seemed to find all of the right internal tissues.

She kept climaxing, her body finding new lengths of satisfaction.

Is this what you wanted?

Yes. Yes fuck me however you want. You know best.

Somehow she managed to think back at her lover.

I have never seen a woman used liked this. So willing. So eager. Your body craves each climax. It opens up to me, demanding my seed.

As if to prove the point, Antonella let loose another spurt down her throat. She greedily swallowed, slurping it down. He pulled out as the final spray went into her mouth. Gwendolyn savored it for a second, letting it linger on her tongue before gulping it down.

"I want it all Antonella," Gwendolyn moaned. "Please fuck me."

The two cocks inside her pussy expanded again, stretching her to the limit. Then the same entrance was duplicated on her other end. Two very thin, barely visible coils worked their way into her ass. They expanded a little, but only to a normal size. With her vagina already accommodating two massively large tentacles, her asshole could only fit so much. Even so, she could now feel the twin alien cocks pushing up against other through the internal separation between her ass and pussy.

They didn't need to take turns. All four cocks, two in each hole, fucked her with an intensity unparalleled by the male members of her species. Nothing else could ever fuck her like this. The creature filled her so completely that every last thought was consumed by this pinnacle of carnal delight. Her pussy, her asshole, her entire body tingled and quaked with pleasure as another earth shattering orgasm overtook her.

So consumed with her own orgasmic bliss, she did not notice the dicks in her hand, spraying down her tits and stomach with cum. She could barely feel the two tentacles near her mouth, alternating as they took turns working their way down her throat. Everything, all that was important in the universe, only existed between her thighs.

It became impossible to distinguish between the source of her pleasure. Her asshole now behaved identically to her pussy, pulsing, sending out signals of joy just as intensely. The two holes combined, weaving together a transcendent tapestry of fulfilment. Every secretion, the cum dripping down her face, clinging to her tits, sopping out of her holes; every insertion, from the one in her mouth, the new tentacles moving in her loose grip, and especially the four working their way inside below the waist, overwhelmed her senses.

The dam finally broke. Even with the vast reservoir of seed saved up through countless cycles of neglect, Antonella was approaching its end. The alien put everything into these last thrusts, pounding away, his swollen heads summoning one final round of ejaculate. All as one, the slits inside of seven distinct heads begin to convulse concurrently.

The veritable flood of semen shoot all over her body, inside and out, again covering her body. With each shot, even the last few bits of skin that had remained pink, now were coated in the white fluid. Not a single millimeter remained uncovered. The goblets dripped down, plastered in her platinum blonde hair, running down her back and rump. Semen burst out of her anus and pussy as though originating there, running down the length of each inserted shaft.

With a dogged commitment, Antoellea thrust a few more times, sensing Gwendolyn right on the edge of a final climax. This proved enough. This last movement caused every neurotransmitter in her brain to nearly collapse, expending every last drop serotonin in one last hurrah for her body's final indulgence of bliss.

An new ecstasy, not just unknown to her, unknown to the human race.


Violet Nall had finally broken.

Her neck and arms had been held rigid in the plastisteel pillory for days. Her body subjected to all manner of abuse. Her battered, aching pussy, leaked out the cum of a dozen different men, their seed sloshing around inside of her. It mixed with the trail of semen oozing from her asshole, combining into one filthy brand.

Soon, the overseer would really turn the men loose. Not to get information - no he had been convinced by her tears, her wails of agony, that the story had been true. Her mental block broke after the repeated forced entry of the vicious guards left her bruised and bloodied. For nearly two cycles, despite the beatings, the cruel canes on her ass, her pussy, her oversized tits, despite the repeated rapes, Violet Nall remained firm.

For two cycles, it didn't matter how many loads were blown on her face. Or the humiliating act she'd been forced to perform. They laughed at her, watching her urinate in front of them, her legs shaking, unable to hold in her stream any longer. As if on cue, one man pulled his dick out and hosed her down, the rest of them hooting.

Even then, she returned their bleating with a hoarse insult.

"At least you won't wet your bunk tonight..."

It earned her another beating.

She could barely see out of one blackened eye. Her throat blistered, parched, and scorched with thirst. Her pussy and asshole burned and ached. Her stomach shrank, unable to relay the message of hunger due to her deprivation. All matter of bodily fluids, mostly spit and cum, clung to her body. Every muscle alternated between a bloodless sleep, and the stinging rush from return of the flow of oxygen to her barely moving limbs.

Still, she did not break.

There remained hope. Violet knew nothing of the creature, but believed that Gwendolyn's abilities might still have an effect. But after two cycles, she knew the elements would have made short work of her lover. As the beat her, the blows landing mercilessly on her red and purple ass, it finally became too much.

She wept.

Violet never confessed. She stayed with her story, knowing that admitting a betrayal could only increase her punishment, or worse, provoke a purge from the Overseer of her milk maids on the chance that each possessed the same power. But the change in her demeanor, the depressed, resigned tone in her voice, signalled to Tycho the end of her defiance.

He sentenced her to be used up as a service unit.

Many of the laborers had lusted after her their entire lives. They would have their chance to take her. In a final humiliation, he sent in Elara, her longest serving milk maid, to clean up the Supervisor the best that they could. They even clad her in a silver uniform.

The Overseer wanted to provide the illusion of a fresh, unspoiled victim for the grungy, dust covered degenerates of the farms.

They took her out of the pillory for the night, bringing her to the rest shelter closest to the fields. The guards fed her a meager ration, which she ate shamelessly on her hands and knees. Tethered by the throat to the stake in the ground, there could be no escape. Looking around the room, she could only wait and imagine the ways the men would take her. Of course, there was the pillory, alongside countless other immobilizing contraptions designed to spread her legs. On the wall hung whips, chains, electric prods, and other devices of sexual torture. She couldn't make them all out, nor could she keep herself from imagining.

She shut her eyes.

And tried to wait for the morning.

But in reality, Violet knew she was waiting for the end, when her nearly lifeless corpse would be thrown out to the creature.

Light appeared in the door. Violet looked up, squinting through swollen eyes to see the guard enter... only to fall lifelessly to the floor, an unseen hand retracting from the back of his neck.

Into the blinding light, moving unadorned, Gwendolyn stepped into the dank, dark chamber. Her breasts seemed a little larger, swaying in the smallest way as she nearly ran up to her chained lover. Violet could barely react, her mind unable to make sense of what was happening.

By all rights, Gwendolyn should have been dead.

A smaller corner of her brain believed this a hallucination, the product of every last endorphine firing in her collapsing mind. Then the tiny nimble hands worked at her restraints, trying to open the plastisteel lock around her collar tightly sealed around her neck. Violet's eyes fluttered, barely able to hold her head as Gwendnolyn pulled at her neck.

"How..." Violet asked.

"There's no time," Gwendolyn said. "They will start any second. How do I get this off?"

"The Overseer's key..." Violet said, almost unable to shake off her earlier resignation.

Gwendolyn turned her head, scanning the room for anything of use. Her eyes went to the black holster at the hip of the dead guard. She stood up from her squatting position, giving Violet a longing look.

She pulled free the blaster then almost tripped in her hurry to return to her lover.

She held the pistol awkwardly, letting it dangle as though holding a venomous snake by the tail. Unsure even how the thing worked, she knelt next to Violet, inspecting the weapon, trying to figure out exactly where the trigger was placed.

"I don't..." Gwendolyn said.

"Give it to me," Violet said.

Of course there was no reason Gwendolyn should have known how to operate a blaster. But watching her protege struggle with the most simple of tasks turned her brain back on, sloughing away the impotent helplessness of the past few days. The feel of the well-worn handle in her fist, clasped tight in her grip, revitalized her. To Violet Nall, the weapon was salvation, an instrument she had seen wielded to devastating effect.

One she had never been allowed to touch.

She stood, wrapping her arms around the smaller woman, depending on her lover for balance. Together, they took tentative steps, stretching out the chain to the limit. Each movement was agony; finally the chain pulled taut. Violet leveled the blaster, thumbing the contact, only instead of hearing the resounding low-frequency whine of the energy weapon, the very earth rattled underneath her.

"It's started," Gwendolyn said. "We need to move!"

Violet looked at her shot. She had aimed true, the links of the chain disintegrated. She still wore the collar and two meter long length of the tether that rattled on the ground as she walked. Even so...

Violet Nall walked free.

Or rather, she limped, clinging to her lover, almost tripping over the corpse as they hunched down. Gwendolyn led her, the pair stepping out into the open atmosphere.

Into the chaos.

The light blinded Violet; she held up one hand, the other wildly waving the blaster to cover their advance. All around her, she heard the noise of battle without understanding what could be happening. The ground shook, tremors whistling through the air along with the din of screams, orders, and blaster fire. Not in the distance, nearly next to them.

Her eyes adjusted to the sight.

Uprooting the rocky terrain dozens of monstrous tentacles shot up through the ground, swarming the farm from every angle. These stretched out to ten meters tall, wide as a human body, smacking against the earth at the laborers fleeing like insects, avoiding the blows only by their nimble feet. Still, a wide sweep by the appendage smacked three running farmers, sending them flying into the distance.

Gwendolyn grabbed her, almost carrying her weakened lover to a nearby rock she'd plotted out for cover. Catching her breath, Violet peered out from behind the cover, ready to direct her blaster bolts at her captors. She steadied her arm, trying to find a shot, but didn't dare. In between them, the largest tentacle slapped down, crushing another soldier beneath its pulsating girth. It went back again, only to stand straight up, impeding any shot.

Guards poured blast after blast into one of the oversized arms. It paused for a second, shimmering, shaking, trying to overcome the painful bolts of energy. But the concentrated fire was too much, forcing the tentacle to retreat back underneath the ground. The rest followed suit, hiding beneath the earth. The men looked around, bracing for the next attack.

They nearly panicked. They had existed for generations without experiencing an attack of this viciousness and barely held themselves together through the chaos. The monster never committed to a full fledged assault like this; it fought, it abducted, but never committed wholesale slaughter on such a scale. Across the fields, blood soaked into the blooming vegetables. Laborers wailed out, crawling on broken limbs, letting out their last gasps as they expired. Most were scattered along the dusty, flat planes of the asteroid.

The first strike had caught them completely unaware, killing hundreds in the plot with a single blow. Survivors spread out every which way, fleeing further in the fields. Those rushing towards the hub were halted by the outpouring of guards, rushing out through the nearest exit. The shocked soldiers caught their breath, most reacting as though the danger had passed. A few went as far to direct the laborers back to the field, pointing back at the crops over the objections of the survivors.

Violet held her breath, scanning for a way which might allow their escape. Though their numbers thinned, at least thirty guards still stood upright.

Only she saw what the men didn't.

Pushing up from the ground, spindle-like tendrils came creeping at the ankles of the guards. Thin, barely wider than a thumb, these coiled around the ankles of their victims nearly simultaneously. Before they realized it, a few were pulled down to the ground hard enough to pop their patellas out of place. Another, unlucky enough to have tentacles around each ankle, was torn apart at the groin, blood and entrails spraying out onto his comrades.

Unbridled fear descended on the ranks remaining. Men shot down, several sorching their own legs in an attempt to free their bodies. The smaller tentacles create more disorder than the larger target. Many of the men panicked, rushing towards the entrance to the hub, trampling each in an uncontrolled attempt to flee.

Their leader barked out orders through his comm, trying to steady his men, only to have a bloodied tentacle wrapped around his throat, the pressure causing his eyes to bulge out of his head before the neck snapped. His head dangled backwards, falling behind his shoulder blades as he stood one final moment before slumping to the ground.

Violet lowered the blaster, looking away. There was no point in participating.

The battle was over. The men clawed at each other, crushing their friends in an effort to escape. The sound of blaster fire slowed to a near halt as the creature ripped to shreds the last few men shoving to try and get past the mass of humanity entering the hub. Then the outstretched tentacles gave out a violent spasm, retreating back into the earth.

"They have put up the force field," Violet said.

"It doesn't matter," Gwendolyn said absently.

"They have enough energy to power it for a week, maybe more," Violet said. "Long enough to starve us out."

"Trust me," Gwendolyn said.

She moved closer to Violet, and in a moment she had been longing for since their capture, their lips locked in an embrace than transcended all that had happened apart.

For a brief moment, the couple ignored the carnage.

Gwendolyn pulled away, looking up over the rock.

"Can you run?" She said.

"I am not sure..."

"Let me help," Gwendolyn touched her finger to her lover's temple.


Nothing burned, her abilities truly unlocked from her encounter with the creature. And despite the lingering aches and pains, Violet stood, her muscles ready to comply.

"We're heading for the Pasture 13," Gwendolyn said.

"Gwen, even that one turret will rip us to shreds," Violet protested.

"We're back to trust," Gwendolyn reminded her. "There's no time to explain. Let's go..."

The two sprinted towards the entrance, where Violet had thrown countless underperforming hucows to the creature. They ran together, hand in hand, Gwendolyn pulling her forward. She had learned so much control over her powers in the last few days, but even so, the days of deprivation slowed Violet. The two moved quickly, closing fast on the airlock to Pasture 13.

The entered the range of the turret, and nothing happened.

They were so close now, only twenty meters away. They closed the gap, not knowing that behind the metal shield, a guard activated the mounted gun. The whirring sound of the weapon heating was the only warning, He pulled the trigger, Violet instinctively turning her face away, expecting to be stopped by a hail of blaster bolts that never came.

She opened her eyes, looking to see the barrel of the mounted blaster welded shut. Violet looked down, the earth spreading open in front of her. The rock spit, parting for the creature as the tentacles forced open the red-colored dirt behind them. They kept running, the ground beneath them disappearing as they reached the relative safety of the hatch.

"It's on lockdown," Violet said. "We can't..."

The words caught in her mouth, stopped by the sight of an all too-familiar face on an alien body.

Rising from the broken soil walked the most majestic entity, its very existence a contrast to everything Violet Nall ever knew. Its four hooves stamped imposingly forward, connected to strong, muscular legs covered in a thin layer of august purple fur. From the waist up, the creature looked human, displaying female characters.

More than that.

She looked like Gwendolyn.

From her nearly white blonde hair to her fair, pure porcelain skin, to the thin hips that swayed with every step of her four legs. The resemblance was uncanny. Her breasts were bare, larger than her mother's, bursting forth like a goddess. Her eyes bright blue with an expression almost vacant, completely unconcerned despite the increased pitter-patter of laser fire in the distant.

Violet tried to speak, tried to rationalize this half-human, half-alien hybrid waltzing toward them, the heiress of their new world. She started and stopped, looking from mother to daughter, and still unable to make the connection.

"Violet," Gwendolyn said, before borrowing a word she learned from another sect of humanity. "This is my daughter Tarran."

Before she could respond, they were interrupted by the renewal of blaster fire.

"Okay, not the time for introductions, we need to get through the door," Gwendolyn said to the being. "Hurry, before they send the rest of their force."

Violet slumped down, letting Gwendolyn pull her away from the doorway. The hybrid cocked her head and outstretched her arm. For a moment, the airlock simply vibrated, shaking against its frame. Tarran twisted her hand and a hunk of plastisteel ripped free, suspended in the air for a few seconds before the centaur let her arm drop, allowing the metal circle to fall into the dust.

She walked forward, stepping over the doorway, her powerful legs entering the colony.

"I know," Gwendolyn said, her hands clasped around Violet's ears, forcing her to meet her eyes. "But we can't stay here!"
