The Portal Alien

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Life becomes more interesting when Eileen meets an alien.
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Eileen leaned over her desk and activated her display with a practiced gesture. The interface flickered to life slowly, as if mana also needed a jolt of caffeine to come alive.

"Biometric match not confirmed," appeared on the display. Eileen dropped into her chair with a sigh and rolled her eyes.

"Identity confirmed--good morning, Eileen." The interface welcomed her to her shift monitoring the dimensional portals. Of course it needed the eye roll to recognize her. Eileen pushed back her chair and wandered off to the break room to find a cup of coffee while her console updated the sensor logs collected overnight.

She mumbled the obligatory responses when her colleagues asked how she was doing. This approach tended to deflect everyone except Dale. Like Eileen, Dale hated empty interactions. Eileen didn't have the energy this morning to reflect on how she was feeling, which meant avoiding them.

Thankfully, Dale was already fully engrossed in sensor analysis, and Eileen was able to avoid being social. She wrapped her hands around her mug and absently blew at the coffee while initiating the diagnostics that would verify the sensor data on which MAGINT relies.

When Eileen took this job she was assured she would be protecting this dimension from extra dimensional abominations. In reality, she spent her days confirming that the sensors continued to produce static. Not a glamorous role, but one that was paying for grad school--as long as she could keep her clearance.

Eileen cleared her mind and allowed the stream of sensor data to flow through the filters she had invoked from the astral fabric. The portal provided the inputs, the astral provided the templates, and her console drew mana from the building generator. She was hired to orchestrate all three to scan for anomalies. Anomalies that might forewarn of an invasion. In the advance of any anomalies, though, her job was dangerously boring.

It was no wonder that after finishing work and school, Eileen would turn to hallucinogens. Combined with her innate magical talents, the drugs allowed her to construct elaborate fantasy worlds in her mind.

Once Eileen had all of the pieces in place, she dropped into a meditative trance waiting to observe an anomaly that she doubted would happen in her lifetime. From this meditative space, she reflected back on last night's fantasy.

In the world she had constructed, mediums and elementals could safely interact. Normally a human would be obliterated by the furious power of an elemental. A medium could absorb enough elemental energy to survive for a short time. In Eileen's fantasy, she was a medium and as such, she could converse with, and learn from, the elementals in her home.

Each elemental created a unique sensation. Her skin would tingle with the excitement of an electric elemental. Her blood would rage with the fury of the fire elemental that powered her stove. Her muscles would twitch rhythmic to the air elemental that carried messages to her receiver.

Her favorite was the water elemental that coursed in her shower. EIleen had decided to call the elemental Tess. Tess caressed Eileen's skin in waves, pulsing with sensation that was soothing and arousing. Awash with serotonin from the drugs, Eileen coaxed Tess into producing cilia that tickled her thighs and teased her clitoris.

Tess bifurcated and began gently pulling Eileen's labia apart while increasing pressure on her clitoris. Eileen braced against the back of the chair to give Tess better access to squirm inside.


Eileen encouraged Tess to coalesce into a strong jet of water, pulsing against her clitoris and driving deeper into her pussy. Her muscles relaxed, hoping that would let Tess reach her G spot. Yes, so close. Just a little--


--What the fuck, Eileen thought, jolting herself out of reminiscence. Something must be wrong with the filters. They think there is a signal from the portal. No, she reminded herself, filters aren't sentient. The filter is misconfigured, and it's my job to configure it properly.


Eileen pressed down on her thighs as a quick grounding exercise and named four things she could see: the clock on the wall, Dale in their own meditative trance, the office rug, and the holographic display--alerting her to an anomaly. Eileen reached into the hologram and acknowledged the alert, giving her a chance to recover some composure.

After refilling her cup, Eileen turned her attention to sensor processing. She had never encountered a misconfiguration this egregious. She tried recalibrating the feeds three times. When that didn't work, she tried the standard Fourier transforms. No matter what, the sensor stream continued to report anomalies.

"Hey Dale," Eileen waved her colleague over. "What do you make of this?" Dale kicked their chair back and scooted over to join Eileen. Dale began perusing the results.

"I've already tried..." Eileen continued, until Dale cut her off with a wave. When Dale was hyper-focused on a problem, they couldn't process interruptions.

Eileen realized that her anxiety was in overdrive watching Dale recreate the same diagnostic steps. She took a quick walk, and when she had returned Dale was weaving a new spell. "I think we're seeing a storm system passing near the portal. See how the signal started building earlier this morning? I bet it passes by lunch."

"Thanks, Dale, I'll check into that." Eilleen accepted control of Dale's weather control spell. She compressed the magic into a hardened kernel and attuned it with the portal's defenses. After a few minutes of incantation, she was ready to deliver the spell through the portal. "Bon voyage" she whispered as the kernel slid out of existence.

Her heart beat once, twice, and again. Eileen realized she was holding her breath--foolishly expecting something dramatic to happen. As she slouched back into her chair, she was startled by a jolt of static. Eileen jerked forward in response. But when nothing else happened, she relaxed anew.

The next discharge sparked harmlessly beneath Eileen's chair. Tentatively at first, then with greater confidence, minute bursts of static explored their environment. The sparks seemed confused by the insulation that fed power to Eileen's display. Curious, the sparks followed the power line to the display.

Eileen sat back up when her display began to crackle. She concluded there must be a storm on the other side of the portal. Dropping into a trance, she attuned to the display to calibrate the interface with the energy disrupting her sensor analysis.

"Hello," she heard from her display, a whisper somewhere between her subconscious and conscious mind.

"Um... hello?" she whispered back, feeling more than a little foolish.

She heard a cacophony of susurration, followed by eerie silence. The clock ticked loudly. Then, "You can speak?"

"I can," Eileen responded. "Where are you? Who are you?"

Another pause while the alien entity groped for the right words. "I am a portal alien, from your perspective."

"You're. A what?"

"I am a... specialist in first contact situations. Tell me, are you a being made of energy?"

"No. Oh no. I'm flesh and bones."

"Bones, what a curious concept. Please tell me more."

Eileen and the portal alien chatted for the next couple of hours, each intensely curious about the other. She learned that the alien had a torso with eyes, a beak, and six tentacles. The alien chose the name Traa and learned that humans have limbs with hinges that restricted motion in a most curious manner.

Their conversation was interrupted by Dale. "I'm headed home, you working late?"

"I've just about gotten your spell fully calibrated. I'll lock up and see you tomorrow." Eileen waved to Dale, and hunkered down, feigning intense work.

After about an hour, Eileen re-launched her display. "Traa, I have an idea. How we can learn about each other."

She could feel herself getting excited by the prospect of meeting an alien. Would their bodies be at all compatible with her own? She began fantasizing about powerful tentacles restraining her limbs while suction cups explored her skin and a beak nibbled at her clitoris. In her fantasy, the alien slid one tentacle inside her while another tentacle applied pressure to her mons. The alien flexed its tentacle, and Eileen let out a tiny whimper.

"Yes, please, I would love to explore your anatomy."

Eileen tried to blow a loose strand of hair off her face, but the sweat on her forehead was glue. "I think I can surreptitiously open the portal during the next calibration event. That should give you a few seconds to move through the portal. We'd have about 20 minutes until the next calibration window. What do you think?"

"I await your signal."

Eileen did a full sweep to make sure she was alone. She could feel her heart pounding anxious as she waited for the calibration to begin. As the indicators turned amber, she eased the portal open.

Moments later she was face to face with Traa. They were nothing like she expected. They were... simply gorgeous. Traa had iridescent skin and a long, tubular torso with six tentacles at one end, surrounding their beak. At the other end of their torso were six yellow eyes and a frond of blue cilia that waved as if a gentle breeze were blowing.

Eileen reached out a hand and Traa wrapped a tentacle around her wrist, gently running the tip along her fingers. She realized the tentacle was a little slippery. Almost like precum, she giggled. Wherever Traa touched, Eileen's nerves tingled electric.

"Your fingers, they only move in one direction?"

"It's true," Eileen confirmed, making a gentle fist around Traa's tentacle. She squeezed and felt hard muscle under the pliable exterior. "I had expected suckers, but you're completely smooth," Eilleen spoke in hushed voice.

"I don't need to be." Traa flexed to produce a series of ridges that they pulled along Eileen's fingers. She could already imagine those ridges moving against the walls of her vagina.

"Perhaps you'd like to explore the rest of my body?" When Traa confirmed, she shed her clothing without pause. "What do you think?"

"May I explore... everywhere?"

"Yes," Eileen whispered. "Please!"

Traa began investigating Eillen's body. Everywhere they touched tingled briefly. And when Traa found a sensitive spot, Eileen let out an appreciative moan. The nape of her neck. The small of her back. The sides of her calves. Traa even found a spot on Eileen's abdomen that throbbed with anticipation. Surprise mingled with appreciation as she let out a long moan.

"Given how your body hinges, I expect it would be easy to restrain you."

"Let's find out." Eileen raised her arms and widened her stance.

Traa wrapped a tentacle around each of Eileen's limbs. They found the counter-fulcrum points and began squeezing. Eileen gasped and tried to struggle. It was quickly obvious that she was helpless in Traa's embrace. Every time she tried to kick free, Traa made a small adjustment, keeping Eileen immobilized.

"How does this feel?"

"Like I'm more alive than I've ever been. Please continue!"

Traa looped a tentacle around Eileen's torso, the tip of the tentacle hovering above her nipple. Eileen writhed against the restraints. Traa tentatively poked the nipple, observing how Eileen's breast quivered and the nipple hardened. Poking the other nipple produced much the same effect, and Eileen moaned hungrily.

Traa squeezed Eileen's breast, gently at first, while continuing to tease the nipple. As they began squeezing harder, Eileen's breath grew ragged, and she could almost imagine reaching climax just from nipple play.

"An interesting reaction."

"That felt amazing, but you haven't explored my pussy yet," Eileen responded, looking past her breasts to the patch of hair between her legs.

Traa released Eileen's breasts and snaked their remaining tentacles along Eileen's thighs. They massaged her labia and pulled her open. Eileen wasn't sure if she or Traa was more slippery.

Traa slid a tentacle into Eileen's pussy while exploring her clitoris with another. Eileen strained against the restraints while her body shook with orgasm. "Oh god. Yes. Yes!"

She tried to lean into Traa, who understood her intent. They slid their tentacle as deep as it would go, touching spots inside Eileen she didn't know existed.

Traa flexed and their tentacle quickly swelled to twice its former girth. Eileen gasped as her cavity stretched, and then relaxed into the sensation. Moments later, Traa added folds to produce tantalizing ridges, eliciting another gasp of pleasure from Eileen.

"Yes. Faster!" Eileen begged.

Traa responded by sliding their tentacle back and forth. As each ridge slid against her labia, Eileen shuddered with pleasure. She had never felt so full. Or so happy.

Eileen flexed her internal muscles, grabbing Traa by the tentacle. The sensation pushed her back over the edge. Waves of pleasure coursed through her. Traa increased their pace and multiple orgasms crested, each one building on the previous. Eileen's body shook and Traa was forced to shift to maintain their grip.

Traa paused to give Eileen a moment to catch her breath. They then slowly pulled out, one delicious ridge at a time. With each one, Eileen whimpered. When the tip finally popped out, her pussy clamped shut, trying to trap that final orgasm. She could still feel the lingering tingles.

In this state of bliss, Eileen almost missed the calibration lights, "Hurry, you need to pass back through the portal!"

As Traa disappeared back into their dimension, Eileen heard Dale's voice: "I thought something was up."

(This story is dedicated to Dee Slash, who helped me discover a love for all things tentacled.)

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