The Price is Always Right Pt. 01

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A couple down on their luck get an offer they can't refuse.
18.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 11/22/2023
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The schedule on Sophie's computer showed just one more patient before she could go home for the evening. She sighed, looking forward to the end of the work day. She had a few minutes before the appointment, and she thought back over the last few years.

Sophie had married her college sweetheart, James, two years earlier. James was the man of her dreams and had seemed too good to be true initially. He was handsome, intelligent, kind, and adored her in a way that made all of Sophie's friends swoon over him. They had a small wedding in a picturesque local church and had settled into a comfortable life together. James taught math at the local high school and, for the last few years, had also helped coach the cross-country team. He had been her rock while she went through the stress of graduate school, and she loved being able to help contribute with her new salary.

Since she had finished school four months earlier, she had been working as a physical therapist and had gotten lucky with her first professional job. It paid well, and she had been given her own clinic by the company she had signed on with.

The clinic had a small waiting room with a front desk to check people in and a more extensive back room serving as a state-of-the-art gym. The company gave her input on the equipment she wanted and provided everything she needed to help rehabilitate her patients. She even had an office off the gym where she could write notes and do administrative tasks. It had been hard running her clinic at first, but she had been steadily building up her practice over the last few months and now had a full schedule most days of the week.

She looked at the clock on the wall. As much as she liked her work, she had always been a homebody and loved nothing more than curling up on the couch with a good book or something to watch. Sophie imagined this started because her family was incredibly close growing up, and she and her younger sister had always been inseparable. James was content at home with her, but he was the more adventurous of them. Part of why she had fallen in love with him in college was because of that side of him.

On their first date, he had dragged her onto the dance floor and had made a habit of it ever since. She had initially been a little self-conscious about dancing, but she had to admit that she had gotten pretty good over the years. Nothing got James revved up quite like dancing together in public. After having a few drinks, he had once admitted that he loved knowing that every man in the room wanted her but that she was all his.

They had an active sex life, and both made efforts to stay in shape as well. Sophie worked out almost every weekday and was now taking advantage of having her own personal gym most days.

A man who looked to be in his mid-60s with greying hair walked through the door into the gym area of the clinic. She knew he must be the patient she was waiting on. Her first impression of him was that he was imposing. He must have been near six and a half feet tall with broad shoulders. He looked like a former athlete well past his prime. She was familiar with the type. He had a muscular frame with a belly hanging over his belt that had undoubtedly accumulated over the years since he stopped playing competitive sports. He wore a nice suit well-tailored for his body type and carried a leather gym bag. He walked across the gym in her direction.

"They told me to come on back. You must be Sophie. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Richard," the man said with a smile and extended his large hand to her.

"Nice to meet you as well," she replied, taking his hand. She noted he held on for a beat longer than was comfortable, and his eyes went down her and back up before he let go. "If you brought a change of clothes, you can go ahead and change, then we can get started," she told him.

"Be right back," he patted his gym bag and went to the restroom to change.

A few minutes later, he returned in athletic attire and crossed the room to join her.

"So, when you made the appointment, you said your left knee was bothering you. Is that correct?" Sophie asked.

"Yeah, this damn knee has bothered me for years," he said, gesturing to his left knee, "but it seems like any time I try to stretch the leg out now, it clicks or pops."

She had him do several maneuvers and closely examined his knee. His knee popped with movement when she examined him.

"What sport did you play? Football?" Sophie asked him, trying to maintain a conversation as she continued to examine him.

"Good guess, sweetheart," he said with a big smile. "I played center in college but didn't quite cut it in the pros." She noticed his eyes stole a quick glance down at her chest before returning to her eyes.

Sophie didn't react to being called sweetheart. Despite having a doctorate, she was used to being called things like that by the occasional man. "I see a lot of people who have injuries or pain from playing sports. It's really common. After a while, you get pretty good at telling what people were likely to play," she answered him professionally.

She had him stretch and then move onto a piece of equipment to work on strengthening the muscles around his knee. The entire time she explained the exercise and what to do, his eyes seemed to wander her body. She had always attracted a lot of attention from men, but Sophie didn't like how this man looked at her.

She knew men considered her attractive, and Sophie had to admit she liked the way she looked. Her golden blonde hair fell to her midback, though she usually kept it in a ponytail for convenience. Her bright green eyes gave her a striking appearance and were framed by her high cheekbones and full lips. Her slender body was toned and firm from regular exercise, making her C-cup breasts appear more impressive. She even still had a light natural tan from her and James' last trip to the beach a month earlier. At work, Sophie wore form-fitting scrubs that hugged her hips and showed off her slim figure.

Lots of men stole a look at her here or there, but Richard looked at her like a starving animal looking at a piece of meat. Ravenously. The fact that he was older than her father just made her feel that much more gross.

"You're a stunning woman," he told her out of the blue as his eyes devoured her.

She felt the blood rush to her face and chest. "Uh, thanks," she said awkwardly, uncomfortable with how brazen he was being with both his comments and looks.

"I thought when I came in today, I would get an old man like myself. I had no idea I would have a woman like you taking care of me, but you sure made it easier on the eyes," he continued.

"Let's move to another machine, and I'll show you the next exercise," she said, attempting to change the subject.

Richard got settled on the next machine while she explained what to do.

"So just extend your leg," she said, "let me know how that weight is."

"Not bad. I can feel it around the knee, though," he answered, seemingly focused on her as much as the therapy.

Sophie leaned forward to adjust the weight on the machine he was using. As she finished, she looked up and noticed he was staring down the front of her shirt. She was wearing a sports bra, but he no doubt had a decent view of her cleavage. She quickly stood upright and pretended she didn't notice that he had been looking that blatantly.

"Mmm, damn," Richard said with a big grin on his face, not hiding at all that he enjoyed what he saw. "You are a heck of a woman."

Sophie blushed, unable to pretend she was unaware of what he was talking about. She was horrified at being objectified this way and didn't know what to say, so she stood frozen for a moment until she could speak.

"Sorry, uh, excuse me," Sophie quickly excused herself and rushed to her office. She stepped out of view and pressed her back up against the wall, trying to regain her composure, but she could feel her anger building. After a few moments, she was able to center herself and get her anger under control. She told herself that she had to remain professional, but she wouldn't let him make any more comments like that. She exited the office after a few moments and focused on finishing the session.

"Let's move over to the treadmill," she said, moving on from the exercise and his wildly inappropriate comment.

She managed to avoid any more opportunities for him to make comments by putting him to work and returning to her office for a few minutes. To her relief, time was up very quickly. She briefly gave Richard a rundown of what she wanted him to do at home until their next therapy session and ushered him out of the door.

He turned to her on his way out, "It was truly a pleasure today. I look forward to seeing you next time," he said with a wink before turning and walking out.

Sophie watched him through the window as he walked to his truck and left the parking lot. She said goodbye to the girl covering the front desk and gathered her things to leave for the afternoon.


James hopped up the steps of the small, 3-bedroom home he shared with his wife. It was located in a quiet neighborhood just north of the city center, and they had been pleased with what they had gotten with their first home. He slid his key into the lock, unlocked the door, and let himself inside. The sitting room on the first floor and the connected kitchen were empty, but he knew his wife was home.

"Soph, you upstairs?" he called into the bedroom but didn't get an answer. He heard the scraping of claws on the stairs coming from the basement.

Lucy, a 5-year-old female labradoodle, bounded around the corner and nearly knocked him down. This was the ritual they went through every day when he got home from work. She sprinted to him when she heard him come through the door as though she thought he would never return.

"Where's Soph? Huh?" he rubbed the dog behind the ears as it tried to lick his hand and circled between his legs. "Is she downstairs?" he asked. "Show me!" he told Lucy, following the dog as she turned to run back down the steps into the finished basement.

James stepped off the last step and looked for his wife on the couch in her typical spot. She was in the corner of their sectional sofa, curled under a blanket, watching one of her comfort shows. He walked over to her and sat down beside her.

"Assumed the position already?" he joked, as it was barely five in the afternoon. She was still in her work scrubs and hadn't even taken the time to change before she came to lay on the couch.

"Yeah," Sophie said, a bit flatter than James expected. She could be hard to read and had her fair share of fluctuating moods, but this was unusual for her.

She hadn't taken her eyes off of the TV. James had hoped to take Lucy out to the local dog park, but it looked a lot more like cuddling on the couch would be the main activity for the evening.

"Everything okay?" he asked. He was confident this wasn't related to him, but he could never be too sure.

"Yeah, just a long day," she said, the short answer telling James to leave it alone.

He went upstairs and spent the next few minutes throwing together a quick dinner with some of the leftovers from the night before. On his return to the basement, little had changed. He brought Sophie a plate of food, and she sat up to eat. They ate in a relatively comfortable silence.

"Why are guys such creeps?" his wife asked him suddenly. James raised his eyebrows.

"Did something happen at work?" he asked with concern, feeling himself sitting up more rigidly.

Sophie paused momentarily, seemingly trying to decide how to tell whatever story she was about to delve into. She didn't seem upset enough to make James overly worried, but he also didn't like the thought of his wife dealing with creeps.

"So, there's this new patient I saw today, an older guy. He played football for State. He seemed nice enough at first, but sometimes men are just creeps, you know?" she said, not looking for anything from her husband but affirmation.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with that today, Soph," James said, putting a hand on her head and stroking her blonde hair gently. "Did he do anything in particular?" he asked, trying to get her to open up.

"He just kept staring at me in a way that made me uncomfortable," she explained. "Like he was picturing me naked the whole time."

James imagined the man watching his wife, thinking about her that way. A wave of anger went through him, and something else that he didn't quite understand.

"Guys are the worst sometimes," James agreed while shaking his head, "want me to fight him for you?"

Sophie looked up at him, startling green eyes as beautiful as ever. "I love you so much, but this guy is pretty big," she said teasingly.

"Oh, you don't think I could take him?" James leaned into the joke.

"I'm just saying, he briefly played in the pros," she added.

James ran his fingers up her blanket-covered leg. "Well, I am more of a lover than a fighter," he said as he leaned in and kissed her along her neck.

"Mmmm," she moaned softly as she leaned back to give him better access to her neck. James' hands started roaming her body under the blanket, but he couldn't seem to get his mind off of this guy picturing her naked during their therapy session.

"When is that guy coming back to see you?" he asked, unable to keep his curiosity at bay.

"Tuesday, but don't make me think about Richard anymore tonight," she said, opening her eyes, annoyed.

James felt his cock twitch at the thought of the man, Richard, looking at his wife with desire. He felt ashamed immediately and did his best to put it out of his mind.

He ran his hand under her back and pulled her shirt out of her scrub pants so he could get his hands under her clothes. She found his lips with hers and kissed him deeply while their bodies moved closer together on the couch. He pulled her shirt over her head, and she lifted her arms to make it easier. Her incredible breasts were snuggly held in place by the sports bra she had on underneath.

His hands were all over her as he continued to kiss her passionately. He squeezed her breast through the bra with his hand and then pulled the bra up so that her breasts sprung free. He pulled his mouth from hers and pushed her back so he could move his mouth down to her breasts, gently kissing between them and then over the nipples. He gently took one into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it.

"Mmmm," she let out a soft moan. His lips continued to explore her breasts until she pulled his face back to hers for another kiss. He ran his hands down her back and into her pants, squeezing her butt.

He could feel Sophie's excitement building and decided it was time. He sat up and helped Sophie move onto her back. He pulled her pants and panties off in one motion before quickly taking off his clothes and climbing onto his wife.

With one hand, he guided his cock and pressed himself into her with ease. She was wet and ready, and the sensation of her warm pussy gripping him tightly was intense. He pushed in and then slowly pulled back, giving her a moment to get used to the sensation. He then gradually increased the rhythm until he got to a steady pace. With each of his thrusts, she made soft mews that let him know she was enjoying it. He kissed her again while their hips ground together.

James focused on his breathing while continuing his pace. Sophie always felt so good that if he wasn't careful, she could make him cum very quickly. He wasn't in the mood to be done quickly tonight.

He looked down at his wife beneath him and thought about the other man, Richard, watching his wife. He felt his cock twitch and had to slow down briefly to stop himself from cumming before Sophie had an orgasm.

The noises from his wife continued while he focused on maintaining control. After a few minutes, he could tell what he was doing was working for her. Sophie could reach an orgasm most of the time without too much effort.

Sophie's breathing picked up, and he knew she was close. He worked to try to time his release with hers as he continued his consistent strokes.

"Tell me when you cum," James whispered into her ear as he continued his thrusting. He again thought of Richard. He imagined the older man watching Sophie's incredible body, knowing he couldn't have it and how much that must tease him. He wondered if the man had gone home and jacked off thinking about Sophie. He would bet money that he had.

The tingling in James' balls was building rapidly as he thought about Richard and his wife. He imagined his wife alone with him, the man moving closer to her, within arm's reach. James was losing control, but then he felt his wife start her orgasm.

"Now," she said between panting breaths.

The tightening of her pussy around his cock put him over the edge. A few seconds later and they came together with her heavy breaths and his cock emptying deep inside of her. He felt several spurts shoot out, and it felt like a significantly larger load than usual.

"That was great," James told her as he rested, still connected to her.

"Mhmm, you always say that," she smiled at him, her eyes still closed.

"It's even better now that we're not using condoms," he said, referencing their recent decision to start trying to start a family. She had her IUD removed the year prior, and they had been using condoms until they were ready to start trying. Now that Sophie was out of school and had a great job, they had decided it was time.

James wasn't lying. She felt so much better without a condom. He had missed that feeling.

"You think you did a good enough job tonight to get me pregnant? It sure felt like a lot," she said, kissing him passionately.

James was a little embarrassed that thinking about the older man and his wife had turned him on so much. "I hope so," James said, putting the thoughts of Richard out of his mind with his new post-sex clarity. "You're going to make an amazing mother."

"You don't know that," she answered. He looked at his wife and the future mother of his children. She looked radiant below him, her golden hair spread out around her.

"You will. There's a reason I adore you," he told her, confident that he was right.

"I love you too," she said, looking as happy as he had ever seen her and the day's frustrations forgotten.

They got cleaned up, and James fell asleep holding his wife, her head snuggled against his chest.


James woke up and made a pot of coffee. It had been a week since he and Sophie had discussed the patient that had made her so uncomfortable. Richard, he remembered. Since their first conversation, he had thought about it often, but they hadn't discussed it again. He knew that today was the day she would be seeing him for his next appointment.

He watched his wife as she leaned over the sink toward the mirror to finish her makeup. James did his best to look at her like it was the first time he had seen her. She was wearing navy blue scrubs that fit well. His eyes followed them up to her thigh gap, and then the material stretched across her shapely ass. He imagined Richard seeing this view as she reached for something. Would he have wondered what panties Sophie was wearing? Would he have imagined what her pussy would look like from behind? Would he have thought about taking her in that position? He moved his eyes up from her ass to her slender waist. It was accentuated where her scrub top was tucked into her pants, giving her a more pronounced hourglass appearance.

He had been having trouble understanding how the situation was making him feel. It was part anxiety but also excitement. He knew that other men found his wife incredibly attractive, and he had always loved that he had, in his opinion, married well above his looks. This was different, though. In the past, he had just enjoyed how attractive she was and that she was his to enjoy, but he couldn't stop thinking about Richard and his wife alone. An image filled his mind of the man approaching his wife from behind as she leaned over the sink.