The Prison Governor


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"What about doing it to my cunt instead of my bottom?"

"Oh, now Sandra, that's not very inventive is it and we were going to do that anyway? Let's think about what you wouldn't like. Maybe shortening those work skirts by another two inches? What about having another meeting with the plumber? A session on the spanking bench with the cane being used?"

"Please no. I know what you want me to do and alright I'll do it. I'll ride the wooden horse."

"Sandra, you are so astute and yes we would like that, and it is a good offer. Let's keep that as something owing to us for another time. We'll let you have your cunt fucked first and whilst that is going on we'll loosen your ass so it its ready for when it gets fucked."

They moved the dildo to Sandra's cunt and with Patty holding a smaller dildo against Sandra's rosebud, Julie turned the machine on to a medium setting. Even with lubrication and up a passage more used to quite large dildos, Sandra squealed as it tore up inside her and then back out. The smaller dildo going straight up her ass was hardly noticeable. It took Sandra quite some time to get used to the size and speed of the fake cock going up her and even then she didn't feel very comfortable. Patty exchanged the smallish dildo for a larger one and held it by the machine so that it copied the one going up Sandra's cunt.

"Why don't you play with your clit whilst you have your fucking, Sandra?"

Sandra did as she was told. She was already aroused and a climax wouldn't be long in coming. Before that happened though, Patty moved the anal dildo up a size to one that was just a bit smaller than the one in Sandra's cunt. When that went in her anus, Sandra said her mantra and climaxed. They let her continue to have the dildos move in and out of her holes for a minute and then stopped.

"Good girl. Now it's time for that bottom to try the big dildo."

Patty re-aligned it and put some more lubricant on it. Without further ado, Julie turned the machine on straight to medium speed. Even with the loosening, the head of the cock stretched her anus and when the ring thundered its way past the portal, Sandra really did feel as if something would split. She shrieked and tried to move off the dildo but the harness held her in place. As the dildo travelled out of her bottom it was the ring that really got her. It felt huge compared to when she had put it up her during the masturbation session.

"Now, Sandra, I bet you are enjoying that nice bum fuck. Fills you up and exercises your little rosebud. I bet it will stay open for ages after we take the dildo out. So whilst the machine pleasures you lets have you playing with that clit again. You get so randy that maybe this time its two orgasms before we let you finish on the machine. And it's always good to give you an incentive. So, let's say that you spend the same amount of time on the wooden horse that it takes from now until you finish that second orgasm. Patty will be timing you."

With her latest fantasy revolving around Eve, Sandra played with her clit as she pictured Eve on the fucking machine and herself standing straddling Eve's back and whipping her bottom with the flogger. It didn't take long before she was rubbing harder and nearing her first climax. She said her mantra out loud and then stopped masturbating as she enjoyed the pleasurable sensations. She was still up in the clouds when she realised that time was passing by and each second meant serious discomfort on the wooden horse. Although she knew she was wet, she still covered her two main fingers with saliva before getting back to her fantasy and trying to elicit the final climax.

"Eight minutes, Sandra. Not bad for a whore like yourself. Make sure you put that in your diary that you owe us eight minutes on the wooden horse."

Julie turned the machine off and as she did so pulled the chain between the nipple clamps. That elicited an immediate cry of pain as the clamps came off. The long drawn out moan signified that the pain was still there but very gradually becoming more bearable. Julie was tempted to rub them for her.

With the shoulder harness removed. Sandra crawled away from where she had been and then moved to lick the dildo clean. When she had done the one on the machine, Patty passed her the other three that she had used. Sandra licked them all before putting them on the side to be properly washed and sprayed later.

"You can go and kneel over in the corner, Sandra, and put your hands on your head. Mistress Julie wants to try out the machine for herself but only up her cunt."

Sandra could hear the movement as Julie put the harness on and got herself into position.

"Now Patty, plenty of lube please, and no turning the controls to superfast either."

Patty obviously started the machine on slow as Sandra could tell from the sound the machine made. The sound that Julie made when the ring bored its way down her cunt and then back out was very different.

"Oh hell is that big. It feels like someone's pushing a tree trunk up me. I don't know how Sandra managed this at speed."

Sandra smiled to herself. Judging from the lack of chat but various sounds from Julie, Sandra guessed that Julie was probably masturbating and eventually she heard what she recognised as the little noises that she made when she orgasmed.

"Oh wow. Can you turn it off please Patty? That was good but it really is a bit too big. Maybe on a special occasion though. And Sandra, crawl over here and lick the dildo clean and then give me a quick lick after that."

Once Sandra had cleaned the toys and put things away, they all went back to their respective rooms.


Eve was on her fourth night of fatigue duty. At least if she got through this night without incurring penalties of more nights then that would be a major success. She felt tired and worn out. Her heart sank though when she saw that she was on her own again and that it was Warden Jameson yet again.

"Inmate 2598, our fourth night together. You won't need your clothes so come through naked to the washing area."

Eve expected to have a toothbrush passed to her but instead the warden held out a nail brush.

"Open wide."

The nail brush had a handle which she was able to hold with her teeth. A bar of soap was put in her hand.

"Tonight you are going to clean the floor here. There is a bucket filled with water there. Now I want you to kneel on all fours and then dunk the nail brush in the water to get it wet. You then rub it against the bar of soap and then you get your head down, bottom well up and you scrub the floor. You do one of the large floor tiles and then you dunk the brush back in the water and you go over the same tile to rinse it a bit. You move back and repeat the process on the next tile and you continue doing that until I tell you to stop. Off you go."

Eve put the bucket beside the tile she was going to start with and then on all fours lent her face into the bucket. With her face soaked as well as the brush, she held the soap so she could rub the brush on it. Then face down and pushing hard she moved her head from side to side. She got into a rhythm of scrubbing then rinsing and down to the next tile. It didn't take long before she felt her neck starting to ache. She had got to the third tile when the wet towel flicked her bottom. It took her by surprise and she dropped the nailbrush but she retrieved it quickly and put it back in her mouth. It stung and as she concentrated on scrubbing she got five more stinging flicks before the warden stopped. When she had finished the fifth tile the warden told her to stop. Taking the nail brush from her, he gave her a dry cloth to hold in her mouth.

"Now you go back from that last tile to the first and dry the tiles."

It wasn't quite as easy as it sounded and it required more moving the head but eventually she managed.

"Stand up. Your next task is to carry some water. There are two buckets here filled with water. At the other side of the room you will see two more buckets. You carry the two buckets here over to them and then you fill up the other buckets. You then return back here with the filled buckets. You put them down and then you repeat what you just did. I don't want to see water splashed on the floor and I also don't want you being slow so I'm going to time you doing it for the next half hour. I know how long it should take so you had better be close to it. Off you go."

Eve picked up both buckets which were quite full and set off with them. It was only about twelve paces to the other buckets. She very carefully emptied her buckets into the other ones before swapping over and carrying them back. She followed what the warden had said and turned, put the buckets down then lifted them up again and off she went on the next walk. By the time she had done half a dozen walks backwards and forwards she was finding that the weight of the buckets was definitely making her arms ache.

She has spilt very little on the walk but a bit had splashed when she was filling the empty buckets. She persevered and hoped that she was going fast enough. She didn't think she could go any faster without spilling. Back and forth she went until the warden told her to stop. She inspected the area around where Eve had been filling the buckets but didn't say anything. She didn't even say whether Eve had done the exercise within the time set, so Eve was left not knowing. The next session that she had to do was back to the showers and doing the frog jumps around the area whilst the water dripped down on her. She was tired and her concentration let her down twice as she slipped and fell. She quickly resumed but knew slips would cost her. Each jump was an effort and she knew that she wasn't going to last much longer. She fell again and this time the warden told her to stand up.

"We have half an hour still left, Inmate 2598. I am sure you would like to go to bed but if I let you go now, it would mean adding another night to your quota. Do you want that or will you carry on?"

Eve wasn't going to give in.

"I'll carry on. Miss."

"Good. Squat, legs apart and arms out with hands together."

The warden put the handle of the empty bucket over Eve's hands.

"Five minutes, and then five minutes of frog jumps and so on for the last part of the session."

Eve slipped twice more in the showers whilst jumping and dropped the bucket twice also before being ordered to stand.

"You dropped the nail brush once, you slipped in the shower five times and you dropped the bucket twice. You spilt some water and you were two minutes slower than the target time. Now that is not really a good performance is it Inmate 2598?"

"No Miss. I'm sorry."

"I have to decide now whether to add that extra night or not. Do you think you deserve an extra night, Inmate 2598?"

"No Miss. Please don't add more nights to my punishment."

"Well, you will get the strap on your cunt and hands instead. Five on each. You know the procedure, lie on the bench with legs nice and wide."

Eve lay at the end of a bench so her feet rested on the floor and just her back rested on the bench. She hoped the warden wouldn't hit her too hard but the first stroke was definitely too hard and she had to reach with her hand to rub herself. She started to cry as she knew that the stroke wasn't going to count. She just about managed the five strokes that then followed.

"Stand up and hands out flat and close together."

The strap hurt but Eve was determined to get through them. They still felt numb and swollen when the warden had finished.

"And finally Inmate 2598, you can have a little play using your punished hands on your punished cunt. Now get wanking and don't make me wait long."

She staggered upstairs to bed after eventually wanking off. This time though instead of being woken up during the night, she was woken about half an hour before the normal wake-up call. She spent the time between the warden's legs sucking away whilst still nearly asleep.


"Today, Sandra, I'd like you to take both Julie and myself on a tour of the walls of the fortress. It seems that there are all sorts of things tucked away. Is that possible?"

"Yes, Mistress, it is although there is one exception. No-one other than myself is permitted in the room at the base of one of the old watchtowers. It contains armaments just in case there is a serious incident that requires us to protect ourselves. I'm not hiding anything else."

"That is fully understood, Sandra. I wondered whether there might be some sort of defence equipment. It's not necessary to see it. I think we would just like to go up onto the walls and see it all. Shall we go after lunch?"

"Yes, that's fine, Mistress."

Three hours later Sandra opened the doorway to the first watchtower. Most of it was taken up a large array of computer equipment inside a cage.

"This is where the main computer equipment like the file servers are kept. It also has the equipment for the communication systems. Whilst our communications go via the men's prison which has a powerful satellite transmitter, we can still make short range transmissions."

Up the stairs to the next floor there was a doorway out onto the top of the walls of the perimeter. Up to the next level they walked out onto the roof with crenelated walls around.

"There used to be cannons here and then there were search lights but they removed them years ago."

The view was good, mainly out to sea but also across to the village and harbour. Looking down the cliff edge was near and was quite a drop. They made their way down a floor and then out and along the walls to the next watchtower. Sandra unlocked the door. At roof level it was identical to the other one although it did have a mast with a satellite dish attached. They didn't go to the ground floor because of what Sandra had said. So they retraced their steps and went through the other door that led to the watch tower at the front of the fortress. On the roof of this tower search lights were placed facing outwards towards the interior of the island. On the ground floor there were a couple of work benches with tools and also boxes which Sandra said were full of spare parts for the buggies they used. In between the two front watchtowers was a smaller tower that was directly above the drawbridge and which contained the electric motors and ancillary equipment for raising and lowering the bridge.

"The drawbridge is controlled from the warden's room in block A. It is the warden on duty who has to raise the drawbridge each night. I check that this is done."

"And what happens if the warden forgets, Sandra?"

"It doesn't happen and if it did the warden would probably prefer to jump off the cliff than face my wrath. I would almost certainly have them fired because I regard it as extremely important. It's not to stop anyone getting out, it's to stop someone getting in."

The fourth watchtower was again the same as the third. Search lights on the roof but the ground floor room was full of tins.

"That is an emergency food supply. That was another thing that I insisted we should maintain. Once a year we get a new supply and the old ones are returned to the mainland. It's not a lot of food and with over 150 inmates and staff it won't last long. So, that's it. Not a lot to see really."

"That was useful, Sandra. Thank you."

Julie and Patty stopped for a chat whilst Sandra returned to her office.


With her last night on fatigue duty, Eve was determined that having come so far that she had to last it out. She wasn't at all sure though whether her body would hold out. She was so tired. Her neck, her arms and her thighs were particularly weak from all the exertions in the previous days. But she knew that things had gone a bit too easy and was suspicious that she was being led up the path to then find something nasty at the end. She didn't make any great effort in bed with Ellie beforehand. She needed what little energy she had left to use on the important session.

There were two other inmates on fatigues duty that evening and they waited patiently for the warden to arrive. It was Warden Knight who arrived who Eve knew was a friend of Sandra. Her hopes immediately took a nosedive. She was ordered with the two other inmates to wash the kitchen and dining area floors. They all worked hard as a unit and everything seemed satisfactory when they had finished that task. Eve thought that maybe they had taken an hour which was halfway through. They were then separated to go to different areas with Eve selected to stay in the kitchen where her job was to clean and polish the door fronts of units there. That seemed easy enough and she put a lot of effort into ensuring that there wasn't any grease or anything and that they couldn't be cleaned any better. When the warden came to check her work she seemed happy.

"Inmate 2598, you are free to go to bed."

Eve climbed the stairs as if in a dream. She had completed her four nights of fatigue duty. She clambered into bed and would have gone to sleep straightaway if it hadn't been for the two wardens who made her go along to an empty cell. She was gagged and tied face down on the mattress. Standing on either side of the bed, they furled the wet towels they had and then proceeded to beat Eve with them from her neck to her feet. When they were satisfied with covering her back, they turned her over and did the same to her front. When they had finished Eve felt as if there wasn't a single part of her body that didn't hurt. They left her tied to the bed and it wasn't until the morning that the warden on duty untied her. There didn't appear to be any visible marks but Eve ached all over. All that was left was to go along to visit Sandra and apologise and ask for the final punishment that Helen had told her to do.


Sandra wasn't in her office that day as Patty and Julie had come into her office shortly at mid-morning and told her that it was going to be her day off. They made her go with them up to the top of the first watchtower that they had visited the day before. Up on the roof they made her strip off her clothes and then lie down on some towels that they had put there earlier. Her arms and legs were tied so that she was spread-eagled but with just a bit of slack. They then coated her with suntan lotion and finally without her feeling it, Patty placed some paper across her bottom and also across her back.

"Now, Sandra you are going to relax and have some time off. We have rigged a camera up that will be watched to make sure you are ok. If anything is important that happens in the office then you will be released to deal with it. But you must have a break from being in your office and as we can't go to the beach, this roof will do. One of us will be up to give you drinks during the day."

They kept her lying there all day in the sun. She was given plenty of liquids to drink and they put more suntan lotion on. Finally in the late afternoon, they let her free and took her downstairs. It was Julie who then applied some after sun lotion to her back. Even in one day, Sandra was going to look quite tanned. She was even given a night dress to wear in bed to ensure that she didn't get lotion on her bed.

The following day, they did exactly the same with her but this time she was made to lie on her back. After suntan lotion was applied and sunglasses put on her, Patty again put some paper across Sandra's stomach.

"It will do you good to relax and get a tan. Now be a good girl and think about naughty things. And just to help you can have your egg for company."

With the vibrator pushed up into her cunt, all Sandra could do was just lie there in the sun. Every so often the vibrator would start up and stimulate her for a while before being turned off. She actually managed to sleep for a while. When they applied more suntan lotion they massaged it in gently and then one of them played with her clitoris for a while before leaving her to continue her sunbathing. Finally in the late afternoon they released her and took her back to her bedroom. Once again after sun lotion was applied and she was dressed in the night dress. Supper was brought into her and she was even given a couple of glasses of wine to drink. It wasn't long before she fell asleep.
