The Prison Governor


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The following morning Sandra got up and walked across naked over to the fitness room where she put her leotard on. When Patty arrived, she curtseyed and started off on her exercises. Getting into the cold shower was refreshing especially against her newly tanned skin. She had a warm shower back in quarters to remove any remnants of the tanning lotion before getting dressed in her office clothes. She had to admit that the two days away had refreshed her. She made coffee for Patty and started work. By mid-morning, she had caught up with what had arrived whilst she was away. None of it was urgent which reassured her that it was possible to take time off and not stay in the office all the time.

In the evening Patty had supper with her and accompanied her back to her rooms. She was going to change into her bimbo outfit but Patty told her that she would pick something for Sandra to wear. She selected a casual skirt and a jumper and watched as Sandra took her blouse and skirt off and put the casual clothes on. They chatted all evening until it was time for Sandra to visit Geraldine. She quickly stripped her clothes off and hung them up before putting the white blouse on to go across the courtyard. Her session with Geraldine went fine and finally she climbed into her own bed and went to sleep.


The following morning Sandra rushed over to the fitness room. She had put her leotard on and was about to start on the air walker when she heard voices. Moments later Patty entered along with Warden Graham. Both were in their leotards.

"Morning Ma'am. I was telling Sophie about our morning exercise session and she thought she would like to come along. I said it would be fine as there is plenty of equipment to use."

Sandra felt embarrassed being in the bottomless leotard. She was even more embarrassed when the egg vibrator up her cunt started up. She looked back at Patty on the treadmill who just smiled at her. Sophie was using a bicycle exerciser and pedalling away. Sandra did find the situation quite erotic and it wasn't long before she had a climax. She couldn't stop herself making a little sigh which she hoped would have gone unnoticed. After her stint on the air walker Sandra did her floor exercises and then went for a shower.

No sooner had she taken her leotard off than Patty and Sophie entered the area where the clothes lockers and showers were. Sandra very carefully removed the egg and put it under her leotard. Patty and Sophie watched Sandra wash and then dry herself before they got in the shower together. Sandra quickly raced off back to her room holding the wet towel and the egg.

It was when she was in her bathroom doing her teeth and looking in the mirror that she noticed something on her stomach. She went over to the long mirror she had in her bedroom and looked. Even with the letters being reversed in the mirror she could clearly see that it read "Bimbo" in big letters on her stomach. She turned around and using a hand mirror looked at her back. On her back "Slut" was written and across her bottom it was "Whore". Patty had covered up her skin to stop it getting tanned. It wasn't just that though. The other warden had now seen what was written on her. She was embarrassed and also angry.

She sat at her desk and smouldered. She made coffee for Patty.

"Mistress, about this morning. Was it necessary to have Warden Graham come along and see me? And as for what is now written on my body."

"Sandra, you are here to serve. Both Julie and I will look after you and not say anything to anyone, but Sophie has seen you going over to the fitness room in the morning, she also passed you when you were standing outside Julie's door waiting to go in. She was on duty the other night in the discipline rooms and happened to see us go inside the dungeon room. She just put two and two together and asked me directly about whether you were Julie and my slave. It was pointless denying it. She said she would love to come along one evening and watch if that was possible. I told her that she could see you in the fitness room with your new body markings which of course you hadn't realised were there.

She could hardly stop laughing when she saw you on the exercise machine with whore across your bottom and then hearing you orgasm as well. Anyway, that is the situation. And I don't like the way you have raised the matter either. It smacks of bad attitude and I can tell that you are angry. I won't have that. This was an exercise in humiliation for you. So you can put yourself down for three demerits and you are lucky it isn't five. No, reverse that, it is worth five and I don't see why I should be lenient. Now go back to your office and cool off."


It wasn't long after she had sat down that there was a knock at the door and Helen came in with Eve behind her.

"Good morning Ma'am. I hope you enjoyed your little break. Looks like you've caught the sun a bit. Makes you look healthier I think. I've brought inmate 2598 along to see you as she has something to say."

"Ma'am, I just wanted to repeat what I said a few days ago. I am truly sorry about saying what I did. I know I have been punished for it but I want to prove that I really mean I'm sorry. So I would like, and if it would suit you, to ask you to give me a further caning or paddling of ten strokes or more."

Sandra was rather taken aback by the request. Eve sounded sincere but she wondered whether Helen had something to do with it.

"Eve, your apology is accepted and I will put you down for punishment this evening. I hope though that this will be the end of the matter and that you settle down to life here. Now go and wait outside as I want a word with Warden Evans."

With Eve gone, Sandra was able to hear what Helen had to say.

"Yes, I did suggest that Eve ask for an extra punishment. I also decided in the end not to get her period of fatigues duty extended. She worked very hard and was already exhausted by the fifth night. Pushing her further wasn't going to help. I think she needs as you said to settle back down to life and have a few weeks without being picked on. I can certainly pass the word amongst the wardens to let them know that you are happy with her apology and to treat her the same as any other inmate."

"Yes, I agree, Helen. I will carry out the punishment tonight. I will not give her ten strokes though. I think five strokes of the paddle will suffice."


Patty left Sandra alone for the rest of the morning, but after lunch had her standing by the post with the dildo pole up her cunt. Sitting in Sandra's chair, she clipped Sandra's skirt up at the front before getting her to put her middle finger out and smeared some of the heat producing cream on it. She put a bit on her own finger.

"Start playing with your clit and rub that cream well in, Whore."

As Sandra moved her hand towards her cunt, Patty carefully lifted her skirt at the back and put the finger with the cream up her anus, wriggling it about as she did so. She left it in the warm cavity before pulling it out and letting Sandra's skirt fall back into position.

"And don't think that this is payment for a demerit as it isn't. It's catching up on the couple of days that you took it easy. And don't think it's the last time you take a day off. Next week sometime you are going to top up your tan. Tell me is that cream getting uncomfortable?"

"Yes, Mistress, it's getting very hot."

"Good. Well as you've really rubbed it in, you can put your hands on your head and stand there for an hour. After supper tonight when you've attended the inmate discipline session, I want you in your bimbo outfit and sitting on your dildo stool in front of the sofa as you will be sucking my cunt for a while."


"Inmate 2598. I'm here to be punished for insulting the Governor".

Eve moved to the bench and lay over it and spread her legs so that they and her hands could be tied to the frame of the bench. Finally, the thick belt was secured across her back.

"Inmate 2598, you will now receive 5 strokes of the paddle rather than ten because I have decided to be lenient with you. Now, get ready for your first stroke."

Sandra had no intention of being lenient with the five strokes. Eve was blubbering away after the first stroke that landed right across the middle of her bottom. She took the five strokes and after being released, once again said her apology to Sandra. She'd be feeling those strokes for a few days when she sat down. Once another inmate had received five strokes and the punishment register completed, the inmates were sent off back to their blocks and Sandra went to prepare herself for the evening.

She was sitting where ordered when Patty arrived and a couple of minutes later Julie walked in.

"So do you want her first, Julie or shall I have her?"

"Either is fine by me."

"Well you go first then. I'll get the harness."

Julie buckled her part of the harness on and once Sandra had hers on, the two were buckled together. Julie adjusted her skirt so that Sandra head was covered. Patty got the glasses and a bottle of wine.

"It's a nice perk to have as governor. Plenty of bottles of free wine and its decent stuff as well."

Patty was interrupted by a knock on the door. She got up to open the door and Sophie came in.

Patty -- "Hi, take a seat. I'll get you a glass. As you can see our whore has already started her evening work."

Sophie -- "Is this an every night thing for her?"

Julie -- "Not really. Patty and I do visit here at least once a week and as you know, Sandra does visit our rooms. She has a prison girlfriend who she visits twice a week and services her."

Patty -- "And we do like to keep her occupied."

Sophie -- "It's nice having a sex slave. Before being posted her I had a nice girl serve me for about a year."

Julie -- "Did you do much with her?"

Sophie -- "Yes, quite a lot. Bondage and obviously spanking. Naturally there was the general training and controlling her on a day to day basis. I enjoyed that very much. She liked the overall control but hated a lot of things I made her do, but she was an obedient bitch and I miss her. I haven't really noticed anyone around amongst the inmates that really appeals and obviously an inmate slave isn't always accessible as you know. So yes, I'm remarkably jealous of you having a non-inmate slave if I may put it that way."

Julie -- "We do quite a lot with our bimbo whore. Having her up on the roof and tanning herself with the words was great fun. We do use the dungeon but often use the toys that are stored in the cupboard here. There is a fucking machine that we put her on quite frequently."

Patty -- "She has a diary that she keeps on her desk. You can borrow it overnight if you like and read it, but she'll need it back first thing in the morning as that's when she updates it."

Sophie -- "That would be great. I'll do that. It's very good of you to be so open about all this. I appreciate it. I certainly won't tell anyone at all about it as I can see that none of you want your business known by everyone, although keeping secrets in this place is pretty difficult. And I should say that I don't want to try to muscle in on your scene. For your slave to have two mistresses is fantastic but three would be totally impossible. But if there was ever anything that you'd like me to do then please ask. I'd love to just sit and watch quietly while you play if that is possible sometimes."

Patty -- "Speaking of which, how is our little bimbo doing Julie?

Julie -- "Oh she's licking and sucking away. Do you want her now?"

Patty -- "Maybe later but I thought our guest might like to get acquainted with her.


Julie unlinked the harness and took her part off and handed it to Sophie who put it on.

Julie -- "Ok. Sandra crawl over to Sophie."

Moments later Sophie and Sandra were united.

Sophie -- "That's very nice. Just out of interest where do you set the boundaries for her?"

Patty -- "We aren't brutal with her. She does get spanked quite hard for failures but no blood or anything like that. We make her drink semen and occasionally pee but nothing beyond that. We do expect her to do whatever we want and without question which is why I was so displeased with her this morning. The trouble with her is that she is so used to being in command and control as her job dictates. She loves taking a break from it though and experiencing the control over her. She is highly sexed and enjoys being made to do things. This morning she asked me a question about you seeing her and I could tell from the way she said it that she was also angry about it. She didn't give me a chance to tell her in my own time. So for that she has earned five demerits."

Sophie -- "Yes, that isn't acceptable in my book either. And how do you intended her working off those five?"

Patty -- "I haven't had a chance to discuss it with Julie yet so nothing has been decided. But of all the rules to break, this is the one that earns the severest punishment."

Julie -- "Patty and I will be talking later about not only those demerits but she has also racked up a few other ones since we last settled her account and it would be as well to clear them all."

Sophie -- "I notice that you call her whore quite a lot and that was obviously important when you did the body marking. Any particular reason?"

Julie explained about the squat toilet being fitted and the visit of the plumber.

Sophie -- "Oh that is superb. Actually making her use a squat rather than a sit-down is brilliant. As for her earning a discount off the cost by fucking him, that really does put the icing on the cake. No question she has earned the title."

Julie -- "If you like, we can give you a bit of privacy with Sandra whilst we pop into her office to have a chat. That way you can go the whole way without being embarrassed by our presence."

Julie got up without waiting for a reply and Patty followed her out of the room.

They returned ten minutes later to find Sandra standing in front of Sophie.

Sophie -- "Thank you for that. I really enjoyed it. And as for this darling outfit, it's great fun. Not the sort of thing you can get on the island."

Patty -- "Yes, it's been a good outfit but we need to extend her wardrobe next time the freighter visits."

Julie -- "And that's something else we need to sit down and review. The shopping list."

Patty -- "Sandra why don't you fill our glasses and also your own. You can give Sophie a demonstration of how you have been taught to drink."

After filling the glasses, Sandra took a large sip and holding it in her mouth could be seen from the way her cheeks and her mouth moved to be swirling it all around her mouth before eventually swallowing it.

Sophie -- "Oh that is good training."

Julie -- "Sandra, I think that Patty and I would like to have a chat with Sophie. You can take your stool through to your office and sit on it in the corner until we have finished."

Sandra was eventually called back into her living room as her three guests were leaving. She was however summonsed later in the evening by Patty who wanted some oral, seeing as how she had missed out earlier in the day.


The following morning when Sandra was just putting her leotard on in the fitness room, the door opened and Sophie came in. She was already in her leotard.

"Patty asked me to supervise your exercise session this morning. I know what you normally do each morning but I'll try a few different things today. You can warm up with five minutes of gentle stretching of those leg muscles and when you've done that it's on the treadmill. I assume that the egg is deep in your cunt?"

"Yes, Miss, it is."

"Off you go then."

Once on the treadmill, Sophie put the speed up to jogging pace rather than her usual fairly fast walking pace. She was sweating after ten minutes. Sophie kept her on it for thirty minutes before letting her start doing floor exercises. Even doing them Sophie expected her to complete many more bends, squats and jumps than she did with Patty. After the forty five minutes she then had to remove her leotard and do five minutes of cooling down exercises. The egg started vibrating the moment she started. Once she had completed all the exercises she was told to lie on her back, legs together and then play with herself. Sandra knew that she would get murdered by Patty if she didn't obey Sophie so she started wanking. Sophie stood with her legs either side of Sandra's body and looked down to watch Sandra move her fingers of both hands on her cunt.

"I do like to see a slave having some fun. From reading your diary you have had a lot of fun but it also seems that you are rather naughty at times."

When Sandra orgasmed, she just said "Thank you for letting me come, Miss". Sophie made her shower and then go and change back at her rooms.


Patty and Julie had both told Sandra to calm down. She had only been on the wooden horse for ten minutes before begging for mercy and promising she would do anything they wanted.

"Yes, darling we know you will do what we want but what you still don't seem to grasp is that you do it without question, willingly and with a smile on your face. You promised before you would be a good girl and then you tripped up. You were told that you were going to be punished and that's why you are here now. And apart from the eight minutes you owed us from before when we let you choose whether to have that dildo go straight up you, you've also got the fifteen minutes for the attitude demerits plus there are a couple of other demerits for not curtseying. So, let's call it twenty five minutes."

"But, please I can't last another fifteen minutes, Mistress."

"You can and you will. And to take your mind off it we have decided to let Miss Sophie help you."

They had decided to allow Sophie to watch and now she got up from the armchair where she had been sitting and took the flogger that Patty handed to her. It was obvious immediately that Sophie was adept at using the instrument. The leather strands unravelled just before impact and spread their sting across Sandra's right shoulder and moments later the left shoulder got the same treatment. By the time she felt that it was enough, Sandra's back was covered in streaks of red.

"So, it's just another ten minutes to go. You see you can manage it. So, let's have a chat about what else you are prepared to do. We asked about shortening your skirts by another two inches. Will you do that for us?"

Sandra was about to make a response, when Julie continued.

"But we did say that we wouldn't do things that might impact on your position here. So, what about getting the plumber back to do some work? I'm sure he'd give a discount in return for an hour in the bed with you. And it's the sort of thing you do, isn't it, Whore?"

"Yes, Mistress Julie."

"I think that Mistress Patty is considering reducing her nights with Geraldine. So, if she did, would you like to take her place?"

"If you wish, Mistress."

"We all know how much you like lapping cunts. But you are doing another sex fatigues duty next week, so you will have plenty of cunts then. Three nights to enjoy. So we are now about eight minutes to go. Is it still hurting?"

"Yes, Mistress it hurts terribly, please..."

"Now Sandra no begging. Mistress Patty and Miss Sophie now have something to occupy your mind."

Patty and Sophie stood on either side of Sandra, each holding short riding crops. Taking it in turns to strike, they targeted the part of the bottom nearest them. Sharp stinging blows that had Sandra yelping each time a stroke landed. They gave her a dozen each before stopping.

"Did that help, Sandra?"

"Yes, Mistress Julie, a bit."

"Good girl. Just five minutes left. So let's just recap. From now on you will not show attitude when there is something you don't like. And you have promised to do what we tell you. Is that right, Sandra?"
