The Private Life of a Country Vet


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"Jack, for a man of few words that was quite a speech but I'm blowed if I can work out why you're telling me this."

"You're worried about yesterday right?"

"Of course I'm worried! I have a budding business to consider but more importantly Joss can't afford a reputation that will make people look at her badly; farmers around here have it bad enough at the moment without all this shit! Much as I find local history interesting I don't see the relevance."

"The point Lass is that these days things have changed; not only is the law on your side but the church doesn't hold the same sway as it used to. Have you ever been to the church here?"

Sian shook her head, still having no clue as to where this conversation was going.

"The vicar is actually very nice and isn't one of these holier than thou arses and there are only a handful of spiteful, bigoted old maids that give a damn about people like you, but you're right in that they can stir up unwanted mess. Do you trust me Sian?"

"I do Jack." Sian confirmed without hesitation.

"Are you planning on going to the village fete this afternoon?"

"We were going to but decided that a low profile might be prudent."

"Nonsense! You absolutely need to be there; will you meet me in the beer tent at 2,30?"

"I don't know what you're up to Jack but you probably shouldn't get involved."

"Rubbish! You've gone out of your way for me and this is my chance to repay you. I don't just mean with Misty; coming in here and helping out has stopped me becoming such a curmudgeonly old bugger and I consider you a friend. I have to go now, I have things to arrange -- see you at 2.30pm and bring Joss with you."

Sian sat and watched Jack's departing back wondering just what the hell he was up to. "I guess whatever it is it can't make things any worse" she mused, grabbing her keys and heading out to find Joss.


"You better be right about this." Grumbled Joss as she chewed her fingernails.

"Babe I have no idea what's going on but I do trust Jack and I definitely got the feeling that he's on our side, so I'm sure he wouldn't do anything to make things worse."

At that moment Jack walked into the beer tent and accepted the pint of ale that Sian handed him. He saw that both women looked nervous but was confident that his plan would work. Placing his pint on a table he put his arms around both women and pulled them in close, whispering conspiratorially.

"Trust me ladies, I know what I'm doing. Follow my lead but let me do the talking."

"What are we......?" but Jack had already grabbed his drink and headed out of the tent, beckoning them to follow him. He headed straight for the cake tent and on entering the girls were surprised to find it quite full of people considering the fete only opened 30 minutes ago. Jack barged right into the middle of the throng and spoke loudly.

"So girls which are your favourite cakes?"

On hearing his voice the dreaded Anna Bailey turned around to serve him but she froze on seeing Joss and Sian standing there behind him.

"You! How dare you show your face in here, you've got a nerve mixing with decent people!"

A tight little knot of equally stuffy, self-righteous looking women had formed a close group with Anna, glaring in their direction.

"Well now Anna, this fete is all for local charity and I'm sure their money is as good as anyone else's." Anna started to open her mouth but Jack didn't give her the chance. "I'm quite proud of the way our church stands for forgiveness and is quite liberal these days and you must find that a comfort too in your situation?"

"My situation, whatever do you mean?" Anna stammered

"Well I know it was many years ago now but I'm sure the older folks remember your wedding and I know people around here can count, so your Elsie was either very premature or she was conceived out of wedlock. In fact I think I saw your Elsie's car pulling up outside your house the other day -- it's a nice car too so I'm guessing she's found herself a proper job now, either that or she's selling her body to a higher class of punter these days?"

Anna stood stock still, a mixture of fury and shame on her face. She was silent but one of her cronies tried to say something on her behalf, stopped by a few short words by Jack.

"Ah yes Julia, I've been meaning to ask how your Eric is doing these days? Is he still residing in one of her Majesties' prisons for stealing cars or is he behaving himself these days?"

The woman stepped back and closed her mouth, the rest of the women obviously reluctant to open say anything just in case.

Sian and Joss stared at each other and then noticed that absolutely everyone else in the tent had come to stand behind them as if in support, with Giles and Toby leading the pack. Jack turned to them and continued to speak.

"Ladies, I don't believe you've met my son Daniel and his partner Greg? I don't get to see them as often as I'd like cos they don't live around here, they prefer the city with its more liberal attitude."

Two middle aged men stepped forward, both giving the women a quick hug as Jack continued in an entirely conversational tone.

"It's a shame that the young feel they have to move away to avoid ridicule and hate from the old biddies but it is changing slowly. You see no one around here is as lily white as they'd like to pretend and there's a strong community spirit in this village, with people looking out for each other. There are a few notable exceptions; I mean how neighbourly is it to wander onto someone else's property uninvited, see something that's going on between two consenting adults in the privacy of their own home and then bandy that information around to all and sundry? but we all deserve a second chance and you won't be doing that again will you Anna, otherwise you don't know what other information might come to light."

Anna and her cronies all took the opportunity to bustle out of the tent at which point a lilting woman's voice cut through the general murmuring.

"Well who knew that Jack could be such a brilliant politician, you should stand for the local council. I'm not sure blackmail is entirely ethical but it's certainly effective!"

Joss and Sian both looked at the woman walking toward them with an outstretched hand, the dog collar at her neck looking incongruous with her faded jeans and walking sandals.

"Hi I'm Hilary," and she shook their hands "I'm guessing you too won't get any more trouble from that lot. Will we be seeing you in church?"

"Sorry Vicar but I'm not very into religion so it's unlikely." but she smiled at the slightly unconventional vicar as she said it.

"Maybe we'll see both of you just once -- it is legal for gay marriages now after all and I have to admit that I haven't had the chance to do one yet, so if you decide to make it official I'd love to conduct the service for you." and with that she moved off to speak to other people.

"Sian look at everyone! " gasped Joss. Sian followed her gaze and saw that just about everyone in the tent was same sex couples holding hands or with their arms around each other and despite not knowing them they'd all turned out in support.

"Jack, who are all these people? Where did they come from?"

"You two aren't the only discreet gay couple in the local area you know and you don't live as long as me without getting to know a few people along the way, so I called in a few favours." laughed Jack. "Now, how about we head back to the beer tent and have a drink to celebrate a victory for common sense?"

Sian and Joss both hugged and kissed Jack hard enough to make him blush before leading him back to the beer tent where a full-on party commenced in Jack's honour.


"Well that was quite a day!" giggled Joss as she threw herself onto the bed "Who knew there would be so much excitement at a village fete?"

"I know, and who would have thought old Jack could have pulled off a coup like that, especially since everyone thought he was losing his marbles."

"You've been good for him you know. Helping out at the surgery has given him something to live for again; I don't think he's felt very useful since his wife passed away and he was getting old before his time."

Joss reached out and caught hold of Sian's hand, pulling her down onto the bed on top of her.

"You're good for me too, you ......" but the rest of the sentence was lost as Sian's lips claimed hers and her tongue explored the inside of her lover's mouth.

Pulling away slightly, Joss stared into the eyes of her lover, knowing that if she had her way they'd be together for the rest of their lives.

"I'm not sure I'm ready to satisfy the vicar's craving to conduct a gay wedding just yet but how would you feel about moving out of the cottage and coming to live here with me? It seems silly to have separate houses so close together when we're always together in one or the other of them and this place is bigger than the cottage. There seems little reason to be overly discrete now that the whole village knows about us anyway."

Sian regarded her lover through blurred vision as happy tears formed.

"I would love to move in here with you Babe, let me show you just how much."

The resulting kiss was full of love and passion as Sian's hands got busy removing the annoying layer of clothing that was getting in her way. They wriggled and giggled as between them they managed to get Joss out of her top and bra, which got thrown unceremoniously across the room.

Joss broke out into goose bumps as Sian's lips moved to the soft skin below her ear, kissing and nibbling her way round to the little hollow at the base of her throat, feeling the pulse pounding just under the surface.

Pinning Joss's hands to her side she kissed down into the valley between her breasts, delighting in the way her chest rose and fell beneath her as excitement levels rose. She kissed all round those glorious globes before taking both nipples into her mouth one at a time and swirling her tongue around them, gripping them lightly with her teeth as she suckled, raising them to impossibly hard peaks of delicious flesh. With an audible pop she allowed the nipple to exit her mouth and moved down to caress and kiss slowly along Joss's rib cage and flat tummy, her hands continuing to tease the swollen nipples. Joss was moaning continuously by now and the scent of her arousal was pulling Sian lower, drawing her inexorably toward her ultimate goal. She let her lips trail over hip bones with tantalisingly soft touches, and then down, down far enough to be able to run her tongue along the crease at the top of Joss's thighs. Close, so tantalisingly close, with the intention of kissing down the inside of the toned thighs and back up but temptation got the better of her watering mouth, so she flattened her tongue for a long swipe the length of the soaked slit in front of her, finishing with a flick to her clit that made Joss's entire body twitch.

Her tongue explored the smooth lips, savouring the moisture already gathered there waiting for her, loving both the taste and the incoherent babble that was as close to communication as Joss could get at that time.

Slow, long licks interspersed with sucking the juicy, engorged lips into her mouth were driving her lover to distraction and when Sian saw the white knuckles gripping the bedding she decided she'd teased enough and speared Joss with her stiffened tongue, lapping and swirling within her heat, drinking the copious nectar and revelling in the sensation of knowing that the more she drank, the wetter she got.

When she thought Joss could take no more she moved to slip two, then three fingers deeply inside her while latching her mouth onto her swollen clit, sucking deeply while caressing it with her tongue.

She was having a hard time staying attached by now as Joss was thrashing around the bed in ecstasy, so she curled her fingers into her special spot and sucked harder until Joss was screaming her name, her arse high off the bed, held up by rigid shaking legs.

"Holy crap!" moaned Joss as she felt Sian lick her clean before crawling slowly back up the bed, kissing her body randomly as she ascended. "You just get better and better, I'm absolutely never, ever letting you go. You're mine forever now, you do realise that don't you?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way Babe."

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arrow013arrow0135 months ago

I loved this story, well build around an erotic couple. I would love to read a part two one day.

texlootexloo7 months ago

I have read this at least 3-4 times, and will return again. It is a lovely romance.

Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai643about 1 year ago

Your stories are just so good! The characters, the scenarios, and yes of course the highly erotic sex scenes!

Thank you so much!

AquariusgirlAquariusgirlover 1 year ago

Omg, this story was amazing! I loved it from start to finish and laughed along the way. I'm just gutted that it ended, a continuation, or more of the lives of Sian and Joss would be brilliant. Your a fab author.

Thanks again:)


BodysurferyeahBodysurferyeahover 1 year ago

Way to tie up a story in a big, beautiful bow six pages long. A truly remarkable feat. Thank you.

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