The Pulse Pt. 10

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Lawyers & Lathan's.
9.2k words

Part 10 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/16/2021
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I woke up slowly, fighting consciousness at every turn.

Fiona's beautiful blue eyes were shining with concern as she watched me slowly come to.

"Good morning."

"Morning gorgeous girl."

That got me a kiss.

"How are you feeling? You didn't seem to have the most restful night."

"I'm sorry love. I didn't sleep well. I kept waking in the night. This scholarship thing has been eating me up. I'm just so disappointed that I can't even try for it on my own merits. It's been taken away from me and that hurts."

"Lie back."

She was lying on her side, one long leg draped over both of mine, and she started to stroke my hair. I leaned back and started to relax, my eyes closing.

I felt her shift position and then my head was lifted up and lowered into her lap as she sat behind me. With both hands free she proceeded to massage my scalp, easing my frustrations away. She even turned on the bedside radio and found some classical music. I began to melt into the bed under her tender ministrations.

I have no idea how long it lasted. I may even have fallen asleep. But eventually I couldn't ignore my full bladder anymore and I had to force myself to get up and go to the bathroom.

As I got back into the bedroom, Fiona had slipped under the covers and was holding them open for me.

"You have wonderful hands. Where on earth did you learn how to do that?" I asked as I settled in beside my delightfully naked girlfriend.

"A girl has to have some secrets!" she pouted and then stopped any further conversation by kissing me hard and urgently.

She climbed on top of me and I moaned under her onslaught. She teased me mercilessly, holding my hands above my head, rubbing her tits up and down my chest. Her rapidly hardening nipples made her sigh as she kissed my neck, my shoulders, my ears, my face. Light, fluttery butterfly kisses which set my nerve endings on fire. Her shoulder length hair framed her face and caressed my skin as she moved up and down my body.

Her eyes sparkled as she began to rub her mons up and down my prick. Her pussy lips were moist and eased up and down my oh-so-sensitive length.

All the time she kept my lips at bay, not letting me sup on her nipples or kiss her lips.

She dragged my hands down to my side, still keeping a firm grip on them as she eased herself down to my rock hard shaft and began to tease and lick me like her favourite ice cream. The covers were long gone now and I was treated to the delicious view of her taking my cock inside her mouth.

I was so turned on that I was worried that I'd blow at any moment but she obviously read my gasps and sighs well, keeping me on edge as she worshipped my cock with her mouth.

Then out of nowhere she released my hands and started going faster and faster. Using her hand on my shaft, taking as much of me as she could into her mouth, her other hand between her legs frantically fingering her clit. It was like an unstoppable avalanche as my orgasm ripped through me and I pumped my seed into her mouth.

Her tongue continued to lick around the head causing me to twitch and flinch before she sank my cock into her warm wet mouth again until there was no more semen left.

I realised that she hadn't come and I pulled her hips up to my mouth. She willingly positioned her sopping wet pussy over my mouth.

"Lick me Jake. I'm so wet. I've been wanting to do this ever since I woke up in your arms. Fuck yes, right there!"

I loved eating her out like this. I could see her reactions as I looked up at her; see her breasts bouncing as she writhed on my tongue. And at the same time I got to cup and squeeze and stroke and fondle her delicious arse cheeks. As she got more and more excited I used my fingers inside her, stroking and thrusting.

"Ooooohhhhhhhh yeeeessssss! Don't fucking stop Jake Conway! Oh my god I'm going to explode. Faster, faster, right there! Aaaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhh!!!"

I clamped on to her clit and sucked and licked my way through her orgasm.

She collapsed onto the bed in a sweaty, messy heap and wrapped herself around me. She was so happy she was actually humming, lying there stroking my chest and waiting for our breathing to return to normal.

We were interrupted by my growling stomach. Laughing we got up and after cleaning ourselves off we went downstairs to get breakfast. It was ten o'clock already.

I was halfway through another bowl of Shreddies while Fiona was insisting on the evil that is marmite on her toast when the phone rang.


"Hi Jake, it's Valerie."

"Hi Valerie, how are you?"

"Not that great I'm afraid. It's not good news. I've just got off the phone to the vice-chancellor at Cambridge and while he understands the situation, they've already started their process, notifying other students and setting up interviews."

"I thought as much."

"He did say that you'd be welcome to apply next year and that he would personally see to it that your application was 'properly managed' as he called it. Pompous git."

I grinned at her obvious distaste for the man.

"Valerie, thank you so much for doing this for me. I know I've interrupted your time off and I didn't want to make all this work for you."

"It's nothing Jake. I told you to just pick up the phone and I meant it."

"Well, thank you anyway."

"How are you getting on with these horrid rumours?"

"We're making some progress at last. Mr Lathan has been a huge help and I think we'll start to see some results soon."

"Hallelujah! Well please keep in touch, I'd prefer to hear the real outcome from you rather than on the grapevine."

"Anything for you Mrs Th...Valerie."

After the usual niceties we hung up and I saw Fiona looking at me with a strange expression on her face.

" 'Anything for you Valerie' - it had better not be anything for Valerie!"

"You know that I didn't mean anything...well not anything...that..."

She burst out laughing as I slowly dug myself into a deeper and deeper hole.

"You're cruel, has anyone told you that?"

"Only the gullible ones."

And she headed off upstairs laughing at her own joke.

After we'd showered and managed to keep our hands off each other by the simple expedient of showering separately, we decided that I should call Mr Lathan and let him know about the exercise book.

"Jake, to what do I owe the pleasure? You can still come to the BBQ can't you? Wendy's bought half a cow - we can't eat that all on our own!"

"It's alright Joe, we're still coming. I just wanted to let you know that we've had a bit of good fortune and have got our hands on some evidence."

"Evidence?" Suddenly he was all business.

"Yes, Harry Youle wrote down what he told to a range of different people to help start the rumours."

"You're kidding? He actually wrote it down? And then kept it?"

"That's right?"

"Not the sharpest tool in the box is he?"

"Thankfully not, no."

"But where did you get...actually I'm not sure that I want to know."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. How can we use this evidence without anyone know...questions?"

"Hmm...I'm not sure. But I can have a chat with one of the legal guys or better still you could always have a word with the legal eagle that you live next door to."

"Of course! Old Bill - why didn't I think of that!"

"Probably something to do with that pretty girlfriend of yours, Jake."

I think that he heard me blush at the other end of the phone.

"Well, see you tonight."

"Thanks Joe, and sorry to disturb you."

I grabbed Fiona's hand and we walked across the surprisingly long grass to Old Bill's front door. I groaned as I realised I'd been neglecting my duties again. Old Bill must have seen us coming and opened the door.

"Come in, come in. I assume as you're both here that this hasn't got anything to do with the parlous state of my lawn...?"

"I'm really sorry Bill..."

"Don't be daft lad. Cup of tea?"

"Just some water, thanks."

"And for me, Mr Davison."

He bustled off and quickly had us seated in his cosy living room. He eased himself down into one of the comfiest looking leather armchairs that I'd ever seen and turned his keen gaze on us.


"I was hoping that you'd be able to help us with a legal question, Bill. You see we've got hold of some evidence that could really help our case."

I explained again about Harry Youle's exercise book.

Bill leaned back in his chair.

"I see. So you want to use this as evidence but would prefer not to ask any questions about how you came to have it in your possession is that it?"

"It is."

I mentally tried to picture explaining the process I'd used to get to this point in a court of law. It ended with me in a padded cell surrounded by scientists and doctors with syringes. I shuddered.

Bill being sharp as a tack didn't miss anything.

"You're not in any trouble over this are you Jake?"

"What? No, sir."


He got up and walked into a small study. The walls were lined with books. He picked up a business card and brought it to me.

"Give this lady a call. I was going to give you her card this evening at the BBQ but I don't think that this can wait. She is part of a law practice in Guildford but lives fairly nearby. She's an old friend of mine who is expecting your call. She's also the one person that I wouldn't want to see prosecuting me if I was in court."

"Thank you Bill but how much does it cost? I can't call her and then not afford to pay anything."

"She does some pro bono work. You'll need to convince her but once you tell her the full story I don't think that there will be any problem."

"You're a lifesaver Bill. I'll get your mower out now and get the la..."

"You'll take care of business first, young man. Miss Fiona, perhaps you'd be kind enough to make sure that Jake here actually dials the right number? And then send him round to look after his poor old neighbour's garden."

She laughed and I was wise enough to keep my mouth shut for once.

"Come on Jake, we need to make a call."

"Thank you Bill. I'll see you later. Has Dad asked about giving you a lift to the BBQ?"

"He has. Stop worrying about other people for once, kind though it is. Go and call Eleanor."

We waved and went back home. I dialled the number on the rather imposing looking business card.

"Good morning, TaylorJenkins solicitors."

"Good morning, I'd like to speak to Eleanor Jenkins please."

"And may I ask who's calling?"

"Jake Conway."

"One moment and I'll see if she's available."

There was a wait of about thirty seconds when a firm, low female voice came on the line.

"Mr Conway?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Eleanor Jenkins here. Judge Davison said to expect your call and I have to say it sounds like a very interesting case."

"Err..thank you."

"I'm rather tied up at the moment but I'd love to meet you so that we can go through the details. I've just had a case settle instead of having to go to court this afternoon so I have a gap at three o'clock if that's not too soon?"

"That would be great, Miss Jenkins."


"Err...Miss Jenkins?"

"Yes, Mr Conway?"

"What would the charges be for your help? I really don't want to waste your time if I can't afford..."

"Mr Conway, your case has been recommended to me for some pro bono work by Judge Davison. He and I have known each other for a long, long time. Come and see me and unless we uncover something that you haven't told the judge then I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"Thank you, Miss Jenkins."

"Three o'clock then?"

"Yes, we'll be there."

"I look forward to meeting you."

And the phone went dead.

Fiona looked up from making some sandwiches for lunch.

"That sounded like it went pretty well..?"

"We have an appointment at three o'clock this afternoon in Guildford."

"That's wonderful news!"

"And Bill has sorted everything out. I get the impression that she's been asked to do this for nothing as a favour. Fiona, I owe Bill so much. How am I ever going to repay him?"

"Well, you could start by cutting his grass," she said with a small smile on her face.

= = = = = = = = = =

We finally managed to find parking by the station and had to rush to get to the law firm's office in time. I hated being late but had underestimated how busy it was. We arrived outside a large new set of offices with a huge glass frontage down near the River Wey development.

I took a couple of deep breaths and opened the door, my nerves very much in evidence by how tightly I was holding Fiona's hand. We walked to the reception desk, already grateful for the air conditioning after the heat of the drive down and the mad dash not to be late.

"Good afternoon, Jake Conway, to see Miss Jenkins."

"Thank you. Please take a seat."

Two minutes later a smiling middle aged lady appeared in front of us. She was not an attractive woman. Rather short and rather stout with rapidly graying hair held up in a tight bun with blocky glasses and a frumpy suit. Her appearance was totally at odds with the voice that I'd heard down the phone.

"Mr Conway?"

"Yes, that's right. Miss Jenkins?"

"That's me. And if you don't mind me calling you Jake then I'd far prefer Eleanor."

I sighed with relief.

"Thank you, that would be great. And this is my girlfriend, Fiona Davis."

"Nice to meet you. Shall we head upstairs?"

She made polite conversation as we headed up to a meeting room on the third floor which had a pleasant view out over the River Wey.

"Our last offices were flooded twice in five years so we finally made the move here. Nice and close to the Crown Court too. I've no excuse for being late now!"

She laughed a bit too loudly at her own joke and I sensed that this was her way of putting us at our ease. She shut the meeting room door and we all settled into the comfortable chairs.

"Now. Tell me all about this horrible slander. Leave nothing out and be assured that everything you say to me will be held in the strictest of confidence whether I take the case or not."

She was an excellent listener. I talked her through the whole sordid affair, prompted occasionally by Fiona. When I was finished she took me through it again and prised small elements of the story out of me that I'd forgotten or didn't think were important. After nearly forty-five minutes of this I was exhausted.

The meeting room door opened and a tray with coffee and biscuits was brought in.

"I usually feel that people need a break by now. Thank you Sheila."

I nodded my thanks as I took a drink of water and a piece of shortbread.

"It's a fascinating story and I'm sure a horrible thing to have lived through. But you also mentioned something about some evidence..?"

"Yes. We are...aware...of an old exercise book in which Harry Youle has listed every one of the slanders that he put out there and who he said them to."

"And you are unsure how to proceed with said piece of evidence?"

"Yes. We wanted to notify the police but.."

"But were unsure how they'd react..?"

I nodded, not wanting to say too much more.

"And are you aware that slander is a civil crime and not a criminal one? Once the police knew that rape was not an issue they couldn't take things any further."

"No, I thought that the police dealt with anything like this."

I looked down feeling very foolish.

"Jake. Let me be very open with you. You are a fine young man who has done nothing wrong except stir up some jealousy from what I can see. I would be very happy to take this case and prosecute the Youle's and the Sawyer's to within an inch of their lives. I will do this on a pro bono basis, which means that I won't charge you for my time. Would you be happy to accept me as your lawyer?"

There was no hesitation from either of us.

"Very much so."

"Good. Then when Sheila comes back we'll get the standard forms signed. Once that's done, if a certain piece of evidence were to find its way to this building under plain cover for my attention then, if it has relevance to this case I'll be duty bound to enter it as admissible evidence. If it was in some way improperly obtained, then the defence can protest but in almost all cases, real evidence, like a book, will remain reliable and admissible."

She looked at our expressions.

"In other words, it will still win you the case Jake."

= = = = = = = = = =

We didn't leave the law office until nearly five o'clock. And we didn't leave until we'd put the exercise book in the in-tray for Eleanor Jenkins. Sadly we ended up in traffic nose to tail, crawling out of the city centre. My car was wonderful in many ways but we were cooking in the summer heat without any air conditioning.

Despite the traffic and the heat we were in high good humour. We had the radio cranked up; it felt like the end was in sight of the slander; we had a top lawyer that we weren't going to have to pay for and a BBQ to look forward to.

We eventually got home just after six-thirty. For once we were the last ones home and Old Bill was already in the sitting room with Mum and Dad waiting for us. They all got up as we opened the door.

"Where have you been? I thought we'd agreed that we'd leave at half past?"

"I'm sorry Dad. We had a meeting with our new lawyer in Guildford and it's taken us this long to get back through the traffic."

"Can you get changed quickly? I'd prefer not to keep the Lathan's waiting?"

"We just need a few minutes Mr Conway," said Fiona and we headed off upstairs. We washed off quickly and got changed into less formal clothes.

Fiona was back in her denim shorts and a tank top which meant that I had an erection just watching her get changed. She really hit every one of my buttons and she knew it, smiling back at me as she bent at the waist to change her socks leaving her beautiful rear for me to ogle.

We were back downstairs in five minutes and Dad had us all out of the door and into the car quicker than you could say knife.

"What's the rush Dad, you're not that hungry are you?"

"I hate being late, son, you should know that. Besides, I think Mr Lathan's firm might have a job that would be a good fit for me."

I stopped teasing at that stage.

It wasn't that far to the Lathan's house and we were soon pulling up onto their drive.

Joe Lathan was there to welcome us all inside the house and a buzz of conversation started up as we all walked through the patio doors into the back garden.


"Jamie! I didn't know you were going to be here?"

"You know me, I'm like a bad smell, and I'm not talking about the contents of..."

"...Baldrick's apple crumble!!" We finished together and laughing gave each other a hug.

"You know you're just encouraging him to keep quoting random bits of an old sitcom?" said a smiling Susan as she gave me a hug.

"How could you?" I grinned back at her. "This is not just an old sitcom. This is Blackadder!"

"There's no hope," she said, shaking her head and smiling.

"Do I get a hug too?" asked Tina.

"Of course!"

And before I knew it I was enveloped in the sort of hug that helped cause half of my problems in the first place. I extricated myself from Tina's wistful embrace and introduced Fiona to Susan and Jamie. We all started chatting and settled in a shady corner of the garden with some very nice Pimms, even if they had put cucumber in it.

The girls started chatting and Jamie and I settled next to each other talking quietly.

"So how's everything going?" asked Jamie.

"Better thanks. There's so much to tell you. It's been nuts these past few weeks. I can't believe how little I've seen of you."

"Well some of that's my fault too. Susan and I have seen each other pretty much every day. This whole girlfriend thing is pretty great."

"You look like the cat that got the cream."

"As do you my friend, as do you. Fiona's gorgeous! You didn't tell me she was basically a supermodel!"