The Real Story of O and Sir Stephen


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When Jacqueline returned from England, it was impossible to hide my true condition from her. Although initially repulsed by my rings and my still-healing whelts and bruises she eventually became interested enough to enquire about how I arrived in my condition.

After relating my story, I told Jacqueline that Rene was in love with her and enquired as to whether they had slept together yet. Her blush responded "yes" even though she said "no." I informed her that I did not care if she and Rene were lovers; that I had no jealousy. I was the property of Sir Stephen who I worshipped, adored, and loved and Jacqueline was free to have Rene. I did warn Jacqueline that Rene had planned to bring her to Roissy. She smiled and said that visiting Roissy would be interesting but she would only observe, not stay or participate. I doubted that could be true, but I kept my reservations to myself.

After our conversation, we went to bed and made love as never before, with Jacqueline for the first time suckling my breasts and nether parts, with my rings jangling against her cheek. For the first time, we both climaxed in the same evening.

The following morning Jacqueline approached me with an unexpected request. Her younger sister, Natalie would like to join us on our vacation. I liked Natalie and we had become friends. I didn't think Sir Stephen had met her. She looked much younger than her true age of 18, experiencing a very late puberty. She was a bit pudgy and had dark hair. It was difficult to imagine that the gorgeous Jacqueline and the homely Natalie could have come from the same womb. I wondered if perhaps they had different fathers but I was too polite to ask. However, Natalie's mind was sharp as a tack, her mood relentlessly upbeat, and she was a joy to be with.

I told Jacqueline, I would have to ask Sir Stephen and when he acquiesced it was settled. The 3 of us, Natalie, Jacqueline, and I packed our trunks that were sent ahead and awaited the taxi that would take us to Gare San Lazare for the trip to Cannes. Sir Stephen and his driver had driven the Bentley to the South to oversee the preparations at the house. Our adventure was beginning! Ooh la la.

Chapter 14: The Vacation


[Master has given me motivation to write quickly. He has placed tight plastic clothes pins throughout my body....Perhaps 50 of them. They are everywhere. Of course my nipples, my ears, my inner and outer nether lips, but also my breasts, the skin under my arm, on the sides of my chest, the insides of my thighs, between my toes. Not unlike clover leaf clamps, the longer the pins remain on the more pain will be evoked when they are removed. At the moment the dull pain is a reminder to be speedy. Thus I will quickly write the last chapter of my saga.]

Master had procured his sister's (Rene's mother's) villa, near Cannes, on the Cote D'Azure for the month of August. It was enormous, with it's own pool, I was told, with 8 bedrooms, each with its own bathroom. We had planned for Rene, Jacqueline, Master and myself to cohabitate. Now Natalie would be added. I was excited for several reasons, but mostly because I would be seeing Master every day.

Natalie, Jacqueline and I were in a first class train compartment alone together as Sir Stephen had purchased the fourth seat so we could be alone. Natalie was a chatterbox who could not hide her excitement. She sat next to me and peppered me with questions about fashion and design and about the South even though I had told her I knew nothing of the South. She held my arm in both of hers and squeezed me and eventually tired and fell asleep on my shoulder. Somehow, I felt an affinity for this prepubescent girl and her excitement about entering the adult world. When we arrived at Cannes, Sir Stephen's driver met the train and drove us into the hills above Cannes where the magnificent villa was nestled into the hillside. There was a walled garden on one side and a pool surrounded by a vine covered wall on the other side. The bedrooms all faced the sea, where there was a magnificent view from each room. Nora met us in the entrance hall, a magnificent marble rotunda that reminded me of Ann Marie's. Sir Stephen had the Master bedroom (of course [grinning]. I would sleep with Master (YEAH!!!) Jacquiline's room was next to ours followed by Natalie and finally Rene. Unlike the others, Master's room had an attached dressing room and study. I was unsure of what the rules of the house would be considering the presence of Natalie. Sir Stephen informed me that when Natalie was not present, I was to be naked at all times in the house, garden, and pool area. However, we were under strict orders not to involve Natalie in any of our "play" as Master wanted to keep her innocent and, I believe, he was afraid of disturbing her joi de vivre. When Natalie was in the house, she would not be allowed into Master's suite and the door should be locked at all times. Inside Master's suite the usual rules were applied.

Sir Stephen had prepared a peep hole between his study and Jacqueline's bedroom for the purposes of observing Jacqueline and my love making. He was anxious to see us in flagrante. My relationship with improved somewhat following the night she discovered my true nature. And so the summer began. Master observed Jacqueline and I several times and seemed satisfied. Then, an abrupt change occurred. Jacqueline began to shun me and treat me with contempt. Perhaps Rene had discovered our love making and disapproved, I never knew. Nor did I care. In any event, I was content because now I spent every night in Sir Stephen's bed where I was thrilled to used by him in every imaginable way.

Another abrupt change occurred the following week. Natalie announced she was going to walk to the sea, down a winding path and stairs that wound down the hill and into a small village and then finally to the beach. She requested that the driver pick her up at 16:00 as she left the house with a bag containing a towel and her bathing costume.

With Natalie safely out of the house, I was able to go for a swim. Because of my rings, bathing costumes were out of the question so I could only swim "au natural" I had just finished my dip and was asleep, laying supine and naked on a chaise under a sun umbrella. I awoke with a start to find Natalie playing with my rings. I sat up grabbed her hand. She squealed, "Please O. Please, teach me how to submit like you! I love you! I want to be like you!" I was shocked and could say nothing. Fortunately, Sir Stephen heard the ruckus and came to my rescue. He quizzed Natalie and found out the Jacqueline had told her all about me and my condition despite promising to keep my condition a secret. Although Sir Stephen was inwardly furious (I could see it in his eyes), he remained externally calm. He sat Natalie down next to me on the chaise and told her that she would not be allowed to participate in any of the activities going on in the house. Natalie would be allowed to observe everything, however, and if, after she turned 21, if she still wanted to participate in the life that I had chosen, Sir Stephen would take her to Roissy. There was no debate, these were the rules and Natalie agreed to them and gave me a big hug. "Now, you are my big sister, not Jackie," she purred contentedly. She then said, "I don't know why you make love to her, O. She is not a good person." Natalie was clearly wise beyonf her years and experience.

For the remainder of the summer, Natalie and I were inseparable. She followed me through the house. She watched Sir Stephen whip me, flog me, use my backside and my mouth. He still did not use my usual orifice. I did wonder why but never asked.

Jacqueline had begun to treat me with contempt. On one occasion she decided to take me into Cannes to do some "shopping." Her real motive was to see an American movie producer in order to procure a role in a film. As I sat in the waiting room, she left his office with a smug smile on her face and I knew she either slept with him or serviced him orally on the famous "casting couch." I don't know why, but I was angry with her for cheating on Rene. I didn't really care about Rene any more, but after we had gotten some ice cream and were sitting on a bench overlooking the sea, I scolded her for cheating. She turned on me and scowled, "You are crossing your legs, esclave, I will tell your Maitre. We drove home in silence after Jacqueline had purchased some jewelry and charged it to Rene.

As soon as we entered the chateau, Jacqueline ordered me into the sitting room where Rene and Sir Stephen were sipping Mint Juleps (a drink, Sir Stephen had taught the butler to make). Like a five year old telling on her sister she shouted, "Sir Stephen, O was sitting on her dress and crossing her legs! Look at her dress, it is all wrinkled! She must be punished." I sputtered, "She's lying...." I did not have a chance to finish my sentence. Sir Stephen held his hand out in front him with this wrist flexed, motioning us to stop. Rather than appearing angry, which was Jacqueline's hope, He looked bemused. Wordlessly, He reached out his hand to me and I grasped it and he led me upstairs to his bedroom / study. As soon as he closed the door he forced me against the wall and kissed me deeply, feeling under my dress to my moist parts assuring they were prepared for him. When he pulled away, I noticed there was another man in the room. A large, bald man, wearing a uniform. He introduced himself as the Commodore.

I assumed he would take me in one way or another, or perhaps whip or flog me, but he did not. He merely examined me closely and said brusquely to Sir Steven. Bring her on Saturday night. Then he tweaked my nipple and left. Once again leaving me feeling like a pet animal.

[This brings me around to where I began my memoire. I will show this last installment to Master and hopefully He will be pleased and remove the clothes pins. I now have a dull aching throughout my body, punctuated intermittently by a sharp stabbing pain if I brush against one of the pins, or if in some other way I cause one to move. I rise carefully, trying to minimize the potential motion of the clips and approach Master with my computer. While He is reading I am wondering how He will choose to remove the clamps. Ranging from least painful to the most, he could simply open them up one by one and remove them. Or he could choose to flick the clamps with his fingers before opening them. Once he threaded a string through each of the clothes pins and then tugged hard and removed them all at once. The removal of any clamp is made worse if they are forced off rather than opened. As the clamp slides along its target the tender flesh is pinched severely before the device eventually falls off. The string method led to an intense moment of pain last crescendoed quickly but then receded quickly, also. I

feared, however, Master would choose the most severe method. Attaching my cuffed wrists to a hook the ceiling, he could choose to use a whip to dislodge the clothes pins. This process could take several minutes to accomplish and oftentimes the clamp will be violently jerked without coming off. The worst is when a clothes pin has been dislodged and only a tiny sliver of flesh remains within its jaws. As it hangs their the immense pain is indescribable. It might take several attempts to finally dislodge an obstinate clamp, all the while I am wracked with spasms of pain. And of course, let's not forget the whipping itself, dear reader [rolling my eyes and sighing]. A potpourri of sensations....Well, c'est la vie. Finally Master finished reading and said, "Good job, O. You have done well. Now for your reward. Bring me your wrist cuffs and a proper leather whip."

Internally I groaned. "Oh boy! What a reward" I mouthed wordlessly as I scampered to comply. Then I realized that this was exactly what I was hoping for, Master's complete attention to my suffering. I brought my cuffs and selected a nasty leather whip and presented them, and myself to him. I heard myself saying, "Master please whip the clips off."

And He smiled and got up from his chair, "As you wish."

Sir Stephen

Allowing Natalie to accompany us to Cannes was a major mistake. To be honest, I did not think my decision through with all it's ramifications. I reasoned that O and Natalie had a natural affinity and she would make a good companion for her over the summer. I did not predict the danger that Natalie would discover our alternative existence. I had underestimated Jacqueline's sneakiness. I don't know exactly what her motivation was in telling Natalie about O. If it was an attempt to drive a wedge between them, it clearly did not work. It became clear that Natalie despised Jacqueline and I wondered if the feeling was reciprocated. In any event, when I discovered Natalie playing with O's rings I felt I did not have a choice. As a naif, I felt she was too young to participate in our sexual play. I wanted her to experience vanilla love before embarking on an alternative life-style. In any event, the summer unfolded basically as O has described, leading up to the night of the Commodore's party. Now we have come full circle. Our story begins and ends here.



[After we completed our memoir, Master took me to a dude ranch for "rest and relaxation." It turned out that in this ranch I was transformed into a pony while Master rested and relaxed. Master has added my account of this week as an Appendix. You don't need to read this if you don't want to, but some readers may find it interesting. I know I did [grinning].]

I was dreading the end of summer. I had gotten so used to living with Master I did not know how I would cope with returning to my apartment, It was not just the chaos of living with Jacquiline's family, but I would have to, once again, make those mundane decisions of day to day life. Mostly I would miss being with man I loved; no, the man I worshipped. I was desolate that I might not see him for days....not smell his scent, not feel the magic touch of his hands and his whips. Just the gentle push on my back or His stroking of my hair. I also did not look forward to having to submit to Rene's affections again. He never touched me in the presence of Sir Stephen, so I was free from him all summer. Perhaps he would be more interested in Jaqueline, I hoped, and leave me alone.

At 11:00, Master had me dressed in my usual sun dress and escorted me down to the waiting Bentley. I felt a familiar rush as my bare skin contacted the plush leather. Master put his arm around my shoulder and drew my head onto his shoulder. He drove for a while, and finally the car pulled to a halt in a parking lot, above a tiny village called Niolon, on Marseilles Bay. The village is so small (only 24 houses, that only locals are allowed to drive on the narrow roads into town. The restaurant sent a driver with an electric cart to fetch us and we sat on the porch overlooking the perfect tiny cove.

Master ordered some delicious chilled wine and began the speak.

"O, I have made some plans for our return to Paris. Although theoretically I do not need your consent, I would like you to consider my proposals and then tell me if you are in agreement.

"Firstly (Master is always making lists, [laughing.] I think it is the surgeon in Him), you probably are aware, but I may have never told you, that I love you (je t'aime) and adore you (je t'adore). Secondly, [grin], I do not want to live without you. I desire no other woman and I do not wish to share you with any other man or woman. I believe we are uniquely suited to one another, each completing the other. I also believe that fate has brought us together. Thirdly, I want to take care of you, for the rest of your life." Master paused and took my hand. I held my breath.

My heart was beating so hard, I felt the diners in the table next to us could hear it!

Master continued, "So I have decided on the following:

First: (Another list! Chuckling). When we return to Paris, with your consent, you will move in with me for the remainder of my time in Paris. (yeah!)

Second: Rene will take over your apartment and keep it for Jacqueline and her family

Third: I will give up my membership at Roissy, and remove you from your Roissy vows and requirements. I will return your ring. (Yeah Yeah!)

Fourth: I will sponsor Rene for membership in my stead. (who cares)

Fifth: After the end of my sabbatical in Paris, if you consent, you will return with me to New York as my wife. Yes, this is a proposal of marriage. (Over the moon!)

Sixth: I would like to have children with you. (My heart skipped a beat with happiness)

Seventh: I promise to treasure your gift of submission for the remainder of my life

Eighth: Nothing will change in terms of my ownership of you. (Pure joy)

"O, if you consent to all of these proposals, please take off your Roissy ring and hand it to me. From this moment forward you will belong only to me."

"Madame, is there something wrong?" The waiter had noticed the tears running down my cheeks. Master motioned him away.

In this perfect place, on this perfect day, I fell to my knees and kissed the hand of my Lord and Master, my future Husband, and the man of my dreams. I removed the iron ring of Roissy and placed it into hand. He raised me up and kissed me."

And as in fairy tales, we lived happily ever after.

Sir Stephen





Following the completion of my memoirs, Master took me on "vacation." He told me we would be going to a "dude ranch." Little did I know, that I would be the pony. We had travelled around the world and played privately, but I was unprepared for an entire "vacation" dedicated to our life-style. The first clue was that Master told me there was no need to pack any clothes or toiletries and that we would be gone for a week. Part of my excitement was the anxiety of not knowing what exactly was in store for me. The only certainty is that it would be interesting [wink]. These feelings heightened my arousal. Master told me that prior to leaving he would pierce my other nether lip and place a simple steel ring in it. The piercing was painful but easily manageable. I thick steel ring was placed whose heaviness complimented the opposite side containing my Identification ring.

As usual the metal detector alarmed when I walked through. We always had to leave at least 30 minutes to allow the security matron to take me into a private room where my rings would be revealed. This time the woman was young and pretty, perhaps in her early thirties. She squatted and examined my rings. She read the ID medallion and saw the whip and riding crop and she blushed. I could actually smell her arousal. I could tell she was struggling with whether or not to say something so I intervened. "If you are interested in this lifestyle call me in a week when I return. My name is O." I then removed a business card from my purse and wrote down our private phone number.

As I joined Master she stared openly at Him. Master calmly met her gaze. I could see her melt. Master smiled....his radiant smile, and nodded his head as if to acknowledge the desire in the young woman. Then He turned and took my arm and we headed for our gate. As always, I revealed all to Master. His simply smiled and kissed me on the forehead. Again, no words were required.

We landed in Phoenix and a limousine was waiting for us. We sat in the back seat and Master opened his briefcase and handed me a pair of stylish sunglasses. When I put them on, I immediately noticed that the lenses were opaque. I was effectively blindfolded. The limousine ride was about 90 minutes long. About 5 minutes into the trip, Master told me to remove my dress. We drove on with me blindfolded and naked, my wetness drenching the seat. Finally the car braked to a halt and Master took my hand and led me out of the car. When he removed my sunglasses I had to squint in the blinding light. I could vaguely see a structure resembling a horse stable. Master then told me what the next of my week would like.