The Real Story of O and Sir Stephen


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"O, we are on a specialty ranch. Here, rather than equine ponies, the livestock are human. For the next week you will live and work as a pony. There are 2 other ponygirls who will be training with you. You will be in continuous bondage because ponies don't have hands. You will sleep in a stall in the stables. You will receive training in show jumping and cart pulling. Your groom and trainer will be responsible for your care and training. Obey every command. At the end of the week, there will be a contest. The winner will get to sleep in bed with her Master, the 2 losers will be chained together and enclosed in box for 12 hours. I expect you to win. You are in excellent physical condition so it will just be a matter of concentration. I know you will make me proud. For the rest of the week you will answer to your pony name, Tawny."

He then clipped a leash onto my nether ring and led me into the stable. A young woman was sitting at a desk in a room whose walls were covered with bits, bridles, saddles, girdles and all varieties of gear. The room was permeated with the smell of cured leather. It was glorious. "O, this is your groom."

My groom stood up and took the leash from Master and then Master turned and exited. She spoke softly. "I am to fit you with your tack." She motioned to a small stage in front of her desk and I obediently stepped onto it. My groom began measuring every dimension of my body. She then got up on a step stool and commanded me to open my mouth. More measurements were taken.

She took each hand and asked me to make a fist. She than slipped a latex mitten over each closed fist and attached them with a tight strap that she then placed padlocks on. These mittens were not coming off. I would not have use of my hands for the foreseeable future. She fitted me a thick, close fitting leather collar that forced me stare straight ahead. I could not flex my neck at all. She placed cuffs on my wrists.. A leather girdle, covered with attachment rings was cinched tight. Cut like Ann-Marie's corsets with support for my exposed breasts and completely open nether regions. The girdle has several rings sewn into it and my wrist cuffs were attached to the rings on my side.

She then had me sit on her desk and she began brushing my hair and then made my entire mane into a giant ponytail. She then fitted me with my bridle. There was a leather cuff for my chin and straps that crossed my cheeks and intersected at the level of the bridge of my nose. The bridle was strapped tigthly with my ponytail (sic) pulled through a hole in the back of the bridle. Then a rubber bit was fitted into my mouth and strapped tightly so that the bit sat deeply into the back of my mouth putting pressure on my cheeks. The bit was a hard rubber cylinder that was forced deeply into my mouth, depressing my tongue. I wouldn't be reciting the pledge of allegiance any time soon [sigh of resignation].

I was dismayed when reigns were attached, not to my bit, but to the rings on my nether lips. The leather was then threaded through holes on the side of my girdle. Thus I was to steered and led around by my nether lips. Ouch! This explained why Master pierced me last week.

Subsequently I was fitted with my "hooves." These were extremely high heeled boots with metal inserts to keep me on my toes [chuckling]. She had me try to walk and I learned that by leaning forwards I could balance on my new appendages. With my wrists attached to the sides of the girdle balancing was difficult, but doable.

Finally, she showed me my tail. It was a hollow tube with a large ball on one end and a tail affixed to the other end. The tail was supported underneath so it would was elevated over the cylinder. When in place, it would appear that my tail was being elevated and wagged. Of course I knew where the tail was going. I also understand that the hollow tube would allow me to defecate without removal of the tube and that the elevation of the tail would prevent it from being soiled. Very creative! Bowing to the inevitable, I bent over. The girl spoke to me for the first time since she began my fitting. Your master commands that no artificial lubricant can be used. You will need to lubricate this for me. I opened my mouth and frantically licked the black plug. I noticed with alarm, that unlike the usual plugs, this one had a sticky surface. I had no idea how I was going to get that intruder in me without artificial lubrication. And once it was in, I had no idea how it would ever come out. My groom's face showed obvious concern. She pushed down on my back to bend me over more but no matter how hard she tried the saliva coated tail would not enter. The girl scowled. I had a brilliant idea! I took a risk and spoke to her. "Mistress, perhaps you could use my wetness below?" The girl felt my nether lips and realized how wet I had become. She inserted the plug into lubricated channel repeatedly until it was coated my lubrication. She was the able to slowly slide the tail into its intended receptacle. With an audible pop, it finally slid home. It was a bit uncomfortable but after Master's frequent use the sensation was not unpleasant. I sighed in satisfaction. I was concerned about the trauma that removing and replacing that tail would have had on my sphincter for the next week so I was happy the tail was hollow. I assumed it would not be removed until I left the ranch. I caught my breath when it occurred to me that perhaps Master would leave the tail in permanently. I doubted he would, because I would likely be incontinent of stool. Like a real pony, as soon as feces reached the end of my bowels, it would simply fall out onto the ground. Thus I was transformed from a human into a ponygirl.

I was led out into the paddock by my reigns. She handed them to a thirtyish slight man who told me he would be my trainer. My trainer explained that we would be training for 2 events. One a simple race, for one mile pulling a sulky. However there was a catch. I would be blinded and the only way to avoid hitting the walls or inside poles would be to learn to obey commands from my reigns. Therefore training would be about rein and steering control in addition to gait and conditioning. He remarked that I did not seem to need much conditioning training because my body looked like it was in good condition. I smiled as best I could with a bit distorting my mouth.

The second event would be the show jumping. He motioned to a paddock where a steeple chase course had been set up. He explained that I will be scored on form and style (high-stepping and posture, fouls (hitting the hurdles) and total time.

The total scores from the 2 events will be tallied to determine a winner. He then said, we have no time to lose so let's get started. First, lunch and hydration water. He removed my bit and led me over to an aluminum trough that was at about breast height. My name (Tawny) was written on colored tape attached to the trough. I noticed that there were two other labelled troughs, one labelled Flicka, and other Brandy. The trough was divided into two sections, one containing food and the other containing water. The food was cut up fruits and vegetables and some grain. Without use of my hands I had to force my face down into the mix and slurp the mash into my mouth. I found I could also force some of the pieces against the back of the trough in order to get them into my mouth. The carrots still had the stems on them and the celery had not been completely cleaned,. The gritty taste was very unpleasant, but I knew better than to leave anything. Drinking was also a challenge. A combination of slurping and licking was required to get a sufficient amount of water into me. I alternated eating with drinking from the two troughs. Chewing on mud was pretty nasty. At least the water was cold and pure. After finishing my "lunch" I stood up and realized that I needed to relieve my bladder. could use the bathroom I looked around and neither my groom or trainer were present, so squatted and relieved myself. Urine splashed against my thighs and trickled down to my ankles. I puddle formed. I was also horrified the feel that stool had leaked out from under my tail making a small pile of manure to the side of the puddle. I wondered if I would be punished, but when the trainer came to get me he seemed not to notice or if he noticed he didn't care. I realized that ponies simply sent whenever and wherever they needed. (Another internal sigh).

The next thing I knew, a torrent of cold water was shocking my body. My trainer was hosing me down. The water pressure felt like needles pricking my flesh, but I was happy that I wouldn't have to smell like urine and stool the whole afternoon.

My trainer approached me and attached blinders to my bridle and then hitched me to sulky cart and sat down. He flicked both reins up and down as said giddyup and I began walking pulling the cart behind me. He drove me to an internal track. "Knees up, he commanded," whilst striking my bare derriere with a buggy whip. "Ouch, that stings," I mouthed and began to lift my leg so that my thigh was perpendicular to my body with each step. "Good Girl." My calves were beginning to ache because of the necessity to stay on my toes due to the boots but I continued through the pain. I began to learn how to respond to signals sent to my lips by my reigns. Left and right turns were obvious, but the amount of angle to turn was proportional to the severity of the tug. Speed and gait were communicated verbally, thank goodness. I found that my newly pierced left lip was more sensitive than my right so I needed to compensate for that in my movements so as not to veer to far to the left. Fortunately my trainer was slight and I had to grin when I thought of how much worse it would be to have to pull Master around.

The trainer stroked my hind quarters and cooed, good girl Tawny. He took an apple from his pocket and held it out to me. I began to take bites out of the apple using his hand to firm it up. Eventually I had eaten the entire apple, core, seeds and all. He then squirted some sports drink into my mouth. I needed to pee again, so I just let it go, some of my stream splattering onto the boots of my trainer. He looked down and smiled. Clearly he expected this from a pony. Fortunately, I didn't have another stool.

Another hosing and then back to race track. He explained that on the race course there are straightaways and I would need to stay straight but at the ends we would be making left turns and I would need to learn how to obey the steering commands in order to prevent moving off course. I understood. I was not happy, but I understood. We entered the race track and we practiced pulling the cart around the oval. I still had some vision because the blinkers only interfered with peripheral sight, but my trainer assured me that by the end of the week I would able to do it blindfolded, and then he chuckled and said, "because actually you will be doing it blindfolded."

After a couple of hours, we took a break. He detached my steering reins, my bit, girdle and my bridle. He clipped my wrists behind my back, and hosed me off as before. He pointed to the trough and I ate my "dinner" as before. He then took me into a pole in the shade and clipped my ring to a hook at waist height and left me to "rest." Obviously I couldn't sit or lie down without pulling the rings out my nether parts, so resting was leaning on the pole.

The early evening was devoted to steeple chase training. This was difficult, but I learned quickly and after a couple of days I was trotting around like a pro. Whenever I needed to pee, I just let loose. It's amazing how one can get used to something. I did have stool slide out from under my tail, but I tried not to be upset. C'est la vie.

After another hosing I was fed and watered again. My trainer then took 2 fresh eggs and placed them in the trough. He simply said "mares need protein." And motioned for me the eat them. My first thought was perhaps to swallow them whole, but I was concerned they could cause an intestinal blockage. So I decided to break them first. I turned my head and tried to mash an egg between the bottom of the trough and my cheek, but It rolled away. I felt a sting on my derriere. "Stop dawdling." I guess there was nothing to be done. I sucked the egg into my moth and chomped down. The raw goo squirted into my mouth. The shells felt awful in my mouth and I spit them out. Another sting. "Eat it all." Now I was seriously getting angry. I HATED this man. Why had Master allowed him power over me. Another blow, harder. I returned to my task and finally had eaten both eggs, complete with the shell. Yuck.

After dinner I was handed over my groom. She attached me to the pole she lifted my tail and placed a rubber tube into the opening. She pumped up the enema bulb, occluding my tube. She turned the water on and soon I was filled with cold water. I began to shiver and finally the water was turned off, the bulb deflated and removed, and the brown water began to trickle down my backside and the back of my thighs. After I had been crudely cleaned

she scrubbed me with a long pole with a rough brush on the end of it containing soapy water. After being washed like a pony I was once again rinsed off with the hose and then left in the setting sun to dry. My shivering finally subsided. Eventually groom returned and took me to my stall. There was a new layer of straw on the floor. On the side opposite the door, there was a hook on the wall with a ring with a chain hanging down. My nether ring was locked to the chain. I gingerly tested the amount of range I had. I could actually lay down if I did it on my side with my mons against the wall. I could also stand up and reach the water trough hung on the wall. I had no choice but to relieve myself into the straw beneath my bed. Fortunately the straw absorbed most of the moisture. Thankfully I had been cleaned out so I would not have to sleep in my stool.

The next morning, my groom awoke me after a fitful sleep. I almost laughed out loud thinking of Gregor Samsa, Kafka's tragic protagonist, who "awoke one morning after a troubled sleep to find that he had been transformed into a giant insect." I, on the other hand had awoken from a troubled sleep to find I had been transformed into a pony. [laughing] After unlocking the chain that had imprisoned me, she once again took me to the grooming stand and scrubbed me with cold water and a hose. I was shivering until the sun poked through the Arizona sky with a blood red sunrise. When I was led naked to the feeding trough, there were 2 other naked and bound girls doing their best to eat and drink. One was a blonde and the other a brunette. Both about my height. The brunette was stockier with large powerful looking legs whereas the blonde was almost skinny. The brunette (Brandy) had pierced nipples adorned with large gold rings. Her pierced ears and nasal septum also sported thick rings. "I guess I can stop feeling self conscious about my ownership rings," I thought to myself ironically. The blond (Flicka) had a large tattoo of a horseshoe on her hindquarters.

The brunette spoke, "Hi, my name is Melanie. Is this your first time at the ranch? This is my third." I nodded, unsure of whether we were allowed to talk. I was correct in my assertion as a heavy blow with a riding crop came down on the girl's posterior with a loud thwack. "Pony's don't talk. They stamp their feet." It was the voice of my trainer. After breakfast, my tack was put on but this time a blindfold was added to my mask. That made things much more difficult in the racing ring. I kept bumping into the rails or walls and received several painful lashes with the riding crop before I began to get the hang of it. By the end of the morning I was able to follow my steering and rein command well enough to avoid accidents at a slow pace. Following exercises we were watered. While at the hitching post, I relieved my bladder onto the hard ground and then my trainer led me by my reins. I was still wearing my blindfold so I had no idea of where we going. We went up a moderate incline and then I heard voices. As we got closer I recognized that one of the voices was Master. The trainer led me to the voices. Here is your Pony, Tawny, Sir Stephen she has done well this morning. He whispered to me, "O you look magnificent!" I felt a glow of pride. Then I felt his hands on me, examining my tack. Inevitably his hand reached my nether regions and, of course, I was sopping wet for Him. He smiled as he took my reins and bade me to follow him. (Did I have a choice?, I was blindfolded, bound, and he had my reins for heaven's sake [grin].

"Careful of the stairs." And up we went, I suppose to His bedroom. Because his favorite orifice was filled with my tail, he decided to use my lubricated channel and we had delicious intercourse during which I had a lovely 'mort. "I am proud of you, O. If you do well this afternoon, tonight you can come to me."

With that as motivation, that afternoon, in the steeple chase I was, if I do say so myself, amazing. True to his word, after dinner and watering, my groom brought me to His room. He had prepared a hot bath and he took me into his arms and we soaked in the tub, like that time in Paris, when I first knew I loved Him. The warm water was delicious on my aching muscles. He began playing with me and soon I was begging for release and it was granted. After we dried off he pointed downwards and I immediately dove to my knees and serviced him with all my skill. After he had deposited his seed into my hungry throat, he said, "I must return you to the stables, my magnificent pony."

There was a knock on the door, and Master opened for my groom who brought me to my stall for the night. Fortunately the straw had been changed. As I drifted off to sleep, facing the wall of the stall, I dreamt of Paris.

The remainder of my days at the Ranch were much the same. The routine was becoming natural to me. I was now able to be steered perfectly around the track. I was certain I would win on Sunday, perhaps overconfident. Master says pride is a sin, but I ignored his warning. Saturday morning came and I was dressed in new, shiny patent leather tack. There was a blood red plume on top of my head and sleigh bells were attached to by nether ring so I jingled when I walked. The first event was the Show Jumping.

The 3 ponies were led into the ring. Several spectators cheered. My Master was in a box, sipping on a drink. I was first to compete and was proud to have made a perfect run. I cleared all of the 12 jumps, including the water jump. My time was 2:16.

Flicka was next, she had a two fouls and a time of 2:30. I now understood the pun in her name since her trainer gave her several Flicka's with a buggy whip following her desultory performance. No competition, as I thought. Brandy, however, also had a perfect run, and her time was better than mine at 2:10. I was horrified. I was losing!!!!

After the morning competition, lunch was served to the spectators as the arena was prepared for the race and the ponies were watered. Then something I could not have imagined happened. Our grooms wheeled stainless steel tables in front of us. They told , us to hold still and then inserted a spreader into my eye forcing my eyelids open. Then she placed a soft contact lens in my eye that blocked all my vision! After the operation was repeated on my other eye, I was completely blind. I can't explain how horrible this sensation was to me. Unlike wearing a blind-fold, when your eyes are closed, having my eyes open yet still be blind was terrifying. I began to panic, until a heard a familiar voice whispering in my ear. Take deep breathes and try to relax. I am here. My panic receded and I was able to regain control. Finally our tack was replaced, my nipple clamps and steering reins placed and my sulky attached.