The Rescuer Ch. 03


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The pace finally slowed to a smooth crawl and still Emma didn't urge her to turn around. Another squeeze of her fingers told her to prepare to leave. This time when the inner doors opened up first, the fit body standing next to her reached out, and seemed to pull down a physical lever to pop open the hidden panel.

Emma didn't even have to ask her to make sure she kept her eyes closed again. They both knew that she wanted her first view of his old home to be special. Not even bothering to turn her around in circles after they stepped out of the elevator, to confuse her sense of direction, his old lover just kissed her once on the back of her neck. The soft lips lingered there for a long moment.

The unexpected tenderness finally answered the question Jenny had been asking herself, ever since the odd bit of recognition inside each other had happened on the jet.

It wasn't just some fake mutual acknowledgement of their sexual pasts either.

They had both been touched deeply by the same individual... and would never be the same... so their connection already went much deeper between them than that.

A second soft kiss scrambled her other senses even better than spinning her body around would have. Her heart and soul had just been all jumbled up, in a way they hadn't been in a very long time. On almost numb feet, Emma carefully led her around the penthouse level, until the once again clicking heels assured Jenny of an almost impossible to believe wide open space.

Somehow, sure that she wouldn't be rejected, Emma slid behind her and turned her shoulders just a bit to the left. Then those unexpectedly strong arms fully embraced her, and cradled her breasts in a tight warm welcoming hug.

"Keep your eyes closed just a minute longer! When you do finally open them? Just look at the lights. Don't even connect people to them in your mind. Look to the sea first, and think of all the lit up buildings as mountains for you to sketch tomorrow. Think of the white and red glows of the cars on the road, as rivers, swirling around in deep eddies on their way to the ocean. Look at the shoreline in the distance, and the blackness of the water that helps define it. Imagine the empty square of the park, so far away, as being a place of mystery! The kind that no one else has ever dared to go there to experience! That the huge green space has been lonely all this time, waiting just for YOU, to come explore it and make sense of it! Make sense of it for all of us! That's actually what you do, whenever you draw your sketches! Whenever you create your own art! Don't be scared! Just breathe. Feel the space all around you! It's your fortress! Your personal refuge! Nothing can touch you here! Nothing at all! Just imagine your eyes opening up. Don't physically do that! Let them do that all by themselves! Breathe again and again! He wanted YOU to come here all along! I'm only here because YOU eventually had the courage to get off the plane! Breathe! Slower! That's it! Just let it happen!"

Emma's calm voice was almost hypnotic... but it was the third very sincere kiss on the back of her neck that did the trick... and prepared her mind to finally see something exactly the way HIS eyes did it.

Jenny felt her legs shiver and almost give way, but Emma was already prepared for that and tightened up her hug around her breasts. The tiny stiff points of her new friend's nipples actually scratched her bare skin, right thru the multiple layers of the thin cloth of stylishly fashionable dress.

The huge fireplace, with it's massive pile of burning logs looked like an outdoor campfire. The flames flickered and danced in the darkness, and after her eyes adjusted, Jenny could see the sea of lights start to come to life, just as Emma had described them. The penthouse's view of the glowing mountains went from the extreme corner of her left eye to the extreme corner of her right.

Banks of windows reached high up into the ceiling. No bit of furniture stuck out any more than waist high. Only the wall of massive field stones, that made up the hearth, blocked their view of anything important. The varied plants in the outdoor spaces, that formed the high-rise's all encompassing terrace garden, softened up the shadows and removed any hard edges from sight. Even the thin edges of the enormous frameless window panels themselves barely gave rise to the merest thought of being indoors.

The colors of the lights seemed to shift and move in the wind blown dust, the first true sign of the smaller storm beginning to finally descend down upon them. The more distant lightning didn't seem to bother Emma at all, but one nearer than expected strike made the woman holding her stifle a serious flinch.

The next nearby flash didn't cause the same reaction... but an even closer strike that flickered all over the top of a building just a few blocks away made Emma gulp hard in reaction... and Jenny finally figured out how she could be a help to the woman who had dropped everything to come see her thru her own ordeal.

Leaning down her chin that far was hard to do, but the soft kiss she placed on one of Emma's hands seemed to do the trick.

For every single lightning strike that almost made Emma flinch, Jenny made sure to give her another kiss, in a slightly different place.

The true storm front was rapidly approaching, and the more frequent lightning made it easier to see the small platter of food and the two already opened bottles of wine. Their meal was elegantly set out on the low table in front of the fireplace. Just as promised, there was a long low comfy looking sectional couch waiting for them to try out.

Another soft kiss on her neck made her nod... and Emma led them over to it... despite her growing fears of the lightning.

The glasses were already full of a deep red wine, and they both wasted no time in sampling some, although Emma eventually drained a little over half of hers in her first sip. The wonderful looking food they left alone by mutual silent agreement. The storm only began to get worse, and for the very first time in her recent jumbled memory, Jenny took control first.

Their positions in the limo were abruptly reversed.

Jenny let her shoulders fall back down against the thick cushions, her body almost seemed to sink into their soft depths. Emma had no problem with being turned sideways, so she wouldn't have to look at the storm any more. Her strong limbs shook with every roll of thunder. Her eyes squeezed tight against every single flash.

The soft curls of medium brown shoulder length hair tickled her skin a little. Even where the thin cloth of her oldest sundress covered her up properly, the thick curls almost made her laugh. Emma didn't even fight her, when her arms brought the side of that freckle free face firmly against her own breasts.

The feel of her own thick nipple growing harder... as the poor woman shivered in her arms... made the next step even easier to do.

Placing a kiss directly on Emma's forehead was just the start. The frightened woman was polite almost to a fault, so Jenny had to make the first move, and place the shaking warm hands where they needed to go on her own body. A tender exploration began, as her once strong protector, slowly sought out the best way to hold on even tighter. The search wandered everywhere, and only stopped for the rolls of thunder, because the sensitive and clear brown eyes were totally shut now.

The feel of Emma's fingers briefly exploring the folds guarding her bare clit made her moan, but another huge crack of thunder scared her away from actually going inside of her body. At least for a little while longer. The nearly worn out top of the sundress, either slipped or was pulled down, and the feel of the bare cheek on her bare breast cemented their relationship.

Finally free of at least one worry, Emma curled up into an even tighter ball, as she buried her face between both of her breasts and cried.

As long as this small storm lasted... the giving of mutual comfort and slow sexual exploration would continue... but when the clouds finally relented something even more special was certainly going to happen.

> > > > > > > > > < < < < < < < < <

Rescuer's Penthouse

One day after Jenny's

the New York Exhibition

Grand Opening

Exactly six weeks

before Keeley's move in day

Early Saturday morning in the

Rescuer's old penthouse bedroom

> > > > > > > > > < < < < < < < < <

The odd noises kept happening and Jenny buried her entire head under the covers even deeper.

"That won't help you again! Not this morning! You promised me that you would help! Remember? As much as we both enjoyed last night, we agreed to take on this project ourselves! It was either YOU dealing with having a bunch of strangers up here, or US tackling the outdoor garden TOGETHER. Besides, there is an upside to getting all covered up in dirt from all the flower beds, planters and pots!"

Turning over inside the tangle they had made of the sheets wasn't easy, and the air felt cool on both of her bare breasts, making her shiver for a moment. Kicking her feet pulled down the smooth cloth even further than she had planned. The exposed dampness between her legs reminded Jenny of everything that they had done after the last two of the Museum VIP guests had finally left.

Emma was shocked to find that she knew the still almost nearly newlywed couple back when they were single. The guest list had been written vaguely enough to make her think it was the young man's parents that should have showed up. Once the big crowd had been shoved into the elevator, to go downstairs to the famous restaurant and bar on the first floor? What had happened next between all four of them had been a voyeuristic delight!

But the Trustee had been careful.

So very careful.

It was just the couple who had put on the unexpected show... while they had sat quite far apart from each other on the huge couch... and watched the couple play around with each other before the fireplace.

Still, once the entire top floor of the penthouse was just their's again? They'd both gotten a little drunker while watching than they should have, and tumbled out of the wonderful shower far sooner than they had wanted to. Seeing the young couple each play both roles, of an aggressor and a submissive, had excited them so much!

Their plans to spend a long time underneath the hot water got delayed... so they could rush to get back into bed... and try out some of the things they'd seen for themselves!

The sheets had gotten all tangled up on purpose more than a few times! Jenny had to force her tired mind away from how she'd been almost unable to move at least twice, and how excited even that little bit of restraint had made her feel! The current sense of Em just staring at her own body, and also remembering last night, finally got her tired mouth and tongue to form some sort of an answer.

"... an upside... to yanking out all those old decaying plants... that you didn't want any of our guests to see... out of those heavy pots that yesterday we moved all the way around to the back wall... then digging up the rolling vegetable garden beds... and planting all those seedlings that are supposed to have already arrived this morning... how can that lead to anything good?... "

Emma only smiled at her, and that was enough to let her figure it out all by herself, but the often shy older woman said the words out loud any way.

"We can take a shower together afterwards and get all clean again, then spend a few more hours in bed. It's Saturday! You did it! You got thru meeting all those snobby boring people! Now you can relax! Enjoy the next day, or even week or two, before we have to go home! A little more hard work, then we can do whatever you want! In either the shower or on the bed! I'm sure the sheets will "magically" all get changed, again, while we are outside working!"

The tall dark haired woman was once again in shapeless work clothes. Every morning since their first horrible, then wonderful night together, Em had gotten up annoyingly early and done something very physical. The state of the gardens outside on all four sides of the terrace had alarmed her. Not good enough for special guests apparently. Not at all.

Emma had reminded her yesterday that no visitors would have had to come to the penthouse at all, if she hadn't panicked on the jet, and stayed in the VIP suite at the historic old hotel as originally planned. The gardens hadn't looked all that bad to her, but were even more beautiful after three mornings of the Trustee's hard solo work.

The only thing that Jenny herself had done these last few days, besides sketch the most interesting bits of the artwork collections scattered everywhere? Yesterday afternoon Emma had made her help lug the worst of the winter damaged plants to the 'backside' of the penthouse floor. Only one spot on all four sides of the terrace had immovable walls. The noisy old freight elevator sounded like a total death trap, each time someone on the lower floors had dared to use it.

Piles and piles of dirt, tools and materials were already scattered everywhere around inside the three sided enclosure. Only one small gap allowed actual access to the elevator door landing. The area inside the tall retaining walls was open to the sky and surprisingly roomy. Or it would've been, except for all the heavy pots and wheeled raised flower beds they'd shoved in there yesterday.

This morning even from all the way on the other side of the penthouse, Jenny had heard the creaky doors on their level open up twice, as the seedlings and other new plants had gotten delivered near sun up. Normally the sound insulation prevented her from hearing that elevator move up and down in Emma's bedroom. Only when it did that for the actual terrace level itself, was it annoying or even noticeable back here.

But the idea of finally spending a long time under the endless hot water? At the original of the twinned design location of her own shower area back home? With Emma wonderfully teasing and surprising her at every turn again?

Jenny had spent most of her adult life catching up on learning about sex. But Emma had already taught her so much more than all of that! In just a couple of days! A full afternoon, then an entire evening with her on the same day? That erotic prospect finally got her moving.

Because she obviously wasn't going to bother covering herself up, a small stack of Emma's old spare work clothes flew thru the air and landed between her legs. But the curiously broad brimmed floppy hat stayed on the dresser. Not exactly out of that old superstition, but out of habit, from growing up with someone who was?

Her parents?

Or someone else?

It wasn't really worth bringing up, but certainly Emma had just as many secrets as the man that had done so much for them both. Some people would have made a game of ferreting out such things, but the last few days had taught Jenny so much! About life! About everything!

It was so much better to live in the moment... than be trapped by worrying about the past... or scared by the future that was mostly beyond their control.

What could she actually and directly learn from the man that had rescued her from the old attic?

If she could only spend time with Him, like Emma was offering to do with her right now? Jenny felt her heart shudder inside of her chest. From so many conflicting emotions! Not the least of which was guilt! The brown eyes of her very experienced new friend could read almost every single one of her thoughts, often before she even recognized them herself.

More proof of just how insightful, or whatever it was inside of Emma that allowed her to do that, came very quietly and sadly.

"That look used to be in my eyes, too. He'd like to be able to spend that kind of time with you. But you already knew that. Karen felt the same way, but she was afraid of what would happen if she risked spending that many hours in a row with him. Afraid of what SHE would finally allow to happen between them. It's just the exact opposite with you though! You know that too, Jenny! He'd be the one who was afraid! He's not free to be himself. Not yet. Soon? Before the Trust is finished? Maybe. Probably not. Afterwards? I certainly hope so!"

Emma's odd stare suddenly made her feel very uncomfortable, and Jenny felt foolish pulling the sheets over to cover up her breasts and legs. The clear and intense brown eyes weren't looking at her physically, and a thin layer of wonderfully soft and expensive cloth wasn't going to stop any more supposed secrets of hers from coming out.

More words might be used as a defense though.

"Karen would have been good for him. We both know that. But YOU would be so much better! I'd hurt him in the long run. We ALL know that, too! I can't change THAT much! Nor would he want me to! I just don't think that he'd be able to handle sharing me! And I don't think that he would like me, or who I would have to become, if I didn't get to express myself the way I need to sometimes."

The crippling and destructive darkness that suddenly swept over Emma's face made her feel so ashamed!

The sight of yet another old wound, getting torn wide open again, was too hard for either one of them to deal with right now. Em turned to look away from the bed, but unfortunately got a glimpse of her own face in the dresser mirror.

A few heartbroken sobs filled the room, but not before those wonderful eyes squeezed tightly shut.

Jenny shouldn't have worried about trying to slip out of bed quietly, because Emma jumped any way, as soon as she pressed her naked body against her from behind. Since there was no real rush to start out in the penthouse's garden, the hug could last forever, until the right words could be found inside of the sobbing woman.

It almost did.

"You're so wrong about that! So very wrong! He could deal with it! He did that for me! But it did hurt him, every single time I went to them! Yet he never judged me, or held me differently, when I finally returned to his arms. There were only two other women in my life, while we were together. First one, then another. Do you know what it's like? To have someone that accepts EVERY single thing about you? Every flaw? Every worry? Every fear? Every bit of silliness, selfishness and doubt? Then even after they do ALL of that, for YOU, somehow you still throw them away? Do you know what's that like? Do you? DO YOU?"

This level of bitterness and self shame was new in her limited experience of Emma... but it would be good if it could all be gotten out of her system... at least for a little while.

It had been building up for a long time. Emma had made sure that she knew all about Sally, and their strained relationship these days. They weren't exclusive, or anything like that, since the ex-nurse was still married to a doctor. Em's lover had even encouraged her to find someone else, for the times when things were going good, in her often troubled marriage.

The doctor in the equation rarely took his own advice, and often attempted to attach too many strings to his wife and her sexual adventures. Almost a decade long relationship, and he still resented every second his wife spent alone with her mostly lesbian lover? But the selfish idiot still wanted Emma to share his wife's bed, at their fancy home, so he could watch?

Jenny finally had to admit to herself that she really couldn't imagine what Emma was going thru. Nor did she ever want to. Her comfort with her own sexuality was such a part of who she was! But she could at least hug and whisper to the woman who had welcomed her into this cherished secret place.

"... no... I don't what that would feel like... I can't imagine all the pain and loneliness you've felt all these years... all I can do is try to help you right now... like you've done for me so many times these last few days... do you think that HE knew we would be together... that very first night... maybe he actually sent YOU to ME... because of who I am... instead of the other way around... did he already know how I would react to you... if he knew about your problems with Sally... maybe he is STILL trying to help you... by bringing us together?... "
