The Roommates


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He poured a beer, went out back, and relaxed. What a weekend it had been so far. And now, two beautiful women were moving in with him. He wondered if it would work. Had it only been Julie, he was sure it would, but adding Karen into the mix was the unknown variable. Julie was the sensible one, but Karen was definitely a wild card, a little bit impulsive. He thought that it was interesting that the two had become lovers - they definitely complemented each other.

The girls walked out the back door. It looked like they just had t-shirts on, but as they got closer, he saw they had one-piece swimming suits on underneath. He wasn't sure if they had any. 'It has to be uncomfortable to 'tuck' themselves, especially Karen' he thought. "You ladies look great! Can I get you some wine? I also have beer and a pretty full liquor cabinet."

They both asked for wine. "Get comfortable, I'll be right back" and he went inside to get the drinks. When he came back out they were both sitting in the spa. He took their glasses. "You ladies relax. I'm going to put the steaks and veggies on the grill."

He let them enjoy themselves while he cooked and got dinner ready. He watched them chat the afternoon away. 'They are a beautiful pair' he thought, 'man, I hope this works out.' When the food was done, he took it to the table, then told the girls that dinner was ready. They had a great dinner. Julie and Karen both devoured their steaks.

He went inside to get another beer, and brought the wine bottle out with him. "I hope they're done to your liking" he said. "You need a refill on the wine?" They both pointed to their glasses and he poured the last of the wine between the two.

"The steak was delicious" Karen said, munching down on her last piece. Julie nodded in agreement. "And I love vegetables cooked that way."

They spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the day. When it finally started to get dark, Karen asked "Kevin, how private is your backyard? I mean, when it gets dark, can anyone see back here?"

"There are a few spots where my neighbors can see in, but usually only in winter when the leaves have fallen off the trees and shrubs. Tonight we'll be in our own private world. And when I want it to be even more private, I only turn on the walkway lights. Even if you were back here it makes it hard to see anything.

"Good, that sounds good" Karen said. She gave a knowing look at Julie, who grinned right back at her.

"I'm going to take the dishes in, get another beer, and I'll be right back." He stacked the dishes and grabbed his glass. When he returned, he noticed it was getting pretty dark, so he turned on the walkway lights. He made his way back to the table and was just about to sit down when Karen got up, and started peeling herself out of her bathing suit. He couldn't help but stare. Her breasts were amazing. Whoever did that work was truly an artist. She stepped out of her suit entirely, then pushed her butt out so he could get a good look.

At that moment, Julie got up and did the same thing. She had smaller breasts than Karen did, but he thought they were perfect. When she was completely naked, she stood next to Karen, and they both started playing with their tits, obviously a show for his benefit. He noticed that neither had erections.

"Are you going to stand there and stare all night, or do you want to get rid of those clothes and join us in the hot tub?" said Julie. Now they turned to face each other. Julie caressed Karen's tits, and Karen played with Julie's.

Kevin needed no more encouragement. He shucked off his shorts and t-shirt. There was no underwear.

"Oh, lookee there" Karen said pointing to his boner, "your boyfriend looks like he's enjoying this."

Julie looked, and said "Mmmm, yummy. I hope that's for me." Then, as if Kevin needed any more stimulation, Julie planted a big kiss on Karen's lips. They embraced and rubbed their bodies on each other.

Kevin watched, frozen in his tracks. He felt as though his dick was going to explode, the scene was so sexy.

The girls turned to the spa, and said "Come on, let's play" in unison.

Kevin followed them to the spa. He watched them get in, and then stepped into the water himself. As soon as he sat down, the both scooted to his side, Karen on his left, and Julie on his right. They both reached for his cock and began to run their fingers up and down.

"Ooo, look what we found" said Karen. "I know, it's so nice to play with" said Julie. They continued their fondling. Then, as if on cue, they both leaned into him and kissed his cheek. They moved forward and kissed each other right in front of him. Then they separated, each kissing the edge of his lips. They thrust their tongues out, running them across his lips. He pushed his tongue out to play with theirs. Karen then moved back to kiss and lick his ear and neck, while Julie pressed her lips on his. Then they switched places and one did what the other had done moments before.

At the same time, they were treating his penis and balls like royalty. One would fondle his dick, moving up and down and rubbing the head between fingers, while the other would play with his balls. Then they'd switch. He was really getting excited.

It was then that Julie whispered into his ear "why don't you sit up on the edge?" When Karen heard it, she moved back far enough to give him room to stand up and then sit on the edge of the spa, leaving his legs dangling in the water. He saw Julie look at Karen, then they both descended to his genitals.

The both kissed the head of his penis at the same time. They moved up and down his shaft in concert. After several trips each, they started to lick his penis. One would flick the tip of her tongue and the other would try to wrap hers around his shaft. Up and down they went. When they would get to the bottom, the would each take a testicle gently into their mouths for a moment, then release it and start their way back up. When they got to the top, they would sandwich the head of his penis between their lips, and alternate between who got to lick the tip and underside. Neither took him into her mouth. They didn't need to. The sensations were overwhelming.

They were both skilled at what they were doing, very skilled. His orgasm came like an onrushing train, and he erupted into the air between their heads. The first load went straight up and then landed on his dick and their lips. He watched as the continued, ignoring his sperm as it was going everywhere. Then they slowed their attack, eventually withdrawing from his penis. They leaned to each other and kissed again. He watched their lips move as they tongued each other. He could see globs of his sperm on their lips and cheeks. They broke their kiss. Karen licked the semen off of Julie's face, then Julie cleaned up Karen. They looked at Kevin's dick, and Julie went down to clean it off. Karen spied some on Kevin's belly and took care of that.

Kevin was thinking that every time with these girls is better than the last. Pretty soon, there will be no room for improvement, and he'll just have to have a stroke. What a way to go.

The girls sat back down in the spa, and pulled him down in between them. "Kevin," Julie said, "we want to thank you for inviting us here, here to live with you. You are so very special to me and Karen." Karen added "yes, thank you."

"You're welcome" was all he could say. "I should be the one thanking you."

They cuddled there for a while longer when Karen said "I'm turning into a prune. Time to get out." She stood up and stepped out of the spa, and Julie followed. Kevin sat for a little while, watching them both go to the table, pick up their towels and swim suits. Julie said "were going to go in and rinse off." Then they both went inside.

Kevin sighed, then got up. He put his shorts back on, but just picked up the t-shirt. He gathered the remaining glasses and went inside as well. When he got inside, he could hear the water running. They were showering somewhere upstairs. He rinsed the dishes off and put them in the dishwasher. He poured another glass of beer and sat in the living room. He heard the girls talking now and then but couldn't make out what was being said.

He was just about to finish off his beer when he heard Julie say "Kevin, can you come up here for a minute? We need your help." He wondered what the problem was as he hopped up the stairs. At the top, he listened to figure out where they were. He heard their voices in his bedroom.

When he walked in, it was like deja vu. Both girls will still naked, but they had evidently taken Viagra again. Both had erections. They said "Hello, Kevin" together in sexy voices, then turned to kiss each other. "Kevin, sit over there for a bit" Julie said, motioning to a side chair. They both laid down in bed and continued to kiss. Then Karen started moving down Julie's body, working her way with kisses until she had Julie's cock in her face. Karen had rotated her body as she had moved down, so that her cock was in Julie's face.

Kevin watched as each kissed the others' penis. This progressed to each giving the other a blow job. He knew how good it must have felt. His own penis was rock hard again. They continued for minutes, slurping and moaning. Finally, they pulled away from each other. Karen went into the bathroom and returned with a washcloth. She cleaned the slober off of her own penis, then Julie's, and took the rag back into the bathroom. When she came out, she had a condom over her penis. She flipped the top of a small tube of lube, and spread it around the tip of her cock.

"Julie, come here love" she said. She helped Julie out of bed, giving her a kiss before rotating her around so that she was facing her back. She pressed her cock into Julie's ass crack and rubbed it up and down. "Are you ready, dear?" she asked. Julie didn't say anything, just bent over. Karen squirted a bit more lubricant on her finger and massaged it onto Julie's anus. Then she pressed forward, and after a moment, she had slipped in.

Kevin watched in amazement as Karen fucked Julie with slow determination. In and out she went. There was no violent thrusting, just a gentle motion. Karen caressed Julie's ass with one hand, and played with her own breast with the other. It was real turn on.

Then without any warning, Karen stopped, pulled out, and turned Julie around to kiss her again. Karen looked at Kevin. "Dear, we're going to need that chair."

Kevin got up and Karen went over to the chair and sat on it. She scooted forward and leaned back. Julie walked over, turned her back to Karen, and then straddled her. She lowered herself onto Karen's penis, and then started moving up and down. After a few cycles, she started rocking her hips as she moved up and down. "Julie," Karen said, "that feels wonderful. I love you."

Between moans, Julie said "I love you too."

They were both getting into it. Moaning and breathing hard. Kevin was mesmerized. "Kevin" he heard, but it didn't register.

"Kevin, dear" Julie said again.

"Yes, Julie?"

"Come here" she said. She watched as Kevin got up off the bed and walked over to her. "Kiss me" she said.

Kevin bent over and gave her the kiss of her life. Julie moaned more deeply, which caused Karen to moan in response.

"Kiss my nipples" Julie said. Karen groaned when she heard her say it. Kevin obeyed, and bent over further to kiss, then suck each of her nipples. He had to coordinate his movements to her up and down movements, but was able to stay targeting on her nipples. Julie moaned even deeper, and again, Karen vocalized in response.

"Kevin..." Julie started to say.

But Kevin knew what she wanted. He knew she wanted him to suck her penis while she rode Karen's. And he realized that he wanted to do it. He wanted to please her the way that he had pleased Karen, and mostly, the way she had pleased him. He dropped to his knees and took her penis into his mouth. At first he just let it slide in and out with her movements. But then he started attacking it with his tongue. He tried to remember everything that she had done to him. He was getting into it.

Julie was now breathing hard and rapid, hardly able to moan in between breaths. Somehow she managed to say "Kevin, play with Karen's balls." Karen moaned loudly when she heard her say it. Kevin, without even looking this time, not removing his mouth from Julie's penis, slowly reached between their legs. He found Karen's balls and gently caressed them. Julie groaned loudly, then screamed "Oh, Ohh, Ohhh!"

Julie's breaths were now rapid. She felt her orgasm approaching as well. She softly and quickly said "Kevin"

Kevin knew what she was trying to tell him, but he continued his efforts. He felt her first squirt enter his mouth, followed by another, then a third. He swallowed as he had done with Karen. And then let Julie's penis fall out of his mouth. By now Julie had stopped her movement. Kevin stood up and kissed Julie on the lips.

"Kevin," she said, trying to catch her breath, "that was incredible."

"Told you it would be" Karen said.

This time Kevin helped Julie up, then reached down to give Karen a kiss. "Are you ready to get up?" he asked. Karen grabbed his hands and he lifted her out of the chair. The girls retreated to the bathroom. Kevin sat, then laid down on the bed. A few minutes later Julie and Karen came back, and laid down on either side of him. They both wrapped arms around him. "I'm glad you're both here with me" he said.

"We're glad too" Julie said, and they fell asleep.


The move in became permanent. A month later, Julie and Karen sold their townhouse. The sex during the next three months was spectacular for everyone. Kevin's neighbors where glad he had a steady girlfriend, but didn't know what to think about two girls living there, especially since they were so much younger than he was. Kevin didn't care. He didn't talk to them much anyway.

Julie and Kevin's relationship became stronger. Karen and Julie's stayed strong. There was no jealousy between the three of them. Karen recognized that Kevin was Julie's boyfriend, and she was grateful that Julie was happy to share him with her.

Three months came and it was time for Karen and Julie's surgery. Kevin insisted on going with them. He bought first class tickets for everyone. "It's not everyday you get your penis cut off" he joked, trying to be as light as possible. Both Julie and Karen were ready for the final stage.

The night before surgery, Julie and Kevin lay together in bed. "Are you completely ready for this? There's no turning back afterwards" Kevin said to her. "I want you to know that if you wanted to cancel, I'd be good with that. I would still want you to be with me." She looked at him and then hugged him. "I'm ready," she said, "and thank you for everything, Kevin."

They had to get up early the next morning. There were forms to sign at the hospital. Julie told Kevin that she didn't have any relatives, so she had put him down as an emergency contact. She also said that she had told the doctors that they should talk with him during and after surgery if they needed anything. She had the foresight to give him power of attorney.

Julie had also talked Karen into doing the same. Karen didn't have anyone else she would want to be contacted. Not anyone else who cared anyway.

Julie went into surgery first. Kevin kissed her and said "See you afterwards." He watched her as they wheeled her down the hallway. Surgery would last a couple of hours at least. It was being done by a team of doctors. About half way through the doctors would change and they would start on Karen. He sat with her while she waited to go.

"Kevin?" Karen asked quietly. He turned to her. "Thank you for everything. I know you're with Julie, but I want you to know something." She paused, then continued "Kevin, I love you."

Kevin looked her and leaned to kiss her. "I love you too, Karen."

Karen smiled, and then said "Julie loves you very much. You've made her so very happy. Did you know that?"

"She's never said it, but I have sensed it for a while now."

"I love you for giving that to her. She is the love of my life, and now your are too."

Just then the surgery team came for her and wheeled her away. The nurse directed him to the waiting room.

About an hour later, the doctor came out and called his name. "Are you here with Karen?" he asked. Kevin thought how odd that he was talking to him about Karen, then noticed the expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Karen had a rare and serious reaction to the anesthetic we use. It's something we see only rarely, but we know how to treat it. We keep a supply of the drug needed to treat it and it works well 95% of the time. But we had a patient earlier this morning who had the same reaction, and they used up most of the supply we had. Before we could get more from the closest hospital, it was too late. We tried everything we had, but we couldn't save her."

Kevin felt the tears well up in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. The nurse said you were the only one listed on her forms. Does she have any family?"

"Not that she's ever told me. She's the friend of my girlfriend." It was only then that he thought to ask about Julie. "How is Julie doing?"

"She is doing very well. The surgery went as expected without any complications. I think it will be one of the better results I've seen. She's in recovery now."

"When can I see her?" he asked.

"Probably in about an hour. The nurses will let you know." He turned to leave, but then stopped. "Wait till Julie is fully awake before you tell her about Karen. And let the nurses know when you're going to do it. We have an excellent support staff here that can help."

"Thanks, doctor" he said.

Julie cried for days. Telling Julie was the hardest think Kevin had ever done. Julie recovered quickly from surgery, and was allowed to leave the hospital in a few days. They had to stay in the area for two more weeks before being cleared to fly home. Everything went well. Everything except the loss of Karen.

One night a few days before they were to leave to go back home, Kevin was laying with Julie in bed. "Julie, Karen told me something before she went into to surgery. It was the last thing I heard her say."

He waited, to be sure she was ready to hear it. "She said she loved me. Then she told me that you loved me. But what I will never forget was what she said next."

Through her tears and sobs, Julie asked "What was that?"

"She said she wanted me to know how happy I made you, and that she loved me for that. Then she told me you were the love of her life, and because you loved me, that now I was the love of her life too." Kevin teared up as he told her about it. "I love you Julie."

They cried together, then fell asleep.

They went home the next week. Kevin told Julie he loved her every morning. Julie told Kevin she loved him every day. They lived as a couple for the rest of their lives.

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EmirusEmirusabout 6 years ago
Couldn’t think of an ending?

This was a brilliant story well told. You knew from the start and the introduction of Karen where this was going and it was just a matter of how the big reveal would be revealed. Julie not fucking him was a surprise. Both going to have surgery was a surprise. All in all different from him being raped by Julie or both of them. Until the ending. I have to agree with what others have said about the ending. It’s as if you arrived there and didn’t know how to end it. If you had gone for a happy ending you could have gone on to write a sequel which I’m sure would have been equally well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Great story, but...

The story truly was a good one, I could see them all getting closer and somehow making it work, but at the same time I could also sense that barrier between Karen's involvement with Kevin and Julie's relationship. I'm sure you have your reasons and at the end of the day, it is your story, but I do agree with previous comments about Karen's death. It just seemed forced and offsets the mood and tone that seemed to be building up. Ideally I'm sure everyone would have liked to see them all live together, realistically speaking though, things like that don't often work out due to the potential complications. I feel it could have either ended as a cancellation that maybe has Karen reconsider the procedure all together, or just have to work out another date to go in where the doctors could (and should) be more prepared. From that point, it could be either the obvious 3 way relationship or Karen expressing her feelings for them; how much she loves them both, but knows deep down that she needs to find that "Kevin" she can call her own and hold first in her heart and whom will do the same for her. Maybe it's cliche, but it seems fitting. Regardless, the story itself was still done very well, hope to see more of your work.

busz690busz690about 7 years ago
Great first story

Wonderful writing style. Looking forward to the future stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I appreciate that you were trying to be original

I just don't see the point to making smut be tragic. Everything else was great though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Have to agree...

Karen's death was absolutely pointless. Turned a great story into a good story.

rnebularrnebularabout 7 years ago
4 instead of 5

Honestly liked it, but would rather the complication have led to a cancellation of the surgery, than for Karen to die. It almost seemed forced, that another patient had the same ultra-rare complication on the same day... that said I truly enjoyed the romance and love described between them, and was hoping for a happier ending. Thanks for sharing!

Dark_StormDark_Stormabout 7 years ago
Was good up until the epilogue.

You could have gone with a polyamorous relationship, where Kevin and Julie accepted Karen as an equal partner in the relationship, especially after what Karen said to Kevin. It seemed to be the logical progression, instead of leaving Karen as the outsider looking in and only occasional participant.

But instead, you kill her off with a variation of the old "Good news, bad news" joke.

The old joke... A man was flying an airplane. The bad news is the engine quit. The good news is he had a parachute. The bad news is it failed to open. The good news is there was a haystack below. The bad news is it had a pitchfork in it. The good news is he missed the pitchfork. The bad news is he missed the haystack.

Your version... Karen is finally getting her reassignment surgery. The Doc: "The bad news is that Karen had a reaction to the anesthesia. The good news is we have a drug to treat it. The bad news is another patient had the same reaction this morning, using up most of our supply. The good news is we can get it from nearby hospitals. The bad news is it didn't get here in time." Har-dee-har-har. What a knee-slapper that was!

Two patients having the same bad reaction to anesthesia, in the same day, and they failed to have enough drug on hand to counteract the effects for both? There's a slam dunk malpractice suit in the offing.

Decent story. Poor ending. Like eating a wonderful fish dinner, but getting a bone stuck in your throat on the last bite. Sort of ruins the meal. Would have been better to spread the love, rather than killing off one-third of it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

That covers it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Why? Why would you let Karen die? This was a one of those rare stories that was about more than just mindless sex, and I loved reading it but I was upset about Karen having to die.

Shame on you😣😔

CliterateDykeCliterateDykeabout 7 years ago

It was a wonderful story but I'm sad that you were compelled to make the needless drama of having Karen die. It's well past the age where a relationship has to be cis gendered. Kinda wrecked the whole story for me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Very very compelling writing

I never thought one of these stories could make me sad, but this proved me wrong. Very good world building and build up to the end.

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