The Royal Lycan Ch. 02


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"Why did Bill bring her if Jett hadn't fucked up?" Hector pondered. "How the fuck could Jett resist it?"

"Maybe Jett removed himself before he could succumb?" Luca shrugged. "Maybe we underestimated his dedication to a job."

"They're fucking animals, Luca. They can't control themselves."

"Well, Jett managed, because there's no way Theresa could fight him off." Luca quirked an eyebrow. "So, what do I tell the others? You couldn't get it up?"

"Fuck off, Luca. No one can know about this." Hector looked across at Tessa, warily watching them, still squirming against the restraints. His bare chest expanded with a lustful breath; his balls twinged. "I can't fuck her until this is done. What shit luck."

"You can do other things." Luca rubbed his temples. "We can find another-"

"In the city? It has to be Jett; he's the only one alienated from his pack. And that mutt's calibre is too good to pass up." Hector exhaled at the ceiling, then turned back to Tessa's squirming figure, his body warmed at the tempting sight. "Then I guess we repeat history. Like mother, like daughter."

"This is really messy, Hector," Luca lectured. "We wanted Jett to run away from us."

"I don't care how you pull it off," Hector said savagely. "Once word gets out that Theresa Sinclair is alive, others will close in. I need a Lycan heir on the way and the child must, by all appearances, be mine. I can't win this fucking war without it."


Jett parked the SUV off-road, close by the forest's tree border. It wasn't ideal, but a risk he had to take. He opened the boot and picked out two guns, his eyes landing on Tessa's bag that Bill neglected to take in his hurry.

Thinking about Tessa, Jett wondered if she'd fight or go willingly; if she'd warmed to Hector's charms and the glamorous future on offer. From what he'd witnessed so far, she had little control of her instincts, her attraction to him. If she wanted to be stubborn about it, that was her shit luck, because he wasn't leaving without her.

Jett squashed the unhelpful thoughts and tried to focus. The group tailing him were unlikely to barge onto Hector's property. It was possible they'd wait on the border for an opportunity to nab Tessa, but there was no way to predict their next move.

Jett ran through trees at an incredible pace, considering his objective and his approach. He knew Hector's property like the back of his hand, and very few of the men on site would be privy to the depth of Hector's agenda with Tessa. Jett knew showing up was incredibly ballsy, insane even. But he had some advantages. He was a familiar face, Hector wasn't expecting him, and he was built to fight. If he could get his hands on Tessa, no one would risk trying to shoot him.

Jett was relieved not to see Luca or Pavel loitering out front. The small group of gunmen nodded in greeting and let him walk straight through the doors. Jett moved quickly, avoiding cameras where possible. Given the size of Hector's property and the security installed, it was impossible to avoid being caught on tape. It was a very good thing they weren't expecting him.

There were only two places Jett presumed Tessa would be; imprisoned in a luxury suite or shacked up with Hector. Jett felt his rage spike at the latter option, and he quickly set that instinct aside and moved on, tuning in to every conversation until he picked up a collective group discussion, all male.

Then from the next level up, he heard Tessa scream. The trip there was a blur to him; anyone in his path was dispatched with swift violence. There was no plan in his logical mind. But his animal brain knew Tessa's location with perfect clarity, locked onto her. There were light traces of her scent, now familiar to him, spurring him on.


Luca left the room in a hurry, eager to get his plan underway. To finally dominate Cat. It'd take a vengefully long, destructive campaign to break her, and he could hardly wait. Luca's expression turned sinister at the thought of serving up ten years' worth of pent-up anger and frustration.

It could have been perfect, but Cat turned on him. Then it got ugly. The tender side of Luca, the lovestruck boy, died years ago. The feelings were still there, but they were more poison than pure. The sentiment was bittered, twisted, broken beyond repair.

Luca's dark eyes glowed as his thoughts went darker places. He'd keep Bill alive for a while, really rub it in, force Cat's compliancy and make her eat her words over and over until she begged to belong to him. Once her willpower was reduced to a frayed thread, he'd snap it completely and make her watch Bill die. From thereon Cat's world would consist only of him. Forever.

Luca sighed, his cock straining against his pants. Turning the corner, his evil fantasy was sharply disrupted when he saw the small pile of bodies at the end of the hallway. Jett stood over them, looking at Luca, his pale eyes lethal.

"Oh, sh-!" Luca managed. There was a brief feeling of staring death in the face, an ironic thought that he was going to die with an erection. Then nothing.


"Things started out well between us, don't you think?" Hector mused, straddling Tessa, caressing her exposed breasts. "Obviously taken a turn for the worse, but we'll work it out."

Tessa whimpered; the anger gone with despair replacing it. Nothing made sense to her, and she was too tired to scream anymore. She closed her eyes, turning inward to the dark, escaping her current predicament for a peaceful minute.

Hector's weight swept from her body. Tessa opened her eyes and her throat closed up with shock.

It was him. Jett, the man seared into her brain that she couldn't forget, standing over her looking completely unhinged. There was a lot of violence in his expression, marring his handsome face. He was terrifying, and Tessa was afraid to know why.

Had he run out of drugs? Did Hector underpay him? Was he going to kill her?

Tessa turned to see Hector slumped against the wall on the other side of the room. Maybe she'd taken his bizarre hospitality for granted. The irony of being so guarded with guns and suddenly unprotected when it actually mattered made her want to laugh.

Instead, she squeaked with fright when Jett angrily unlatched her restraints and ripped the gloves from her hands. His hand was on her wrist, pulling her up, and Tessa curled back into the bed with a protesting cry.

One edge of Jett's mouth turned up. She didn't want to leave with him. Tough shit.

"No! No!" Tessa cried, trying to resist Jett as he easily tugged her into his arms and stood with her across his shoulder. "I don't want to go with you!"

"You want to stay here?" he barked, taken aback by the urge to kiss her in the middle of such chaos.

"Yes! Yes, I do!" Tessa insisted, twisting across his shoulder, knowing it wasn't entirely true. Though the saying 'out of the frypan and into the fire' blared repeatedly through her mind.

Squirming against him, she felt a sudden jolt of desire shoot down her spine and sizzle between her legs. His hands on her thighs were a pleasurable pressure.

Jett laughed roughly at her answer, then paused. There were a lot of people running toward them, there was no time to dress her. He turned to the large window. "Time to go."

Tessa saw where his attention shifted and frantically struggled. "No! No! Don't do it! Please, don't!"

"It'll be fine, I promise," he grunted, kicking through the pane.

Tessa screamed when glass loudly shattered, the remnants falling some distance to crash to the ground below. She felt she might die of fear before the impact could kill her.

"Wrap your legs around my waist. Hold onto my neck," Jett brusquely ordered, shifting her in his arms. With immense effort, he stifled the primitive desire that flashed up his body from being so close to her.

Tessa considered fighting, but seconds later the night wind brushed her face and she was out in the open. With a terrified whimper she clung desperately to Jett's rock-solid build, her thighs aching with the force she applied. She was so scared she didn't even care about being naked in public.

Tessa expected to plough into concrete any second. But they moved steadily, stealthily down the building together, hearing the chaos ensue throughout the property. Once news of Jett's surprise attack made its way across staff, everyone had rushed into the house, leaving the outside practically unguarded.

"Don't open your eyes, Tess."

Tessa felt a strange surge of comfort at Jett's voice. It was a simple order, but there was certainty in his tone, familiarity in the nickname. He was in control of the situation, somehow. That didn't stop the urge to do the exact opposite of what she was told.

Tessa opened her eyes and screamed again when they suddenly dropped, Jett landing with confidence on mere inches of window ledge, his fingers gripping sections of exposed brick.

"Tess, goddamnit!" Jett growled. "Close your eyes!"

Tessa snapped her eyes shut, crying again. The heat of Jett's body was soothing, immersing her in some kind of comfort, but she was so traumatized. Breathing in Jett's compelling scent, she sobbed brokenly the entire way and continued to bawl when Jett commenced a more jolting run. At some point he held her to him with one arm, the other firing a weapon.

Tessa's hold around Jett's neck tightened considerably when a bullet zinged past them. She heard shouting voices, calling to cease fire. They obviously didn't want to kill her; she didn't trust Jett felt the same. With her legs around his waist, without even looking she knew moisture from her throbbing pussy was dampening the front of his clothes. She was humiliated.

Jett's sprint slowed, Tessa fearfully opened her swollen eyes to make out the large black SUV before the passenger door opened and she was shoved into it. The driver door opened and slammed. Jett was next to her. The locks clicked before Tessa could open her door.

"Hold still, damnit," Jett growled, yanking the belt across her body to click. He pulled out his phone, hitting 'send' to the warning text he'd drafted for Bill earlier. He couldn't risk another intervention from his friend. Now, Bill would have to take Cat and run.

Tessa quickly changed her mind about undoing the seatbelt when the car violently pulled out onto the road. She flushed self-consciously, suddenly aware of being nude once again in front of him. It was less vulnerable than being naked and shot at, but way more embarrassing.

"Please, let me go," she pleaded, keeping her thighs tightly closed and holding her arms across her chest.

Jett grunted scornfully, reaching to draw a light blanket from the back seat; it was more for his sake than her comfort. He noticed her cheeks were damp with tears; he wished she'd wipe them away. Their interaction had to be kept to a minimum if he had any hope of concentrating.

Part of Jett wanted to laugh hysterically at the insanity of what he'd just done, the ridiculousness similar to losing an ill-thought-out bet or drunkenly accepting a suicidal dare.

The fact he'd just strolled into Hector's property and stolen a literal royal princess, climbed down the outside wall with the naked girl wrapped around him in full view of Hector's men and then sprinted to his getaway vehicle with a hardon. This was definitely a story to share back home over numerous beers.

Tessa miserably accepted the blanket, covering herself over the belt, primly tucking the material under her chin. She still couldn't believe she was alive after going out the window. Though that meant nothing if her minutes were numbered.

She sniffled into the blanket. "Are you going to kill me?"

Jett smirked and shook his head. Catching her scent, her natural reaction to him, his heart began to thump, his body heating up with the swell of his cock. The delectable essence wafting from his clothes straight to his nose was intoxicating and incredibly distracting. He wanted to press the material to his face and deeply inhale. He wanted to get straight to the source of the scent, sitting right beside him. It was torture.

They were definitely compatible; more than compatible. He had to get Tessa to a safe location. Ignore the call of her virginal pheromone until the time was right. When they reached their destination, his family would have to wait a bit longer for a proper explanation.

They'd be expecting him; he'd given notice. There would be calls, messages flooding through, a mixed reception. Heartfelt welcomes, curiosity, joy. There would be warnings. Some concerned, others cynical. Outright threats.

Whatever it was, he'd deal with it. If it was Tessa's first time, he'd have to do everything properly. This endeavour directly clashed with the fact he was very close to pulling over, laying down the back seat, forcing Tessa back, pinning her wrists and...

Jett glared more fixedly at the road. There wasn't time for that. Regardless, he was beginning to feel faint with the heady arousal taking him over. He was still angry; insanely angry about the way he'd found Tessa, tied down under Hector. Hectors hands touching her soft breasts like he owned them. Entitled fucker.

Tessa nervously watched the cloud of intensity around Jett somehow deepen. Though seriously upset, she was conscious of being in a better position than ten minutes ago and feeling generally better about where she was now. She stared at his attractive profile, dark hair, jaw clenched.

She noticed the grey of his eyes shift to that familiar bright glimmer, reflecting light in the dark. His big hands gripped the wheel with unnecessary strength, the veins in his arms bulging. She wondered what he was thinking.

"W-What are you going to do with m-me?" she finally stammered.

Jett ignored his better judgement and looked at her. She was still crying, shaking, scared out of her mind. He felt awful about it.

But despite his stress, his rage, his excitement; all the pressing concerns about their uncertain future, when Tessa asked that question, Jett couldn't help himself.

He grinned.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Brilliant! Did he leave Hector the would be rapist alive? That’s such a bad move.


Tess (uk)

Bellie444Bellie444about 2 years agoAuthor
Ch 3

According to the lit gods Ch 3 should come out on the 30th. Sorry for the wait guys.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You should write for wettpad and put out more chapters. Could be a good story on there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


mecarelionmecarelionabout 2 years ago

So good! Hope that there is more to come!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Would love to

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please continue... Its was a hot piece of cake...

Iam_nympho69Iam_nympho69over 2 years ago

I love this story! Please author continue writing this wonderful masterpiece 😭

TicklingisunderratedTicklingisunderratedover 2 years ago

Dang, bummed to read the first two chapters and discover there's nothing more. Do you plan to continue this story? It's really well written!

MistressMissy08MistressMissy08over 2 years ago

I enjoy your work so very much! This is some of your best work yet and I cannot wait to read more. I'm addicted to the Tess and Jett plot and want to know more about Jetts' background and how they continue to resist each other. Looking forward to reading much more of this storyline. Thank you for your time and talent!

strawberryhuggiesstrawberryhuggiesover 2 years ago

this is one of your best Bellie! please please keep going, we're invested now xx

Horseman68Horseman68over 2 years ago
Damn Good.

Enough said. Awaiting more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Its been forever since you have written can you finish the story please

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

so jett fucked both tessa's mother and tessa is this incest ?ewwe

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Please keep going with this story it is really really good so far!

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