The Sensational Sparklechick


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"That's a good cunt," the Prime Executive cooed mockingly, wearing a condescending smile and a satisfied gaze on his face. She glared at him furiously, her cheeks maintaining their constant, equally furious blush. "Don't want you spilling that nice cum everywhere, hm, cunt? Get over here."

"Hmp!" she remarked, feeling her asshole tighten itself up. Sparkles crawled seductively towards the Prime Executive. Her hateful gaze would look deadly, if she was in different circumstances, yet still looked now like only a pout.

The Prime Executive spun his finger around. "Turn. Show me that fat ass." She obeyed with much embarrassment, presenting her ass to him.

"I think... this bitch doesn't really get what she is." The boardroom grew silent, intrigued by his train of thought. "I mean suure, she's been used like a cocksleeve and all, but she doesn't REALLY get her place." He paused and Sparkles heard the shuffling of a drawer opening. "How 'bout we show it to her, boys?"

The boardroom filled with whoops and cheers, and she noticed their gazes were towards something beside the Prime Executive-- something he was holding. "Should I plug the bitch?" the Prime Executive growled. She could hear the smile in his voice.

"YEEAH!" the room screamed unanimously.



Tony started, "Plug the bitch, plug the bitch," and the rest soon joined in. "Plug the bitch! PLUG THE BITCH! PLUG THE BITCH!"

Sparklechick's eyebrows turned up with frustration, anger, fear. What the fuck were they talking about? What were they about to plug her with? She didn't have to wait long for her answer. A metal tip pressed against her asshole, and pushed in, bit by bit, as her asshole involuntarily relaxed itself in tandem, letting it in. Suddenly, it started stretching her hole, bit by bit. More and more. Sparkles clenched her hands, her eyes widening, her forehead beginning to raise and strain. "Mmmmmm!!" she whimpered, pathetically. The plug forced itself deeper and deeper, until PLOP. Her hole tightened around it again, to Sparkles's embarrassment.

CLICK. A phone camera shutter sounded, and then the Prime Executive raised his phone to her, showing Sparkles a picture: her asshole, plugged up by a small silver buttplug with a pink crystal heart on the end, and some cum dribbling down out of it. "That's you, Sparky!" He ruffled her hair like she was some stupid pet. "Show the men."

Following his command to a tee, Sparkles's eyes watered as she was forced to turn around, press her tits down on the table, raise her ass up, and, using her hands, spread her cheeks apart, presenting her brand-new buttplug for them. She used to be a superhero.

"What do y'all think?" the Prime Executive asked, mockingly.

"It's cute."

"Not damn big enough, that's for sure." There were some murmurs of agreement. Sparkles's heart dropped.

"This is a democracy, little cunt. Turn around."

Democracy my ass, she wished she could say. But all she could do was hold back tears, as she turned back around for the Prime Executive, glaring daggers at him any chance she got. Without warning, he yanked the heart plug out of her unprepared ass, leaving it sore, pained and gaping. "MMM--!" she whimpered pathetically, her eyes watering heavily now.

"Aw, look, she's gonna cry!" one man laughed.

She was horrified when they turned her attention away from her, however, because she knew they were looking at another toy the Prime Executive was holding up-- something definitely worse than before.

The new plug pressed against her battered asshole, but as it stretched and stretched, prompting Sparkles to clench her fists again, it didn't stop stretching her. "Arough!" she cried loudly, forced to keep her ass firmly in place as the new buttplug abused her further. It was like there was no end in sight, she couldn't understand how it was stretching her so far.

"You all think she can take it?" howled the Prime Executive, with laughter.

"WHOOOO YEAH!" And so he pressed his weight on it, pushing further, until Sparkles started to cry. She choked out a sob, tears streaming down her face, and then choked out another sob.

"Oh that's enough with the crying, whore. Joseph, get the laptop, shut the damn bitch up." On cue, Joseph, seated to the Prime Executive's side, picked up the laptop, fiddled with the touchscreen, and then suddenly, Sparklechick's tongue lulled out, her mouth opened into a wide 'O', her eyes rolled up mindlessly, and she let out a loud, sensual moan. "OOOOUHHH...!" she sang, as the larger plug forced its way deeper into her asshole. Sparkles still felt the horrible pain from her backdoor being stretched open, and tears still streamed down her perversely contorted face, and yet to the room of laughing men, her face made her look like some ridiculous, depraved sex-object. Which at this point, she was.

< pop! >

The plug finally popped right in, Sparkles responding with a girlish, "Mmmn!" of surprise. Her face was allowed to somewhat relax, though the tongue stayed out.

"Take a look, bitch. If you can even see over that fat ass."

Humiliated at the comment, Sparkles still obediently turned her panting head back to look at her ass. And she immediately saw it-- a fluffy ginger tail, sprouting cutely up from her asshole, which perfectly matched her own deep red hair.

"Is it starting to sink in yet, bitch? You're not a superhero anymore. You're not even a person. You're a little toy for the men to use. A cute little pet I'm gonna keep around the office to give blowjobs and drink cum. I'm gonna show you off as a conquest, and that's all you'll be the rest of your life. Hell, with your powers, you don't even age, right? You'll spend a whole lot of presidencies as this nation's official new civil servant. If you're lucky, maybe I'll even take you out for a walk every once in a while."

Sparkles wanted desperately to incinerate him, to do anything to get out of here. And yet, as Joseph played with the remote, all she could do was wag her new buttplug tail, and smiling through her hanging tongue, let out a happy little, "Ruff!" of non-consensual consent.


Sparklechick's gaze rested patiently on the Prime Executive, a small smile on her lips. He paid the woman no heed, but she gazed on anyways, attentive to any order he may give her. The smell of sizzling bacon filled the office, pleasing to the Prime Executive's senses; it was a little too close for Sparkles's liking-- not that she would object to it. The strips sizzled wildly, flicking drops of oil off Sparkles, and little streams of hot oil dripping down the bitch's round, voluptuous breasts. Her cleavage glowed reddish with burning heat, and over each large, plump, oil-drenched pec, two nice long pieces of bacon rested, bending sensually over the curvature of the sex-mounds. As a nice little touch, while Sparkles cooked the bacon on her tits, little lighter-sized flames hung off of each nipple, just for decorative purposes.

The Prime Executive turned his gaze to his degraded property for just a moment, furrowing his brow. "I like 'em brown, not burnt. Flip 'em already, Sparkletits."

Sparkles's face burned bright with embarrassment, shame, and scathing anger, and yet her face remained just as gentle and passive as before. "Yes, sir," the bitch responded obediently, and with the beautiful precision granted by her nerve implants, she threw her chest up, flipping the four slices of bacon into the air before they all slapped back down onto her jiggling chest, perfectly on their backs.

The objectified woman continued to cook the Prime Executive his breakfast until he muttered, "That's enough," and she slid the bacon onto a pristine and gorgeous porcelain plate. Then, keeping the plate upright in the one hand, she turned to face away from him, pressed her sizzling tits onto the carpet, and proceeded to hold the plate beneath her crotch. Similarly to her chest, her pussy was red hot, sizzling and dripping with a nice coating of vegetable oil. And protruding from within, spreading her labia quite wide and taut, was the end of a thick German sausage-- at this point, quite well cooked within the walls of her pussy. Sparkles wanted to die from the humiliation, yet that did nothing to stop what came next; she clenched her pussy, and the sausage slowly pushed its way out of her, sliding onto the plate beside the bacon.

"Have I told you how ridiculous you look, Energia?" The Prime Executive reached down and took the plate from her grasp, before giving her fat, exposed ass a hardy slap.

"Yes sir, you have." Sparkles hated the reminder of what she used to be.

"Don't forget it, girl." He snapped his fingers. "Eggs."

Without changing her position, Sparkles reached into a nearby dedicated cabinet and pulled out two eggs, while her asscheeks began to glow with energy. She lifted an egg above her posed behind, and cracked it, letting it all splish down onto her cheek and start to sizzle to life.

"Good girl," the Prime Executive said, and took a delicious bite of his bacon.


Once the eggs were done, and once Sparkles had received her breakfast-- a mouthful of penis and cum under the Prime Executive's desk following an expert blowjob on her part-- she was in for a surprise. A butler had delivered on a hanger a glittering outfit of violet and white. It was quite beautiful, with the violet gradients painting it like a lily. And it was unbelievably obscene as well. It almost resembled her old heroine costume, had said costume been made for a pornstar.

The Prime Executive could see the horror in Sparklechick's eyes, and smiled. "What, you don't like your new uniform? You have to serve your country in something, don't you, bitch?"

Sparkles despised her owner's gloating and mocking, and yet... "Yes sir, I do."

"Your old costume was already skimpy as hell. Show some gratitude, I can still put you in some pathetic puppy attire instead, fuckdoll."

Sparkles's eyes widened. She wasn't even sure how much of what followed was the nerve control. She smiled desperately at the Prime Executive, squished her fat oily tits in her dainty little hands, and said, "Oh, thank you for letting your Sparklycunt wear this, Mr. Prime Executive," in the most feminine, sultry voice she could muster. She didn't want limb restraints or the buttplug tail in her ass again.

"Mmm. Good enough. Go fetch a nice, fat plug anyways, doll."

She wanted to cry, but only gave a nod and a, "Yes, sir."

Soon enough, after an assisted sponge-wash, and some makeup (vivid red lipstick, notably) and hair work from the White Manor's styling department, she had the large buttplug pushed uncomfortably into her ass (though not as painfully now-- experience had left her used to the feeling), and then she was squeezed into the tight, slutty heroine outfit. Five-inch, white stripper heels; a single stretchy thigh strap, which lewdly squeezed down on the soft thickness of her thigh; and the main course-- a one-piece, which covered none of her thighs, was soft and tight enough in the crotch to give her a very visible cameltoe, and to just barely cover her lips. It didn't cover her pubic area nearly enough-- so much so that the lock keeping her clit piercing joined to her pussy zipper, hung out the top of the outfit's panty area. The suit ran right between the cheeks of her heart-shaped ass and dared to cover none of it, and it ran up her waist and back while leaving her whole belly exposed so the 'PROPERTY OF THE UE GOVT.' brand was clearly in view. It barely covered an inch of her chest, the 'bra' tightly straining against her breasts and leaving both abundant underboob and sideboob to spill out lewdly; had only thin white-violet fabric over her hard nipples and areolas giving her piercings completely away; and boasted a large, heart shaped boob-window to show off her voluminous cleavage.

The Prime Executive, of course, was gladly there, neglecting his duties to watch his little toy suit up. "You look so pretty, Sparkles!"

Sparkles blushed with humiliation. "Thank you, sir." Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt nothing but horrible shame for this lewd sex-doll she'd become.

"Now, let's go greet the Vespucian public."

Sparkles's breath faltered. She hadn't realized she'd be doing such a thing-- and yet she had no time to process it as the Prime Executive freely grabbed her ass and led her out the door. Corridor after corridor, she felt all the White Manor staff's gazes on her. Mocking gazes. Disgusted gazes. Sorry gazes. Unapologetically lustful gazes. Hell, she could see some boners she'd caused. And she could do nothing but keep walking-- in that sensual, thigh-accentuating strut in which she'd been programmed to walk, gently bouncing and swaying her chest from side to side-- while smiling calmly, even giving a wink or two. The white sunlight of the approaching doorway began to blind her, her heartbeat running with anticipation. And then, a crowd. A crowd of millions of voices. The moment she stepped out, cheers and woos and whistles greeted her.

"HELLO VESPUCIA!" roared the Prime Executive nonchalantly, and, with a hard slap on Sparklechick's ass, milking a squeal from her little voice, he stepped to the podium, a devilish grin on his face.

"Now, now," he said, waiting for the crowd to calm their fervor a bit. "One year ago today, 'Energia,'" he made sure to make the finger quotes, "confused by her silly, womanly brain-- no offense to all the good women out there," the women in his crowd didn't seem to mind, given the responding female choir of whoos, "-- she thought it'd be a good idea to try and assassinate your head of state! A real damn shame, cuz we could've used a nice set of tits like her overseas."

Sparkles blushed at the objectifying remark, and yet, she couldn't stop herself from letting out a girlish giggle and covering her mouth, her movements dynamic enough to make her near-nude titties bounce-- all wonderfully entertaining to the ravenously horny crowd, throwing their catcalls at her.

"That said, the whore FAILED!" he roared. "And actions, especially actions like those, have goddamn consequences. But. After a nice good bit of re-education, she's learned her lesson, and the whore is eager to serve her country again! Course, we won't be sending her overseas, she'll be performing some more domestic duties." He turned to her, gripped her ass hard, and said, for everyone to hear. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to introduce ya to... SPARKLECHICK! Perform for your empire, girl! Jiggle!" She despised that she couldn't stop herself; on command, Sparkles send the energy into her fat titties and alternated between lewdly bouncing the jugs up and down, and throwing her them from side to side, all while sparks flew spectacularly off of them-- her objectifying jiggling them for the crowd accompanied by a wide smile on her face and a hand on her hip.

"Ah? Not bad, right?" The crowd went absolutely wild, and the Prime Executive turned to Sparkles. "You're a star again, Sparkletits. You'll make a nice mascot for the nation, don't you think?"

Sparkles felt a tear stream down her face, and nodded. "I do, I can't wait."

"Oh can't you? Go on then." The Prime Executive turned to the mike again. "This little whore's happy to serve the Vespucian people! Right now. She'll take anything and EVERYTHING you give her, so give her everything you got!"

Sparkles hadn't realized. She hadn't realized this is what she'd been brought out for. She hadn't realized this would be her life now. She hadn't realized there was even a possibility she'd be captured when she went to kill the Prime Executive. Step by step, she climbed down from the podium, knowing her invincible body would-- and could-- take everything this crowd of millions could give her. And so, as she felt the first violent and lustful hands grip at her, she simply gave in, and let Vespucia take her.

It wasn't a minute before her clothes were ripped off. It wasn't two before she had a cock in every hole-- her plug violently pulled out, too. It wasn't three before her makeup had been ruined with cum and tears and piss. It wasn't ten before she'd taken a full one hundred loads of cum, in her and on her, in every nook and cranny, coating her body completely, dripping out of her mouth, clogging her throat and overflowing from her ass and pussy.

Forty-nine entire hours, she was used. Forced to obediently and perfectly take every phallus put in her mouth, to suck endlessly, to swallow. She didn't need food or water-- her powers let her absorb the energy around her, the sunlight and heat-- and so, every eight hours or so, after an especially rough fucking, her orgasming body would just wet itself. At some point, some crowdgoers attached car batteries to her nipples, making her scream as the energy surged into her, not to mention making her cum involuntarily, her pussy tightening sporadically around the cock of the man inside her. Her tits, ass, cunt, face, thighs, and every other imaginable part of her body were punched, slapped and beaten, and though she didn't feel any of it, after forty-nine hours, she was left red and mildly bruised from the abuse.

After forty-nine hours, the crowd had somewhat dispersed, though some interested members were still happily waiting for their turn with her. But then, the Prime Executive emerged, and in his booming voice declared her 'service hours' to be over-- for the week, anyways. Not missing his chance to force one more humiliation on her though, a nearby pedestrian went over to the broken, used woman, pressed her tits against the floor, pushed her ass up, and shoved a Vespucian flag directly into the whore's asshole. He gave her fat ass a final slap for good measure, and with the rest of the men that were left, dispersed; as the Prime Executive approached. The floor was coated with cum and piss and other lewd juices.

He stopped beside Sparklechick, looking at the pathetic sight of his fucktoy, half unconscious, dripping with cum, and with a flag waving in the air, shoved inside her.

"You tried to take my life, Energia. Now, this will be yours. Best you can do? Learn to enjoy it." He hooked a collar around her neck, leashed it, and pulled harshly. "Crawl." Her body obeyed, though her eyes only fluttered open slightly, her exhausted, sex-addled mind only half awake. "And hey, if you're especially good, I'm happy to wash the 'Energia' out of that little head completely! I'm sure the dumb little fuckdoll that's left would very much enjoy her new life."

As Sparklechick crawled along obediently behind, the flag still jutting out of her asshole and shifting uncomfortably inside her, having her mind fully emptied out-- no more resistance, or memories of her past as a heroine-- sounded like something of a blessing at this point. Her thoughts still mindfucked into a tangled mess, upon hearing the suggestion the woman found herself mindlessly mewling one final eager, "Yes sir...!" in her broken voice, as a warm smile pulled her lips.


Author's Note:

This is in an alternate universe where the Americas were named after Americo Vespucio's last name, not his first; and where this alternate US was much more ambitious with their conquering (which is saying something, considering the extreme imperialism of our government). Thus, United Empires of Vespucia.

Since these Literotica stories don't have enormous reaches, people might not stumble upon these little trinkets I put in the story-- so I figured I'd explain them in case someone else finds them cool and interesting!

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eventidusculoeventidusculo3 months agoAuthor

bro im not even boutta argue with “imperialism is good too”

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

That forward you wrote is fucked. America is great and imperialism is good too…

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Love this would love to read more

eventidusculoeventidusculoabout 1 year agoAuthor

:( eyo whats wrong w barking like a dog, that shi cutie af

also yeah though, America is an empire. it has installed innumerable dictatorships, assassinated MLK, continues to systemically oppress racial groups, and studies measuring degrees of political influence have demonstrated that it is not a democracy, its a corporatocracy.

“every politician, every cop on the street, protects the interests of the pedophilic corporate elite.” -a comedy singer

im happy to discuss more over email! but this is my area of study, so i can at least assure you that yes, this “free speech” was thought out

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow, really, barking like a dog? 🙄

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very interesting author’s note, the f America thing might not do to much for a whole bunch of people though. That being said I still support free speech, even poorly thought out free speech. Have a nice life and maybe you might want to think about all the people who’ve been liberated by America…

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really great work here. Keep it up

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