The Seventh Coven Pt. 05


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I stood up, "You re most welcome." I looked over at Terry, "Shall we frolic?"

Terry held out her hand and I took it. She led me to the back of the house. There I found a large deck with a tall privacy fence around it. In the center was the largest hot tub I had ever seen. There were gas heaters in each corner of the deck and the air temperature was comfortable. I looked up at the full moon, nearly overhead. Clouds were scudding across the sky.

At the far end of the tub, Amy and Karoline were locked in a tight embrace, each plumbing the depths of the other's mouth. At this end, Ginny was massaging Bridget's back. Julie was leaning back in Maria's arms. Maria was stroking her hair. Beth, Sarah, and Victoria called for me to join them in the center of the tub.

Terry and I stepped in and waded to the center of the tub. In seconds, I was surrounded by female bodies.

Julie put her arms around my neck and kissed me, "When you make love to Maria, would it be okay if we helped?"

I felt a hand on my cock. Someone wrapped their arms around me and I felt a pair of breasts on my back.

I was a bit overwhelmed by the attention, "Sure, Julie."

Victoria waded over to me, "It is just after midnight. The eclipse starts at 4:10 AM. We believe that the lunar energy will be particularly potent during the time of the lunar eclipse."

This idea was intriguing to me, "How so?"

"Well, as the moon enters the Earth's shadow it will pass through every phase. It begins with a full moon and the Earth's shadow begins to cover it. It wanes before your eyes until it goes blood red. Then the new moon's sliver appears and the moon waxes to full again. Plus, during the eclipse, the energies of the Earth, Moon, and Sun are in alignment."

I didn't want to dismiss it as unscientific. After all, I was just voted into a very exclusive sex club as the only male. "Okay. I think I'll need to look at it closer."

Terry said, "I think we should start our ritual moon bath. Do we have everyone?"

Julie said, "Juanita."

Sarah jumped out of the pool, "I'll get her."

I enjoyed the bounce of her ample breasts as she hurried into the house. Soon she returned with Juanita.

Before they entered the hot tub, Sarah and Juanita positioned seven white candles around the outside of the pool. Then they left and returned with what appeared to be seven small braziers. They placed those in front of the candles. I could see heat and smoke rising from each.

Terry waded over to me, "Since we now have a high priest, you get to perform that traditional function."

"Okay. What do I do?"

"I'll give you instructions. First, we have to cast a circle again. You'll need to stand where you can look directly up at the moon."

Amy said, "Shouldn't the Professor have an erection as he does that to honor the lady?"

A murmur of assent arose from the sisterhood.

Terry looked around, "In that case he needs to be properly prepared."

I looked over at Terry, "I don't mind at all, but I get the impression that the sisters just like to see me naked."

I heard a giggle and some of the sisters put on a shocked look. It seemed all the sisters' eyes bore in on Terry. I could sense that each one wanted to be chosen.

Terry studied each face, "Normally this should be chosen by lot. We'll ensure we have the selection bowl for the next esbat. For tonight, I think Sister Ginny should begin her restitution with a proper preparation."

Ginny took my hand and led me out of the hot tub. We toweled off.

Ginny looked up at the moon, then at the pool, "I think we should position you here. You should be able to look up directly at the moon."

I noticed that I was also positioned so that the sisters could watch me receive a blow job. Make them happy. Make them horny!

Ginny placed a rolled towel before me and knelt down. She looked up, "Honorable high priest, I have been selected to prepare your lingam. May I continue?"

So formal. "Yes, you may."

Ginny held my shaft and began circling the head with her tongue. She locked eyes with me. The cool air had her nipples at maximum hardness. An amazingly beautiful sight. As I became harder, she clasped her hands behind her back and only used her mouth, licking and sucking. I reached down and cupped her cheek away from the pool. I didn't want to block anyone's view. Ginny wasn't in a rush. This performance felt like a seduction and she was being her most sultry.

I heard a groan and looked over at the pool. Every set of eyes were locked in on my cock. I would have bet that at that moment, every clit except Ginny's was being rubbed. Victoria had her head on the side of the tub and her body was floating so that I could see her hand moving at her crotch.

I was fully hard now, but Ginny kept sucking. Every so often she would throw in a deep throat for good measure. She never looked away and I left my hand on her cheek, gently stroking her soft skin. She wasn't sucking vigorously, rather she was looking to sustain the moment for as long as possible. This was a cross between phallus worship and Richard worship. I wasn't sure which, but the moment was magnificent.

That's right, frolicking. A much better term. Ginny was frolicking with my cock and I was in heaven. Ginny sucked me for quite a while. I heard several of the sisters reach orgasm.

Finally, Terry said breathily, "Perhaps we should cast the circle."

Ginny came off my cock, stood, and threw her arms around my neck, pressing her breasts into my chest, "Thank you, honorable high priest." She kissed me.

Terry said, "Sister Ginny, since you are already out of the tub, perhaps you will help guide the professor."

"Gladly, Sister Terry."

Ginny said, "We'll sprinkle some salt around the outside. It doesn't need to be a circle. We just need to make sure there aren't any gaps."

I took a bag of salt and with Ginny by my side, sprinkled salt on the outer edge of the deck. My eyes were continually drawn to those amazing breasts, my cock bouncing back and forth with each step.

When we returned to the starting point she said, "Now we'll light the candles. Do you remember what I said earlier when I cast the circle?"

I nodded, "Cast the circle thrice about, to keep the evil spirits out."

Again we made the circuit around the hot tub, this time lighting each candle. Then we continued so that we circled three times.

Ginny said, "Now we will want to put some sage in each brazier."

Once again, she accompanied me on my round.

When we were done, she said, "Now you will chant. Stand here and thrown your arms up toward the moon. Let me get in the water in front of you and I'll tell you what to say."

I stood there beneath the full moon, my erection straight out. I repeated what Ginny whispered to me.

"Oh, Great Mother Goddess, enclose us in your loving arms and feed us with your being so that your energy and essence may be within us."

There was a round of applause.

Terry was smiling, "Come get in the tub with us. We need to frolic!"

I stepped down into the warm water.

Sarah came and stood in front of me, "I offer my body for my high priest's pleasure."

She placed her luscious breasts practically in my face. I pulled her to me and began greedily sucking her nipples. I felt her fingers entwine in my hair, pressing my face to her chest.

Amy and Karoline were suddenly standing on either side of Sarah.

Sarah let go of my head and fell back into her sisters' arms, "Take me Professor."

"I have to save my cum for Maria."

"I know, but please fuck me."

I stood up and grasped Sarah's ankles. I placed them on my shoulders.

Ginny appeared and rubbed some lube on my cock, "The chlorine will ruin her natural lubrication."

I grasped Sarah's hips and I felt a hand on my cock. Victoria was guiding me to Sarah's pussy. I slowly pressed into her tight opening. Then Amy and Karoline started pressing Sarah onto my cock. They set up a nice steady rhythm. Sarah started rubbing her clit. I remembered all the sex with Bridget, Victoria, and Beth over the weekend and I suddenly wasn't worried about shooting my load anytime soon.

What an amazing sight. I had the nubile blonde bodies of Amy and Karoline pressing the buxom Sarah onto my cock. I looked around and nearly all the sisters were leaning against the side, watching us. Terry stood on the deck looking down, drinking mead. Ginny began rolling Sarah's nipples. Sarah's eyes were locked in on me.

It took several minutes of Amy and Karoline slamming Sarah onto me, but she began to cum. I felt her vagina churning, squeezing me. Sarah started to arch her back, but the Blondes kept her head out of the water. Eventually all motion stopped and they eased Sarah off me.

Sarah's feet barely hit the bottom of the hot tub when Julie said, "Will the Professor take me?"

I laughed, "Gladly, but perhaps I can get off my feet."

Terry said, "Come up here on the deck. Here's a yoga mat you can lie on."

I laid down and Julie straddled me, her pussy on my stomach. She leaned down and kissed me. Once again, Ginny lubed up my cock. Then Julie pressed me into her vagina. As she began grinding on me, Maria came up behind her and grabbed her breasts.

Again I realized how blessed I was. All of these women wanted to have sex with me. I heard some panting and looked to my right. A blonde head was between Bridget's legs. I watched as Amy's face came into view. Across the hot tub, Karoline was licking Juanita's pussy. Terry and Victoria were holding each other in the tub.

Rather than take in the sights, I decided to focus on the woman making love to me. Julie's hair was damp from being in the tub. Her cylindrical nipples stood out proud on her breasts. I noticed how taut her stomach was, this woman was in great shape. I looked up into those green eyes staring lovingly down at me.

"Julie, you are a beautiful woman."

My compliment hit home and she leaned forward and kissed me.

Her hips continued to grind on me, then a twerking motion. Damn! This is fun! Not bad for a 53-year-old guy.

Julie began to cum. Her vagina was contracting, her head thrown back, mouth panting. I just laid back and enjoyed the sight and the sensations.

When Julie had finished pleasuring herself, I climbed back into the hot tub. Juanita brought me a glass of mead.

As I was drinking the mead, I had a thought, "Hey, Terry!"

She walked over and climbed in beside me, "Something tells me you have an idea."

"This stuff is really good. What if we were to sell it?"

"Like scale up production?"


"Where would we get the money for the equipment?"

"There's money available for women-owned businesses."

I could see the wheels start turning.

Terry called out, "Ginny!"

Ginny came over and sat on the other side of me, her breasts against my arm.

Terry said to me, "Pitch your idea again."

I told Ginny about scaling mead production.

Terry said, "Is that something you could investigate? We'd make it your retribution."

Ginny was nodding, "There's craft brewers and craft distillers. All those wineries. We can absolutely make it work. I'll start working on it tomorrow."

Victoria walked over, waist-deep in the water. I still couldn't get over the fact that I was surrounded by naked women.

She pointed up, "The eclipse has started."

I said, "Four o'clock already?"

Victoria smiled, "Time flies when you're frolicking."

Terry asked, "Where's Maria?"

"Here I am."

Terry called out, "Sisters. Please gather around."

All the witches came over to us.

Terry explained, "In case you haven't heard, tonight we're going to help Maria have sex with the Professor. The goal is to have Maria get pregnant. From talking with Bridget, the Professor has some staying power so we'll get him ready, then we'll get Maria ready and have her mount him."

The sisters immediately began talking.

Terry said, "Okay, I know everyone is going to want to help. We'll cast lots. We'll have two get the Professor ready and two to get Maria ready."

Amy raised her hand, "Karoline and I know we're bi. Maybe we should prepare Maria."

Terry nodded, "Good point. Would anyone else like to prepare Maria?"

Juanita and Victoria raised their hands."

Terry announced, "Okay. The two short sticks will prepare Maria."

She held out her fist holding four sticks. The sisters drew lots.

Terry said, "Please compare. Looks like it is Amy and Victoria."

Amy and Victoria immediately moved over to Maria.

"Does everyone else want to draw for preparing the Professor?"

Ginny said, "Since I was selected earlier, I shouldn't draw this time."

"Anyone else?"

Sarah said, "I just had sex with him. I'll sit out."

Julie said, "Sarah's right. I'll sit out too."

Terry counted, "So, five drawing for two lots. Please come forward and get a stick."

When everyone had selected, Terry asked, "So, who do we have?"

Karoline laughed, "Me!"

Beth cried out, "Me, too!"

They both came over to me.

Beth asked, "Can I suck on you? I need to practice."


Karoline looked a little disappointed.

I lifted her chin, "Karoline, I know this might not sound like prepping me, but I would really enjoy it if you were to straddle my face."

Her eyes went wide, "So, you'll lick me?"

"Exactly. I love the way a woman tastes. It gets me quite aroused."

I laid back on a yoga mat and Karoline brought her long, lean body over and settled over my face. I turned my head and kissed the inside of each soft thigh.

I heard Beth, "Bridgie, will you teach me?"

I soon heard my research assistant coaching Beth on how to suck cock. I decided to focus on the beautiful pussy above my face. She had shaved her labia and trimmed her blonde pubes. I flicked my tongue at her clit.

Karoline looked down and me and began petting my hair. I reached up and first cupped her breasts, then began rolling her nipples. Her hips began moving and I decided to let her pleasure herself. I stuck my tongue straight out and Karoline moved her vulva to maximize her pleasure. Her fluids began flowing across my face. I lapped up as much as I could, most of it ran down my cheeks.

I felt Beth working my cock. She kept up a constant movement of mouth, tongue, and hands. She soon was performing like a professional.

Meanwhile, Karoline was approaching her orgasm. I grasped her arm and pulled her forward so that I could get a finger into her pussy. I slipped a finger in and began rubbing her g-spot. Karoline began to cum, her vagina contracting on my finger. She fell forward on her hands and knees. Terry helped Karoline roll onto her back.

Beth came off me and there was Maria. She settled in over me and pressed my erection into her opening. Her hips began churning. She placed her hands on my chest and I grasped her hips. Just to the side of her head I could see the moon turning a blood red.

Maria was beautiful. Her Latin features, long brown hair, and luscious body made for a truly memorable love making session. Her hips began to accelerate and soon she was in the throes of an orgasm. I wondered if I could hold out until the moon was completely in eclipse. Maybe a few more minutes.

I could feel myself approaching the orgasmic cliff, but I focused my mind on the moon which seemed to sit on Maria's shoulder. There. A full eclipse. I grasped her hips and thrust up into her. Three, four times I felt myself cum.

Mara fell forward, "Oh, Professor."

I clasped her to me. Someone put a blanket over us and we just snuggled, enjoying the moment.

I petted her hair, "That was wonderful, Maria."

She lifted her head and gently kissed me, "So wonderful."

She lay her head on my shoulder.


I jerked myself awake. Maria stirred and I felt my penis fall out of her vagina.

The sky was beginning to lighten. I looked for the moon. It was lower in the sky and partly red.

Terry whispered, "Let's get you two to bed. Professor, when do you need to be on campus?"

"One o'clock."

I looked around and there was a clump of bodies under a blanket on the far side of the tub, but the rest of the sisters had left.

I don't know whose bed we slept in, but I slept with Maria.


To be continued...

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Antonio_y_CleopatraAntonio_y_Cleopatra4 months ago

I usually don’t go for harem stories, but this one kept it interesting enough to draw me in. Enjoyed the Wicca theme. I wonder if such a Coven could draw more men in and keep things more balanced. In any case, you do a nice job with the sex scenes. Thanks, and I look forward to another chapter.

No1holywoodNo1holywood6 months ago

Any chance of the next chapter please?

techreadertechreaderabout 1 year ago

OK, it's been almost 6 months; can we expect a. new chapter any time soon? This is a GREAT story that deserves more.

EVLoverEVLoverabout 1 year ago

As a redhead, I, too, have an affinity for Gingers. As such, I’m madly in love/lust with Brigette and she’s definitely my favorite.

Yes, definitely a fantasy land.

Given all the sex with fertile females, I imagine that they will soon need to change the Professor’s name to Daddy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It's a great series and I'm looking forward to more. Good work, Quinn

Burcham8Burcham8over 1 year ago

This is great…it caught me right at the start. Every man’s fantasy, to be sure. I can’t decide who I like best, but I’m definitely leaning toward Bridget. Fair-skinned redheads rule…!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Your desire for perfection has resulted in an outstanding series. I look forward to future segments. Thank you.


Quinn_McMullenQuinn_McMullenover 1 year agoAuthor

I was originally going to wrap this story up with the next installment. It sounds like folks would prefer it to go on further.

I apologize for taking so long between installments, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist. Plus, this topic takes a lot of research. I have a friend who is Wiccan, and she hasn't been available as much as I would like.

geek37geek37over 1 year ago

A hell of a stellar write. This is one of my favorite series on this site right now. A harem storyline that goes against the grain of other stories I’ve read, and it’s done in such a mature, thoughtful and even beautiful way. I applaud this effort greatly and I’ll say thank you to you for giving this series to the world.

mac1729mac1729over 1 year ago

Another great chapter to this story

Thanks for writing

Rainyday493Rainyday493over 1 year ago

A lovely story, and great sex too!

oldsage_1oldsage_1over 1 year ago

So hot!



AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It would be nice if you could roll out the next chapter(s) a bit faster. The long gaps between the chapters kills the momentum.

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

What a fabulous story, l’ve followed it since it started and with each chapter it just gets better. To my mind author this is your best work and l can tell you love writing it.

I look forward to more chapters, this is firmly in my favourites.

Why, my wife is Wiccan, she too enjoys the story. She is not part of a Coven, she practices her religion solely. It certainly has its moments.

Thanks author.

Scores 5/5

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