The Slave Contract Ch. 02


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"I can't believe you."

"Why not? I enjoy it. No harm is being done, and everyone is getting what they want from it. Is it so bad?"

Samantha looked like she wanted to answer with an unequivocal yes, but instead, she simply sighed.

"I don't know, Lynna. That's the thing, I really don't know. If it were obviously bad, I could shout and yell and threaten to do something. But no one is doing anything that they didn't agree to. You like this. You enjoy this. I just don't understand why..."

"You want a straight answer? I can't give one," Lynna admitted. "If you'd asked me before this month, I probably would have agreed with you. But I like this, Sam. I really do. It feels freeing somehow. I've never enjoyed this sort of thing so much but now I do. It's weird, and kind of humiliating but that just makes it better."

"You like being used, dominated, punished?"

"Yes." She closed her eyes for a moment, struggling to gather the words to explain. "It's like...all of my life, I've been looking for the best way to experience my body. You know I've shared stories with you before about the kind of things I've done with my boyfriends. I've never been shy about the fact that I like to get intense. It's kind of weird to say, but this month has been eye-opening for me. I've realised that I really, really enjoy this sort of thing."

"Is it going to last forever?" Samantha asked, her green eyes peering into Lynna's face. The blonde woman read concern, fear, and something deeper. Was it desire?

"No," Lynna said. "Not forever. As much fun as I am having, I know this can't go on eternally. I'm just enjoying it while I can is all. Does that make you uncomfortable?"

"Honestly? A little bit." Samantha admitted. "It's just that I have never seen this side of you before. You're usually so powerful, so dominant and in control. To see you used and passive, it's weird and I don't like it."

"Because you're worried for me," Lynna grinned. "You feel like I am being abused."

"I guess I do."

"Sam," Lynna reached out a hand, gripping the other woman's shoulder with a warm and gentle touch, "I am not being abused. You know I am not being abused. I chose this because I enjoy this. Yes, it's humiliating and degrading but that turns me on. I have the right to explore this part of myself. It doesn't make me lesser, and it doesn't make me a victim."

"I know," Samantha squirmed, a wry grin on her face. "But it's weird. Every time I see something happening to you, it makes me feel protective. Even though I know it's by your choice, I just want to chase them all away from you."

"Is that so?" Lynna cocked her head to the side. "Is it because part of you wants me for yourself?"

"What?" Sam looked shocked. "N-no, of course not."

"I've been watching you too, and you always look flushed and flustered when I'm performing for the others. You know we've been friends for a long time, and you've had girlfriends before. I've obeyed everyone else, I would obey you too."

"No," Sam said, shaking her head. "I couldn't. I wouldn't. You're my friend, it would be a betrayal."

"Sam, it's not a betrayal if I am okay with you. I love the fact that you're fighting so hard for me, but you don't need to. I'm not some helpless princess who has to be rescued. I chose this. I like this. When I am ready for it to be over, I'll end it myself. I love your desire to protect me, it's really sweet. But I am not some kid with her first boyfriend."

Before Sam could answer, Lynna darted forward and kissed her. The moment of contact was short, but she could see the heat spreading across the redhead's face.

"Did you like that?" She asked softly. "Did you enjoy that? You want to do more, right? You want to go further. We can. You're part of the contract too, Sam. I'm under your control. I will do everything and anything that you ask me to. It can be between just the two of us. None of the others needs to know. I am completely and totally obedient. Helpless to resist you. Mistress."

She drew out the final word, seeing how Samantha shuddered. For a long moment, there was silence between the two women. Samantha struggled with her thoughts and her desires. Lynna sat and watched, not wishing to intervene.

"You're really going to do this, huh?" Sam said after a moment. "You're going to go all the way."

"If you don't want to, you can tell me so," Lynna pointed out. "I'll leave you alone if that is your command. You just haven't said that yet."

"Maybe I want to..."

"Maybe you do," Lynna agreed. "But you still haven't. Why not?"

Samantha fell silent for another moment and then shook her head.

"You really are incorrigible, aren't you?"

"Maybe a little. Do you want me to stop?"

"No," Samantha said softly. "I don't think I do."

Lynna felt a little thrill run through her body as Samantha turned her green eyes on her. She was suddenly so very aware of her nudity like she never had been before. Oh, she'd done things with the guys all right but that had been expected. This was Samantha, her friend and a woman besides! Something hot and heavy coiled in her stomach.

"Why don't you get up and let me see you properly?"

Lynna nodded, moving to her feet. The concealing blanket dropped away as she rose, leaving her body bare and nude. It was a silken, naughty feeling that the removal of the cover granted to her. Made her more aware of herself, her desires and the tension of the moment.

Samantha's eyes locked with hers, Lynna read desire, arousal and reluctance. Part of her could not believe that this was about to happen, another part couldn't wait until it did.

"You're really okay with this? Doing this? Living like this?"

Lynna nodded once, her heart was beating fast.

"I made my choice. I...I'm fine with it, Sam."

"Okay then, masturbate for me. Touch yourself."

Hearing Samantha say those words was like a bolt from the blue, and Lynna felt her body start to tingle. Her pussy was still wet from before, heat flared between her legs. She felt demeaned, humiliated and aroused all at once.

As Sam watched, Lynna spread her legs, revealing her shaved pussy, still glistening with arousal and wetness. Her outer lips were swollen with want and it was obvious that she had been touching herself before Sam even came into the room. Samantha snorted.

"I suppose that proves it then," She said. "You really are into this kind of thing."

Lynna looked down, her heart pounded faster and faster. One of her hands went to her pussy, brushing against it with her palm made her stomach flutter, and her fingers started to tease and stroke her womanhood. A soft moan built in the back of her throat and she could feel Samantha's eyes on her. Her clitoris pulsed with desire, throbbing in want as her fingers set to work. Rubbing and teasing her pussy, working their way inside of her. Lynna had never been shy about her body but this was a whole new level somehow. Samantha, her best friend, was watching her get off.

Her hand moved faster, fingers driven by the feeling of exposure. Heat surged through her body, her legs tensed and her spine arched. She moaned, biting down on her lower lip to contain the sound. She didn't want Andrew or Trevor or Dave to hear and come investigate! This was between the two of them now.

Sam watched, her face grew more and more flushed as her arousal deepened. She started to shift from foot to foot, Lynna's soft cries making her wet and hot. Suddenly, she moved and Lynna was forced down onto the bed, Sam's body on top of her. Lynna's pussy ached for more, the heat of her friend against her bare skin was sensual, she could feel Sam's chest pressing into her own through the flimsy nightgown. Sam's face was flushed, desire and disbelief danced in her eyes. Lynna's throat grew dry, her legs were still spread, and her back was now to the bed, the soft fabric sinking slightly at her weight.

For a moment, the two women met eye to eye.

"I can't believe this," Samantha murmured softly. "I can't believe I'm doing this or that you're letting me."

Her left hand moved upwards, tracing a serious path across Lynna's fluttering chest and circling her breast. Fingers brushed hot skin, making the blonde woman moan softly. Her nipple ached to be touched, standing erect and proud as Sam's fingers closed around it. Lynna's eyes shut, enjoying the feeling. The other woman tugged on her breast sharply, mixing in a spike of pain which made her eyes snap open.

"You're my slave," Sam said. "I can do anything I want to you now, isn't that right? I've tried so very hard to resist it. I kept telling myself that you were my friend, that what was happening to you wasn't fair. But each and every time I saw one of the others fuck you, or degrade you or punish you, do you know what I wanted to do? I wanted to join in."

Her face was red and flushed like she had never thought to mention this to anyone. But there was an eagerness in her voice, and burning lust in her eyes.

"Now I can, can't I? Now I can do anything I want. It's not unfair if it's what you really want. You... you do want this, don't you Lynna?"

Lynna's throat was parched. Sam's body was pressing down on her, and she could feel the heat of the other woman. The sensual weight of her breasts and her thighs. It was hard to focus, her mind was swimming but she sensed there was more to the question than it seemed. A final chance to turn back? A request for the truth? It didn't matter, her answer would be the same.

"I signed the contract," She said slowly. "My body is yours to do anything you want with. Anything at all, mistress."

Sam visibly shuddered at that, but there was a look of hunger on her face. Her hands stroked and caressed Lynna's breasts again. This time with more confidence. Lynna hissed softly, feeling her fingers trailing across the sensitive skin of her chest. Her nipples burned with heat and want, and her pussy was dripping already. She swallowed and tried to focus.

But then Sam kissed her. Right on the mouth, the redhead bent down and kissed her! For a moment, there was a sense of shock radiating through her body. Something inside of her answered and she was kissing back. There was passion, wordless desire and lust echoed between the two of them. Lynna felt her body responding like it never had to any of the others. What was this? Why was she feeling this way? So turned on?

She didn't have time to make sense of it. Sam broke the kiss and then started to trail her mouth lower. She kissed Lynna's neck, the feeling of Sam's lips against her bare skin made her moan and writhe. The feeling was erotic and sensual, a gradual descending touch of wetness which traced a path straight to her chest. Sam's lips closed around one of her nipples, her tongue lapped out at him. When she started to suck at it, Lynna could no longer remain silent and let out a long exhalation of desire.

Sam pinned her with her body, forcing her legs apart with her thighs. Even as she continued to suck on Lynna's breast, her other hand began to stroke her pussy. Lynna's skin surged with stimulation, and her pussy was wet and wanting. The smallest touch sent waves of heat flashing through her. Sam's fingers were far more than a small touch. They brushed her lower lips, the tips of her fingers trailing over Lynna's slit. Then, they pushed deeper, and Lynna's back arched. She was being penetrated! Sam's fingers slipped inside of her one after another! She cried out, Sam's tongue circled her breast, her teeth gently stimulated her nipple.

Lynna's head was spinning. Waves of pleasure were rippling from her head to her toes. Sma's mouth at her chest was wet and warm, her tongue stimulating and erotic. Heat spun through her. Samantha's fingers penetrated her, grinding against her pussy, moving faster and faster until she was breathing so quickly she felt she might pass out!

Sam was moving with a purpose now. Her lack of confidence had melted away, replaced by lust and desire. How long had she wanted to do this? Why did it feel so good coming from Sam?

Samantha's other hand pinched her nipple, grinding it between her two fingers caused a mixture of pain and pleasure to flare like a star in her mind. Lynna moaned, a silent, wordless sound of aching, burning want.

Suddenly, Sam did the worst thing she possibly could.

She stopped.

Before Lynna even knew what was happening, Sam had pushed herself off the bed and the blonde woman lay trembling where she had been. Her body recoiled from the sudden lack of pleasure like she'd been slapped in the face. Sam was looking down at her.

"W-why did you stop?" Lynna asked.

"Because you're mine," Sam said. The sound made the other women hot. Filled her with aching want. "And I can do what I want with you."

She moved to the collection of sex toys that the others had gathered. Lynna lay on the bed, her body heaving. Her nerves were in chaos. But it was not long before Sam returned with a magic wand in hand. The device was bulbous towards the top, with a control set into the handle. Sam flicked it on and pressed the head against Lynna's pussy.

Instantly, Lynna let out a mewling cry. The vibrations against her sensitive womanhood were insane! Sam laughed at the look of shock on her face, gently pressing the wand against her.

"That's the thing isn't it, Lynna? So far you've only worked with the guys. They're enthusiastic and all, but they're, well, men. They don't know what really feels good for a girl, do they? But I know. I've felt it myself."

She flicked the wand, touching the edge of Lynna's engorged clit. Lynna's face went pale and all the strength seemed to leave her limbs. A shockwave of pleasure rushed through her body. The touch was brief, less than a second, but it was enough to drive in Sam's point. She was enjoying this. Enjoying the power. Enjoying the sight of Lynna sprawled naked and helpless below her.

The magic wand made her cry out and want to curl into a ball. Sam used it to bring her to orgasm, making her cum again and again. She gave Lynna no time to recover as the guys did. Instead, she just built her up. The vibrations churned through her lower body, made her squirm and bit her lips. She shook, trembling in the throes of passion and pleasure.

Sam didn't just keep the wand in one place either. She moved it back and forth, pressing it closely into Lynna's pussy in one moment and then letting it hang gently in another. It meant that the stimulation was never even. One instant, it could feel like a slight touch, a gentle fluttering of pleasure and the next it would be a storm of stimulation directed against her pussy. Every so often, she would flick the wind towards Lynna's clit, making the blonde woman cry out in ecstasy. These times Sam seemed to enjoy the most. She watched Lynna squirm and gasp and moan, each orgasm making her more sensitive to the next.

Before long, Lynna felt like she never had before. Her pussy was aching with constant stimulation and her nerves felt both fried and yet invigorated, pulsing at a higher and greater rate than ever. Her body was trembling, her skin was pale. She didn't think she could have pushed herself to her feet even if she wanted to!

"H-holy shit Sam," She moaned. "Holy long have you been waiting to do this...?"

"Longer than you know," Sam flicked the wand again, Lynna convulsed at the feeling of it pressing against her clit. "You know at first I was reluctant about all of this, but this is more than I ever expected. Part of me says that you're such a slut to agree to this, Lynna. Another part is glad that you did."

Lynna came again, this time the feeling was so much greater. Her mind blanked, the pleasure rolling over her. Her body trembled and shuddered, and when she was done, she lay on the bed, exhausted and helpless.

"You look cute like that," Sam said. Her face was red, her nightgown was wet now. Her arousal was obvious. "We've got some time before you have to go to sleep. Let's spend it well."

She took hold of the nightgown and slid it over her head, standing naked in front of the bed. For the first time, Lynna saw her friend naked. Sam was pale, her body splashed with freckles. Her breasts were small, and her pussy was wet and aroused.

That was the start of the rest of the night.

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HeleddHeleddalmost 2 years ago

Nicely paced stories. I want to know now about Lynna's emotions and desire for submission

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This is an incredible story! Can't wait to hear about part 3!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Need new parts!!!! it’s so good

rozrulez3rozrulez3almost 2 years ago

I love it when Lynna best friend Samantha is a mistress to her and I love more lesbian domination!

BronzePlaceWriterBronzePlaceWriteralmost 2 years agoAuthor

Actually, I have two short stories. ''Silence in the Library'' and ''A Late Night Encounter at the Gym.''

Curiously, those are also the stories that are currently the least liked, so it seems that you are quite correct! No one believes or wants short stories.

I am joking, of course. But short stories are not my forte, and I am not as good at them as I am at long form work. If you're interested in them, you could check out those two I mentioned. ''Silence'' is much shorter but both of them are smaller than this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Noone believes in short stories? Never the less, the details were interesting. Just took too long to get to them. I'm sure ur experience was nice. Have a great day

DanDelawareDanDelawarealmost 2 years ago

What a fun story, thank you!

NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77almost 2 years ago

Nice! So many questions, though? Will Trevor take away her bc pills? After being kind and caring for so long, will Samantha develop a cruel streak? Will someone fuck Lyanna during her period and make a big mess? So many possibilities!

Volunteer_Volunteer_almost 2 years ago

I love this story and can’t wait for further parts. It’s the kind of story I wish I’d thought to write!

Looking forward to Sam and Trevor battling it out and hope you can integrate Lyanna moving away from the agreement but still wanting the lifestyle in some form.

Keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love part 2 hope there are more chapters coming. Sam may be the natural omme of the house. Thank you.

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