The Slave Maker


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"Let's say half a week," Michael concluded.

"It seems reasonable to me, it's his first week," concluded Angelina.

"If to digest, we went for a walk in the park," Angelina suggested. Christopher didn't seem to approve.

"You're right, Angelina, it will do us good to walk, do you think you can do it, Christopher?" I added treacherously.

"Crutches... it's not very practical..." he began, when I pushed the wheelchair in front of him. The walk brought nothing; we were in the sun of one of the first spring warm days. Below the sun rays, he became all red.

"Michael, look, Christopher is dying of heat!" I cried out.

"Oh, there, there, there, yes, my God!" Angelina added. A few minutes later we laid him down on his bedroom bed: Angelina offered a treatment against sunstroke, and soon Angelina presented him with her big, hard nipples while I opened his bird's cage. While he was suckling Angelina's tits, I was suckling him gently. I didn't have to do it for very long because it unloaded quickly, probably because it had been locked all week. I had a big smile when I closed that plastic cage. He seemed disappointed with this closure.

He seemed surprised the next morning when I woke up:

"I thought I was helping you to wash... including there," I said, pointing my finger at his crotch. From the look of his face, this hint had its effect. I had prepared the bathroom with a stool so that he could take a shower while sitting.

"In order for me to open your cage, I must tie your hands," I said with a wink.


"You must not be able to touch yourself," I explained, and his hands were tied to the ring in the bathroom wall. He found himself naked, sitting on a stool in the bathtub, one leg in the cast on the rim of that bathtub, his hands tied to a ring in front of me. As soon as the cage was removed, his erection appeared. I tested the water temperature, and then wet his body. Then I put shower gel on his chest, under his arms and went down. My fingers passed through his pubic hair, because he had still thought I was thinking about his balls. I soaped his circumcised sex.

"I do it quite often," I lied while biting my lip. He was just moaning.

"Do you still want to?" I asked, stroking his testicles.

"Yes," he acknowledged. Then I knelt me down in front of him and slipped his deployed limb into my mouth. This time he lasted a little longer.

After the shower, the cage was closed again, and I still had to take him to the station.

"We're waiting for you next week," Michael told him, helping him get in the car.

"Of course, it's really nice to see you," he replied.

"On the other hand, we will have to be less greedy, because otherwise we won't make any progress. I count two half-weeks of penalty?" Michael said while he winked at me.

During the journey I felt him offended by what had just happened

"Don't worry," I said to him on the station platform.

XVI - From spring to summer

Time was running slowly on the farm, but I was always busy. Participate in the kitchen, redo the rooms, welcome guests, hide from customers, and drive Christopher.

The mechanic had sold my car. And Angelina had kindly taken my stuff out of the trunk so I could do my accounting. She even offered to take care of my accounts when she was taking care of the farm's ones.

Christopher couldn't handle the chastity cage, and every week he accumulated penalties.

There came the time when he was going to have to manage my belt opening. I remembered my reaction to Erika, and I feared his. I was waiting for him in my room; the blue one. I had chosen a slip-dress, easy to remove, and opaque underwear so that the cage and my sex would only be visible at the last minute. Angelina had proposed a stupid bet to encourage me to succeed; she had promised me a test in case of failure. When the time came, Christopher didn't want me to undress. He made me bring my dress up and with the angle he saw my male appendix, and slapped me before leaving.

It was Angelina, who came to comfort me.

"It's often like that, you know it, come on, look, I have your key, tie yourself up for me?"

I did it with joy. She took off my belt, massaged my sex and my balls. Then she said to me, "Do you remember we had a bet?"

I hadn't forgotten, but I was hoping she would have forgotten it, or maybe she would have felt sorry for me. And then... It's hard to explain, but what hurt me the most was not staying in my cage, it was more the rejection I had been subjected to. And her attention touched me.

"I take my bet Angelina. Will you put my belt back on right now?"

"This one is more interesting," she said, showing me a new object.

This model was only slightly longer than mine, but especially from the ring around the balls came a rod with a ball. I thought this one was going to massage my perineum. But once the cage was closed the rod was longer, and it was massaging my anus.

"I'll let you finish?" Angelina asked.

"I have to bring it in," I asked.

"You try as you please, but if you don't bring it in, I'm curious to see you sitting down.

She was right. But even with that ball in my ass, sitting up was hard. I always had to carry lubricant with me, for each visit to the toilet, I had to remove the ball and put it back on.

As Angelina had promised, I was a bitch and at parties I became provocative to be taken several times. The balls had previously dilated my anus, so I was easy to sodomize.

The drawing of the dice had not been as bad as possible with a 5, I avoided the 6 and especially the 1.

Michael had taken advantage of this break to send me to Eonia, who touched up my face, breasts, and vocal cords. After a few days without a voice and with a serious sore throat, I had a higher voice. Teodus liked to play with my ball. He also liked to tie my hands to my shoulders, my feet to my thighs and make me play the dog. I was on loan for three weeks in exchange for the operations.

When I returned, there was still no news of Erika. Her room had been emptied.

It had taken a month for Christopher to come back. I admit I enjoyed blowing off a little stroke on his ass when he gets punished for leaving and slapping me. The following week coincided with my release and we decided to take it easy on him. He was just supposed to masturbate me.

We had talked about it before, and I had to wear a belt after this release, a belt and not a cage. I wouldn't see my sex anymore, just a crack in the metal. I thought I'd feel more feminine.

Christopher's work was mediocre because I had trouble getting a hard-on, but I ejaculated and the belt was closed.

In the evening it was the roll of the dice. I felt good in this new belt. And to crank a little bit I said: "I feel I can hold a 6 in it, even double it!"

"Dare", Angelina continued.

"Okay, but if I do 12 weeks, then I have the right to penetrate you!" I announced.

"It's unthinkable. Only Michael can penetrate me," an icy and obviously annoyed Angelina said.

"She's only proposing," Michael tried to calm the game.

"How can she think of penetrating someone, especially me?"

"Come on, roll your dice, and let's forget about this 12-weeks thing." He continued.

I was rolling the dice with tears in my eyes. I thought Angelina was my friend. We were sister-slaves.

The dice rolled, it seemed to stop on the 6, but it hit Angelina's glass. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again Christopher was congratulating me. The fool didn't understand anything. I had just made a one.

On Sunday evening I didn't have the heart to talk when I was washing Christopher or driving him to the station.

'At least this belt is comfortable!' I thought.

Before I went to bed, I urinated for the first time through this belt, and I was quite happy to see urine flowing from a slit between my legs. At the same time I had a pinch in my heart when I remembered Angelina's sentence about Erika when she pulled a 1. Was I going to wear that belt forever? Would I still have the breaks to wash myself?

I went to bed in my nightgown and try to convince myself that everything would be fine. I was prepared, and what I liked best was sodomy. I used to run my fingers over the steel, between my thighs. I didn't feel anything. Then I ran my finger between my buttocks. Along this sheathed cable and I put my finger on my anus. The cable was very tight. Was sodomy still possible?

On Monday I hadn't slept well. I was introducing myself to Angelina.

"Hello Angelina, I wanted to ask you about my belt..."

"A one is a one," she said, laughing with a mean smile that I didn't know her.

These days went by with difficulty. Angelina seemed contemptuous to me, and Michael absent. I saw myself facing an insurmountable ordeal. For the first time, I was thinking of leaving the farm. But I preferred to play the appeasement game. I had offended Angelina; she was going to calm down.

On Tuesday evening, the party was coming up. I was going to see Angelina, for my dress and necklace...

"You manage; you wanted to penetrate me. Go and see Michael..." She still hadn't calmed down.

Michael told me to take the green dress; there was a red one too. And he locked a necklace around my neck. I went to my room, and look at myself naked in the mirror. The belt cut my waist, but it hid my sex. I really looked like a submissive. And I was amazed at my new breasts. I was looking closer and saw my collar: My necklace had a ring! I was shaking.

"Michael, I'm just asking a question, usually I don't have a ring on my necklace."

"From now on, you will have one," he said, a little coldly.

I must say that the beginning of the evening started normally.

But very quickly one of the guests asked me to suck his dick. The tone was no longer a request, it was an order. I knelt down and obeyed. Someone came behind me, and lowered my panties under my split dress. I was letting it happen. I was pretty excited, but anxious.

"What's with the belt," the man said. I was concentrating on my oral sex. Behind me, I felt the panic, my ass was being lifted. We would slip a finger in and out. Two did not pass, or with difficulty. I was crying in pain.

"Shit, if Sabrina can't be fucked in the ass anymore, what are we gonna do to her?"

"We'll warm her ass up, get your ass up."

And the blows were raining down on my butt. I was trying to remain the submissive slave I should be. But I finally crack.

"Stop it, I can't help it!"

This earned me a naked official punishment on stage. The whip marked from my shoulders to my calves, and then I ended the evening in one of the cells in the basement, whose existence I was unaware of. In my cell, I was thinking about Erika's sentence in the car before her last party. I decided to get my stuff out of the trunk, and leave. For that Angelina had to calm down.

When Michael came to get me, I knelt before him.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"It's true they were abusing, but you should have done better not to react."

"Yes, Michael, I would like to ask..."


"I know I made a 1. But is it possible to modify my belt, they wanted to fuck me in the ass."

I looked at him, I felt he meant yes, but he was thinking, I seemed to be provoking a dilemma.

"Will put on your red dress and come back to me."

"There's... a party?"

"Yes, it's Thursday, you spent a lot of time in the dungeon. Take a shower too."

I obey. But from above I could hear the argument between Michael and Angela. This was no time to ask for my papers in the trunk.

When I found Michael in my dress, he was down. I knelt before him.

He did not mention my question. He attached a leash to my ring.

"Guests come to see you. You'll take them to your room, and then you'll attend the party. You're off duty tonight." I was thinking about Erika. It was after a party like this that that I never saw her again.

I wanted to be accommodating with my master, because it was him after all. I approached and touched his pants. I was looking at him; I had just touched something hard. Way too hard to be his erection!

My guest arrived at that moment, she followed me to my room, in my mind I realized that I had rarely seen Michael's penis; especially not at parties. Was he wearing a chastity belt? I've never been able to find out more.

The old woman who was following me sat on my bed.

"I'm looking for a maid, and I bought you" I had trouble realizing what she had just said.

XVII - New owner

My new mistress wanted to be called Mistress. She made me take some of my clothes. Actually, I didn't realize what was happening. I would take my stuff and put it in her car, but somehow I thought she was just going to drive me back home in a few weeks.

"Yes, we won't need many, I want you naked most of the time," she justified.

When she thought it was enough, she led me into the room, holding me by the leash, my sleeves locked in my back. The party had already started. And the tears kept me from seeing the reactions of the participants. Just, the dominant one, the one who had sodomized me at my first party, slipped into my ear: "I hope your new owner will bring you here often"

After that, my home, my work, I felt rejected again by Angelina and Michael.

Mistress attached the leash to a pillar. Too high for me to sit or kneel.

I was standing on my heels without being able to move. I was alone in the middle of the crowd. I was abandoned.

When finally Mistress came back she gave me a pill, and drove me to her car. She changed my panties for a diaper and made me sit in the trunk. I felt like an animal, but quite quickly I fell asleep.

When I woke up I was still in the trunk with a gag in my mouth, and a full bladder. The chaos of the road hurt me. She must have drugged me. I had to wait until the end of the journey.

Eventually, the car stopped. The chest opened, and Mistress helped me out. In a corner of the garage she had planned a small cot for me. She made me undress, and then she made me take all my clothes down to a room in the basement. I had trouble holding back my tears.

Mistress showed me around her little house, and explained that I would be naked every day, unless she had guests. That she didn't have any use for what was hidden in my belt and then she wouldn't need my key. I must admit, I was distracted because she had the key to my belt!

Mistress was not evil, or malicious: she wanted revenge on men. I materialized this through my belt. For the rest I took care of the house, meals, and crafts. After two weeks I discussed the need to wash myself without a belt, under her supervision if she wished. And also I talked about the need to purge myself of my unused sperm.

"Are you telling me what to do?" she scolded me.

"No, Mistress, just I think personal hygiene is important" I saw that I had made a point.

"How did you do it before" and explained it to him about the reciprocal washings, and the belt openings.

"None of this junk in my house!" she said.

On the other hand, she appreciated my tongue work. I did it once in the first week, every day after a month.

My frustration was intense. I didn't know if this belt had a trap.

It was after two months that she told me:

"I looked, and you were right, you need... maintenance every month," she said.

She led me to the bathroom and tied my hands behind my back, a blindfold over my eyes, and a gag in my mouth. She took off my belt, and made me kneel.

"I bought this tool that is used on cattle to extract the male seed before inseminating the females." Without too much care, she introduced the object into my rectum. I admit I enjoyed it in advance the first time. The object was slipping on my prostate, animating almost forgotten sensations.

"And now I press the button!" she said. I jumped under the intense and rather unpleasant stimulation. I felt my sperm flow and it was over.

Later winter came. She finally agreed that I had to get dressed. And she offered me a maid's outfit and a sleeping bag for the night.

I thought I'd leave. But how could I, without money, without clothes or almost, and with this belt? When she wasn't there, I was locked in the house. I didn't even know where the phone was, while I was doing the complete cleaning every day.

In the spring, she insisted again that I be naked again, and finally announced me.

"I've had enough of this maintenance, and this belt, it both bothers both of us. I decided to have everything removed, your dick and balls, so no more maintenance, no more belts, and no more libido working on you." I was in shock. But I used to always answer her with something else. I did the same.

"Why cutting my sex off in this way? By cutting it off longitudinally, you'd make it unusable and ridiculous."

"Are you telling me what to do?" she scolded me as usual.

Once again I was divided. Of course I was unhappy to lose my balls and my sex. What would my life be like without libido?

At the same time I was quite excited about the idea of having a slit there. I wished a slit whose lips would only hide my urethra, but that would be something. And that would have put an end to the "maintenance" that actually annoyed us both.

In my wildest dreams I accessed a vaginoplasty. I had read about it at the farm, but I knew it needed a penis. After the operation my Mistress wanted, it would be impossible.

It was still in the trunk of the car when I went to where I was supposed to be operated on. It was even less of a hospital than it was during Eonia's interventions. But Mistress left me in the care of a pseudo nurse.

"It's a little for your one-year birthday at my service," Mistress said as she left me.

"Are you taking any treatment?" the nurse asked. I was thinking about the implant.

"We're going to have a look at it" she said with a reassuring smile.

She stretched the straps of my bed until I couldn't move. Then she set up an IV.

"You're going to sleep now" and indeed my eyes were closing without me being able to fight.

When I woke up I was in the same place. And my crotch hurt. "It was absurd," I thought, " It hurts where there's nothing left".

The nurse showed me the bandage.

"I'm here to replace the dressing!"

She took it off; I was hoping to see a little apricot. My dick was there split all the way along, and my balls, they were missing.

My urethra had been shortened, and ended in a hole in my perineum. I will never be able to urinate standing up again.

My convalescence was faster than I thought, and I returned to the service of the Mistress. She liked to make me tie my two ridiculous pieces of penis.

But without her knowing it, at night, I would sometimes touch them. The head were still sensitive. The first time I was surprised to get an ejaculation, but the other times I was planning toilet paper between my legs.

Winter came back and with it the permission to wear clothes. This double penis was not very suitable for erections and left me with a girlish crotch.

When spring came back I was afraid that Mistress would decide to have this attribute removed from me, when she would discover it up again with the obligation to work naked.

"It's getting hot, Sabrina, I don't think you need those clothes anymore. Go get naked" I was obeying, and I was taking off my maid's uniform. I was trying to tie my penis strands when I hear a scream!

Mistress had fallen down the stairs. At the position of her leg, something was broken.

"Come here, help me up!"

"If you want, Mistress, but I think your leg is broken. Should I make an emergency call?" She looked at her leg and thought.

"In my bodice there is a key, it opens a closet in my room" Of course, I took the key, and in a mess in the closet was in the cordless phone. I took a pillow too.
