The Stretch Sorority Ch. 02

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Julie opens up and starts to have fun.
9.6k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/23/2020
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The next morning I somehow woke up in my bed back in my hotel room. I couldn't remember how I got there, but what I did know was I was still wearing the same clothes as last night, and I had a splitting headache. I pushed myself out of bed, hands on my knees, trying to regain some composure so I could get to the washroom. As I took my first steps I remembered I didn't have panties on, obviously forgetting to get them before I left last night. Each step brought back a little bit of a memory from the night before. The masks, the applicants, the dildos and the tasks all started to flow back and made me blush as I almost crawled to the washroom.

Thoughts of the party after also filled my head, the laughter, the fun, and the drinking. Oh god the drinking. Way too much drinking. I got to the toilet and threw up, hoping that I got most of it in the toilet, but I didn't have the energy to check or care at this point. I turned around and started to crawl back to the bed, getting myself up and into my covers, my eyes closed and I passed out.

Eventually my eyes opened again, groggily. I looked out the window, the sun was already setting. My eyes went to my clock next and saw it was already 6pm. "Fuck" I said to myself. I sat up in bed at least feeling better and rubbed my eyes. I grabbed my phone to see if there were any messages, and there was, from Kat, I must have given her my number the night before.

Kat: Hey new member! Hopefully you are feeling OK today. I just wanted to let you know that your room is ready, so anytime you want to move in you are free to do so. We are so excited to have you!

I checked the time it was sent, four hours again, "Fuck". I replied right away.

Me: Hey Kat! Sorry for the delay... I had a rough night... but feeling better now!

Me: I guess I will move in tomorrow if that's OK?

I wasn't expecting a reply right away, but one came anyway

Kat: Glad you're feeling better! Yes tomorrow is perfect! See you then! Btw Emily is already here.

My head fell back on my pillow and I sighed. Emily was already there? Somehow she always seemed to be ahead of me. Even though the competition was over, I already felt like I was falling behind. Falling behind on what? I didn't know, but it gnawed at me.

The rest of the night I spent packing everything into my suitcases I had taken out only a few days before. How I packed didn't matter as much as just making sure it fit. Room service, a shower, and early to bed. My night was not exciting to say the least, but my excitement for the next day continued to grow as the time passed on, and I couldn't wait to start my year properly.


When the taxi dropped me off in front of the house the next morning I stood there looking at it for the first time in daylight. It was bigger then I remembered, it seemed to stretch to the right and left further then I could see in the dark. How many girls lived here? And how did they afford this place? Were just some of the questions that I asked myself as I stood there.

Within a few minutes the front door opened and Kat walked out. I didn't notice it last night but she was stunning, tall, long blonde hair, she dressed in tight jeans and a turtle neck, she looked so put together I immediately felt like I didn't belong. My worn out jeans and vintage t-shirt just didn't seem to fit the feel of what I was about to walk into. A deep breath and step forward, Kat and I hugged.

"I'm so glad you made it Julie!" Kat said with a smile, "we've been waiting for you. Here let me help you."

Kat took one of my bags and started to drag it up the path towards the door.

"Thanks Kat, I'm glad I'm here too," my tone wasn't nearly as excited, more cautious if anything.

After dragging my suitcases up the main stairway, we took a right down the hall lined with wallpaper and pictures of what looked like past members, some pictures were new, some looked quite old. It was all meticulously lined up. Eventually Kat stopped in front of a door.

"Well Julie, we're here, your new room," she mentioned while turning the brass knob and pushing open the dark wood door. Inside everything was much more modern and light then I was expecting based on the rest of the house. On the right was a large king size, a light wooden bed frame was definitely my style. There were no sheets, but that was expected I guess. Straight in front of us were two large windows with a small makeup table in the middle and a small round stool to sit on. The drapes on the windows flowed down to the ground showcasing the height of the windows. And the view looked out into a wooded area. It was beautiful.

"How far does the property go?" I asked as we walked in and put the bags down.

"Oh, quite far, you should go for a walk sometime, you can walk for at least ten minutes until you hit a fence at the back of the property."

"Wow... this place is amazing," I said as I looked around some more.

On the left was a desk meant for school work, drawers underneath and what looked like a comfortable chair. To the left of that was a door that opened to a small walk in closet.

"I get a walk in closet?" I said excitedly.

"Of course Julie! Stretching your wardrobe is also something we strive for," Kat said with a laugh.

To the right of the desk was another door, Kat moved forward and opened it to reveal a long bathroom adorned in marble counters and crisp white tile. On the right was a long double sink, and on the left a shower equally as long. On the far end of the bathroom was yet another door.

"So the bathroom is actually adjoining, so on the other side of that door is Emily's room. Hopefully you don't mind sharing?" Kat asked, genuinely curious.

"Oh, of course not! This place is amazing!" I truly was excited, and surprised by how nice everything was, "and I'm sure Emily and I will be perfectly fine sharing a bathroom," I chuckled.

"OK, well, I will leave you to get settled in then. If you don't mind, when you are ready just grab Emily from next door and I will give both of you a tour of the house. I like to do it with new applicants together so I don't have to do it twice," Kat smiled and started to walk towards the door, "we really are happy to have you hear Julie, we all know you will stretch yourself more than you know and truly become part of the sorority."

I blushed and replied with a simple, "thank you."

Kat left and closed the door behind her. I spun around like a little kid for a minute, a smile growing on my face. I couldn't believe how nice this was, how friendly Kat was, how somehow my life went from completely unknown to wonderful in just a couple of days. I stared out the windows for a few minutes before exploring the desk, the makeup table, the closet, and finally the bathroom. I opened the door to find Emily washing her hands. She turned and smiled at me.

"Hi roomie! Well kinda," she laughed before drying her hands and jumping over to give me a hug. She squeezed me tight and longer than I expected.

"Hi Emily," I said when we separated.

"Isn't this place amazing! I mean holy shit look at our rooms!" she pushed past me and walked around my room, "did you ever think it would be this nice? I mean you send in some nude pictures and this is what you get, totally worth it, right?"

I smiled at her. She was actually right. If I knew this would be the result I wouldn't have hesitated at all sending in the pictures.

I laughed, "you are 100% right Emily, this place is amazing."

"Do you need some help unpacking?" She asked, looking at my bags.

"Uh, sure, I guess..." I hadn't thought about it, but who turns down help from a roommate right?

For the next hour or so Emily and I opened my bags and put away my clothes and books and anything else that needed to be put away. We chatted about where we were from and how we got here. Emily was somewhat local, but needed to move out of her parents place so she picked a school just far enough for that to make sense. I watched as she moved around my room putting things away. She was dressed much more casually than Kat was. Her tight jean shorts pulled up and showed off a little of her ass every time she reached up for something, her loose t-shirt hung loose as she bent over showing me glimpses of her white bra. Emily was beautiful, there was no denying that.

Eventually my stuff was put away and my room looked like my room. It was amazing how quickly everything came together with some help. I was about to lay down on my bed exhausted when Emily spoke up.

"Hey, so now that you're done, do you want to go on that tour? I've been DYING to see the rest of this house, haven't you?

She was right, I was looking forward to seeing the rest of the house. I could only imagine how nice everything else was considering how beautiful my room was.

We left my room and went to look for Kat, eventually finding her in the library.

"Hey Kat... is now a good time for the tour?" I spoke up for once.

Kat put her book down and replied, "yes of course girls! Follow me!"

And from there the tour started. We left the library and entered the room where the tasks took place the other night, it was now filled with a long table with chairs, it suddenly looked so formal, a far distance from what I did there the other night. We passed through an opening at the end of the room and walked into a huge kitchen. Marble countertops, stainless steel appliances and an island were the highlights of the room. There was more than enough room for a number of girls to be making food and eating all at the same time.

We moved on to a large sun room surrounded by glass overlooking the backyard which had a pool I didn't notice before, and a large hot tub connected to it. Looking out at it I felt like I was staying in some kind of a resort. I followed Kat and Emily as we went into another room, this room was much more comfortable then the rest, a huge TV adorned the back wall and three massive couches were placed around it. Seated on the couches were five girls and we all introduced ourselves. I forgot their names immediately but was sure I'd have another chance to learn them in the future.

Finally we rounded back to the front of the house where there was a sitting room, fancy chairs, an uncomfortable couch, wooden tables. The house was strange because the rooms didn't flow too well. Some were decorated in classic ways, and others were modern and bright. The thing was though that each room made sense in it's own way. It really was a beautiful house even if it was a little odd.

"OK, now I'm going to take you to the basement, this is really where the Stretch Sorority gets to work, where the tools become available to you to truly be who you want to be," Kat said looking at us seriously. She opened the door leading the basement and started walking down. Emily and I followed, glancing at each other, not sure what we were being led into.

As we approached the bottom of the stairs the room opened up with dark hardwood floors. In the middle of the room were several long tables, a few computers were on them, printers, scanners, everything you would need for serious work. Beside them was a sort of lounge area, large comfortable looking leather chairs, each with a small table beside them. Around the large room were wooden built in slanted shelves, each with a built in light above displaying the contents. The room was quite beautiful really, the way it was finished, you could tell it was an important place in the house.

As I looked around the shelves I could see different items, and as Kat explained they were all used for helping someone stretch themselves. There were running shoes for the girls looking to run further or faster, weights and work out equipment followed. Other shelves had books and cameras and laptops. The list of items that were available for use was unbelievable. Almost anything you could think of was there. At the very back of the room was a large wooden door with gold trim and a large gold door handle and lock. To the left and right were more shelves, but on these there were items I was not expecting to see.

Each shelf included an assortment of dildos, butt plugs and vibrators. Different sizes and shapes were being showcased, all out in the open, as if it was not a big deal at all. I could feel myself blush as we walked past them. I was pretty sure the toys we used during initiation were there as well.

"These have two different uses," Kat started to say, motioning at the toys on display but taking the situation completely seriously, "some of us use these simply to relax, and others use these for stretching themselves. Like I said, we have members who stretch themselves both physically and mentally," she added with a little smile, "all we ask is if you use them, please clean them before returning them."

Emily and I looked at each other, our eyes wide, my facing blushing, hers not. I don't think either of us expected anything like this.

"Kat?" Emily spoke up.


"What's behind this door?" Emily asked while reaching out and trying to open the locked door.

"Oh, that is a special room that you have to earn entry into," Kat answered.

Emily looked at me before asking, "what do we have to do to earn entry to it?

Kat looked at us and smiled again, "well, you have to show your fellow sorority sisters that you are willing to stretch yourself, to really become something more. If you do that, then you will get entry."

Emily and I both just smiled not knowing what to say.

We completed our walk around the room and then went back up stairs and ended in the foyer by the main staircase.

"Well Emily and Julie I hope you enjoyed your tour. Do you have any questions?" Kat asked.

There was one question that kept creeping into my head as we were on the tour, so I decided to speak up and ask it.

"Uhhhh, yes actually... how is all of this paid for?"

"Well, we have some very generous benefactors and former members who help us maintain and improve the property. Sometimes they stop by so I'm sure you'll get to meet them sooner or later."

"Oh, OK, thanks..." I said not quite sure how to react. It was a strange thing for me to hear, people just gave them money, but I was in a new country, so I assumed it was a normal thing here.

With the tour finished Emily and I walked back up to our rooms. I assumed I would be spending the night alone in my room but apparently Emily had other ideas.

"Hey! Julie, do you want to watch a movie together or something? I could come hang out in your room?" Emily asked without really asking.

I thought about it for a second in my head, but what else did I really have going on on anyway?

"Uhhhh, sure... just give me a few mins to change and stuff and then come over, OK?"

"Awesome! See you in a few minutes!" Emily stated in her usual high energy.

I washed my face and removed my make up and changed into a pair of grey sweat pants and a white tank top and jumped up onto my bed with my laptop, opening Netflix starting to look for a movie. As I waited for Emily my mind wandered back to the tour. Everything seemed so nice, so put together, almost like from a movie. That is everything except the room in the basement. Seeing the sex toys on the shelf was truly a strange a moment, but a moment that I can't deny turned me on a little. The idea of just grabbing a dildo when you want, no matter who saw you, and using it, and then returning it for someone else to use was something that my body couldn't resist.

When I was in high school I was a bit of a slut. I slept with a lot of guys, and even some girls, and my activities were not a secret. It was actually one of the reasons I left and decided to come here for a year, somewhere where my past wouldn't follow me. But it seemed that my body was what was going to betray me now. I was trying to fight my urges, I tried to hide my excitement when I saw the toys, and I am going to continue pushing any desires down away from the surface.

Emily walked in just in time to stop my mind from truly melting down with dirty thoughts. My eyes looked up at her but what I saw did not help my feelings. She walked towards my bed in a t-shirt that went just past her ass and a pair of wool socks. I tried to convince myself that she had a pair of shorts underneath, but I wasn't convinced of that at all.

I scooted over to one side of the bed so that Emily could lay beside me, and she hopped up on the bed.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked scrolling through the options.

"Hmmmmmm... let me see..." Emily took over the scrolling as I watched.

"Do you want a drink or something?" I was thirsty so I thought asking was the right thing to do.

"Ya sure, just water would be great," she replied while still scrolling.

I got up from the bed and walked over to our shared washroom grabbing a couple of glasses I had brought on the way.

As I returned to the bed I brought her glass over and put it on the ground beside her. It was obvious at this point that she wasn't wearing shorts. Her t-shirt was pulled up while she was laying there and her ass was now on full display. It looked amazing. I wanted to reach out and touch it, to lick it, to kiss it. Her thong was peeking through at the top and then disappearing into her ass cheeks. I wondered if we would have have sex before the year was out, it seemed inevitable.

I laid back down on my bed beside her and we chose a stupid teen comedy. For the next 30 minutes we laid there together, laughing and talking, mentioning how stupid the movie was, and how awesome the house was. It was great getting to know Emily better because I didn't have any other friends here. The problem was my mind kept thinking about how hot she was, and unafraid she was. She did what she wanted and said what she thought, and so far that has led to her wearing a t-shirt and thong on my bed.

The movie was set in a high school and of course all of the actors were hot, just like any teen movie. While I was watching one of the girls on the screen in her little mini skirt, thinking about how much I wish I could dress like that, how I could be my little slutty self again, the self I left at home, Emily pushed my shoulder to get my attention.

"God, all of these people are so fucking hot," she said exactly what I was thinking, "I swear watching this is making me so fucking horny."

Without a second thought Emily got up from laying on her stomach and and moved to the head of my bed, leaning against my pillows and opening her legs showing off her pantie covered pussy. The baby blue thong was clearly darker over her pussy and I stared in disbelief. Her hand came down and she started to rub her pussy right there in front of me, on my bed, while still watching the movie. Her eyes looked at me.

"You don't mind do you? I'm just so fucking horny ALL the time, I can hardly help myself most of the time."

Her hand kept rubbing, a little harder now.

"Uhhhh, no, go ahead, I mean, I know the feeling," I replied, maybe saying too much.

"Oh thank god," Emily said while quickly moving her hands down to the sides of her panties and pulling them down, lifting her ass off my bed and sliding them past her ankles before tossing them on my floor. Her pussy was soaking wet, I could see it dripping from where I was still laying. I watched as her hand came down again and started to rub her cunt before slowly pushing two fingers into it. They entered so easily as if there was no resistance at all. It was so sexy. I kept staring, forgetting about the movie.

"Hey..." Emily said, I looked up to see a sly smile across her face, "why don't you come and join me?"

I smiled back. I wanted to so badly. I was so horny. Ever since initiation my slutty self had been dying to be released, dying to be set free. Without saying a word I pushed up on my hands and knees and crawled over beside Emily, I laid back against my pillows and watched Emily finger fuck her self from this new position, our eyes met, she moved in and kissed me, gently at first, but our lips parted and our tongues met. It was sloppy and hot, our tongues fought each other, pushing back and forth into each other's mouth.