The Subjugation of Amy

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How Amy became my slave.
7.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 03/22/2024
Created 05/22/2020
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Quietly I sat gazing out the side passenger window as my husband Brian drove us towards home.

At about just a little way beyond the halfway point, finally breaking my silence I quietly say almost to myself, "She's the one."

"What was that you said?" Brian asks reaching over to place his right hand on my exposed thigh.

"Today at the picnic I was watching Amy. Noticing her, watching the way she behaves and interacts with others. Especially around other adults. And, even around the other kids her own age."

Brian, I and our two-year-old daughter Sara had just spent this warm spring Sunday afternoon at the first community picnic of the year. My husband and I live in a very small town located near a small private university where I teach as a psychology professor. My husband Brain is a civil engineer. The company he works for has projects all over the country. Sometimes even out of the country. This requiring him to travel for work frequently. When not traveling he is often able to work from home.

Today's picnic was held at a local community park next to a small lake. Since it was unusually warm for this early in the year, almost actually hot, all of the kids quickly stripped down to their swimsuits and spent the afternoon cooling off in the lake.

What first caught my attention happened shortly after we had arrived at the park. Most of the other kids had immediately stripped out of their clothes down to their swimwear to quickly jump into the lake to cool off. There is even an old tire on a rope swing attached to a big tree that hangs out over the water that many of the kids were using to swing out over the lake and then jump into the water. The teenage boys were all wearing board shorts with their young strong chests exposed. All the teenage girls were wearing some of the skimpiest little two-pieces that I had ever seen. All except for Amy that is. She was one of the last teens to even get into the water. By the time she had shed her ultra-modest outer clothing to reveal her extremely conservative one-piece bathing suit the rest of the kids were already splashing around in the water. And anytime that Amy was out of the water she kept her arms crossed covering her chest. Trying her very best to cover up as much as possible a pair of what looked like to be a pair of very nice large breasts for a young girl.

"I just cannot believe how shy she is around all the other kids," I half said to myself. "I'm pretty sure she just might be the one."

"What do you mean by 'the one'?" Brian asked giving me a quick quizzical look while he moved his hand slowly up my thigh.

"Oh, come on now," With a look of complete amazement a glared back at Brian. "What have I been, I mean we've been talking about for the last six months?"

"Oh, that," Brian finally managed to say. "You're serious about that?"

I shook my head in disbelieve then scooted down in my seat while leaning my seat back a little further. Checking the backseat, I make sure our two-year-old daughter Sara is still asleep in her car seat. Closing my eyes, I rest my head on the headrest and spread my legs a little further apart to give Brian better access.

"And just how would Amy be perfect?" Brian asked as his fingers now finding the thin cloth layer of my swimsuit bikini bottom covering my quickly getting wet pussy.

"Well to start with she is incredibly shy."

"So why does that make her perfect?"

"It doesn't, but it does work to my advantage." Pausing I added, "But most of all I can tell that she is naturally just a very submissive person that will do just about anything asked of her."

"How can you tell?" Brian asked.

"Just the way she is around adults and even the other kids," I started to explain. "Very eager to please. Almost anytime any of the adults and most of the other kids ever asked for something she was the one who quickly got up to go get it for them. Especially that friend of hers Gayle. Now she's a really bossy one. I'm thinking I can eventually use that to my advantage. She is just very eager to please."

"She is also very religious. Still attends church with her mother every Sunday morning." I added.

With that Brian moved the cloth material covering my pussy to the side placing a finger directly on to my clit. Returning the favor, I reached over placing my hand directly on his crotch. I could feel his hardening cock through his shorts.

Rocking my hips in time with Brian's finger. "That's what makes her perfect. From what I witnessed this afternoon I'm pretty convinced she'll end up going along with whatever I want."

Continuing, " As long as I just tell her what I want, don't ask her, or allow her protests to stop me I am pretty sure this will work."

"Can't you just imagine her kneeling in front of us completely naked. Fully knowing what she is doing is wrong, but still unable almost even eagerly awaiting to obey any command." With that comment I felt Brian's cock twitch as my hand rested on it, "Yes, I see that you can definitely imagine that."

"I wonder if she's still a virgin?" Brian asked as he moved his finger deeper into my pussy.

"Oh, yes, right there. Oh fuck, you know just how to touch me." I moaned as Brian's finger moved across my clit. "Yes, she is definitely still a virgin," I finally managed to say, "Probably has not even been out on a first date or even had a real kiss yet." I opened my eyes and grinned over at Brian. "Don't worry Sweetie, you can be her first." Then I laid my head back on the headrest and closed my eyes again. My hips began to convulse pushing my pussy hard against Brian's hand. "But not until after she has had her first taste of my pussy," I added. Then thinking to myself, 'Next she will feel one of my strap-ons up her tight little ass.'

I spent the rest of the night and much of the following week describing to Brian just how the two of us would take control of Amy, and what we would do to her, and force her to do once we had that control. How we would convert her into becoming our personal fucktoy. Our own plotting being constantly interrupted by our own mutual need to fuck each other silly.

We put our plans into operation the following Saturday. Earlier in the week I had called Amy's mother and asked if Amy would be interested in doing some babysitting on the weekends and even helping me out a little with Sara during the week being that Brian was constantly traveling because of work. I also hinted to her that I could help Amy get ready for her college classes next fall and even help her qualify for a scholarship to attend the university that I teach at. Amy's mother was thrilled with the idea and could not thank me enough for taking the extra time to help with her daughter. I replied, "It will be my pleasure."

So, on Saturday evening, Brian drove over to Amy's house to pick her up so she could babysit Sara for a few hours while Brian and I went out to dinner.

When the two of them arrived back at our house I ushered the dark-haired young woman into the house. "Amy so glad to see you tonight. I am so glad that you could watch Sara tonight. Brian and I really need a nice night out together. He is leaving again on his next business trip Monday. He is going to be gone for over a month this time."

"Thanks Mrs. Rawlings, it will be my pleasure to watch Sara tonight."

"Please Amy, call me Megan."

Next, I gave Amy a quick tour of our home. First showing her Sara's room where she was already asleep for the night. Next the kitchen, "Feel free to help yourself to anything you find in here."

Then finally the family room where I showed Amy the baby cam monitor, "You can see and hear everything from here. You can watch a little TV or if you have any homework you can sit at the desk over there," pointing towards the desk in the corner.

"This will be perfect. I can sit and watch Sara and do my schoolwork all at the same time."

"You can also watch TV or a movie on the home entertainment center but please keep the volume low so you can hear Sara. If you finish your schoolwork that is," I added. "And we do have wi-fi if you need to access the internet for any reason."

After that Brian and I started to leave. "Hopefully we shouldn't be too late tonight."

"Don't worry, take your time. Everything will be fine. Have a good time."

Over the next few weeks, I had Amy over to babysit almost every Saturday night. And also, several times during the week while Brian was out of town on his business trip. It was on these nights that I would also give Amy a task to complete. Some nights it would be to clean the kitchen. Or some other room in the house. Other nights I would assign her to do all of the laundry. Never once did she complain about being given these extra little tasks. While Amy was completing her tasks, I would be in the home office grading papers or completing lesson plans. But also watching Amy on my computer from the many different tiny cameras that Brian had hidden around the house before he left. And since Brian was out of town, I could not leave Sara all alone to take Amy home I was able to convince her mother that it would be best if Amy just spent the night in our spare bedroom. I would then drop her off at her school on my way to the university.

It was on these nights that I spent as much time with Amy as I could after she had completed her task.

On one particular evening while Amy was staying over, I made my way into the family room where Amy was studying after having completed her task for the evening. I saw that she had a textbook open and was writing something on a sheet of paper. "What kind of homework do you have?" I asked.

Amy glanced up at me, "Anatomy. We have to explain the systems of the body. It's so exciting!"

"Mrs. Rawlings?" Amy asked in her typical sweet voice.

"Amy, call me Megan. I've told you that many times already," I responded in a very stern voice.

"Sorry, Megan," Amy responded, "Can you quiz me?" Already handing me her sheet of paper with her notes on it as I took a seat next to her on the sofa.

I was hoping for an opening that would allow me an opportunity ask her some questions of my own. Those of a more personal nature. I knew was tiptoeing a very dangerous line as I did not want her to become uncomfortable and flee but I also wanted her to willingly submit to my devious desires. But the wickedness and thrill of what I was doing kept pushing me to see how far I could get.

Taking the notes, I said, "Sure, I'll quiz you." Scanning the paper, I noticed that her handwriting was as neat as if it had been typed. "What does the muscular system do?"

Amy smiled, "Okay, I got that one! It helps you move and creates heat."

"Very good," I responded as I continued to quiz Amy on her knowledge. As I expected she answered every question without any hesitation instantly knowing the correct answer. So, I moved on to a subject that was not in her notes. "Amy, if you don't mind me asking, do you have a boyfriend?"

Amy looked at me almost terrified. "No, my mom would never let me have boyfriend. She does not even allow me to date yet. Not until after I graduate from High School."

"But you're eighteen now. You're an adult now. You should be allowed to date if you want to."

"My mom says I am not allowed to date as long as I am still living under her roof."

"So, you have never been on a date?" I inquired.

"Well," she slowly started to answer. "There is this boy at school I kind of like. He asked me to go to a school dance with him. My mom would not let my go, so I, please don't ever tell her, sneaked out of the house after she went to sleep."

"Amy you're a naughty girl," trying to sound as shocked as I could. "So, tell me what happened at the dance?"

"But he is not my boyfriend," then Amy got very quiet and look away from me. As if she was very embarrassed about something. Finally, she started to say, "We, um..."

"It's OK. You can talk to me." Trying to sound as comforting as possible. "You what? You did some things you shouldn't have. Tell me. You can trust me."

"We snuck out of the dance and ended up under the bleachers by the football stadium. He started kissing me. He held me tightly. Pulling me next to his body. He ran his hands up and down my body. Feeling and squeezing my body under my clothes."

"What parts of your body?" I asked.

"My breasts and my butt," Amy responded shyly looking down, unable to look me in the eyes, "And I could feel his thing pressing into me against my skirt."

"You mean his cock." I said. Being intentionally crude to see what her reaction would be.

"Yes," she finally managed to say looking down and away from me, again. Obviously becoming very embarrassed to be talking about this.

Still looking away from me not able to look me in the eyes she said, "He unzipped his pants and took it out. He grabbed my wrist and put my hand on it and told me to stroke it. It was stiff and hard. Feeling very smooth in my hand. Then he whispered into my ear to put it into my mouth. He started pushing down on my shoulders. I was really scared. But I wanted him to like me. My legs got really weak."

"Did you do it?" I asked.

"No just then one of the chaperones from the dance came around. We almost got caught sneaking back into the dance."

"Have you talked to his boy since the dance?"

"No, I'm too embarrassed. Every time I see him at school, I turn and go the other way."

"But if the chaperone had not almost caught you would you have?" I asked.

"Almost what?" Amy asked.

"Sucked his cock," hoping my language would not have too much of a shock value for her.

"Yes" she very shyly and quietly answered.

"You wanted to do it. You couldn't have stop yourself because you wanted to. You could have said no and walked away. Am I right?"

"Oh, no. I shouldn't be talking about this! I'm sorry! Please don't fire me!"

I caressed Amy's hand until she calmed down. "No, it's fine. I asked you about this, remember?"

"Okay, I guess," as she rested her head on my shoulder. Then I put my arm around her and held her. This was going to be easier than I thought think to myself. And also thinking that I needed to find out who his boy is.

Later that night as Amy slept in the guest bedroom, I webcammed with Brian. I was naked lying on my bed with one of my vibrators pressed up against my clit. Imagining that it was Amy's tongue. Brian watched as I brought myself off. After I came down from my self-induced orgasm, I filled Brian in on all the details of my chat with Amy that night. Just before I signed off with Brian for the night, I said, "You're still in luck. She has been kissed. But not yet fucked." Then I blew Brian a kiss and quickly closed my webcam.

It was a week before I invited Amy over again to stay the night. Brian would be home from his trip that coming Friday and I wanted to start moving things along with Amy but still not so fast that I would scare her off.

Like most evenings after Sara was asleep for the night Amy would open up her textbooks and begin studying in the family room like she had done so every other night that she had stayed over. After giving her about an hour to study I made my way into the family room with less than pure thoughts on my mind.

As I sat down next to Amy on her right side, I moved in real close actually letting our thighs make contact with each other. Putting my arm around her I gave her a big strong hug pulling her in close to my body. "Mrs. Rawlings, I mean Megan, what are you doing?"

"Just giving you a big hug to say thank you for being so helpful while my husband has been out of town."

"No, it has really been no trouble at all. I have really enjoyed spending the time here with you and you have helped me a lot as well."

"Reaching over and closing the textbook Amy had open on her lap I said, "Enough studying for tonight let's talk some more."

"About what?" Amy asked.

"That boy you met at the dance. You like him, right?

"Yes, I think he is really cute."

"Then why have you not spoken to him since the dance?"

"I am really shy and embarrassed. I don't know what to say to him. Plus, my mom would never let me go out on a date. And even if she did, you know, he would want me to do things with him. I have never done anything like that before."

I decided that it was time to make my move. Either now or never I reach over and placed my right-hand right-on top of Amy's left breast cupping it very firmly. Whispering into her ear I said, "You know girls can do things together also. I could teach you." I then leaned in and kissed her very softly right on her lips. A long lingering kiss. Neither from shock nor surprise she did not pull away from me. That was a very good sign. Taking Amy's hand, I stood up pulling her up with me. Leading her by the hand I guided her towards my bedroom.

I lead Amy by her hand down the hall. The master bedroom was at the far end. She followed me hesitantly. Stopping in front of my bedroom door I pulled her inside as I pushed open the door with my other hand. At first glance the room appears to be an ordinary bedroom. Small nightstands on either side of the bed with lamps giving off a soft glowing light. On the right side a large walk in closet and beyond that a door leading into the master bath. Placed in the center of the room is the large four posted king-sized bed. Each post has two brass rings securely fastened to them. One near the top of the post and another closer to the mattress. At first glance they appear to be purely ornamental but in actuality serve a much more practical purpose. On the left wall there is an innocent looking beautiful dark oak armoire. That in reality contains all manner of wicked little objects.

Sitting on the side of the bed with Amy next to me I decided to go for broke. This was either going to work or it was not. I put my hands around her waist and pulled Amy's body close to my own body. Before she could realize what was happening, I pressed my lips to her mouth giving her along lingering kiss. At first, she tried to pull away but soon she liked the feel of my soft lips on her own lips. Putting one arm around her and another on the back of her head I pulled her closer and held her tightly. We continued to kiss each other for several moments. Eventually my tongue pushed its way between her lips. This continued for several more moments.

Next, I reached my hand up under her skirt and began rubbing her panty clad pussy which was as I expected starting to get very wet.

"W-w-what are you doing?" Amy said or rather moaned.

"I am only teaching you how to feel good," as I pressed my hand harder onto her pussy.

"This is..." Amy began, but could not finish her sentence smoothly as the pleasure of my hand distracted her, "...oohhh... so wrong."

"Is it?" I asked, as I now used both of my hands to lower Amy's panties just enough so that I could return my hand to an unobstructed pussy. "You don't seem to be stopping me, my dear," I whispered into her ear.

"Oh, God," Amy moaned,

"Just let go, my pet," I instructed her soothingly, deciding now was the time to begin establishing a clear hierarchy. As my insistent fingers parted her pussy lips and resumed rubbing.

"We can't," Amy protested weakly, even while she opened her legs wider to give me better access.

"Then get up and walk away, my pet."

Amy knew that she should get up and leave. But being the natural submissive that she is prevented her from doing just that. As I watched the teen ponder her decision, I slid a finger inside of her.

"Ohhhhh," Amy moaned, my finger inside of her distracting her from the moral conversation she was conducting inside her head.

"Do you want to cum, my pet?" I asked as I finger fucked the moaning teen.

"Yes," Amy answered mindlessly, the pleasure now consuming her having won the argument she realized she was only pretending to have with herself.