The Taboo Transformation Ch. 01


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She draped herself across his body, feeling, for the first time in far too long, the feel of a man against her skin, from head to toes. His cock was a hot bar against her belly, and her tender nipples burned where they dug into the skin of his chest. She braced herself on her elbows, letting the tiny swells of her breasts brush against him. He moved a hand up her side until his fingers could lightly trace her newly-emerging curves.

"I'm not very big, up there," she said, hating the apologetic tone in her voice.

"A friend of mine in school always said that more than a handful was wasted," Jeff replied as he touched her tenderly. His lips twisted. "That always struck me as being spectacularly stupid. How could any part of a woman be wasted?" His eyes blazed with indignation. "Listen to me, Jane. I want you. All of you. I don't care if your breasts are small. Because I want you. Not your legs or your face or your butt or your tits.


Her breath caught in her throat, and she kissed him, hard this time, his declaration igniting fires of desire in her soul and her body. She forced his lips open with her tongue, plundering his mouth. At the same time she slid over his body until her groin was grinding against his shaft. She spread her legs, straddling him, and she groaned into his mouth as her lips parted, allowing his rigid pole to slide along the dew-wet folds of her labia.

Never, she panted in her mind. It has never been like this. All of her prior experiences had been either grimly unsatisfying, like the quickly-regretted liaison with Jack Reynolds last Christmas, or a long, tedious build-up to a underwhelming event. Now she was ready for intercourse without having to even think about it. God, without even trying. It was spectacular and terrifying at the same time. She slid along his length, coating his cock with her fluids, her body tingling. He groaned underneath her, his hands drifting down to grab her butt-cheeks, guiding her motions. His head rose, capturing a nipple between his lips, and she clutched his head to her bosom with one hand as he suckled on it, igniting a fire in her chest. Instinctively, she shifted her body to one side. Jeff took the hint without asking, and moved his mouth to her other breast, laving her nipple lovingly.

She wanted nothing more than to take him into her body, but a modicum of self-restraint stopped her. "Jeff, how do do you want to do it?"

He smiled up at her. "Already? I thought it was men who were supposed to not want foreplay."

She wiggled on top of him, gasping as the head of his cock slipped past the gates of her portal. "I'm ready. And I want you." She stopped, struck by a terrible thought. "Birth control?" she whispered, her voice faint and breathy.

"Notosterone," he replied. His eyes twinkled beneath his black brows. "Have to contribute to the financial well-being of the neighborhood, don't I?

"But to answer your question," he groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head as she kissed the line of his jaw, "Any position is good for me. What do you like best?"

"I don't know."

He caught her chin with his hand, forcing her to look at him. "You don't know?" His voice was disbelieving.

She held very, very still. "I don't...have much experience. With men. Or women, either," she added.

"Oh," he said blankly. "Well, I've always liked it when the woman is on top," he said. He leered up at her cheerfully. "It leaves my hands free to play with their breasts.

"But I know some women like the man to be on top. Either missionary or...or doggy," he said, blushing at his coarse language.

"Well," she said, wriggling some more, sighing as his cock slowly filled her. "If you like this, and I like this," she pressed her hands to his chest, kissing him fiercely. "Maybe it's a good idea."

She let her weight fall, and suddenly she was done. She blinked, slightly startled, as she felt the wiry tufts of his curls tickle her nether-lips. His cock was completely inside her, a solid bar of heat. "Oh," she said in a small voice, sitting up straight. "This feels...awesome."

She met Jeff's eyes. He was staring up at her, awestruck. "You' tight. So hot." He closed his eyes, swallowing, and she felt his rod twitch. "No," he grated through clenched teeth. "Not yet. Please, Jane," he whispered. "Don't move. I want to make you happy. Not blow my wad like a dumb, horny teenager after the prom."

"You are making me happy. And it feels so good." Around his wonderful prick, her muscles clenched, sending another wave of pleasure through her body. Her hips rocked, eliciting a matched pair of groans from them both.

"Shhh," he whispered. "Bend down to me."

She did, and she felt his loving hands on her breasts, covering them in his palms, his hands moving in circles over them. His fingers, as they caressed her turgid nipples, brought her to new heights of ecstasy with every touch. She lay down flat, pressing her body to his, kissing his sweet mouth.

All at once the enormity of the situation broke over her. Only a few days before she had despaired of ever reaching a woman's peak. Now, here she was, her body as responsive as a finely-tuned instrument, playing a song of sexual desire and passion. She closed her eyes, feeling tears of joy trickle from beneath the lids.

She heard Jeff gasp. "Jane? Are you okay? I'm not...I'm not hurting you, am I?"

She opened her eyes, her cheeks wet. "No," she whispered. "I'm happy. So happy." His face was adorably confused, and she put her hand on his cheek. "I'll explain, I promise. Someday soon.

"But for now, are you ready?"

He nodded, still frowning slightly, but that was all the encouragement she needed. She braced herself above him and raised her hips. His cock slid out of her slick cleft, then entered again, as her hips drove down. Over and over, her body falling into the age-old rhythm. At the same time, his hand slid down her chest to her stomach, then through the dense brown curls of her landing strip, until it reached her lips. A clever finger worked its way between her folds, finding her clitoris, flicking it gently.

Her body exploded. Every nerve ending sang with pleasure. Screaming, she kissed Jeff, not emerging until her lips felt swollen and bruised.

Everywhere. The joy was everywhere. With his mouth on his breasts. With his tongue on her burning nipples. With his hands on her rear, guiding her, holding her. With his groin, driving up into her, matching her frantic pace, reaching for his own orgasm. With his cock, a fiery bar of steel, expanding within her, muscles clenching, releasing, delivering their load of life-giving seed. With his eyes, meeting hers, filled with tender care.

With her pussy, taking him in, then bursting into a thunderous climax, shattering her and binding her into a greater whole at the same time.

With her, come into her birthright as a woman at last.

With her.


When she finally came back to herself, her head was pillowed on Jeff's shoulder, her hair flowing like a chestnut-brown river over his chest. He was running strands of it between his fingers as if it was something to be treasured.

"That was..." She struggled to put her experience into words. "The best. Ever. Thank you, Jeff."

He smiled and kissed her forehead, then her lips. His mouth lingered on hers for a long moment. "No. Thank you. It's been..." He trailed off and sighed. "A very long time."

She gripped his hand. "I know. I'm sorry. I know I can't replace Bonnie. But I hope there might be a future for us."

He smiled sadly at her. "No one can replace Bonnie. And I would never ask you to." He drew a hand down her spine. "How could you when you are so different? You're dark. She was blond. You're tall, she was short. You're a doctor, she was a teacher. She was bubbly, you're...controlled."

You forgot to say how she was a d-cup, and I barely have any breasts at all, Jane thought. But she smiled nonetheless, arching her rear into his hand as he cupped one of her ass-cheeks.

"You're really the same in only one way," he continued, unaware of her inner monologue.

Which is?" she murmured sleepily. She felt like drifting off for a nap. Then waking up and making love again. God, if this is the way Valentina always felt, it's a wonder she was able to make movies at all.

"Your spirits," Jeff replied. "You both want to help people. Bonnie did it with kids in school. You do it with your research."

"Hmmm." She agreed, but felt no need to pursue the conversation. She closed her eyes, feeling sated, comfortably replete.

"Would you like to go out sometime?" Jeff asked, after a few minutes of quiet.

She smiled up at him sleepily. "That would be nice." She chuckled softly. "I guess we're kind doing this backwards, though."

He gave her a wink. "Yeah. But at least we know that if we decide to go to bed after dinner and a movie, the sex is going to be good. No nervous jitters."

"It'll have to be at your place, though," she warned. "I don't know how often I'll be able to arrange for all the kids to be out of the house. Shit! The kids!" she said, sitting bolt upright on the bed. Jeff's cock fell out of her, and she felt a momentary pang of loss. She looked at the clock. "It's nearly five. They'll be home soon."

"You know," Jeff said, as he got out of the bed, "I thought I was done with all this sneaking around crap when Bonnie and I got engaged. Now, instead of ducking her parents, I'm ducking your kids," he complained. He pulled on his shorts, wincing as the clammy cloth stuck to his legs.

"It's only for a little while," Jane said. "After we go out a few times, the girls will be so eager for me to go to bed with you they won't mind if you're staying the night."

"Well that sounds..." He trailed off. "Wait. What? The girls will what?"

"They've been trying to get us together for months." She quickly dressed and led Jeff downstairs. "Especially Lillian. She has a huge romantic streak." They went outside and she watched as Jeff put on his t-shirt, hat, sandals, and collected his mower. She sighed in disappointment as his spectacular body was covered up. It was like watching someone wrap a Christmas present back up before you had time to really play with it.

He paused before he left, his hand on the back gate. "Friday?" he suggested.

In answer she gave him a kiss that left them both gasping for more. "Yes."


The rest of that day passed in a state of euphoric bliss. Before the kids returned, she recorded another status update on her laptop, unable to keep the triumph from her voice.

To hell with it. I'm not going to even pretend to be a disinterested observer anymore.

She also recorded her new measurements, which were now 33A-25-28. She wasn't sure, but her breasts seemed to have grown slightly in the few hours since the morning. Additionally, she had to measure her hips three times before she accepted the truth, which was that they had grown by two inches in a day and a half. But trying on a pair of her slacks confirmed the fact, as they were now almost uncomfortably snug around the hips.

So, Jane. Not only new bras. But also new panties, slacks, shorts, and jeans. Dresses, too. Good thing you have a decent income. She grinned at her reflection in the mirror.

Zach returned home around five-thirty. He gave her a couple of curious glances, but did not press her where Jeff was concerned, for which Jane felt heartfelt gratitude. The girls tumbled in a few minutes later, sand-speckled, windblown, and with a huge bucket of fried chicken and assorted side dishes for supper. They sat down to eat earlier than usual. Jane tried to keep her rapacious appetite under control, but was only marginally successful. During the meal, Colleen and Lillian regaled them with tales of all the hot boys they had seen at the lake, while Zach rolled his eyes.

Her good mood lasted into the following day, her first official 'day off' of her long vacation. She got up early and did some work around the house, helped out by Colleen and Lillian and Zach. With three of them helping her, it did not take much time before the house was spic and span. Afterward, she did some work in her home office, taking notes for further applications her gene-splicing technique might be used for, such as her weight-loss idea from earlier in the weekend.

But by mid-afternoon, she was beginning to feel restless again, and she recognized the feeling for what it was; an outward manifestation of her own body's sexual hunger.

"I don't know how you guys cope with it," she said, after walking through the house the third time in search of something to do. "How do you keep yourselves occupied? I've been off for three days and I'm starting to get cabin fever already."

Lillian looked up from her phone. "Social media, mostly," she said with a smile. "There's always something interesting on Twitter or Tumbler or Facebook."

"Video games help," Zach suggested, blowing up an alien on the TV screen.

"You could go out with friends, Aunt Jane," Colleen suggested.

"They're all working," she sighed, but she picked up her own phone. Maybe there was someone who was taking a long weekend and would like to go out for a little while. Maybe grab an early dinner and just hang out and talk. She was tempted to scratch the plans they had made to stay at home during her two weeks off and instead go on a trip somewhere. But that would mean less privacy, as she and the kids would be crowded into hotel rooms together. And it would press the pause button on her newly-budded relationship with Jeff.

She scrolled through her contacts, and suddenly halted on Jeff's name. He had been an emergency contact for years, someone who could be counted on if the kids ever got into trouble, or if she had to stay at work late. She hadn't even realized she still had his cell number on her phone.

An evil thought drifted through her mind, and she sent him a text.

I'm horny : (

She waited for a few minutes, but was soon rewarded with a reply.

I'm sorry. : (

She smiled to herself. I don't want to wait until Friday to see you again. I want your hot cock in my pussy.

The pause was longer this time, as if Jeff was trying to think of an appropriate reply.

Can't do anything about that right now. Maybe later?

Can't, she replied. The kids are all here.

How about later tonight? Wait until they're all in bed and come over. I'll leave the door unlocked for you.

Her eyes widened happily. There was something wickedly decadent about sneaking out after dark and making her way over to her lover's house.

That sounds awesome, she sent back. She frowned for a second. The kids generally stay up pretty late. How late is too late for you? I don't want to keep you up, since I'm on vacation and you're not.

You let me worry about that. See you tonight?

Absolutely. : )

So it was that midnight saw her softly closing the front door behind her and walking quietly down the sidewalk to Jeff's house. The summer night was warm and still, clouds obscuring the waxing moon overhead. While she waited with mounting impatience for the kids to drift off to bed, she had dithered about what she should wear. She had entertained fantasies about showing up in a garter belt and stockings, but could not make up a reasonable excuse she could use in case one of them should happen to catch her one her way out. So instead she had opted for a plain bathrobe. But in a nod to her new-found sense of romance, she was completely bare underneath.

Thankful that their subdivision had little traffic so late at night, she crept up Jeff's front walk and turned the knob on his door. As he had promised, it opened under her hands. She walked into the darkened house, taking care to stay quiet. The entrance hallway was dimly lit, with only a soft glow coming from the kitchen from one side.

Hesitantly, she walked forward. Despite her sense of adventure, there was something deeply odd about sneaking into another person's house late at night. She wished Jeff had been there to greet her. She called softly, but there was no reply.

Slowly, she made her way through the ground floor. No one was there. However, when she passed the stairway leading to the upper floor, she could see light coming down from above. She smiled and climbed the stairs, trying to keep her footsteps light.

So, he wants to play games, huh?

In a few moments, she was standing in the doorway of Jeff's bedroom. A lamp lit the room, but he was sprawled on the bed, asleep. Or seemingly so, at least. He was lying on his back, covered by only a thin bedsheet. His face was averted from the light, so she could not see the expression on his face. She peered closely at his groin, but could not tell if he was aroused or not.

She frowned. Had Jeff fallen asleep waiting for her? Or was he seeing what she would do?

She smiled to herself, then lifted the sheet and slipped in beside him. She reached out and turned off the light, then sank down into the soft pillows and mattress, warmed by his heat. As darkness filled the room, she snuggled up beside him, laying on her side, her back pressed against his muscular chest.

Slow minutes ticked by, and she began to wonder if she had been wrong, and he actually was asleep. Incredibly, she began to feel drowsy, and she had to stifle a yawn.

Just before she began to drift off, he turned to her. She felt his lips brush the spot between her shoulder blades, and she shivered. One hand curled around her waist, pulling her in close to him. In seconds, they were nestled together, as close as spoons in a drawer. She wiggled happily as she felt his body pressed against her from head to toe.

"I was worried you might be asleep," she said with a smile.

She felt his chuckle, rumbling against her back. "Almost was." He kissed her again, his tongue laving the length of her spine. "I don't usually stay up so late. But when I have this to look forward to..." he trailed off suggestively, his hand traveling higher, cupping her breast. Finding her nipple taut and eager under his hands, he slowly rubbed it, rolling it in his loving fingers.

"Oh, Jeff, that's lovely," she sighed. She reached a hand backwards, curling over one hard buttock, and pulled him hard into her. Between her thighs, her pulse pounded, her lips moistening eagerly. And at her back, she could feel the steely length of Jeff's cock as it pressed against the base of her spine. She shifted, moving up slightly and opening her legs. In an instant, his manhood had slipped between her thighs. She closed her legs on him, purring happily.

"Mmmmm," she murmured. She rubbed her legs on him, back and forth, savoring his male heat. His grasp around her waist tightened as she teased him. Turning in his arms, she kissed his mouth, her rear still firmly planted against his groin. His tongue slipped into her mouth, and she welcomed it enthusiastically, nibbling at his lips as he withdrew.

The ache in her belly grew, and she knew she had to have him. Now. She lifted her right leg slightly, and bit back a gasp as his shaft pressed against her feminine core. She hooked her leg around the back of his knee, and drew him closer. Slowly, inevitably, his cock sank into her, making her purr with delight.

She rocked against him, her leg guiding his thrusts, slow and sure and confident. His lips were on her neck, her shoulders, her ears, suckling her earlobe, making her shiver with carnal delight. His hands were on her breasts, her belly, her flanks, stroking her lovingly. Her hands bunched at the junction of her thighs, her fingers stroking her button, coaxing her responses to a fever pitch.

"You're incredible," Jeff breathed into her ear. His voice was hoarse. He dropped a series of tender kisses onto the fragile skin of her shoulder blade. "So hot around my cock. So wet. So tight."
