The Temptations of Dee Pt. 04


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"Fuck him - long as this cute little dime is coming round here I couldn't give a fuck what her husband thinks."

That seemed to be the considered opinion. Her husband was an idiot and she was in the right place. Dee, at that moment, couldn't say she disagreed.

Shaka told them a little about how Dee had ended up there tonight. His audience enjoyed it - hung on his every word. It was still hard for Dee to understand that he was talking about her. The sexy little slut who had a fool for a husband and who was Shaka's new white bitch. That was her. It had to be - because that was Shaka's big Black hand holding onto her little white butt!

Suddenly Dee noticed that Shaka's attention had been drawn to the other side of the bar. She followed his gaze and saw a new entrant to the bar. The woman was about her own age and height, red-haired and fair-skinned, dressed to impress the Black man.

It was clearly working too. Shaka's attention was riveted on the red-headed slut. Dee felt jealousy surge through her body.

Shaka leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Keep my friends entertained - I got to look after something."

He set off across the bar. If looks could kill then that red-headed whore would have shrivelled and died under the force of Dee's gaze. Who the fuck did she think she was? She felt her new confidence start to deflate. How long had she held Shaka's attention once he had fucked her. Forty minutes - an hour at best?

"Hey baby, don't be looking over there. You never gonna be short of men want a taste of that fine sugar."

"Yeah - take your pick baby, Shaka won't mind a double-date. He's probably arranging it right now."

They might be right - Shaka was a law unto himself. She certainly didn't get to tell him what to do - that had never been apart of the arrangement. She realised that Shaka's moving off had encouraged the other men. Whatever HE was doing these Black men had no problem recognising that she was worthy of all their attention.

The last one who had spoken was a few years younger than her, with a pleasant open face and a ready smile. A girl could do a LOT worse. If Shaka's eye could wander, well...

She locked her eyes on his deep brown ones. Gave him a little smile and leaned into him so his lips almost touched her ear as he spoke.

"Oh shit, fucking Darius, teach us for hanging out with a pretty boy like him."

The comment was amused, not angry. Dee jumped as a hand tapped her butt.

"Teacher-lady is getting naughty - might need a spanking. Darius'll have to wait - your man is calling."

She looked over and Shaka was signalling to her. He and the red-head were no longer alone. Another man had joined them. He wasn't as tall as Shaka but he was over six feet and just as powerfully-built. His skin was dark but at his wrists and his neck she could see the swirls and patterns of intricate tattoo designs. His face showed no ink and had a handsome symmetry to it. Just now, however, his features were set in an expression of serious purpose.

Dee couldn't help admiring him - he was another alpha male. But he was another alpha male on Shaka's territory. She was nervous again now but she went straight to her man's side.

As soon as she got there Shaka raised a hand and gently indicated one of her ear-rings with the 'S' marked out in flashing brilliants within the gaudy golden hoops. "See," he said, "my bitch is wearing my mark. So everyone knows just who she belongs to. Got another pair in the office would look just right on Georgia here."

Georgia - so that was the red-headed tramp's name. It didn't seem to matter now. She and the red-head were just pawns in the game being played by the two men. They were like two magnificent lions prowling round each other, testing each other out. The lords of all they surveyed. If one showed weakness then the other would claim his prize. Prestige and, of course, white pussy.

The big tattooed man didn't seem daunted by the presence of Shaka. He didn't quail or retreat - he answered in kind. "No doubt they would - but I have my own plans for her. That said I'm liking the look of your little bitch there - I'd be ready to put in a good offer for her."

Dee couldn't help it, she gasped in shock and then struggled to bring her expression back under control. It had been so blatant. He had just offered to buy her - like some sort of a prostitute or even a slave, a sex slave. She suddenly noticed that Georgia was watching her. She half expected to see jealousy there to match her own. She didn't - instead she saw a little concern for Dee and recognition. The expression of a sister, a sister more experienced in the ways of men like these.

She had half expected Shaka to attack the new man but he merely chuckled at the suggestion that he would sell Dee.

"I only just started training her - having way too much fun to let her go just yet." Dee felt him gently move up behind her and one Black hand found an erect nipple as it poked through her white blouse. He was displaying her to this other man. She couldn't suppress a little whimper but she didn't resist even when his other hand reached down between her legs and pulled up her skirt. There was a flash of neatly trimmed pubic hair and then his hand was on her pussy. He murmured into her ear, "Yeah, teacher lady, good to know you learning yo' lessons. No panties - just like the rules say. But it needs to be bare too - don't care what you tell that limp-dicked White-boy husband of yours."

It was a performance. Shaka had shown his rival that she was a teacher, that she had a white husband, that she belonged totally to the Black man who was so openly displaying her charms. He was taunting the other man with the quality of his little white bitch, flaunting Dee in his face. She suddenly realised the beautiful red-head wasn't competition. Shaka would take her if he could - of course he would - but he was showing that he rated Dee at least as high. Besides, Shaka was man enough for both of them.

Oh God but it was intoxicating, a dangerously strong brew for a white woman like her. Being around these men - being the focus of their desires and lusts. It felt so damned good - so damned addictive. She had been denied a taste of such attention for so long and now she was getting it premium-strength and in no shortage. It could overwhelm her, it was overwhelming her. She couldn't go back to how she had been now.

She heard a voice, "Looks like premium pussy", and realised that it had been speaking about her, about her pussy.

Shaka was still holding her - displaying her to all his friends as well as to the man with Georgia. "Oh yes," said Shaka, "you'd best believe it. Pussy made for the pleasure of a Black man. Warm and wet - seems my little bitch liked the idea of us fighting, or maybe it was the idea of me selling her to a stranger." It might have been his words or his expert fingers but Dee was whimpering again between short gasps for breath as Shaka's skilled fingers worked on her. "You like the idea of being Izeye's little slave girl?"

Dee couldn't help moaning out loud. She knew that it was crazy, knew that it was wrong, but she couldn't deny how these men made her feel.

It seemed that Shaka was enjoying the effect he was having on his new little bitch. Suddenly he beckoned to Georgia. "Come see how wet this pussy is. Tell Dee what being Izeye's slave entails."

The redhead didn't hesitate. She came straight over to Dee and kissed the stunned school teacher hard. Dee felt Georgia's tongue push into her mouth and, after a moment or two, responded in kind. More new sensations, more new feelings, more sensory overload.

She heard Georgia's man, the one apparently called Izeye, chuckle. Knew that they were entertaining their Black Masters. They liked having two classy white bitches putting on a show for them. She rejoiced to find that she didn't care - in fact that she thrilled to be pleasing her men. Suddenly she realised that she was already thinking of them as her men. Not just Shaka, not just Izeye, but all the men there, the beautiful Black men.

Georgia broke the kiss and gently spun Dee round so that she was standing behind her. She unbuttoned Dee's blouse and moved her hand inside feeling the warm flesh of her breast and then gently squeezing on her nipple. She put her other hand's fingers into her own mouth and then reached down to Dee's pussy - exposed as Shaka held her skirt out of the way. She began to speak softly into Dee's ear - a mantra of submission and devotion.

"Izeye is my Master and I am his slave. Izeye orders and I obey. It gives me pleasure to give him pleasure. When my Master is satisfied then, and only then, can I be satisfied. If he wants to fuck me then he can fuck me. If he wants me to fuck someone else, anyone else, then I will fuck them. He has made me what I am - a whore but a very willing and satisfied whore. My Master gives his orders and I obey. If he wants me to be Black-only then I will be. If he wants to give me his ink then he can. If he wants to give me his baby then he can. He is my Master and I exist to serve him and to give him pleasure." Dee heard the slight Southern accent of the other woman as she processed the words. Georgia had given herself totally to the Black man and Dee suddenly knew with a searing realisation that she wanted to be just like her. To devote herself to the men who could make her feel like this. "Are you ready Dee, ready to be a Black man's slave? Now that you know what it means." Georgia dropped her lips to Dee's neck and sucked hard on her pale flesh even as Dee screamed her assent.


There was a moment's silence and then the whole crowd in the bar roared their approval. It seemed like the whole darned roof was going to come off. Even Silky and his two young white bar-girls were joining in, shouting and banging their hands on the bar.

Shaka move back in to take control. He gently buttoned up Dee's blouse as the crowd slowly quietened down.

"We got unfinished business ain't we teacher-lady." It wasn't a question. Shaka looked like he'd enjoyed the show - like he was ready to show her just what he could do, to prove his reputation. Dee almost shivered at the thought - at the intensity of her need for him at that moment.

Shaka went on. "Need to get you home don't we. Tell all the men here why I got to get you home."

Dee looked into his wonderfully deep soulful eyes. She bit her lip a little. This sort of thing still didn't come naturally. She quietly said, "So you can fuck me."

"So everyone can hear," said Shaka pausing.

Dee swallowed and said in as loud and clear a voice as she could, "So you can fuck me."

She saw Georgia give her a smile. She saw Izeye give a little nod of approval. That made her feel good but most important was that Shaka gave her his warmest smile and kissed her hard before voicing his approval.

"That's right - then we can send you back to that loser husband of yours full of my strong nigger nut. That's the way it's gonna be from now on my sweet little white bitch." He slapped her on the butt and then led her out into the night.


Dee looked into the bathroom mirror and puffed out her cheeks. She'd half expected to be going back to his home but apparently Shaka had this little pad sorted out especially. She wondered how many women he had brought back here. The fact he had a 'fuck-pad' especially for entertaining 'his white bitches' was something of a clue. The fact he had come out and told her so was pretty eloquent too. She was in Shaka's world now.

She looked at herself in the mirror. It seemed amazing to her that she still looked much as she had that morning. She didn't feel the same. She felt a completely new woman so how could she still look much the same. Walking past her in the street you wouldn't have known. Well except for one thing, two things really. The livid dark marks on her neck. Love bites - one from Shaka, one from Georgia. She could only hope they'd fade a bit before she got home. Or she'd have to get some make-up. She realised she was very matter-of-factly considering how to cheat her husband, how to deceive him. She didn't feel guilty. It was a bit late for that.

It had turned out Shaka's reputation had been well-deserved. She had never known anything like it. His combination of technique and raw power. His willingness to hold back just when she needed it and to power on just when she needed it. She had known that she was in the hands of a master of his craft. Right up until the moment when he had stood holding her in his strong arms with effortless ease. She had clung onto him with her arms and legs as he had thrust his big Black cock into her again and again. Like NOTHING she had ever felt before - the incredible sensations running through her body. She had felt helpless and yet safeguarded. Those strong arms, his mouth seeking hers for a long kiss, the taste of sweat on his Black skin. His total masterful presence as he had taken her, as he had made her his woman. Then, finally, his grunt as he shot his cum up into her pussy. Followed by that little smile, the smile of triumph.


"So little bitch, you enjoy your anniversary present?"

It struck Dee for the first time that she had never told Shaka that it was her wedding anniversary. But he'd mentioned it at the bar and then again twice back here. Clearly Jess or Emily had been telling tales again. That wasn't what mattered though. Shaka had known and he had selected this date to make her one of his women. He had KNOWN that she wouldn't be able to resist the temptation of going to him. Even when she herself had felt it impossible.

She snuggled against his big warm body, felt the amazing after-glow of sex with this man, her man. He hadn't been fooling earlier on. In the course of the day they had fucked four times and each time he had cum just as deep in her as he could.

Dee giggled to herself. By her 'present' did he mean the fucking or all that Black baby-making seed. Not that it mattered - the answer was the same.

She kissed his shoulder. "It's the best I've ever had Shaka."

She felt the vibration as a deep laugh rumbled in his chest. "Preach it teacher-lady, preach it..."

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This came up as a random spin. Wow, had to back track a bit but so far, I enjoyed reading this series, it makes me wet and longing for a black lover. Reading this with my favorite rabbit is tonights dessert. As for anonymous two years ago, I thought I was in a sexually satisfying and solid marriage, he thought otherwise, but after a few tinder (I'm 37) fucks, someone new is liberating and thrilling.

abermainabermainover 1 year ago

the story gets better as it goes can't wait to see Dee have his baby

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

There are trillions of miles between being involved in a boring marriage and throwing yourself headlong into a new relationship in a completely foreign culture. Foreign because

people never, or should never, own other people. Ever.

Just have a convenient couple with whom you swap mates every week or two, that's manageable, and no violent or shady people need to be involved.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Dee's submissiveness to black culture

Jess and Emily will review Dee's pictures and praise her for saying both the black photographer and Shaka.

Dee will file for divorce and take her daughter's with her while leaving the son with husband . Exposure to black culture more important to daughters than soccer games breeding confidence and aggression among young white girls. Total submissiveness more important to teach her daughter's with examples set by Mom raising her black breed of son and daughter who grow up into strong confident people dominating the older white daughters already browbeaten into deep humiliation and submissiveness dictated by Mom who punishes them with hairbrush applied to reddening ass for the smallest infraction.

knickerlover13knickerlover13almost 4 years ago

love this series , more please soon , building up nicely. Maggie likes masterful men and has fucked a few. , she would enjoy being being a black mans slave!!

Dee_PurpleDee_Purplealmost 4 years ago

Your storytelling and ability to put subtle eroticism into eroticism are incredible. This is evident throughout all your stories, not just this series. Thank you for providing us all this pleasure.

auhound49auhound49almost 4 years ago
Nice to see this come out so fast!

We look to a lot more stories in the future!

I do have a suggestion though - as Dee is not sure when her fertile and safe times are, I am wondering how she feels when she gets seeded as any possible pregnancy at this time could be so devastating. Part 9 of Georgia plays the game does a nice job of showing how the slut feels when it gets time to get impregnated or risk it. I hope you will bring out the slut's feelings more in the future.

alexetlaurealexetlaurealmost 4 years ago

Perfect story so far ...can't wait for the next part

pervmale4upervmale4ualmost 4 years ago
Keeps getting better

This series has developed nicely. Its wondeful to see her being taken, and her will turning to serve Shaka, Awaiting the next part.

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