The Trophy Wife Ch. 01

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Carrie is enchanted by a handsome stranger while working.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/22/2024
Created 05/15/2024
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Please note, all characters in this story are 18+ and are explicitly stated as such. Enjoy!

Carrie was exhausted. She had been working almost non stop, it didn't help that she was constantly switching between night and day shifts. Carrie worked at a hotel bar that was open 24/7. While the work was grueling, Carrie did love meeting people from around the world and hearing about their lives. They became like characters in a story for Carrie, spicing up her very average life. She had had three boyfriends, each one more disappointing than the last, but the people at the bar seldom failed to be fascinating. There was the woman who was leaving her husband for her tennis instructor, there was the man who ran a massive tech company but every time he stayed he called for a dominatrix, and there was the call girl who would sit at her bar and chat until her next client arrived. They would tell her things that no one would confess in the light of day but in a hotel bar at two A.M. The rules were a bit different.

It was one night at nine-fifteen on the dot that a man who looked eerily familiar and yet was still unknown to her walked in and sat on one of the bar stools. He sat with a posture that conveyed confidence, it didn't hurt that his jawline looked like it was carved by one of the great minds of the renaissance, and his eyes looked as if god himself had handcrafted them. Carrie was awestruck, stunned until the man ordered a gin and tonic with a lemon twist. Carrie jumped into action making the drink. "So whereabouts are you from?" Asked Carrie as she did with every bar patron. It was a good way to start them talking.

"Memphis." The man responded curtly. Carrie took this as a challenge, after all she could get anyone talking.

"What brings you all the way out here?" Carrie prompted.

"I'm trying to find someone." The man responded, smirking slightly as he picked up on Carrie's game. He did like a game after all.

"Someone you know or someone you want to know?" Said Carie attempting to hit a mild note of flirtation.

"The latter." He was clever and she'd give him that. "How about you Carrie? Why are you here?" He had obviously read her name tag, but the question was still unsettling. However hard she tried she felt weirdly compelled to respond honestly. Maybe it was the honey blonde hair or the strange eyes but it didn't matter, she didn't want to lose.

"Firstly, if we've reached a first name basis, it's only fair that I know yours." Carrie retorted quickly.

"Sylas." The man said with a smile. "Pleasure to meet you."

"Well Sylas, I guess now that we're friends I can answer that question. I am here to pay my rent." Carrie said with a victorious smile.

The man spoke softer now, "I don't think that's why you're really here. Why don't you tell me the truth."

"I like hearing people's stories and when I'm here I feel a little less alone." Carrie immediately winced, why had she told him that? He's a customer for god's sake.

"See didn't that feel nice to tell the truth?" Carrie reconciled with herself that it did feel nice. Talking to him felt nice. It was the off season so one or two customers a night was not uncommon. Carrie checked the clock only to realize that the next bartender would be there in ten minutes. It was ten-fifty so she handed Sylas his bill and started tidying up.

"How long are you here for?" Asked Carrie, trying not to sound too interested.

"Until I find someone." Sylas said cheekily. "See you tomorrow Carrie." He then sauntered away. Carrie felt an immediate pang of sadness as he walked away. What was wrong with her? He's a customer, she sees customers everyday. Something was different about him though.

The next few days went by much the same. Sylas would come in at nine-fifteen and stay until she left at eleven. They talked about everything and anything, Carrie just felt so comfortable with him. Finally on Friday five nights after they'd started talking Sylas asked her to get "dinner" with him after her shift. Carrie eagerly agreed. Sylas smiled a smile Carrie could only describe as mildly predatory. "I'm going to go and grab you an outfit to wear." Sylas stated.

"Oh you don't have to..." Carrie was interrupted.

"I want to." Sylas said firmly.

Carrie felt a deep tingle rise up her right leg straight into her core. "Alright then. See you at eleven."

"Looking forward to it." Sylas started walking but paused halfway "Size 18 right?" How did he know that?

"Yes." Carrie blushed.

"Goodbye for now." Crooned Sylas as he left.

Carrie was confused at first but that confusion quickly morphed into excitement with a hint of lust. Sylas arrived at ten-fifty-eight carrying a flat but large white box and a fancy shoe box. He handed them to Carrie over the counter, and as soon as the next bartender arrived she rushed to the staff locker room to change.

The dress was beautiful. Expensive looking. It was a dark cerulean with rhinestones around the bust. Sheer sleeves extended from the thin opaque shoulder straps. Carrie then put on the shoes, a stunning pair of shiny matching cerulean heels. She threw on what little makeup she had and put her strawberry blonde hair into a quick bun.

Her and Sylas met outside the parade. "You look stunning." Sylas looked her up and down with reverence.

"Thank you, you clean up nice yourself." Sylas was wearing an expensive suit, the navy blue accentuating his blue-gray eyes. A gray pocket square brought it all together.

They went to a decently nice restaurant that was also open twenty-four hours. Sylas pulled her chair out for her and she sat attempting to be graceful. They continued their conversation from the bar and Carrie found out Sylas was twenty-six, but a more important question was stuck on Carrie's tongue.

"What do you do for work?" Carrie finally asked.

"I own a few companies." Sylas smiled.

"What kind of companies?" Carrie pressed.

"Therapy and counseling, both in person and online specializing in hypnotherapy and addiction support." Carrie felt a warmth spread quickly through her core. Carrie had been interested in hypnosis since she had been chosen as an assistant in a hypnosis show in highschool. She had loved the feeling of being unable to resist the control and desires of a dominant figure. Now nineteen, Carrie was eager to explore more of this desire and liked watching and listening to hypnosis videos and files.

Sylas saw her eyes light up at that and knew he had chosen well. She had been so beautiful when he checked in, and he felt drawn to her. During their first conversation she proved herself to be highly suggestible. Just what Sylas wanted. This was the cherry on top, so he took the next step.

"I started as a hypnotherapist until I realized that I had the knowledge and experience to start a more corporate career. Now we have over fifty physical locations and three digital platforms." We're now branching into Canada which was the excuse for this trip."

"So you can hypnotize people?" Carrie said far too quickly for her liking, much to Sylas' amusement.

"Oh absolutely. I actually specialize in quick inductions, so I often worked with difficult patients, those who didn't believe in hypnosis or who were unconsciously resisting." Carrie tried not to acknowledge the blush crawling up her neck. She was thinking of so many things Sylas could do. Carrie was so distracted that she didn't even notice the server put down her food. Sylas looked at her expectantly.

"Oh, oops. I must've gotten lost for a minute." Carrie blushed, shame mixing with the desire.

"You certainly did." Sylas chuckled. He could almost feel her curiosity and desire from across the table, not that he'd let her know. After dessert Sylas looked Carrie earnestly in the eyes.

"I have booked a hotel room at another hotel, you have no obligation to say yes, or to even agree to see me again. I leave the decision entirely up to you. Would you like to go back with me?" Sylas asked plainly but with a hint of uncertainty Carrie barely picked up on.

"Absolutely." Carrie almost gasped. Sylas grinned, this time genuine and sweet. They walked hand in hand to the new hotel. Carrie could feel the heat inside her growing. Sylas could see it in her eyes, she wanted it. So he asked the question that had been stuck on his tongue all night.

"Carrie, this may be completely out of bounds, but would you like me to hypnotize you?" Carrie was shocked by the question, especially in the elevator of a hotel she couldn't afford for a night even if she saved her entire paycheck for a year, but the answer was easy.

"Yes. Please. I would love that." It was easy to be honest with Sylas. Sylas knew that he had always had a way with people, but it had gotten better since he had done a class on hypnosis in college. He had used his charm along with a hint of hypnotic suggestion to start his empire and then to expand it. With Carrie though he hadn't had to use any suggestion to get this desired outcome, she was already under his spell all on her own.

"Excellent. Once we get to the room please put on the clothes I have laid out for you." Carrie grinned, this is what she had wanted for so long, she didn't even question that Sylas had already laid out an outfit for her. The outfit in question turned out to be a beautiful lacey nightie that looked as if it should be itchy but was actually buttery soft and fit her perfectly.

"And I thought the dress would be the most beautiful thing I saw you in tonight." Sylas flirted.

"You flatter me." Carrie responded jokingly.

"No I don't, that nightie does." Carrie blushed fifteen shades of pink and red. Sylas took her hand gently and guided her to the table. There was a sheet of paper and a pen prepared. The paper had three columns, yes, maybe, no.

"Please fill out the sections to provide clarity as to what I can do while you are under."

Carie started writing. She immediately skipped the yes and maybe column. Under "no" she wrote public nudity, anyone other than you and I, and anything you would do in a toilet. She then put the pen down.

"Is that all?" Sylas asked, slightly shocked.

"Yes." Carrie was up for whatever this man had in store. She trusted him because when he looked at her she could tell it was with absolute respect and adoration.

"Then let's begin the evening" Sylas smiled again. Then he looked serious. He asked her to perform a series of movements and asked her a bunch of questions and suddenly she felt everything around her grow dim. Sylas was pleased as Carrie slumped against his chest.

"It's ok Carrie, you can go deeper. Give into the warm feelings, let them pull you deeper. Deeper now. Good girl." Carrie's breathing was soft and rhythmic. She looked so beautiful and calm, he could hardly wait to play with her.

"Carrie, if you can hear me please raise your left arm." Her left arm lazily began to lift. "Ok darling please put it down." It fell so quickly dropping to the bed he had carried her to. "Alright Carrie I'm going to give you some things to do for me when you wake up. Please repeat them after I've said them so I know you understand, ok?"

"Ok." She mumbled sleepily.

"Firstly, from here on out, whenever we are alone you will refer to me as daddy." He paused.

"Whenever we're alone I will call you daddy." Carrie mumbled back.

"Good girl, well done. When you call me daddy it will feel completely normal and right. It will even make you feel a little tingle on the inside of your thighs." He paused again.

"When I call you daddy it will feel normal and will make me feel a tingle on the inside of my thighs."

"Good girl! You are doing great. Next thing, whenever I say the words time for bed, you will fall immediately back into this deep trance state, understood?"

"Whenever you say time for bed I will fall immediately back into a deep trance."

"Good girl! Whenever you are alone with me, you will feel deeply needy. You will need my permission to do anything and everything."

"Whenever we're alone I need daddy's permission to do anything."

"Good girl. Whenever I place my hand on your cheek it will feel like I am licking your clit. Just like this." He proceeded to pull down her lacey panties and begin licking her clit.

"Whenever you put your hand on my cheek it will feel like you're licking my clit." She moaned.

"Good girl. Whenever we are alone you will get dumber. You will be easily confused and need daddy to explain things to you like how to tie your shoes."

"I get confused when daddy and I are alone and need him to explain things."

"Good girl, last but not least for now, when I say good morning sunshine you will wake up. You will remember you were under but will not remember any of your triggers. At the end of the session I will clap three times and you will return to your normal self remembering the entire experience, Understood?"

"Yes daddy."

"Good morning sunshine."

Carrie woke with a warm feeling in her core and a very wet feeling between her legs.

"Hi daddy!"

"Hello baby, sleep well?"

"Yes daddy, I sleep so good when you hypnotize me." He gently placed his hand on her cheek. She immediately started to flush and pant.

"Are you ok baby?"

"I just feel so good daddy." Carrie was feeling a little breathless and extremely good.

"Where do you feel good baby?" Carrie looked a little confused and pointed between her legs.

"Down there?" Sylas gently probed, amused by his suggestion in action.

"Yes daddy." Carrie whispered bashfully.

"It's ok baby, we all get special feelings down there, can I help you with it?" Sylas reassured her.

"Yes please daddy!" Carrie beamed. Sylas gently pulled her panties down trailing kisses from her hips right down to the folds that were soaked with her need. He gently licked up her slit, tasting the sweet flavor of her desire. She whined, so he pressed on. He licked figure eights around her clit making her twitch. Then he finally ran his tongue over the center of her pleasure and she started moaning in earnest. While he licked rhythmically like a cat with a bowl of milk, he gently inserted a finger into her hole. It slid in like it was meant to be there.

"More please daddy." Carrie gasped.

Sylas liked her good manners.

"Of course princess, your wish is my command." He stuck in another finger, and then a third. It seemed she liked it rough as she squealed and gasped in absolute ecstasy as penetrated her. He fingered her hard and licked faster. She immediately squirted all over his hand and face, he licked it up excitedly. He kept going and she came two more times.

Finally she was too exhausted to even moan and he quickly pulled his own pants and boxers down and gently entered her. Her walls were soft and warm, he was above average but she stretched to accommodate him. She looked up at him in awe and adoration. He was now above her on all fours, gently pushing into her and pulling out in perfect time. She came again on his cock and this was enough to finish him as well, he quickly pulled out and came onto his chest.

He grabbed the wet wipes he had placed next to them before hand and roughly wiped himself off. He then grabbed a cloth from the bathroom and soaked it in warm water, carefully wringing it out and then wiping her off. He gently kissed her on the cheek and handed her a cool glass of water.

"Drink it baby." She did obediently and wordlessly. He smiled. "Are you ready to go back to your old self?" He asked not really caring what the response was, it was rhetorical. She shook her head. "I have to baby, we need to make sure that that was something you want to do again." She frowned but nodded. "Ok." He then clapped three times.

Carrie was confused for a moment. Then exhausted but so satisfied, the most satisfied she'd been in years. She looked at Sylas.

"My god." She exclaimed. Sylas held his breath waiting. "Can we do that again sometime? Maybe all the time? Jesus. How many times did I finish, three? I've never even finished once, not on my own." Sylas laughed.

"I will do that for you every day if you so desire it darling." Carrie blushed.

"I have the day off tomorrow? Would you... can I...?"

"Please stay darling and we can spend tomorrow together." She smiled.

"Thank you." She said relieved he had taken the pressure off her to ask.

"Now get some sleep and we'll figure everything out tomorrow." Sylas soothed tucking her in.

"Thanks daddy." Carrie whispered as she drifted off.

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UncleFester623UncleFester6235 days ago

Very hot! Need a lot more of this...

AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

HOT! What will she want to do? Tell us!

AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago


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