The Trunk in the Attic Pt. 11

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Caleb solves a mystery, Jan and Etta get together.
10.7k words

Part 11 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/13/2017
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Chapter 24

We said our goodbyes in the driveway and she left for her parents to spend her holiday week with them. When she turned away from the driveway I felt the loss right away but I didn't begrudge her spending time with them.

The house was empty and cold without Jan in it and I had to force myself to do something besides mope around. I did some laundry and while that was doing its thing I picked up around the kitchen and living room. Jan was a very neat person but when you spend most of your time chasing one another around stuff gets left where you drop it. I smiled when I thought how much sex we had and how much we enjoyed it. I thought about all the other things we had done and wondered how we managed to find time out of bed to do them. I started a fire in the fireplace and sat back to enjoy the warmth and cheery crackle and pop of the burning wood.

I fixed my dinner and then looked at the cam files to see if anything had showed up. I didn't see anything so I was relieved that Marie wasn't hiding out somewhere in the house. I let all the cams run except the one in the living room because with me going in and out it was just creating file after file. I would have to remember to set it if I went out and when I went to bed.

The attic cam didn't have any new files since Marie had been here and I wondered what she was doing up there. I had checked when I saw the video file and nothing was missing from the trunk. I had a feeling that she wanted the big book because I thought that she would want the section with the spells in it. That was Jan's and my opinion of what the gibberish was in the second section of the book.

I sat until the fire was just about out and went up to bed. It felt strange to get in an empty bed alone. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

I woke up with a start and realized that Etta had visited me. She had been good while Jan was here and I suppose now that she was gone I was fair game again. I had to admit that I enjoyed her attention and closed my eyes to go back to sleep. I don't know if she came to me again but I had a mess to shower off when I got out of bed in the morning. I had begun to wear boxers so I could keep the effects of Etta away from the sheets, if I didn't I would have to wash sheets every day.

Christmas Eve was here and I went to the Brew Crew for a few beers and some dinner. Pete was his usual jolly self and we joked around with each other in a mostly empty bar. Christmas day was quiet and about four in the afternoon I got a Merry Christmas call from Jan. She was enjoying her time with her parents and she said a bunch of relatives had shown up so it was like it used to be when she was a small child. I told her I was happy that she was having a good time with everyone and asked when she was going to tell them about me.

"I want to tell them everything about you but am scared that my father wouldn't understand our age difference. I may tell mom if I can get her alone after she has had a drink or two, she is always more receptive when she is relaxed. I can ask her what she thinks my dad will think about us. I won't tell her that I have been staying with you but that I am dating you."

"Jan, anytime you want to introduce me to them just let me know. I am not some insecure school kid that is afraid of parents. I am sure I can find some common ground with your dad and you know what a charmer I am with the ladies." I was trying to lighten the mood with that last remark and Jan picked up on it right away.

"Just don't charm her too much, I don't want to share you with her," she laughed as she said that and I could just picture her and her mom tugging on me from opposite directions.

We talked for an hour or so and finally said goodbye so she could rejoin the mini family reunion. I knew when she came back in a few days she would be all wound up with stories about her visit at home.

I had lit the tree and left the presents there so it didn't look so barren. The fireplace had a roaring fire in it and I found some Christmas music on the stereo. I sat back and enjoyed my life and the holiday for the first time in many years.

I got my laptop and said "Merry Christmas Etta" and right away she answered with her own "Merry Christmas Caleb." It was strange but I felt comforted knowing she was always looking after me.

"Thank you for the visit Etta"

"I enjoyed it also Caleb, I missed being with you."

"I am glad you are here with me."

"So am I Caleb."

I didn't say anything else but I knew she was sitting right next to me enjoying the end of our first Christmas together. I didn't know why she would materialize outside the house but didn't here at the house. Maybe she thought it would be too spooky for me if she did it.

I considered taking the Christmas decorations down since the holidays were over but I knew Jan would enjoy them when she got back in a few days so I left them up. I thought about New Year's Eve and I wanted to make it special. I knew the Brew Crew was going to have their annual party but I didn't know if that was where Jan would want to go, maybe I should ask Etta also I thought as I smiled to myself.

The city would have a lot better selection of venues for celebrating. I would ask Jan whet she preferred when we talked later. The house looked pretty good seeing that it was a bachelor pad most of the time. I was pretty neat most of the time but sometimes when I put things away Etta would return them to a place she deemed proper.

I check the pantry and it was getting pretty empty so I guessed a trip to the market was in order. I made a list and headed out the door to do one of my most favorite things to do, yea if I said that enough I would almost believe it.

I was starting to meet people around town and that was the one pleasant thing about going to the store, I would usually run into someone I knew or at least had seen before. Sometimes if I stopped to talk they would introduce me to someone else and if I was going to live around here I would have to become a member of the community. I found everything I wanted and checked out my full cart. I doubled checked my list and thought I should pick up some extra seafood and meat. Returning home I put things away and felt better knowing that the larder was full and I wouldn't have to waste time when Jan got here going to the store.

I checked the camera logs and didn't find anything out of the ordinary. I was becoming comfortable in my house for the first time since I bought it. The only hitch in the equation was Marie because I didn't know what she was up to. If she wanted the books I would give them to her all she had to do was ask. They were rightly hers and as uncomfortable as I was with her having special powers as Etta put it, she could have them if it got her out of my life. If she showed up again I would ask her if she wanted the trunk in the attic. I would talk that idea over with Jan when we talked also. She had a better feel for all this stuff than I did and I respected her opinion.

Winter is a slow time in the northeast, lots of time for reflection and plan making. Jan had given me our intended route for the spring research so I dug out my maps to see what was along the way. I circled the places we had to go and looked at the types of roads we would travel on, there were a lot of little towns along the way and I made a list of them so I could Google them.

I thought I might find something interesting to do as we made our way around the eastern part of the US. As it turned out we could travel in a circle so we didn't have to dead head back from the furthest point. Jan had thought we would criss cross back and forth from point to point but that meant a long drive back from the last contact. I typed an e-mail to Jan that included the new route and asked if that made more sense or did she want to stick to her original for some reason. I included a few other suggestions that she might want to think about when she came back here. I knew she would appreciate the personal thoughtfulness from me.

I don't think it took two minutes when my phone rang and I laughed as I checked the caller ID and answered:

"Hello Jan my love, how is your visit going? I assume you got my e-mail."

"Yes I did get your e-mail smart ass and I will have you know that I have a few suggestions of my own".

We playfully bantered back and forth for a few minutes and I finally got around to asking her about New Year's Eve and she said she would just as soon just stay at home or go to the Brew Crew. I said that was fine with me and I asked what she thought of my thoughts about the trunk and Marie. She agreed that if Marie wanted the trunk I should give it to her. She also thought that maybe she would leave us alone if she got her belongings. I asked if she thought it was Mrs. James that wanted the trunk or was it Marie. I had the feeling that while they shared the same body they were not the same person.

Jan was silent for a few seconds and it seemed like an hour before saying:

"Damn! Caleb I think you hit the nail on the head. Why didn't I think of that? I think you are right, I think that Marie is possessing Mrs. James just like Jessica is doing with Helen. This spirit world that we have found ourselves immersed in gets crazier and crazier as time goes on."

"I know I have said this before but we have to be careful how we handle her. I don't want to upset her and if she wants the book of SPELLS we don't know how she will use them."

I agreed with her and after we had a little phone sex she had a very explicate message for me.

"I will call you when I come thru town. It only takes 7 minutes to get to your front door. I EXPECT YOU TO BE NAKED AND WAITING FOR ME WHEN I GET THERE." And she hung up without waiting for my reply. I guess that the visit with her parents was going good for me, I didn't know about her.

I had a few days to wait until I had to get naked so I decided to look at the book of spells again to see if I could make any sense of it. I also felt it would be good to take pictures of the pages so if we found someone to decipher them we would have copies if we gave the originals to Marie.

I brought the book down to my office and set up my camera up to take pictures of the pages. I had to experiment a little to get away from any glare that might come from lights and also from the light coming from the window. I was able to get images of each page in one frame and before I got too far I downloaded one to my laptop and looked at it on the screen. It was a clear image so I went back to the book and finished taking the twenty or so images. I returned the book to the trunk making sure to repack it properly so I didn't upset Etta.

I went back to the office and downloaded the images to my laptop. I was looking at the images and I noticed one had some faint words on it. I enlarged the image and had to darken it a bit. I was shocked to be able to read the words, they were a strange language but not the gibberish that I had seen before. I realized that all the pages were written backwards so I did a mirror image and looked at it. The page now was readable. I saved that image in a new file and fixed the balance of them saving them also.

I looked at the first page and it seemed to be a description of what followed in the remaining pages. It had some sort of index that told what each page was for. I tried to figure out what each was for but it was in a dialect from the 1600's. I figured a few were for love potions or incantations for love. Another was to help barren women conceive. What I could see there wasn't anything that was evil but I wasn't convinced deep down. I thought I might find something in the local library about the way people talked back then.

Chapter 25

The library opened at 9 am and I was waiting at the door when it was unlocked. The librarian recognized me from my previous visits and asked if she could help me find something. I asked her if they had anything about the way people talked in the 1600"s and she said that they had a few books that showed the translation from Old English to modern day vernacular. I checked the books out and she asked why I was interested in Old English and I told her I found some old documents that I was trying to read. She wished me luck and I left with the books under my arm. I probably could have researched the same thing online but sometimes I like a real book. I find it easier to put bookmarks in a page rather than scrolling back and forth thru an e-book.

I was anxious to show Jan what I had discovered but I wanted to surprise her. I had a few days to try and translate the first page and I didn't know if I wanted to look at the rest of the pages.

The next day I printed the page and settled down with the books I borrowed and started to try to translate the page. I typed the new version into the laptop as I figured out what each word or phrase meant. By the time I broke for lunch I had half the page done and as I had thought the day before the index told the story of the rest of the pages.

I was tired after lunch and sat in my lounge chair to catch the news and maybe take a nap. I was just dozing off when I heard my name being called. I immediately came awake and listened for any other sounds. Not hearing any I went to the laptop and verbally asked: "Etta did you call me?"

"Yes Caleb, I want to warn you that Marie is coming."

"Do you know what she wants."

"She wants you again."

"Can you help me?"

"Don't look her in the eyes. All I can do."

"Thank you Etta."

I hurriedly packed a bag and thought if I was gone than she couldn't put me in a trance like she did before. I was just leaving the driveway when I saw her coming down the road behind me. I sped up and she must have missed me because she wasn't behind me. I drove west toward NY figuring that when she found me gone she might think I was headed for the coast where Jan lived. I stayed on the road for about 60 miles staying off the main roads and found a motel in a small town just across the state line. I got a room, settled in and called Jan's phone.

She answered on the second ring and I told her where I was and why. I didn't want her to go to the house while I was gone because I didn't know if Marie would be waiting for me and Jan would be confronted by her. If we were going to meet with Marie it would be together. We talked for a few minutes and she said she would be at the house day after tomorrow around 10 am. I said to call me when she left home and I would meet her at the house.

I had brought the laptop and my research books with me and occupied my time working on the translation. I was surprised that I finished so quickly and saved my work and put it away for the night.

I called out to Etta before putting the laptop away: "Etta are you with me?"

"Yes I am with you.

"Did Marie try to follow me?"

"No Caleb, she didn't see you when we left."

"Where is she now."

"She has gone back."

"Can I go home tomorrow?"


"Thank you Etta."

I shut down the laptop and went out to find someplace to eat. After dinner I watched TV for a while and went to bed.

Etta visited me during the night and she was particularly demanding leaving me panting when I awoke from her taking me. I got up and cleaned myself smiling when I remembered the wet dreams I had when I was a kid, they were nothing compared to the ones I was having with Etta.

I checked out early and headed for home. I was nervous when I pulled in the driveway expecting to find Marie waiting for me. The driveway was empty and I drove to the garage putting the car away. I let myself in the back door and put my stuff down in the living room. I checked the video log and didn't find any new files. At least Marie didn't come into the house while I was gone. I went to the attic anyway and checked the trunk: everything was there just as I had left it.

I turned on the TV to pass the time and just puttered around the house to keep busy.

Jan called the next morning when she left her parent's house and I told her I was at home and if she called when she was in town I would be ready for her. I laughed and she said she would see who was laughing when she got done with me. I found a big red bow that she had left over from her Christmas wrapping and got some things together to surprise her.

I brought a blanket down and covered the couch. There was plenty of wood inside so I laid a fire so all I had to do was touch it off with a match and we would have a nice warm fire. I knew how long it would take for her to get here so I waited an hour or so before taking off my clothes. It felt great to walk around naked for a change and I thought about springtime when it would be warm enough to stay like this all the time. Jan called when she came thru town and I lay back on the couch, winding some red ribbon around my stiff cock and topping it off with the red bow. I had some music playing as I patiently waited for her arrival.

I heard her car pull in the driveway and my cock twitched in anticipation. She came up on the porch and I wondered what was taking her so long to come in. It was just a minute or less when the door opened and in jumped a naked Jan. She had taken off her clothes on the porch and ran across the living room to unwrap her present. She was laughing as she took the ribbons off my cock and when it was naked in all its glory she sucked me hard and worked to swallow me to the root. I could reach her tits and pulled at her nipples as she sucked me down her throat. I was close to cumming and warned her. She looked me in the eyes and nodded as she sucked me harder. I filled her mouth and she swallowed as I spurted time after time.

She finished up licking me clean and I patted the couch next to me indicating that she should join me. When she came up I kissed her passionately tasting me on her lips. I slid down and kissed and sucked her breasts on my way to her pussy. I licked down one thigh and up the other skipping her pussy for the time being.

She reached down and spread her pussy lips so I could see the pink lining of her cunt. Her little flower was begging to be teased with my tongue and I did a few stabs in the center of it. Her dripping pussy was sweet and tangy just as I remembered. I covered it with my mouth and sucked while licking her wet tunnel. She had pulled her lips apart so her clit was just emerging from under its hood and I bumped it with my nose. She jumped a little and I did it again a few times. She grabbed my head and brought it to her clit. I didn't disappoint her as I sucked it like a little cock. I lashed at it with my tongue and she face fucked me hard as she had her first of many orgasms that afternoon.

I thought she was finally ready and I slid my cock deep in her with a smooth slow stroke. Her eyes opened wide when I bottomed out. I think she forgot that Marie had enhanced my cock when she fucked me but was enjoying the full feeling. She wrapped her legs around me and hung her arms around my neck as I stood up with her impaled on my cock.

I laid her down by the fire and we fucked until we couldn't breathe any more. Jan had cum a number of times and I was still hard as we rested a minute or two. I was still slow stroking her and she was getting aftershocks as my cock teased her pussy. I slid my cock deeper and she took a deep breath as held me deep in her cunt so I couldn't get away. I rolled over on my back and she came with me still impaled on my shaft. She ground her pussy down hard as she had a few more small orgasms.

She slid up and her pussy mashed down on my mouth. I could taste her cum mixed with mine as I cleaned her out with my tongue. The fire had died down a bit and the cool air down on the floor mixed with our sweat gave us a chill. We got up and I put a few more logs on the fire to warm us up. I got a warm wash cloth so we could clean up and rested holding each other close. We took a nap in each other's arms and peace had come to this old house.