The Twelve Tables


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Checking her reflection she grimaced, her breasts were too large to go without a bra, but she noted the nipples sat up high, so they looked perky on the full, round globes. The silk blouse caressed her breasts, making her feel even more uncomfortable about not wearing a bra. But after the lovely dinner and the unexpected invitation she genuinely didn't want to disappoint him.

She walked out into the living room and realised Andie was not looking happy, "Oh I agree whole heartedly, Andie. There's a lot to be said for age and experience, but I am not a young stud out to sow his wild oats and learn the ropes so to speak. So you need to back off already," Josh's voice was hard.

"Oh, Andie, You promised!" Peri was overjoyed that for once a man she thought she liked didn't fall into Andie's bed. But she was also heart broken that her mother would try to do it again. She sighed resigned to life with Andie and walked to the door, "Don't say anything," Peri looked at her mother sadly, "I have heard it all before," and she walked out.

They drove in silence. Heading into the shadier side of the city and Josh pulled up at a warehouse. It was brightly lit, and she could see people milling around the entrance, waiting. She stepped out of the car when he opened the door and offered his hand. Even in the heels, he dwarfed her. Not just his height but he was solidly built. She didn't feel so chubby as she stood behind him when they stopped close to the entrance, and no one knew she was there until he pulled her forward having his name checked on the list, "Josh Craig plus one."

They walked in and he spoke cheerfully, "There are five artists exhibiting tonight. Let's see what they have to offer." Josh introduced her to many people as they walked around and she stood quietly at his side smiling and not saying much. Photography, digital art, painting, sketches and sculpture, each artist brought their own unique slant to erotica, from fairytale romance to hardcore BDSM, something for everyone so to speak. Some of the artwork was so explicit Peri felt she was witnessing extraordinarily intimate and sometimes painful moments, her over active imagination feeding her recent fantasies as she became lost in a collection entitled, 'Bound'.

Josh lowered his head to her ear, "You like the idea of this, don't you?" Her eyes looked back up at the photo. The girl in the picture was blindfolded and bound by her wrists to a rough stone wall facing her tormentor blindly. Legs wide showing wet thighs, the tormentor held a candle over the wax covered breasts, a single drip caught in motion. Josh slid his hand over her shoulder to caress her breast, making her let out an involuntary squeak. "Still sore after your scalding today?" He murmured hotly in her ear.

Peri shook her head, blushing deeply, but found herself arching her back slightly and pulling her shoulders back, wanting to feel more of his hand. She continued to gaze at the picture. "Lovely," he whispered into her ear and kept his hand draped over her shoulder playing with her nipple as they walked to the next one. While not aggressive like Andie, Peri enjoyed sex and the man standing beside her fondling her in public view made her feel extremely sexy in a naughty way. She hoped, even though she knew she shouldn't get involved with her boss, that he would take her home tonight.

"Ah there is Charles. I wanted to run into him tonight," Josh waved over an older distinguished looking gentleman. Peri smiled shyly at him as he came closer, "Charles, this is Peri."

"Hello, Peri," Charles smiled in her direction before looking her up and down in a decidedly overt way, "Nice Josh, new girl..." again a strange pause occurred, "friend?"

"Not yet," Josh replied, "but I do have one for you if you're up for a challenge."

"I do love a battle of wills. Let's grab a drink, and you can tell me of this challenge," there was a gleam in Charles eye and smirk in place as he led them to the bar.

She took the glass of champagne offered to her with a whispered "Thank you," as she mused over the introduction to this man. That was the second time she had heard that conversation today, New girl? The pause before the word friend and the corresponding answer, not yet.

Her reverie was interrupted momentarily as Peter Lee appeared in front of her frowning. "You should be home in bed little red, not here drinking champagne and looking at porn with the big bad wolf."

Peri grinned, "I just can't seem to say no to him, or you for that matter, did the tests come back fine?"

"Yes, you're a healthy specimen," he smiled at her.

Josh turned from his murmured conversation with Charles, "Pete! Great, look after her for a moment would you." He placed her hand into Pete's almost symbolically and walked a few paces away with Charles.

Pete smiled at her, and they made small talk, about how they each knew Josh. Pete's humour made her giggle and relax with him once again.

Pete sighed as Josh returned, "Take her home to bed, Josh, or I will. She is worn out."

"If you insist Pete," Josh picked her up and cradled her in his arms, "Hear that! Doctor's orders, I get to take you to bed," he chuckled, and she squeaked when he picked her up and strode out of the warehouse.

"I can walk, put me down," Peri squirmed in his arms, but he merely threw her over his shoulder and smacked her ass several times as she gasped without much conviction, "Ow, hey!"

Carrying the buxom girl over his shoulder, her plump ass bouncing under the smacks he gave her, Josh knew he wanted her tonight. He knew he wanted her his way, not like those half hearted fucks he got from the bimbo's he normally had one night stands with. This girl appealed to him on so many levels, and he wanted to see the sexual energy he knew they could have together. He just hoped he was right and that her needs matched his.

Opening the car door he strapped her into the seatbelt again his hand grabbing a breast tightly, looking deeply into her eyes. "You have been a delightful surprise today," his eyes twinkled. Peri whimpered not struggling at all as his hand squeezed her breast cruelly. When he let her go she breathed deeply not realising she had held her breath. Encouraged, Josh undid the buttons of her blouse and pulled it open letting it hang loosely from her shoulders. "Don't move," he growled as he closed her door and got into the car. Josh pulled the car out of the car space and sped back toward the city lights.

Peri was horny now and even though Josh's actions surprised her. She felt all her pent up arousal boil up to the surface. Her face was hot, and she knew coloured deeply but she wasn't sure if it was just from the arousal she felt for him or the fact that her breasts were exposed for any who looked into the car to see.

I have been watching you scurry around the office over the last few weeks like a shy little mouse. Dressing like a frumpy old woman, trying to blend into the back ground, I knew you would be a hot little bitch under that quiet librarian like exterior. Taking her hand he put it on his crotch as he drove and groaned, "You and those perky breasts did that to me, sexy bitch." Rather than pulling her hand away she massaged his cock through the material of his pants looking up at him through her hair. He quickly undid the button and fly shoving her hand inside his pants. "Take it out and stroke my cock for me," it was a command and wrapping her fingers around the hardening flesh she pulled him free of his pants.

His cock felt so hot in her hand, and she looked down into the dim illumination from the instrument panel only to see the large and red helmet of his cock head. Veins protruding as it's girth extended hardening more as she stroked him freeing his cock from his underwear. She squirmed hotly in her seat, "Rub that hot little pussy with the other hand, let me see what a bad, bad, girl you really are," Josh's voice was deeper and breathy as he spoke.

'He was right,' she thought, 'I am being bad, but it feels so good. It's what I need and what I want right now.' Her hand delved down ripping holes in her pantyhose. She pulled her panties aside, and she stroked her clit in time with the stroking of his cock. She was panting in heat and need when they finally pulled into his parking garage.

Reaching forward and pushing his seat back he clicked the button on her seatbelt and lifted her pulling her to his lap and impaling her on his cock. "Oh yeah," he groaned, "Fuck me, you slutty bitch." His hand released the seat back, and he reclined half way down as she began to rise and fall on him.

He slapped her ass several times as she rode him and Peri squealed in delight, "More," she begged, "more!"

Surprised by her begging, he reached up and grabbed her breasts milking at them with hard strokes pulling the nipples out from her body and twisting them to hear her cry out. "Fuck me harder bitch," her eyes were glassy and she bucked, pounding down onto him. Her long hair flew around her as he slapped and mauled her breasts roughly. He was close, and he wanted her to cum with him, he growled, "Cum with me! You're such a bad girl. You look so innocent but fuck like a cock starved nymphomaniac. Cum with me!" Josh roared at her, and her mind twisted as her body shook uncontrollably. Driving down onto him, her hips rocked as the muscles inside her clamped with spasms around his spurting cock.

She was wobbling as her eyes closed, her breathing ragged. He picked her up and forced her backward to the small space in front of his seat. Bringing her head forward he pressed her face to his groin, "Now clean up the mess you made dirty bitch," he sighed in pleasure as he felt her tongue lap out at his cum soaked groin. Letting her up finally he opened his car door and stood up putting his cock away.

Reaching down he grabbed her hand and helped her from the car. He gently did up the buttons of her top and smoothed her hair. "There you go my innocent looking girl. Now let's get you to bed shall we?"

Peri smiled up at him. She had needed that fuck, hard and rough as it was, "Wow," she whispered, "I have never been so horny. Can we do it again?"

Josh smacked her ass hard and grinned at her, "What a delightfully naughty slut you turned out to be."


Peri woke slowly from a deep exhausted sleep taking in the unfamiliar surroundings of Josh Craig's bedroom and a consistent beeping. 'Oh shit,' she thought, 'What have I done?' Sliding from the bed she wrapped the sheet around her and went in search of the beeping. She found her clothes neatly folded on a chair in the bedroom with her purse and phone lying on top.

She picked up her beeping phone, and turned the alarm off having not remembered setting it. She checked her messages, several from Andie which she ignored for now, and one from Josh.

The apartment was eerily quiet as she padded to the bathroom while reading the message. He had left for an early meeting and would be back to collect her by nine. Peri quickly showered and redressed, discarding her ripped pantyhose and rinsing out her filthy panties hoping the flimsy fabric would dry enough in an hour to be wearable again.

The apartment, far from the palatial palace she had imagined he would live in, was compact and serviceable. 'He obviously did not spend much time here,' she thought. She poked around in the kitchen coming up with a breakfast bar and a glass of juice and went into the living to wait. Picking up a large book from the coffee table she thumbed through it looking at pictures and titles not looking too closely at the actual text. Peri realised it was a family history of sorts. It was out of sequence and appeared incomplete and she turned back to the cover, curiously.

The beautiful leather cover was bare of both author or title so she turned to the first page of print and read the page that had clearly been edited more than once, confirming her thoughts that this was a manuscript in progress.

The Law of the Twelve Tables (Latin: Leges Duodecim Tabularum or, informally, Duodecim Tabulae) was the ancient legislation that stood at the foundation of Roman law. The Law of the Twelve Tables formed the centrepiece of the constitution of the Roman Republic and the core of the mos maiorum (custom of the ancestors).

The Twelve Tables came about as a result of the long social struggle between patricians and plebeians. After the expulsion of the last king of Rome, Tarquinius Suberbus, the Republic was governed by a hierarchy of magistrates. Initially only patricians were eligible to become magistrates and this, among other plebeian complaints was a source of discontent for plebeians. In the context of this unequal status, plebeians would take action to secure concessions for themselves using the threat of secession. They would threaten to leave the city with the consequence that it would grind to a halt, as the plebeians were Rome's labour force. One of the most important concessions won in this class struggle was the establishment of the Twelve Tables, establishing basic procedural rights for all Roman citizens as against one another.

Peri stood up to take her glass back to the kitchen and check her panties, bringing them back with her. They were still damp and she lay them on the arm of the couch as she picked up the manuscript again. Absolutely engrossed Peri continued to read not watching the time.

During the early 1800's twelve rich and powerful men from across Italy travelled to Rome. They had participated in the defeated revolts against the despotic rulers of Modena, Naples, Venice, Milan, Bologna, Rome and other cities. Drawn together by dealings in business and pleasure, they discovered within each other like minded patrician sentiment and a reverence for the customs of their ancestors. Each had established the power of the pater familias within the community of his own extended familia. He held legal privilege over the property of the familia, and varying levels of authority over his dependents: these included his wife and children, certain other relatives through blood or adoptions, clients, freedmen and slaves.

Each of the twelve men bore the name Esposito or a variant of it. In ancient times the surname was given to children who were abandoned or given up for adoption and handed over to an orphanage and each man had traced his origins back to a noble and distinguished family and a slave girl. The text went on to list the families and regions their estates lay in and Peri felt her eyebrows raise at some of the names listed.

Each family had agreed to send a younger son, his wife and a body of slaves to the new British Colony to set up a new seat of power for the table of twelve they had created. The Sons would regain their lost family names for their travel documents leaving behind the tainted label of Esposito and the legacy of a bastard ancestor. In 1883, with the successful migration of the families younger sons to the new America's fifty years before, the treaty between Italy and the British Isles allowing citizens of both countries to travel an work freely within each others states set the wheels in motion for immigration of the fore runners of the families to the new colony, Australia.

A new generation of younger sons could forge their way as pater familias and bring success to the Twelve tables from yet another land. This would safe guard the families against the near extinction they had suffered during the revolts against the Austrian French and swiss usurpers of their lands. In the not so distant past.

Peri heard the door open and looked up as Josh came in. Placing the book carefully on the table she uncurled her feet and stood smiling. "Hi. How was your meeting?"

Returning her smile Josh looked her over remembering the passionate and exciting sex of the night before. She had seemed insatiable as they come up to the apartment and he had fucked her hard until they both passed out from exhaustion. Seeing her voluptuous curves in the red and black outfit made him want her again and his smile widened. He closed the distance between them and bent his head, "You look very," he paused searching for the right word. His mouth curved into a smirk and he murmured, "fuckable," his mouth taking hers in a deep kiss.

"I am not really sure this is the right outfit for work," she whispered blushing. His hand had travelled up her thigh and was caressing her naked ass.

"You could be right, I am finding it very distracting and I believe we will be late to the office this morning," he had walked her back until she was pressed against the wall. At a distinct height advantage he towered over her lifting his hand to unbutton her blouse, his lips finding hers again.

Peri melted against him. Last night had been incredible and she wanted more. Her hands reached out blindly for his belt fumbling with nervous fingers. They stripped each other, hands fondling and caressing sensitive skin as the kiss deepened and went on leaving them both breathless. He pulled back stepping back to gaze at her with hungry eyes. In the light of day Peri's insecurities rose again and she demurely put an arm over breasts and a hand to cover her pussy.

He saw her move and sternly said, "Arms down. I want to look at you. Don't you know how fucking sexy you are?" Josh was staring intently at her as she slowly lowered her hands. She had large firm tits with high perky nipples and wide hips that carried a soft rounded ass high above tapering legs. Her frumpy clothes had made her seem chubby but he could see there was no fat on her buxom figure. She was short and stacked and his cock hardened more as he looked at her. "Who knew the shy frumpy research librarian would be such a sex kitten.

Blushing deeply she gazed back at him. She didn't know how she had got to this point but she thanked the gods for the Adonis that stood before her with his huge hard cock pointing at her. He was classically handsome, dark hair, startling blue eyes, a thatch of dark curly hair across his chest which led down in a small thin trail past his naval to his groin. She noted that he kept his pubic hair short and this made his cock look even bigger as he stroked it gently. Unable to stand the scrutiny anymore it was her turn to close the distance and she stepped forward suddenly, in a rush almost and knelt at his feet wrapping her lips around his cock.

"Oh yeah," Josh groaned stroking her hair his hips rocking gently. She was not very experienced and had no real technique but Josh enjoyed the fervour with which she sucked him. He could feel her need and arousal rather than the jaded bimbo's who went through the motions until they could get off themselves.

Tugging on her hair he pulled her up to him and guided her back to the couch. Sitting he made her straddle his hips and impaled her on his cock. Grasping her ass cheeks in both hands he guided her as she rose and fell on him, watching mesmerised as her breasts bounced before his eyes.

Peri was panting and whimpering hotly as she worked her thigh muscles to fuck with him. Moving suddenly he rolled to his side pinning her to the couch underneath him. Josh pulled her legs up over his shoulders and began pounding into her hard and fast. She cried out and bucked her hips to his thrusts as she felt the pressure inside her build.

Lost in the pleasure he gave her, Josh lifted a hand to her throat and circled it tightly, her eyes widened and as his fingers gripped her tighter she came on his cock, "Fuck yes!" he roared and she felt him drive deeply into her and his cock pulse within her shaking body.

His grip loosened but his hand stayed around her throat as he collapsed heavily on top of her. Peri breathed deeply and closed her eyes. If anyone had told her yesterday morning that she would be lying here like she would have called them a fool. She had believed him a selfish arrogant control freak, and while she wasn't sure she had changed her mind, she now looked at those qualities in him in a totally new way.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The sex was hot hot hot.

The lead up was... Not my thing. I get that it's fiction, but josh crosses sooooo many boundaries - asshole at work, creepy sex history assignments, controlling her medical care (!!!) - it ruined my suspension of disbelief and I was rooting for her to tell him to fuck off and then sue his ass for sexual harassment.

It's like two stories that don't fit comfortably together: #1 the story of a Peri's awful awful boss, and #2 the story of Peri having hot sex

HiFrancHiFrancover 2 years ago

I’m confused about where it’s set — the term National Trust suggests the UK but the casual acceptance that medical care would require billing suggests another country.

Bondagelover_13Bondagelover_13over 3 years ago

I'm with cf12. Just started re-reading the table series. Haven't been on literotica in a while and figured what better place to start. Hope you are doing well and get back to writing.

Go1angelGo1angelover 3 years ago
Enjoying your story

I really like your story line. It has kept me interested. I don’t think he would talk to her as crudely this early in their relationship but it is fiction. So keep up the writing.

cf12cf12almost 4 years ago

We all miss you and your writing Ellie! Hope you are doing well. I figured I would start at the beginning of the table story re-reading all of them again and then move over to reread Bella. We understand if you needed to take a break from writing but please let us know if you are doing ok health wise in this crazy world. We all hope to hear from you soon!

gmichellegmichelleover 4 years ago
Has potential, needs work.

I realize you've written many stories since this one, so I hope they improve from here. The dialogue in this chapter is cringe-worthy and the writing is rushed. It's a weak attempt at a Fifty Shades re-write. Even so, the story is enjoyable. I hope to see more character development as it continues.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Seriously - you should get your stories published, self-published if necessary. Your stories (and I've read quite a few) are better than 90% of the erotica I've paid money for on Kindle. Kudos!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Newest fan

I am working my way through your series after finishing Bella you have become my daily go to... please don't stop writing... ever... you make my world a better one!

Theakston58Theakston58about 7 years ago
So talented...

I just recently finished the "Bella" series and loved them all. I was actually sad to see them end. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy another story line of your's as much but here I am, and this story is great. I'm quite envious of your talents but also happy to enjoy them and regale you with the praise you definitely deserve. I'm a fan.


MLavioletteMLavioletteover 7 years ago

mmmmmmmmm...very nice. Can't wait to see how he turns her into his hot little submissive. :)

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