The Wedding Ch. 08

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Deceptions at the Reception...
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Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/20/2020
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The Wedding

(Patti Cake part 3)

Chapter 8 -- Deceptions at the Reception...

"Now then, if everyone is in agreement and there are no persons here who find this couple unfit for marriage... By the powers invested to me by God and the State... Patti and Dale... I hear by pronounce you as husband -- and wife... Dale -- you may kiss the bride..."


It was like I was in a dream and this wasn't happening, but it was real and as I turned to look at Patti and kiss my new bride, my wife -- this was very much indeed happening... But then I almost laughed out loud when she broke all the tension, looking back at me and giving me googly-eyes and scrunching up her face, like she was trying to look hideous, or ugly -- tittering and trying not to laugh, I stifled myself enough to lean and kiss my new bride, my Patti Cake -- my wife!

"Yaay-Heeey..." The gathering behind us erupted, with everyone standing, cheering and clapping as Patti, taking the lead from me, she all but attacked me, pulling me to her and kissing me hard and nearly knocking me off balance.

"Mmmmfff... Ummm!" I moaned into her mouth as she held me to her, kissing me and taking control with my head clasped in her hands.

"Congratulations Gabby... I love you so much... Can you believe it? We're married..!" Patti said to me then as she held my face in her hands, smiling and to be honest, no -- no I couldn't believe it... Patti and I -- we were married and it was all so surreal... Dream come true stuff that never, ever happens to a guy like me...

"I -- I love you too Patti... Oh gosh I can't describe it, this is amazing... I'm so... I'm so happy..." I said back to her feeling light headed and taking her hands in mine as we stood together at the altar, just looking and being with each other, never mind all of the guests standing there watching us, it didn't matter, we could have been on a deserted island and I would have been just as happy.

"Yes... You are indeed husband and wife... However we do still need to sign the marriage certificates... Then you'll be officially married..." The minister lady said to us breaking our solitary moment, wrapped in so much joy, pointing and ushering us down the aisle and past the cheering guests.

Skipping too much eye contact I kept my head down as we made our way with several people tossing bird seed at us -- instead of the old fashioned confetti that left a huge mess -- at least this way, the birds were fed as they cleaned up the seeds.

Lovely idea, but I wasn't too big on being pelted with the stuff as we made our way back to where our purple theme golf cart awaited...

Riding up to the house I felt nervous knowing that we were headed there, not just to sign our marriage certificates but also, this is where I thought the 'after-ceremony' would commence...

And I wasn't wrong...

With the lot of us arriving and entering the house I wasn't surprised to see that in our golf cart, the lead cart -- there was Patti, my Mom and me... But then oddly, coming up behind us in the second cart, instead of it being people like my Uncle John or Darren, instead it was Carol, Sally and Ms. Walsh and then stranger than this was seeing the minister lady with them as well, probably tagging along to witness the marriage certificate -- I thought --or hoped anyway...

However, it wasn't until we arrived and all stepped out when I realized I was the only male, I was surrounded by all of the women... Unable to think really, I was ushered in by the arms with Mom on one side and Patti, my beautiful bride on the other.

Entering the parlour we headed over to where I recognized the big barber's chair still sitting off where it was during my make-over. Only now however, it looked different...

"Come this way Gabby, I'm sure you know what's happening don't you..?" Mom asked as she and Patti escorted me and over towards the fireplace area where the chair was set up but now it was draped with a pure white sheet and beside it sat a medical tray, that like everything else in this house, it too was on wheels.

"I -- I think so, but do we... Do we have to do this? I mean can't I just wear like, you know..? A regular ring..? On my finger?" I plead feeling very nervous with the pair of them stopping and turning me in front of the chair, ready to sit me down and pierce my little dickie... Like with the enema earlier that morning, the effects were the same, suddenly I felt ill -- nearly sick to my stomach...

"Come on baby, you know I want you to do this, not just for me, but for us... I want this to be a part of who we are and of course Gabby... I want this to be a part of who you are..." Patti began, bargaining some but not really, she was just playing the nice-cop for the time being.

"And I promise..." She continued... "I promise you baby, it won't hurt much, and Sally, she'll use the numbing agent, it will make your type of piercing the Ampallang, it will make it go much easier... Trust me baby, I want you to be one of us -- and this will truly make you part of the family --and definitely a part of me..."

"Wait -- what..?" I said back not sure if I had heard her right. However by now and with every woman in my life present, my Mom had my trousers down exposing my stockings and panties to the room, to everyone's eyes. I was mortified but still, my bigger worry in question had still gone unanswered.

"Sit back baby, this will all be over soon enough, just relax and go with it... That's what I did, that's what we all did...Tell him Jen... Tell him how even you joined us when we were in Vegas..." Patti said to me and as well, turning her attention to my Mom, letting me now that she too... That she -- my Mom -- she had been pierced as well...

Shocked, my eyes went to hers as she looked back to me smiling while helping me out of my tuxedo pants altogether...

"Mom? Really? You too..?" I questioned not believing she would go that far but then again, with the way both of our lives had been turning out, I shouldn't have been so surprised...

"Yes darling, I've had my hood pierced as well, just like Patti and Carol... I won't lie to you, it hurt some but -oh... It hurt in such a GOOD way... If you know what I mean..?" Mom said back to me, confirming that she too had a ring through her clit just like Patti, Carol -and soon... Oh God! At any moment, I was to join them...

And that's when I remembered what she had said earlier... What I'd thought I'd heard Patti saying that had made me nervous, very nervous...

"But you said... Everyone said I was just having the -- the Flemon piercing..? Not the Amplang or whatever they're called..." I cried back, getting the names wrong again as Mom stood there with Patti, settling me back into the big, sheet-covered barber's chair that once I was in it this time, it felt different, I was set back much farther, reclined and with my feet elevated.

"They're called a 'Frenum' piercing and an 'Ampallang'..." Sally offered then, correcting me as she came into the picture, sitting on a rolling stool and pushing over with her the medical tray, its table-top contents hidden under a white cloth.

"Ladies, I think we are going to need the stirrups, so if you could? Like I showed you..?" Sally added then, sounding rather clinical as Mom and Patti, looking like they knew what to do, like this was rehearsed or something, they lifted the cloth veil from each side of the big leather-bound chair and moved up into position two metal foot stirrups with each making a loud metallic 'clang' as they locked into place.

"Yes, I know we did say that baby, but after thinking about it for a long, long time I've changed my mind... I want to go with the piercing I know will keep you much safer and much more secure..." Patti said to me, answering my question, but it still made no sense to me, nor did any of this really but there was no way out... There never was a way out...

"It's true, Gabby, this piercing, the Ampallang is considerably more invasive than a simple skin piercing, like with the Frenum..." Sally added explaining more as she rolled herself and her cart in closer. Putting on rubber gloves while Mom and Patti, each holding a leg, they set my feet into the stirrups.

"The penis, all of it... It is an organ of the human body...So it must be dealt with very carefully and also, that's what will make escape impossible... Well, at least not without a trip to the ER and a lot of very painful scarring, not to mention the ugly disfigurement you'll have to live with for the rest of your life..."

Hearing Sally telling me the difference, and lining it all with such horror stories -- it wasn't helping me much considering the fact I was to be getting the second type of piercing... The one that would go through the head of my little dickie... and if I didn't already... Oh God -- did I ever feel like I was about to hurl my breakfast...

"Do you have the key for his old cage? We can't really do this with that cheap plastic thing on him..." Sally asked as she began to unwind the two small pearl strings Mom had adorned my cage with prior to getting dressed.

Looking up to Patti and my Mom as she spoke and also where for the first time, I too let my eyes come up looking to each of them but also, quickly, I let my eyes scan around to see all of these older, mature woman looking down on me with big bright excited smiles on their faces... I couldn't imagine what they must have been thinking, and that went especially so for the minister lady -- the women of God who had just married Patti and I not ten minutes earlier...

"Here, I have his key..." Mom chirped up then, fishing around inside of her little clutch bag, finding and handing over the small set of keys to Sally and how she came into possession of the two keys, God only knows with these women. They were probably handed off from Carol to my Mom as they switched place on me first thing that morning while being woken up, half confused and still dreaming.

"Patti, you do the honours of letting him out and Jen, you can rub him down with the antiseptic once he's free... It won't take long after that..." Sally began again, explaining further just what was going to happen and from what I was hearing, I wasn't feeling any more assured about anything... By this point I was scared and could feel myself shaking.

"The piercing goes quick, but I will warn you, even with the freezing there may be a little blood so don't freak out... And that goes for you too Gabby-girl... Once we get this little clitty of yours pierced and sorted like your Mommy and your 'sisters' Patti and Carol, we can lock you up for a good long time..." Sally added sounding a bit derisive again, being condescending as she turned to unveil her try full of tools and from what I could see, there sat my new, shiny-chrome coloured chastity cage.

However and thankfully for the time being, my attention was distracted upon hearing and feeling Patti unlocking my current 'cheap' chastity cage, as Sally had said -- and judging by the looks of the cage awaiting me on the medical try..? Compared to this clear-plastic model... It seemed I was moving up to the big leagues...

"Ohhh..." I sighed enjoying and relishing this feeling of freedom again as the last piece of the backing ring was pulled from under my hairless ball sack, the relief- although however temporary, it was still wonderful to be 'out' for any amount of time.

Smiling at me Patti took my hand as Mom wiped me down with the cool, but lovely feeling antiseptic wipes...

"Be brave for me baby..." Patti began... "You'll see how good things are going to be for us... Trust me 'husband' I know what's best for you... We all know what's best for you -and remember... We're all here for you too... Aren't we ladies..?" She went on, emphasizing that I'm her husband now. But also, she was speaking to the rest of the room, with each woman offering and giving their enthusiastic approval, and none more so than the ever present and always inquisitive -- Ms. Walsh...

"We are very proud of you Gabby... This is all so very fascinating, you don't mind if I film this on my phone do you..?" She asked, standing a step back already holding up the device and capturing everything as we went along.

"No, you go right ahead, I'm sure this will be great for your research... And don't worry; we'll also be coming to see you at your townhouse... Your counselling has been wonderful so please, film everything..." Patti answered, giving Ms. Walsh her permission to record my being pierced... My 'joining the girl's' in having my 'clitty' pierced -and doing so all in the name of her so called studies in human behaviour...

Which I didn't buy -- not entirely... Not by the way she had me eating and licking her hairy pussy the last time we were together, during what I was now learning was but our 'first' counselling session with Ms. Walsh, my former English teach from school, turned clinical sex-psychologist -and all around deviant if you ask me...

"You'll need to move him forward... Hey Gabby girl, scoot your ass up here, I need better access...That's it, you're being very good... Now ladies... I'm just about ready when you are..." Sally instructed, telling me to move up for her...

Not really thinking of what I was doing, aiding and helping in my own demise, I followed her direction scooting my rear end up near the edge of the chair, with my knees bending more in the stirrups and my ass -opening up, revealing not only all of my softened, frightened little dickie, but also the purple-gemmed butt-plug still residing deep within my bowels.

Or well...It felt that deep, but still it was there and on view, exposed and no doubt glimmering in the light... There and out with my naked, hairless and shrivelled up dickie, not even looking like what it was -- or nothing like what a 'real' man would possess as far as 'cocks' are measured...

"Boy you are a small one, but still we need to use a larger gauge for this type of piercing, it has to be deep enough not to tear through at any time, so unfortunately Gabby, this may hurt a little more than I was thinking..." Sally began, explaining as she turned back to her little table.

"But never mind, you shouldn't feel too much and also, I'm using a urethral insert first..." Sally went on but hearing her I was a bit lost with her lingo.

"It's called a 'sounding rod' or in this case, it's really just a pin..." She continued with her head turned, fiddling with something on her tray.

"Watch as I do this, and remember to breathe... This won't hurt but it may feel strange because I haven't used any of the numbing agent yet -- and don't worry, I'll use plenty before we get down to business..." She added, but still, I didn't quite get it...

Watching and listening, I felt outside of myself again as Sally went on instructing and telling me what she was doing as she came back from her tray-table holding a small, silvery looking 'pin'... It was about two-inches long and was tapered, growing wider until it reached a larger metal ball situated at its end.

I didn't know what the hell she was going to do with it... Until of course...

"Oh..!" I called out in surprise... "Why are you putting it there..?" I asked, wriggling in my seat with the weird, strange and somewhat uncomfortable feeling with this thing going into me... gritting my teeth, it was just my nerves getting the better of me as Sally, after squeezing out a glob of lube onto the pin, she held me in her fingers to slide in this 'sounding' thing -- this little steel pin -- she pushed the thing into the end of my little dickie, inserting it as she had said, into my urethra, the pee-tube inside me.

"We need this inserted Gabby so that when I pierce you, it won't go through your urethra, this will keep you safe and the needle will skip right over the top, and that's what we want... Now relax a second, breathe and get used to it, I know it must feel strange but you're not hurt, you're fine..." Sally told me, trying to reassure me and tell me that I'd be much better off having this slight inconvenience rather than to have my penis permanently damaged -- lest of course I flinch at the wrong time and fuck this all up on my own...

Full of so much nervous anticipation, I held my breath and unconsciously pulled my stomach muscle tight, looking and watching as Sally had the entire two inches of the pin inside of me with just the round, metal ball left sticking out... There with the pin inserted into me and big enough to prevent the whole thing from disappearing inside... Something else I was sort-of happy about, if it meant anything at this point.

It was cold comfort at best, but I did understand Sally's reasoning and as I calmed myself some, she was right, I could hardly feel the thing stuck into the end on my soft little dickie. It was a bit heavy though, pulling my lifeless nub of flesh downward, resting on my pink skinned ball sack.

"There we go, that went in nice and easy...And we have ice waiting too, don't' we ladies..? Sally added as she leaned in taking my shrivelled up dickie into her thumb and fore-finger, sliding back some of the loose skin to get a better look at her intended target now that she had the sounding pin where she wanted it during the procedure...

"Yes... I have the ice packs here, ready and waiting along with the uhh -- other thing..." Carol chimed in this time, telling Sally that she did have an ice pack ready but also, she shied away from saying something else... However, like everything else, whatever it was, at the moment... Carol and ice packs were the least of my worries...

"I -- I don't know about this any more... I mean it sounds kind of... Uhh! Oh that's cold..!" I called then, after starting to complain but Sally, paying no heed she poured what had to be a half bottle of disinfectant over me, the alcohol based stuff smelling strong and feeling super cold as it hit my skin, leaving me gasping with an inward sounding "Ahhhggg..." like I'd been doused with a glass of cold water...

"Do you want me to gag him..?" Patti asked, turning to look at Sally as I in turn, looking confused and amazed, I looked to Patti, thinking where on Earth did she come up with this..? Gag me..?

"That might be a good idea, sorry Gabby... But you seem like you might be a screamer so... Yes Patti, go ahead and stuff something in his mouth, unless of course Gabby you want the rest of the wedding guests outside to hear you and maybe figuring out what we're doing in here? Other than signing documents that is..."

Sally was surprising me... She was stunningly gorgeous and she seemed so nice and knowledgeable, doing my hair and nails the night before --it had been fun -but now? Now she was being all authoritative and telling Patti to gag me, because she feels that I'm a 'screamer'..?

All I could think was well, damn! Yeah I'm a screamer... Who wouldn't be once some woman sticks a big, thick needle through the head of his dick..? I'd say I have every right to be a screamer!

With Patti unceremoniously and rather openly lifting up her dress, she stepped out of my eye-line for a second but then, the next thing I knew, my mouth, it was being opened and stuffed with her body-warm, fragrant -purple panties...

She had found her gag alright and as I gasped, getting used to -and breathing in her scent, I couldn't help but feel the added burn of humiliation hitting me when from somewhere behind me, over my shoulder I heard Ms. Walsh saying "Oh that's so sexy..." as she was no doubt filming Patti stuffing her panties into my mouth... My eye as wide as saucers, full of panic, I must have looked just as terrified as I most certainly felt...

After smoothing out her dress Patti rejoined Mom at my sides and with the rest of the women gathered around here and there, they we're all quiet with me being the only one to make any sound, droning out an uncomfortable and near continuous moan emanating from behind Patti's make-shift panty gag.