The Wedding Ch. 08


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Getting myself straightened out with the removal of my plug, I was soon up and washing my hands before smoothing down my skirt and making sure I looked okay before the three of us headed back out to join everyone -- and with the music playing, I supposed it was time for Patti and I to have our first dance...

"Okay you two, let's get back in there, Dale -- I mean Gabby... You look great and I'm so very proud of you and you too my new daughter-in-law... I'm so happy for the two of you and please, if I ever doubted you way back when I'm sorry, I guess sometimes I'm not such a good judge of character..." Mom said to us, oddly getting my name wrong, but mostly she was speaking to Patti as they sheared this emotional moment with the two of them hugging and even, as they parted, they held each other at the waist, looking into each other's eye before they kissed -- and not just any kiss either...

"Oh my God -and here I was worried about Uncle John stealing you away from me when it turns out the one I should be worried about is my own Mother..!" I said to them as they parted, both still standing in each other's arms looking at me and smiling.

"Oh getting jealous all of a sudden are we? I know all about your night with Carol and before that where the three of you were all hot and heavy, even letting Darren have his way with you -- again..." Patti came back countering but she wasn't angry, just throwing it back at me and of course, I had no defence other than feeling stupid and once more feeling that I should know better by now.

Re-entering the parlour, I held my breath again, I felt better with the throbbing pain in my dickie subsiding, the icing down and now that he was sort-of out, the air did feel good. And as well, wearing a skirt complete with my stockings and my shoes, I didn't feel as frightened, but still I was on my guard.

After being handed a drink and with Mom and Patti leaving me, going off and engaging other people, I oddly found myself temporarily alone and lost amongst the crowd...

But not for long...

"Hey little buddy, come over here, I've just met your friends from work, Cindy and Mark, come over and say hi..."

Hearing my name and looking over towards the side entrance to the big room -- the Parlour, there was Darren waving at me and smiling then pointing to Cindy and Mark as they stood with him, also smiling back at me and I thought... "Oh Christ, here we go..."

I don't know why I was so afraid of Cindy, I mean she was way under me in work and I could have even had her terminated that day but I was afraid to, I was afraid of her but I never knew why. Maybe I just saw her as a busy-body know-it-all that came across rather smug, but as I was to find out, like with Carol... I had Cindy marked all wrong...

"Oh uh... Hi... Hi Cindy and -ahh... Mark... Sorry I haven't had a chance to talk much I've been kind of -umm busy..." I said to the pair of them as I stepped nearer, while taking some refuge half standing behind one of the wing-back chairs, using it as my cover even though I was more than sure they had seen me dressed like this when they came in -and through dinner -- but I still worried about her seeing me and interacting with her while I'm in a skirt...

"Hey little buddy, we were just talking and as it turns out your friends here are starting up a business that you and I might be interested in..." Darren said then as the three of them stood there, drinks in hand, smiling and looking at me, especially Mark for some reason, seeing his eye drift up and down my feminized frame, in my skirt, checking me out. It made me think that between Brad and this guy, Cindy's boyfriend... Who among us is truly- 100% - 'straight'..?

Not many I would wager...

I almost laughed out loud but with his obvious leering -but then with Darren's suggestion, I was curious. What could these two have that he and I would want..?

"I -- I don't understand..? How would we?" I started but then taking my arm, they led my outside.

"Here Gabby... Let us show you..." Cindy said to me as we stopped out on the lawn with her going into her small clutch bag and coming out with what was a rather big, fat and very aromatic smelling joint...

"Wow!" I said as she handed it to me, or rather she held it up to my mouth where in a weird, almost sexy way she placed it there, holding it and looking at me as I closed my lips around the end where the paper roach sat, keeping it open and ready to smoked.

Taking out a lighter she lit the big cone shaped joint, the 'coney' -and of course, knowing what to do, I held it in my fingers while pulling hard, getting it going, the flame lighting up then going out with a what felt like a huge cloud of the heady, thick smoke rushing and filling my lungs, the result making me sputter and nearly coughing it all back out -but lucky for me, I was able hold it in and not explode in a huge coughing fit.

"Go easy, this is primo shit and that's what we wanted to talk to you about Gabby..." Cindy added then as I was finally able to exhale, billowing out a big cloud over our heads...

But still, I was lost, and not just by this proposal she was trying to make but more so with how she seemed to be a much bigger pot-head than me -and the big one... Which of course was her paying absolutely no attention to me being half-dressed as a woman, wearing make-up and with bright purple streaks in my hair --also with her even calling me 'Gabby' - like it had always been my name...

Maybe this was really good pot because she had me thrown on so many levels...

And yes the pot too, it was dynamite with that first hit filling my head in a burst of colour that felt euphoric and comforting... In fact, it was so good I had to ask if it was laced with something...

"Whoa! This is really good weed, is it soaked in something? Or did you do something to it?" I asked while passing the big cone-joint to Darren on my right -but smiling and looking at me, Cindy was nodding her head no...

"No, it's all natural, we call it 'Comfortably Numb" it's our own strain, Mark and I have been growers for years and with legalization coming in everywhere, we want to get in on the ground floor, we just need funding and someone who understands the culture and how the world is changing and -- well I have to say 'Gabby' -- you look like you might know a thing or two about that... Change I mean..."

And I though "Ah ha! There it is..." This is the Cindy I was expecting to hear from today... But again I still had her wrong...

Seeing the look of disappointment coming to my face in hearing her say my name like that, saying 'Gabby' pointing it out, it changed her tune with her probably thinking she had offended me.

"Oh Gabby, I'm sorry, didn't mean it like that... Honestly, I think what you're doing is amazing and you look awesome, please believe me, I know you and I have had our differences in the past and I'm sorry for that, I just always seemed to say the wrong thing at the wrong time with you..." She explained and then of course, I felt bad...

I hadn't ever seen this side of Cindy and I was quite impressed. Mark however, he was still leering at me so I decided to play with him a little... "It's okay Cindy, I know that you've always meant well -and that day I gave you shit? Well, I was going through some shit of my own and I took it out on you so, I'm sorry too..." I said to her, apologizing on my own...

"And if -umm, this weed is as good as you say, I have to warn you that umm, getting high makes me -uhh rather - Ahh -- 'frisky'... If -- if you know what I mean..?" I added smiling as I took the joint -and in following Darren's move with me all those years ago, I set it up in my mouth with the intent of blowing Mark a 'super-toke'...

"Here Mark, it's getting small, let's do it like this..." I said to him as I opened my glossy lips and put the half-smoked joint into my teeth while trying to look as sexy and alluring as I could yet at the same time as I spoke, I let my eyes come up and meet Darren's hoping he would see and recognize just what it was I was doing...

He did... Darren understood and winked at me, smiling and then turning back to Mark... It was easy to see... The poor thing, certainly didn't... He didn't have a clue...

"Mmmmph!" He groaned then as I stepped to him and without hesitating I put my lips to his and started to blow, my quick action shocking him but as I suspected, Mark didn't pull away. No, instead, he let his lips part as he moaned, letting me kiss him while giving him the blow-back from the joint.

Leaving him stunned and with his lungs full of the thick, white pot smoke, I broke away from our little kiss and took a step back, taking the joint out of my teeth and handing it Cindy as I left her staring, wide eyed and completely agog... Amazed and not believing that she had just watched me do that -- watched me kissing her boyfriend...

"Mmmm... This is good weed... Sure, I'll invest in you Cindy and Mark here too... if that's alright with you guys? Maybe you two can over one night soon?..." I added then as I reached out, letting my one finger drag down Mark's chest over his suit jacket as the two of them stood stone faced -- but Darren behind us, by this point he couldn't contain himself any longer...

"Ha! Ha-ha..!" He cackled, bursting out laughing at seeing me playing and toying with the poor stricken guy, knowing and completely understand what I was doing -- and even later, he told me how cool it was and how even seeing me do that, it gave him even more respect for me and that alone made me feel proud...

"Oh Gabby, you are priceless -but yes kids, I think my 'sister-in-law' here and I might be interested in floating you some cash to help your little start up, but -oh -ah... Tell Gabby why; tell him what we'll be getting as a return..." Darren said to them letting them know that we were interested but wanting them to tell me what our cut will be.

"Well, like I said to Darren... Ah, Mr. Lynch... We can't give you money back right away, as a return on your investment, like with regular cash payments -but we do have a hell of a lot of stock, so we were thinking that for now, you would be okay with free weed..? Just for now..?" Cindy answered, telling us what she must have told Darren already and all I could think was "Hell yeah! Free a weed?" That -- as far as I was concerned, the weed alone was a good enough return already...

Like I've said before, it's not that money is no object for me anymore because well to be real, I didn't come out of these investments as rich as say Darren or Dean... No, so far, all I had put in was what I had already -- but also, on that same note, money it would seem, it wasn't really a 'problem' anymore... So investing in this weed business was more than alright with me... Especially with my dividends being paid out in the product... Free weed!


Some hours later...

With the reception starting to wind down, after what was turning into a very long day with most people gone and the rest of us feeling no pain, including me -- with all things considered, after all I'd been through, without even taking into account that I had been married, I had to believe that smoking that big cone-joint helped big-time in keeping my pain at bay...

But also, I was happy in seeing people like Bard leaving, and strangely he had both Sally and Ms. Star on each of his arms and heading into the back stairway that leads up to the guest bedrooms -and leaving me to think "Good! -- That's one less wolf I have to worry about hovering around my Patti -- my new wife.

Coming back in after successfully using the toilet for the first time in my new cage, and sure I was feeling no pain while relieved to see the three of them, Brad and his two conquests walking out all arm in arm with drinks still in their hands... But as I waved them off saying 'Good-night' from a far, as I made my way back into the Parlour, my bigger concern was coming in to find Patti and my very drunk Uncle John -- the two of them -- out on the dance floor all alone, slow-dancing -- and just a bit too close for my liking...

Oddly though, as I made my way back to my seat, I did almost feel sorry for him in a way, what with Mom for some reason deciding to spend most of her evening draped over Dean's arm and then seeing my Uncle, dancing with Patti made me think... "Why tonight?"... Why tonight of all nights did Mom decide to 'entertain' Dean instead of my Uncle John?

However, feeling sorry for him or not, I can't say that I was too enthused in seeing them there with my Uncle clearly enjoying himself as he set his sights back onto my Patti, my brand new wife... and then later, once more I wasn't too happy as Patti made me help her put Uncle John into the golf cart with us as he tagged along back to the Gate House being loud and making crude comments, hanging out of the golf cart while hollering at the top of his lungs.

Getting there I was again tasked with helping my Uncle into the house with him slumped over my shoulder and me hardly able to hold him up -- and he wasn't dead-drunk either, he was just putting most of it on, acting that way and taking advantage... Laughing as I carried him in, I was hoping to just dump him on the couch but that idea went out the window upon seeing Ms. Walsh already there, fast asleep and tucked in under a blanket.

Whispering to Patti I asked her what we were going to do with him...

"Damn Patti what are we going to do? With Ms. Walsh here and Mom and Dean using her room -and with the minister staying in the spare, where is he going to sleep? That only leaves..."

"Our bed..?" Patti cut in, finishing my thought in a question, saying the words I didn't even want to consider...

"But..? How..? How is that going to work..?" I cried back sounding panicked thinking we were going to be sharing our marital bed with my drunk and no doubt -- very horny Uncle...

"Oh relax, our bed is huge, we'll just keep to one side, and if you're that afraid of him, I'll sleep in the middle... Now help me get him up there and we'll get him undressed..." She said then sounding a little miffed with my whining but honestly, who could blame me? My new wife wants to let my drunken Uncle sleep in the same bed as us -- on our wedding night... Oh God, I could already see where this was going...

"Now we have to undress him too?" I moaned again going on, letting know where I stand -- which isn't something I get to do very often...

"There is no way I was letting him sleep beside you... Not after everything he's said... And speaking of that..." I continued then but dropping my voice I asked about the other thing we were 'suppose' to be doing -- on our wedding night...

"And speaking of that... Aren't we? I mean how can we? Well you know... How can we do 'anything' with him here?"

"What? Are you worried about consummating our marriage vows?" Patti asked as we sat my Uncle down on the bed with him pretending to be out of it, but I knew or had a very strong suspicion that he was still with us and faking this passed-out routine, just to see how far he could push things.

"I don't know what your problem is Gabby, I mean, look -- you'll be out of commission for, well -- quite some time and you know how it's going to be with us and 'fucking' when we make love... So how does that change anything? You can still go down on me... He'll be out cold..." Patti answered and when she did my suspicions of Uncle John were all but proven when I noticed his eyes opening, hearing Patti saying the word 'fucking'... I knew this wasn't going to end well... Not for me...


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CharlieMan555CharlieMan555about 4 years ago

So wait, does Patty actually let him fuck, and the cuckolding is more fantasy in the story than reality? or did I miss read the last paragraph? That would be cool, the non stop cuckolding, whipping, and penis mutilation is too much, way too much. I feel like Im being tortured lol. And who is going to get Patty pregnant? I guess Gabby's Dad actually got his mom pregnant, so it wasn't totally bonkers.

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