The White Room


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Chloe turned to me and smiled. "Me either. I'm more than okay with what happened. And while I'm still sorting a few things out, I think, sooner than later, I'll wind up breaking my OTHER rule with you."


We spent the next several waking periods ("day" and "night" were irrelevant and immeasurable in the White Room) alternating between sessions under the lights and simply bonding together.

They hadn't used the red lights on us for some time now, and our sex drives had settled down considerably. Although there were several times I'd masturbate out of sheer boredom, and the simple need to release. Sometimes Chloe joined in, but often she'd simply watch.

There was no pressure from me for her to do anything more. When she was ready, I had no doubts she would let me know.

I felt no awkwardness about masturbating in front of her, no shame or embarrassment at all.

The first time was two sleep cycles after our heated coupling. Chloe and I were laying side by side on the floor, talking, sharing stories and memories, when it happened; I got an erection.

There was no reason for it that I could pinpoint. Chloe was of course both naked and beautiful, but we'd both become completely comfortable together in our nudity. Perhaps I was subconsciously admiring her body as we talked. Maybe it was a buildup of hormones. Or perhaps it was just a random boner that most guys stop getting by the time they hit their thirties.

Chloe actually noticed it before I did. "Somebody's awake," she said humorously.

"Huh? Oh. Weird. I wasn't even thinking about sex."

"So it's true they have a mind of their own, then?" Chloe asked, grinning mischievously.

"Apparently," I shrugged.

We carried on our conversation for a while as if it hadn't happened, Chloe continuing her story about the charity fundraiser bake sale her sorority had organized last summer.

My cock was twitching and bobbing as if it were listening, nodding in all the right places. At one point Chloe burst into laughter. "How do you live with that thing? It would drive me to distraction."

"I thought it would go away if I ignored it, but it doesn't seem to want to. Do you mind if I just take care of this?"

"Be my guest," Chloe smiled.

I began to stroke myself casually while Chloe continued her tale, telling me about how they'd all but destroyed the campus kitchens trying to finish all the cakes and pastries in time.

The funny part was, I was fully invested in listening to her story, laughing and injecting comments along the way; just two friends having a pleasant conversation, except we both just happened to be naked, and one of us was masturbating during it.

Not that there wasn't ANY sexual tension to it. My eyes certainly wandered more lustfully over her body, but I felt no true urge to fuck her. And I saw her eyes occasionally glance down at my cock as I stroked it, watching me while she continued her tales.

But the truly most arousing part was the simple, casual nature of it.

She had just gotten to the end of her story, explaining how they had to stay up all Sunday night to get the kitchen clean in time for the Monday morning summer class, when I felt the tingles that signaled the approach of my orgasm.

Chloe sensed it from my body language and cast her eyes downward, watching with a look of simple curiosity.

My eyes found her body again, drinking in her beauty, her curves, and her soft, smooth skin. But it was the playful look in her eyes that sent me over the edge. I came hard, shooting rivulets of cum across my chest and stomach.

Chloe smiled as I finished. "Did you enjoy that?"

"Oh, most certainly," I answered, still breathing heavily.

"Me too," she said. "That was... strangely liberating."

"How so?"

"I've never been with a man who was in a state of sexual arousal that didn't have expectations or demands for me to help him do something about it."

I pondered that for a moment. "I suppose I never really thought about it that way. I guess most men just automatically expect the woman to participate. But I was actually quite content to simply take care of myself there. Having you watch was an added, extra thrill. Being honest, that's always been a little fantasy of mine."

"What? Masturbating in front of a woman?"

"Yes, but, well, more than just that. Doing it the way we just did; casually. Not even really talking about it while it was happening, or you deliberately trying to tease me or goad me on."

"Interesting," Chloe mused. "If you'd have asked me to talk dirty or something, I suppose I would have. But it was refreshing to not feel pressured to be the stimulus to get someone off for a change."

"Well, I WAS looking at you, ya know," I grinned.

"Yeah, I noticed. And I was looking too."

"And? What were you thinking?"

Chloe paused, then smiled. "I was thinking it was nice to just watch. And that maybe next time, I might join in."

She did indeed join in the next time a few cycles later. Other times, she merely watched.

We also spent a lot of time discussing the changes to our bodies after each new session under the lights.

I had definitely lost more weight, but my muscles were firmer, stronger. I'd started doing various exercises as a way to kill time and burn my newfound energy. But I certainly hadn't had enough time to build the body I now had. I wasn't getting bulkier, or adding muscle mass, just toning and strengthening my existing muscles.

Chloe, who'd started this strange adventure already in much better shape than I, was also changing physically. While it was less noticeable to me, she claimed she was also losing weight, and feeling more fit, firm, and toned.

She'd often join me in exercising, usually yoga or stretching. She even taught me a few poses that I took to naturally, despite the fact that, not that long ago, I'd never have come close to being able to bend that way.

It was during one of our yoga sessions that I wound up masturbating again. I couldn't help it. After all, she was naked.

Chloe didn't object at all when I broke from our routine to sit on the platform to stroke myself off. She kept right on with her poses, although I did start to think some of them were now deliberately designed to stimulate me.

Especially when she stood with her back to me, legs agape, and bent to grab her ankle. While she hadn't been touching herself, the glimmering sheen of moisture coating her fully exposed sex told me she was enjoying the tease more than she'd let on.

With a casual toss of her hair, she'd looked back at me when she'd heard the groans that signaled my release, her eyes filled with mischief as she watched me orgasm.

When I'd finished, and my cum had dissolved into little gold lights as it always did after, I rejoined her and continued our exercises.

When we weren't working out, we were bonding in other ways. We often sang each other songs; sometimes we sang them together. Chloe had a lovely singing voice. Me? Well, I suppose our captors couldn't fix EVERYTHING. But I did my best to stay in tune.

We shared a lot of our past, especially as our memories would come back to us after a session under the lights.

I'd always had a problem expressing my feelings, especially in my past relationships. My wife used to accuse me of being emotionless. I wasn't, of course. I'd just kept them bottled up.

But now, with Chloe, I could talk about anything. We laughed and cried together as we talked openly and honestly about, well, everything.

We shared our hopes, dreams, even our darkest desires and secrets. Things I'll not share here; they're no one else's business.

We also memorized each other's phone number and address. In case we were separated again after.

Because we were beginning to think there would be an after, and soon. Although we hadn't heard from our mysterious captors in quite some time, we both felt it, instinctively.


Several more waking / sleeping periods had passed.

We woke as we usually did now, entwined in each other's arms, eschewing the platforms for the more roomy and just as comfortable floor.

We were immediately enveloped by the lights, lifting and separating us as they cycled through the usual routines.

This session seemed to last much longer than usual, as the lights blinked through their various colors at a random pace, even adding some new shades, none of which I could determine the purpose of. By this point my body was flooded with so many various feelings and emotions that it was impossible to tell what might be different.

Finally, the lights became a rainbow above us, the colors spectacular in their brilliance.

The Voice, long absent, finally spoke: "You have reached optimal life form function. You have reached optimal compatibility. It is time to conjoin."

"Why do you need us to conjoin?" I knew what they wanted us to do, but I wanted to know the reason.

"We need you to conjoin so that you can help us. We need you to conjoin so that we may help you. The result of your conjoining will be optimal lifeform. You will understand in what you know as time."

The lights released us. We stood facing each other, naked, the same as we'd been when we first arrived here.

But neither of us was the same, nor would we ever be again.

Chloe had tears in her eyes. "I'm... I'm ovulating. I can feel it."

"Chloe, we still don't have to do this, you know. They can't force us." I didn't know how I knew this, only that it was true. If we refused, this experiment would be over. Although I was less sure about whether They would allow us to simply walk away.

"No," wept Chloe. "They can't. But I want this. I want this so much."

She wiped her tears and smiled at me radiantly. "I want this, Nick. I want you. Because I love you. I choose this of my own free will."

My heart melted. "I love you, Chloe. And I want this too."

I looked up towards where I imagined our mysterious benefactors... yes, I considered them benefactors now.. .might be, watching us from above. "We choose this of our own free will," I affirmed.

I turned back to face Chloe. "Before we do this..." I approached her, took her hand, then took a knee.

"Chloe, I have no ring to offer you, only my heart, and my love. I've only known you a short time, but in that time we've shared a lifetime's worth. And I want to share the rest of it with you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Chloe's tears began anew. "Oh, yes! I would love nothing more than to be your wife."

"Well, then. What THEY have joined together," I looked upwards with a grin, "let no man put apart. May I kiss my bride?"

"You most certainly may," Chloe laughed joyfully.

I stood, took her in my arms, and two became one.

Our lovemaking, and that's what it was this time, lovemaking, not mere fucking, was as intimate and passionate as you could imagine.

No, scratch that, you couldn't possibly imagine it. Not without being through what we had been.

We joined, not just in body, but in mind and soul.

I'm not a religious man, and if you'd asked me before this to describe a "spiritual" experience, I wouldn't have had an answer.

Until now.

Chloe lay beneath me, her face glowing as I kissed her neck, her shoulder, then down to suckle at her breasts.

There was none of the desperate urgency of our earlier coupling; we savored each and every touch, every kiss, every flick of a tongue over a swollen nipple or sensitive glans. Every caress of a hand across a hip, a thigh, a throbbing shaft or a warm, wet cleft.

My fingers danced over Chloe's clit, playing her like a classical violin; producing a symphony of moans, squeals and gasps.

I was rewarded with the fine wine of her ejaculate, which I drank thirstily.

When she finally guided my manhood into her, it felt like coming home.

I entered her slowly, feeling her give way to my girth, opening for me, accepting me fully into her.

Once again face to face, Chloe smiled up at me lovingly. "Let's make our baby."

Our bodies rocked together in a gentle rhythm, her hips rising to meet my thrusts.

We couldn't literally read each other's minds, our connection wasn't like that. It was more like reading feelings, desires, emotions.

She knew instinctively when to move, when to wiggle, and when to clench. I could feel when she wanted long full thrusts, and when she just wanted to hold me deep inside her and rock against her G Spot.

As our passion built, so did our movements, but it was never wild or out of control. Never a moment where we disconnected, or became too focused on our own pleasure.

I could feel the warm river of her juices struggling to escape her tunnel around my shaft, swelling with its own need for release.

Chloe could feel my imminent climax approaching. "Give me your seed, my love," she whispered, "make me a mother."

I came hard and deep inside her, filling her over and over again with hot semen. Her legs wrapped around my back, elevating her hips, so that every drop flowed down into her womb.

Chloe was simultaneously crying tears of joy and wailing cries of passion as she came with me, our orgasms as perfectly synced as our minds and hearts.

Finally spent, we simply held each other close, our bodies trembling together as we kissed tenderly.

I was loath to remove myself from her, and my cock remained erect for some time after, in no rush to leave the warmth of her.

Without warning, we were once again enveloped in a light. This time it was pure white, somehow even whiter than the surroundings that had been our home for the interminable amount of time we'd been here. It held us for several seconds, then blinked out as fast as it had appeared.

"Conjoining successful. Optimal life form achieved," The Voice pronounced.

"Hear that?" Chloe giggled. "Congratulations. You're going to be a daddy."

I'd had no children from my previous marriage. We'd tried for a while, but it never happened. I'd often wondered if that contributed to our drifting apart.

I quickly put those sad thoughts aside and turned my attention to my new bride, soon to be the mother of our child.

"That's... that's wonderful. Congrats, my love. You're going to be an amazing mother."

We held each other a few more moments, kissing softly. Finally, I removed myself and lay beside her.

We drifted off into a deep, peaceful sleep, together in each other's arms.


I woke to the cold and dark, stars shining above.

I jerked upright in shock and confusion. "Chloe???"

I was alone.

It took me a full minute to realize where I was.

I was on my deck. The patio door was still open, the smell of frying meat wafting from my kitchen.

I was home.

Finding my feet, I ran inside. The steak was still cooking away on the stove. "All that technology, and those assholes couldn't even turn the burner off," I muttered.

It seemed I hadn't been gone long at all. The steak wasn't even finished yet, let alone burnt.

I turned the stove off and shook my head in silent wonder. Apparently, They had returned us to the exact same time They had taken us.

Us. Chloe!

I scrambled to my living room, hunting for my phone for several minutes before remembering it was in my back pocket.

My pocket. The pocket of my pants.

They felt confining, restrictive against my body. It was going to take some time getting used to wearing clothes again.

I pulled my phone out and felt a moment of panic when I couldn't remember Chloe's number.

What if it WAS just a dream? What if none of it ever happened? What if I'd just slipped, hit my head, and the rest was a concussion induced hallucination?

Then my phone rang.

I recognized the number immediately. And the voice on the other end:

"Well hello, my love."


Authors Afterwards:

This story was originally published to LE on 10/20/21. At the time, I'd only been writing for two months.

It is now, as of this writing, March 3rd, 2023. I've learned a lot over the past fifteen months, and I decided this story needed a re-edit.

Nothing of the plot itself has been changed. But I wanted to correct some errors in spelling and grammar, to change some wording and sentence structure to make things flow better.

While I'm still no expert, I feel this revision reads much better than the original.

I promised myself I'd never write a sequel to this story unless I had a good idea for it.

It took awhile, but one finally came to me.

Depending on when you're reading this, The White Room Revisited is either already posted, or will be very soon. I'm waiting to publish the sequel until after this revision gets published in case new readers decide to check out the original first.

If you're new to this story, welcome. I'd love your thoughts on it.

If you've read it before, let me know what you think of this revised version.

Thank you for reading it. Comments and feedback are always appreciated.

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Priscilla_JunePriscilla_June5 months ago

Such a cute story! A very interesting take on “Aliens stick a random man and woman in a room” trope with a bit more romanticism.

BadHusbandMikeBadHusbandMike7 months ago

Quite entertaining. Personally, I'm not sure how I really feel about it. But it was fun and enjoyable when I look forward to the sequel

202GE202GE10 months ago

The writing, premise, and descriptions were all very good. There was nothing wrong with the story but i can't help but wonder what was this story for, what was the point of it. Thanks very much for sharing this story with us.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I've said it before, and I'll say it again--NTH has nothing but TALENT! Thanks again for sharing.


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

well odd, but okay

Djmac1031Djmac1031about 1 year agoAuthor

@Anonymous on the off chance you check back:

1st: thank you

2nd: I certainly didn't delete them. Sometimes LE gets glitches.

I appreciate your kind thoughts

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I am not sure what happened to my comments, so I will try and write them again. This was a wonderful story and I thoroughly reading it. I was written with much emotion and feeling in it. It was amazing how you took us through the time on the alien craft. Thank you for sharing it with us. IO am looking forward to reading the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Got me tearing up fr

AlfawolfphotosAlfawolfphotosover 1 year ago

What a unique story and so different to your other stories. Thank you for sharing.

thurerigthurerigover 1 year ago

Awesome! Love it.

djripdjripover 1 year ago

Mother nature tries to get us to have sex by making it feel really good, and release mood altering brain chemicals, and making the arousal process so sensually overwhelming that it drives us to do what our genes want us to do... These aliens seem to have a similar strategy, just... Stronger. Quite effective! Very interesting scenario, I found the development of the relationship to be unrushed and believable in their unusual circumstances. And the slow build to actual intercourse was great, loved the handjob in particular, enjoyed how that one final thing was saved for the climactic main event. Apparently aliens are the best matchmakers; I think they just shipped these two and said, we gotta get these guys together!

GrantBrickslyGrantBrickslyover 1 year ago

Excellent story. I enjoyed it. If you do follow up with a sequel, I will be interested to see where it goes.

Lifestyle66Lifestyle66over 1 year ago

It's a great story, one worthy of a sequel if you feel so inclined.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Beautiful. One of my favourite stories on the site... no, one of my favourite stories period! Unlike other stories, this one was so emotional, Nick and Chloe were so relatable, and the concept was so original that it outweighed any of the negatives. I like how the abduction was never explained, because that was never the focus - the true focus was on the characters and how they grew and developed together, growing their romance and their bond.

I know they'll get together and start a family together after the end of this story, goodness knows they deserve it! And I do hope that you'll write a sequel one day, even if it is a short one, because I really enjoyed these characters and would like to see more of them.

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