Therapy yes no Maybe


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"Over." I snorted. "As if I could trust him."

"Yes, I know honey, but in this case. I think he means it. I really do."

"So you think I should just forgive and forget?"

She frowned, and turned away. I could see her mind working. She knew me too well. It took several moments before she answered. "Pumpkin. You need to at least give him a chance. Hear him out. I know you love him, and I know he loves you."

"What does Daddy think?" I asked.

"He is with me. He was bloody angry. I thought there was going to be a fight. But once Kent broke down and started crying. Even your father could see he was being sincere. He is sorry my love."

She talked and talked. In the end she walked out thinking I was convinced. She was wrong. I was just sick of hearing her say, I needed to talk to him.

The next day I went and viewed the new apartment. I signed on the spot and went straight home to pick up my stuff. It took ten trips back and forth. But by the end of the day. I was gone. He was left with a house he couldn't afford, and furniture we were still paying off.

The battle was acrimonious. Mum and dad were both angry with me for walking away without talking to him. He exploded when he found out that I had moved. He had to crawl too his parents and beg for money to help get by.

The Next part was explosive. I filed for divorce, sighting adultery, as the reason. It didn't matter. Adultery made no difference to the outcome, but it did give me some satisfaction.

He contested, and that's when his campaign to talk to me began. He stalked me. He tried coming to see me at work. Thankfully my boss was on my side and had him barred from the office.

He called day after day, sent hundreds, no thousands of messages. After two months of cold rejection he started waiting at my front door. He hounded all my friends. He followed me everywhere.

All that did was harden my resolve. It also gave me the ammunition to take to the Police and take out a non molestation order. The sheer volume of text messages alone was enough for the judge. I was issued with the order. He wasn't allowed within five hundred metres.

Faith as well tried to talk to me. That stopped after a very heated screaming match. She was lucky to get out with her hair still attached.

It was nearly six months later when he sent me the documents for this stupid therapy session thing. He was willing to pay for it. He would even pay for my time off work.

I did my research on this place, and hated everything I read. Which is why I refused to come.


I waited at lunch and Glenn did come and sit with me again. This time, he slipped me his phone and a slip of paper with is pin number.

I rushed back to my room to call the police. The door was barely closed behind me when Evelyn and Kent walked in.

"Ashley, this has gone far enough. You must try to get involved, make the most of this wonderful opportunity."

Kent weighed in as well. "Ashley, please, I can't do this on my own. You have to try."

"I don't have to do anything Kent. Our marriage is over."

"No it's not." He cried. I saw the tears welling up. Wiping his dribbly nose he mumbled. "We can do this Ash, we can do it."

"Fuck off Kent. You killed our marriage when you decided to bang Faith."

"It was a mistake Ash, you know I would never hurt you. Not intentionally."

"Piss off Kent, you're only upset because you got caught out. You would still be doing her if I hadn't caught you. All I want is to get off this damn Island."

"Coward!" He snarled. "You won't even try. You're a coward Ashley."

"Maybe, but at least I won't be in jail."

Evelyn snapped curtly. "Oh for heavens sake Ashley. Grow up. You are not helping."

"Fuck off Evelyn. I'm sick of the sight of you. This place is a sham, you want to pretend nothing bad happened. You treat the cheaters better than the victims. This is nothing short of brainwashing, just like every other cult. You think you are something special."

She stood slowly. "Come along Kent. I see Ashley is going to need more time."

With them gone. I took a deep breath and hit 111."

The moment I told them the reason for my call. The emergency services officer instructed me to lock my doors. A helicopter had been dispatched and the Armed Defenders were on their way.

I waited, twenty minutes later. I heard the unmistakable sounds of a helicopter coming in low and fast. I got changed and prepared. The hammering on the door told me everything.

There were two armed policemen, in full armour carrying rifles. They held both arms as they led me to a room in the admin building. I explained everything I knew. I didn't know who drugged me. I didn't know how I got here. All I knew was from when I woke up.

They took written statements, then led me out to the helicopter. I took great pleasure in seeing Kent Maria and Evelyn in handcuffs.

The ride back to Auckland was fast and uneventful.

I was driven home. Where I was surprised to see Mum waiting. She rushed into my arms. "Oh baby, are you alright?"

"No Mum, I'm not, and I'm even more upset knowing you knew about this and did nothing to stop it."

"Pumpkin. When I spoke to Evelyn. I got swept up in it. She sounded so sure that once she had a chance to speak to you. That she could convince you, that there was hope and you could save your marriage."

"Yeah, well maybe next time, you might listen to what I said. How many times did I say. I no longer have a marriage. It's dead and buried."

"Honey. I know what you said. I heard you. I just don't think you really mean it. I think, just like Evelyn, that if you opened your mind. You would see that Kent loves you. God Honey. We can all see it."

She fidgeted around, deciding to make us tea. I walked into the kitchen to help. As the kettle boiled she asked. "Honey, if you're so convinced there's nothing left why didn't you stay for the sessions."

"Because, unlike Kent. I have moved on. I am sad our marriage broke down and he thought so little of me. He banged my best friend, and in our marriage bed no less."

"Honey. I hate seeing you like this. You never even asked him why he did it."

"Because I don't care Mum. It doesn't matter. There is no excuse for betrayal."

"Oh god honey. You know he might go to jail?"

"Good. I hope he does. He organised for me to be kidnapped. He helped them drug me. I could have died."

I saw her slump, her shoulders sag as she leaned back against the bench.

"Mum, thanks for coming over, but I'm not feeling up to this. I need some sleep. Maybe we shouldn't see each other for a while. I am very angry at you right at this minute."

She sighed. "I'm sorry Ashley. I've let you down. I just wanted to see that happy bright, loving soul back again. Honey, you might not see it, but you've become this sarcastic, bitter acerbic creature. You have lost your soul."

After Mum left I changed, checked the locks on my door. Those I would need to get changed. Laying in bed I went over what happened. It's impossible not to question your choices. Was I right? Should I have given it a chance? What did I have to lose? At least it was a Saturday, tomorrow, and I could sleep in.

Ah, I love Saturday morning sleep ins. The light filtering in through the lace curtains, is warm and comforting. I like to just lay there, and contemplate the world. Today I had lots to think about. What the hell was I going to do. Kent had managed to infect my relationship with Mum, and probably Dad as well. Ever since I moved out and told them I was filing for divorce, they started. At first it was supportive, but that slipped into advising. Their advice was to suck it up, do counselling and see if we could salvage something from the fiery pit of our marriage. The more adamant and obstinate I became, the harder they pushed.

Mum nearly had a fit when I filed the non molestation order.

I still didn't expect them to side with Kent on this ridiculous kidnapping plot. That really hurt.

I took my time over the weekend. Lazed around the apartment, went out for lunch with friends.

I sat down with a nice Chinese takeaway for dinner to watch the evening news. There was my story, front and centre. Okay, no names were mentioned, but it showed both Kent and Evelyn being ushered into the courtroom for their bail reviews. The images were from the back and no faces shown or names mentioned as they were granted name suppression.

The story was everywhere. The Sunday papers ran it as front page.

Monday I was requested to go down to the police station for an interview. They wanted more info. I took a little satisfaction in naming the therapist Maria, although I didn't know her Sir name. We are supposed to be able to trust people in these positions.

After the interview, I wandered into work. They were surprised to see me. Kent had arranged for me to have the two weeks off. Everybody in the office knew about it. They had seen the story, and Polly, my boss put two and two together, so they all knew.

Arriving home that night I was exhausted. Telling my side of the story over and over, was tiring.

When I got to the elevator, in the apartment building. I was swamped by camera crews and interviewers. They may not be able to release or use my name, but they knew. I had to fight my way through the gathered crowd. Thankfully security took over and pushed them out of the building.

There was another aspect that worried me more. The hate mail. I started to receive an ever growing list of hate mail, via email. It was mostly from couples and people who had been helped by Evelyn and her therapy centre. Those I could take, but the haters were vile and disgusting. Some threatening physical harm.

I have to say, I was surprised by the number of people who sent emails supporting the centre. I received, hundreds of emails from couples who attended sessions there and managed to save their marriages. It seems Evelyn wasn't lying when she told me of the number of couples they helped.

As the initial court case approached There was plenty of interest. The names may not have been used, but the Island got plenty of coverage. Probably the best advertising they could get. The old adage of there's no such thing as bad publicity rang true.

It was my relationship with my mother that hurt me the most. All our lives we had been close. From as far back as I remember I admired her. She was respected and sought after. Served on the PTA and school board. Worked hard and made a fabulous home for Dad and me.

My childhood was amazing. Now there was a rift. Mum's continual pressing of Kent's position hurt. We now saw each other only rarely. It was on one of her reluctant visits I exploded. "Why the hell are you so supportive of Kent. Why can't you see my side?"

"Ashley, I can see your side. I love you, but we aren't all perfect. We all make mistakes." The words were barely out of her mouth when she burst out crying. The tears streamed down her face, and she couldn't wipe them away fast enough.

Rushing to her side, and holding her in my arms I whispered consolingly. "Mum, it's all right. I understand."

Her face a wretched twisted vision, stared back at me. "No, you don't understand. I made a mistake as well. I cheated on your father."

I felt my blood drain from my face. My knees wobbled, as she clutched me tighter. "You did what?"

Wiping her runny nose, she sniffled. "It was when you were young, only a baby. Your father and I were having difficulties, and I made a mistake. Another man comforted me."

"Oh my god." I blustered. "Who was it?"

Shaking her head she spluttered. "Nobody you know." Her grip tightened. "It was a mistake Ashley. A stupid crazy thing to do. I am so ashamed of myself."

"Does Dad know?" I asked.

"No!" She shrieked. "God no. And he must never find out. Please Ash. I beg you do not say anything."

"Why Mum, why did you do it? Dad loves you."

"Yes, and I love him. It was a mistake. A stupid crazy mistake. Your father and I were young, we had little or no money. We both worked long hours. Our sex life suffered. We argued all the time, about nothing. I thought we were going to separate. But then I met this man. A very sexy but kind man. He lavished me with compliments, played on my insecurities. Basically, he seduced me."

I staggered away from Mum, I almost fell onto one of the kitchen stools.

"How could you do it? Dad loved you so much. Didn't you care?"

"Of course I care. I love your father, like most people. I'm not perfect. I made a mistake. But it woke me up. I broke it off with the man and made a promise to make sure your father never wanted for anything in his life. From that day forward, I have been the perfect wife."

"But you cheated. Do you think he would have forgiven you?"

She swallowed hard. "I like to think he would, but I have always been to afraid to tell him. I couldn't stand losing him. Don't you see Ashley. I love him."

We sat in silence, a cold deathly pall hanging over our heads. Eventually Mum started talking again. "Honey, it's why I can see things from Kent's perspective. He loves you. He made a grave error of judgement. He was breaking it off with Faith. I see the love every time we speak. He is destroyed Ash. Broken hearted."

"Yeah, well. It's his own doing. I'm sick of people treating me like. I'm the one in the wrong. He cheated."

"I know honey, and I'm not defending his actions. All I am saying, is give it a chance. Try counselling, try something, because you love him."

"Shit Ash, I remember when you started going out with him. It's all you talked about. I remember the day he proposed to you. The day he gave you that ring you still wear. I remember your wedding, and your words. I remember that look on your face. You love him. If you didn't it wouldn't hurt."

When she left she made me promise never to tell Dad, which I hesitantly agreed too. I still thought he had a right to know. Even if it did mean the end of their marriage.

Life goes on as they say. The court case was only days away, and the publicity both here and Internationally was through the roof.

The court case, was hard. Evelyn and Kent, had both pleaded not guilty. Why I didn't understand.

After preliminaries, it stared in earnest. Once underway, it gave me a faint feeling of joy watching Evelyn and Kent face the music. The prosecution laid out the case and all the facts. They had statements from every conceivable person. Hundreds of letters of support. Past attendees of the therapy centre, acting as Character witnesses. Letters of recommendation from hundreds of people.

I had also been asked to provide a victim impact statement which was also read out.

Both Evelyn and Kent were questioned on the stand. It was inconceivable, that they plead not guilty. When asked if they did in fact drug and kidnap me, they had to admit they had.

It was during Evelyn's evidence, where she started to go into why she did it. She didn't exactly fall to pieces, but she started what can only be described as ranting. "Our centre is the most successful marriage repair clinic in the world. We specialise in fixing marriages impacted by infidelity."

"How exactly do you do that?" She was asked by the prosecution attorney.

"We work on opening the minds of the most affected person. We get them to understand, that it is only sex, a small mistake on a lifetime road, it is merely a hiccup."

"So there are no consequences for the faithless adulterer?"

"What, of course there are. They will have to spend the rest of their life making amends."

"But you don't actually treat the adulterer, you focus entirely on the victim?"

"They are hardly victims, there is no physical impediment to a reconciliation. We just open their eyes. Show them that forgiveness is easy."

"So what does the victim get out of this? I see why it is popular with adulterers, but the victims don't seem to get anything out of this process."

"They get their marriages back. They get to live the life they sought through marriage."

"It seems to me they get to live out their life, living with an adulterer, a faithless untrustworthy person. Your process seems to let the faithless fornicators escape Scott free."

That's when she exploded showering the prosecuting attorney with vitriolic obscenities. "You imbecile, we are the best in the world, we save marriages. It was only infidelity, nothing of consequence."

The judge called an adjournment instructing the defence to speak to their client and get her to calm down or she would be charged with bringing the court into disrepute.

When the court reconvened Evelyn threw herself on the mercy of the court, and the jury. She exclaimed loudly. "All I wanted to do was help Ashley, if she had just attended our training sessions, she would have been healed. None of this would have been necessary."

When it came time for me to take the stand I did so nervously. Not sure how to deal with it.

It was the prosecutor who asked. "Alright Miss Delahunty. Could you explain how you felt when you awoke in a strange room, alone and unattended, from your induced coma."

Looking around the courtroom, I started to feel the pressure. Everywhere I looked there were expectant faces. Mum and Dad, Kent, Evelyn, and hundreds of Evelyn's supporter. As I started to speak, the tears started.

"I was scared. I mean really scared. It was dark. I was groggy. I didn't know where I was. I couldn't comprehend anything. I tried the door and it was locked. I tried the window, and it was locked, it opened only enough to get my hand through. I screamed for help and nobody came. There were no phones, nothing. I thought they were going to kill me."

The defence counsel stood quickly and shouted. "That's preposterous, your honour. At no time was Miss Delahunty ever threatened."

The judge ordered him to sit down. "Carry on Miss Delahunty."

Angry I barked. "I was threatened. I felt threatened. I woke in a dark locked room, not knowing how I got there, or where I was. And I certainly didn't know who had locked me up."

"Oh for heavens sake." The defence attorney called loudly. "You were in a resort. A five star resort at that."

I snapped back. "I didn't know that. It was dark. I was disoriented. It could have been a prison cell. I didn't know."

The judge intervened. "Thank you Miss Delahunty. But please, only respond when questioned."

The prosecutor asked. "Once you were made aware of where you were. Did you ask to leave?"

I nodded, as I wiped away the tears. "Yes, I asked to leave immediately, or at least for them to give me my phone, so I could ring for help."

"What happened?"

"They refused. They told me I was on an island, and couldn't leave, and they refused to give me my phone."

"Very good." The prosecutor asked. "Did you feel safe after they spoke to you?"

"No, I was frightened. There is a reason I have a non molestation order against my ex husband. He was obsessed, and I was scared he would do something silly."

"So, even after you pleaded with them, they refused to let you speak to anyone?"

"Yes, they withheld my phone."

He walked around rubbing his chin, playing with documents for effect. "Tell me Miss Delahunty. How has this effected you since returning home?"

Swallowing loudly, and taking a deep breath I said. "I am constantly scared. I changed the locks on my doors. I leave them locked at all times. I can't take public transport. I have lost trust in people. It impacted my job, and every aspect of my life. I receive hate mail all the time. It is horrible."

The judge asked the defence attorney if he had any questions. He saw how worked up I was and how if anything it would work against him. "No, your Honour. Not at this time."

Kent was next on the stand and the prosecutor, tore him to shreds. "Did you, or did you not. Conspire to kidnap your wife?"
