They Have a Bone in Them?

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Little sister asks, I didn't know they had a bone in them?
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Little sister asks, I didn't know they had a bone in them

Disclaimer: All sexual activity is between characters over the age of 18. Any similarity between these characters, and any other real people is entirely coincidental.

I don't have a PhD in English or Writing. So, give me a break on English and grammar. I hope you like it.

Warning, this story contains: incestuous, anal sex, and romantic love between consenting, adult siblings above the age of 18. It also contains some edited 1960's slang. If this offends you, please move on to another story.

BTW, no comments about the impossibility of the question from the sister. That's actually based on a true event from my own life (not the story, just the question.)


This all started back in the late 1960's long before there was sex education taught in schools or an internet. It was a time of long hair, faded bell-bottom jeans, tie-dyed t-shirts, sandals, head bands, paisley designs, love beads, peace signs, and flower power.

It was a time of turmoil and awakening in our nation with sit-ins and protest marches to fight against long held injustices and the blind eye that ignored them, the war in Vietnam, and fighting for civil rights. Our nation was awakening, and so were our youth.

My sister and I lived at home with my parents in our average middle class 3-bedroom home with a two-car garage, yard, white picket fence (optional), and 2.5 kids. OK, it was actually only 2 kids, me and my sister, but you get the point.

We lived in a small southern town in the middle of the bible belt, and our lives were simple. My parents owned their own small business, worked during the week, and were home on the weekends. All our schedules were similar. So, there was a lot of "family time", what would be called "quality time" today, but back then it was just... time. That's just how we spent our days.

Parents took the time to teach their children, help them with their homework, and play with them.

There were no fast-food restaurants, or any restaurants for that matter in our little town. All meals were homemade, hot and fresh. We sat down at the dinner table for all meals blessing them before we ate.

Our parents were your average parents for the time. They kept a tight grip on our activities especially my sister's.

We attended Church regularly as a family, and were upstanding members of our community. We were just an average family that lived from day-to-day in our own little community. A community that was largely free of the hippies and that culture.

It was still a time of innocence where the 1950's were still a recent memory, but times were changing.

I was 21 and attended the local university which was just a short commute. My annoying little sister was 19 having just graduated high school. She wasn't into any of the hippie stuff, drugs or free love. Neither was I. She was still an innocent in so many ways.

Neither she nor I were anything particularly appealing to many. Don't get me wrong. We weren't ugly, or deformed, or anything like that. We were just your average looking kids trying to make it through school, and get started with our "real" lives.

My sister, Gina, stood about 5'4" in her bare feet. She had a milky, fair complexion, trim, hour-glass figure with average sized breasts, and blue eyes all complements of our mom. Her hair was styled, light auburn that shimmered with red tints when the rays of the sun shone down on her. It never looked unkept like the hippies of the time.

She always felt her nose was just a little large for her face, and that was complements of our dad. I, however, disagreed. I thought her nose was quite cute on her.

She dressed in respectable attire meaning dresses below the knee, or jeans that were not faded or worn through, and her tops displayed little to no cleavage.

I stood about 5'11" with an average build maybe a little stocky, but fairly muscular. I had the same fair skin I got from mom, and I got my brown eyes and blonde hair from dad which I kept cut short and combed in a respectable manner as some would say. It wasn't long and untamed like the hippies preferred theirs.

I typically wore button-up shirts with jeans that were never faded or worn through. When I wanted to look fashionable, I might wear a tie-dyed t-shirt with jeans that were just a little bit faded.

The Story Begins:

Gina only had about three boyfriends going through school, and the one she had at the time was a jerk named Fred. He was also 19, and, in my opinion, was a simpleton, nerd, not worth the time of day. But, what can I say, my sister liked him. I guess she thought he was nice, or simply liked having a boyfriend.

They had been dating for a couple of years. So, I guess you could say they were serious, or "going steady" as we said back then. She brought him over for family dinners many times, and she likewise attended many of his family dinners. On occasion, they'd go to the movies at our only local theater, or attend Church activities designed to keep our youth wholesome. Ah, life was simple.

Gina seemed quite taken by Fred even though I didn't particularly care for him. Apparently, my opinion didn't matter to her... Go figure.

One night, Gina invited Fred over for dinner, and it was our average dinner. There wasn't anything special about it, but this evening would take a very strange, unexpected turn.

After we all finished dinner, helped mom clear the table and wash the dishes, we all went to the den where we all sat around our one and only TV.

That's right. Like most families, we had a family TV. It was the largest you could get at the time. It wasn't a big, flat-screen. It was a massive 21" diagonal screen. It was not only a functioning piece of transistor electronics, but it was also a nice piece of furniture encased in a decorative wood console.

We got four, yes count them... four channels: ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS. Oh, and get this... it all came over the air to our TV antenna on our roof. Plus, it wasn't even digital. It was analog.

But I digress. So, I'll get back to the story. Catching back up, we had just finished dinner, and all gone to the den to watch TV as a family, plus one. I don't recall what we decided to watch. If you recall, there wasn't much of a selection back then.

In any case, we all sat around watching TV which was in the far corner of the den facing diagonally into the room. Dad was in "his" chair which was in the corner of the room along the same wall as the TV facing diagonally into the room, mom was in a chair across the room directly diagonal from the TV, Fred was on the far end of the couch which was along the wall opposite the TV. My sister was sitting next to Fred on the couch, and I was on the other end of the couch.

I noticed that Gina was sitting right up against Fred, and he was holding her hand in his lap right there with me and my parents in the room. I'm not sure if my parents even noticed, but nothing was said. Personally, I didn't think much about it until later. I just simply... noticed. Maybe it was the same for our parents.

We all enjoyed whatever it was we were watching. The evening proceeded as normal. When the show was over, it was about 10:00pm CST, and it was time for Fred to go so we could all get ready for bed. That's right, I said 10:00pm. However, we'd sometimes stay up later to watch "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson."

A few minutes after Fred left, I was in my room when I heard Gina call for me in her room. I thought "Oh, crap. What does she want now? Damn, she's annoying." and I went to her room.

When I got there, she reached behind me, quietly closed the door, and whispered "I didn't know they had a bone in them?"

I said "What has a bone?"

"You know. Your thingy." she said.

"My thingy? You mean my 'Peter'?" I replied. We actually called cocks nicer words in the presence of mixed company. After all, we were "good little boys and girls."

Then she said "Yeah. Your peepee."

At that point, I couldn't help myself. I started laughing my ass off, but, after I realized it was really embarrassing Gina, I stopped, and tried to explain to her as nicely as I could. So, I said "They don't have bones, man. They just get hard when we're... you know... excited."

"Excited!? You mean... like... sexually?" she said very timidly.

I said "Yes." But, for some reason, probably because I lied to her all the time, she didn't believe me.

She said "Uh uh. You're lying."

I said without thinking "No I'm not. I promise. Whatcha want me to do... prove it?" I would've thought Fred would've popped her cherry by then, or at least got to third base. Something so she'd know how a cock worked, but, obviously, Fred was a wimp... or just a "good little boy." That wasn't uncommon back then.

Then, she said "Well... why not? It's no different than accidentally catching you in the bathroom."

"Don't you think that's different? Besides, you said you'd never bring that up again." I whispered.

She whispered "No. Not really. Come on... Pleeeeeeease?" and then she gave me the pouty face.

I whispered back "Stop with the pouty face! You know that's not fair! You know I can't resist the pouty face." The "pouty face" was something she'd practiced to perfection to get whatever she wanted from me and dad. It didn't work so much on mom.

She whispered back "I know." Then she continued with the pouty face. "Pleeeeeeease!" she repeated before going back into the pouty face.

There I stood in my pajamas, and she was in her full-length nightgown. So, I thought "Well, what's a guy to do?" So, I said "Crap! OK, but don't tell anyone, and I do mean ANYONE!" Then I bashfully pulled down my pajama bottoms revealing my very soft, embarrassed, prick.

Then, she said the most inappropriate thing possible "It looks a lot smaller than Fred's felt."

I told her "Well! That's because he was excited! I'm not, and he may just be a shower."

"A shower? What's that" she asked.

So, I said "There are two kinds of guys. There are showers and growers. Showers are fairly big all the time, and just get harder when they're excited. A grower is fairly small most of the time, and expand a lot more when they're excited. I happen to be a grower."

She said "So, make it grow."

I whispered "I can't just 'make it grow!' I have to get excited."

She whispered back "So, get excited."

I whispered "It doesn't work that way. I need some... inspiration."

She said a little too loudly "So, what do I have to do to see this thing grow?!"

I said "Well, if you really want to do this, you'll need to take it in your hand."

First, she looked at me like I was crazy, and I just gave her a shrug of my shoulders and nodded. So, she looked down at my limp dick, and looked back up into my eyes. She repeated that several times. I think she was trying to decide if I were lying or not which wasn't helping my southern situation at all.

Finally, I guess she decided nothing was going to happen unless she touched it. So, that's what she did. She touched it, and surprisingly, to her, it twitched a bit. When it twitched, her eyes popped wide open, and she grabbed my limp dick.

I said "Owww... not like that. Just take it in your fist softly."

She said "Like this?"

I said "Yeah. That's cool."

She said "It's not getting much bigger."

I said "To begin with, that's not helping. Plus, it's weird having my little sister do this... Just slowly pump your fist back and forth." When she followed my instructions, it immediately began to grow in her hand, and, the bigger it got, the bigger her eyes got. So, she pumped some more feeling it expand to the point that it was very hard in her hand, and she stopped to look at it in amazement as it twitched up and down.

She looked for a minute, and I said "Hey, you can't just treat a guy like that. You know there's a word for it... 'tease'. If you're going to start something, you need to finish it."

She said incredulously "You want me to have sex with you?!"

I said "No! Of course not, moron. You're my sister, but you need to pump on it some more." So, she took it back in her hand, and started pumping again. She said "Like this?"

I said "Yeah, but use both hands, and you might want to spit on them first to get them moist."

She said "Ewww... you want me to spit on my hands?! That's nasty!"

I said "If you want to learn to do it right, then, yes." She, then, looked down at my hard cock, and looked back up into my eyes. She repeated that a few times, like she did before, but this time she was trying to decide if she wanted to do it or not.

Finally, she made her decision. She brought her hands close to her mouth, and spit a couple of times before returning her hands to my very needy cock. Then she began to move her moist hands up and down my throbbing tool.

I told her "Use both hands so you cover it all, and spit in them whenever you feel like they're beginning to dry up."

She said "Like this?"

I replied "Mmmm."

As I got hard and more excited, I said "Harder... Faster!" and she followed directions well. The more she stroked, the harder I got until my cock was throbbing as I got closer to shooting my load.

Then, I said "More spit... faster!" Again, she follow directions, and I started to grunt as I could feel an impending eruption approaching. So, I said in a hard whisper with a grimaced face "I'm coming!!"

She said "Huh?" just about that time I started shooting jet after jet of hot, sticky jism all over my little sister's hands and nightgown, and she said "Ewwww!!"

About that time, we heard our mother shout from her room "What's going on in there?"

Gina yelled "Nothing, mom. We're just talking."

My mom yelled back "OK, you two need to get ready for bed."

We yelled back in unison "OK, mom!"

Then Gina whispered "What the heck is this goo you shot all over me?"

I said "That's too long an answer to handle tonight, but it's called sperm or semen. Just go wash it off, or you can taste it if you want."

She said "Why would I want to taste anything that came out of you?!"

I said "Well, eventually, you'll be tasting someone's. So, it may as well be mine."

She said "Yeah, right. In your dreams."

I said "Seriously, I'm not kidding. Some girls like it. Others don't. You may as well see if you like it now rather than wait until you're with Fred or someone else to find out." So, she lifted her hand slowly to her mouth watching my eyes closely to see if I'd laugh or something. Then, she stuck the tip of her tongue in a small pool on her hand, and tasted it.

Surprisingly, she said "Ummm, a little salty. I'm not sure I like it, though." Then, she surprised me. When she saw I wasn't laughing at her, she licked her hand clean, and said "Not bad."

While I stuffed myself back in my pajamas, I said "Well, I'm glad you like it. I better go to my room."

She said "Good night!"

I responded "Good night!" and went to my room before mom came checking on us, and Gina went to the bathroom to rinse off her nightgown. Then, returned to her room.


Unbeknownst to me at the time, Gina was tossing and turning all night long unable get the experience out of her mind.

She loved the feel of my cock hardening in her hand, and she also liked, no, loved the taste of my cum. She started thinking of my cock as a cum dispenser. Sort of like a soda machine.

She'd come to me, rub the magic spigot, and bingo!... yummy juice for little sister.

Then, she started to actually plot how we could do it. She knew we could only do it when we were alone, and it had to be in a private setting which wasn't a difficult thing to arrange. It was summer vacation. So, she and I were at home alone all day while our parents were at work. Problem solved!

She thought "He seemed to enjoy it too." So, whenever she wanted more cum, all she had to do was just come to me and ask, right? Problem solved!

Now, that she had it all worked out, all she had to do was wait for tomorrow after our parents left for work. Then she'd just come ask me for some more. Sort of like Oliver in "Oliver Twist" when he said "Please, sir, I want some more."

It never even crossed her mind that there was a possibility I might say "No."

Of course, she never came to me with this plan, but she had it all worked out in her mind. However, that didn't stop her from putting her plan into motion.

The following day, she waited for our parents to leave for work, for me to wake up and get out of bed, and for me to finish eating breakfast. Kudos for her patience.

Once I'd done my morning rituals, I went to the den to watch some TV before I got up and about doing whatever the hell I wanted. After all, it was summer break.

Then, Gina came into the den, sat down next to me, and said "Whatcha watching?"

I said "Just some early morning talk show."

She asked "Is it boring?"

I said "Kinda, right now."

She said "Well, then, can I ask you something?"

Being her smartass older brother, I said "You just did," and smirked.

She said "No! Seriously."

I responded "OK. Whatcha got?"

Then she said with a hopeful look in her eyes "Can you give me some more of that cum stuffie you gave me last night. I think it's yummy."

I shot back "Are you wiggin'? That was a unique situation, and we never should've done it."

She said "Pleeeeeeease," and went into her pouty face.

I said "You can put your pouty face away. It's not going to work this morning," and I closed my eyes to block my view of the dreaded pouty face.

She said "OK! OK! I put my pouty face away. You can open your eyes."

Of course, the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was her pouty face. So, I said "It's not happening. So, just stop!!"

She, never willing to admit defeat with her pouty face, continued with a "Pleeeeeeease, pretty pleeeeeeease with a cherry on top. Pretty, pretty pleeeeeeease."

The more she tried to convince me, the more determined I became. I think this may have been the first time I was ever able to resist her pouty face when I told her "NO! No how, no way! It's not happening!" I think she saw or heard my resolve, and decided to relent saving her full court press for later.

Little did I know at the time, she had a contingency plan, and she was getting ready to put my resolve to the test. However, she let it drop for the day, letting me think it was a done deal.


The following day, I got up, and went through my morning rituals as usual. Then I headed to the den to watch a little TV before I headed out for the day to hang with my friends.

The next thing I know is my sister walking around the house in her little frilly bra and panties like most girls her age wore. So, I asked her "Whatha...? Why no clothes?"

She said "Oh. I thought you split. Besides, what's the difference?"

I said "Just because."

She said "Oh, don't be a drag. Get over it, and go do whatever it was you were headed out to do." Little did I know this was her announcement that things were about to change.

I left to hang with my buddies, and, when I got home, it was about time for my parents to come home. By this time, I had forgotten about the morning events, and, when I saw Gina, she was in her usual kind of attire... bell-bottom jeans and a tie-die t-shirt.

I didn't think much more of it until the next morning.

After I awoke, and, went to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal, there was Gina in her little frilly bra and panties again. So, I said "OK, you knew I hadn't left yet. So, don't give me that again!"

She just said "Yeah, but I didn't know you were awake yet. So, I thought I'd just stay comfortable while I ate my cereal."

I just said "Not cool, Gina!"

She said "Don't flip your wig!"

I said "Just put something on!" Then I just left, and when I came home , which was about the time my parents would arrive, she was dressed.