They Walk Among Us Ch. 11


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"I think you found a new profession Kevin. Can I see the wine list please?" Adam joked.

"If you're looking for a job, I know there's an opening at the enlisted club," Laura spat out sarcastically.

"Oh about that Laura, the club manager is a retired SEAL Master Chief. I spoke with him earlier today and explained the situation. Your shift starts at ten in the morning. He's also going to watch over you for a while as a favor to the team.

"You mean I'm not fired? I get to keep my job?"

"Yep, and Kevin here even talked him into a pay raise for you. I told him everything that happened because he's a retired SEAL, and I know I can trust him.

"So he knows about my..."

"No dear, that is your secret. He has no reason to know anything more," Kristine, told her.

Kevin took a long pull off his beer and set the bottle on the table. "Laura what I'm about to tell you is confidential. Hell I'm breaking about a hundred regulations right now just thinking about it.

"Then why tell me?"

"For two reasons Laura. One, you have a right to know why you got swept up in all this, and two, it's because every time I touch you, something weird happens that I can't explain."

"Yeah, your stomach turns," Laura, said as she took a big drink of her wine.

Kevin let the remark slide by as he began telling her of the first day he met Martina Kordic. He left nothing out and even informed her of the slaughter of Bravo squad by Viljem Kordic. He omitted the fact that it was a monstrous werewolf was the culprit of the attack.

He told her of how Kristine helped them at Predjama castle and of Martina's escape from the CIA detention center. Laura sat quietly as Kevin informed her of everything that happened from the time he got to Italy to the rescue mission in Austria.

"Wow I -- I never realized that -- stuff like that really happens. I mean people hear of stories about SEALs but I never thought I'd hear it from a real one," Laura said with a touch of awe in her voice.

"Now that you do know sweetie, you must never tell another living soul. We've done this because you needed to know why."

"Oh I understand. I promise I won't tell anyone, I swear Kristine."

"Now for the second reason Laura," Kevin said as he finished his beer in one long drink.

"Oh that, well don't worry, I already know what I am," Laura said as she looked down at her feet.

"Oh great, so you already know you're beautiful," Kevin said with a smile.

"I don't like to be made fun of Kevin. I think it's time for me to head back now," Laura replied as she stood up.

"Just for the record Laura, neither do werewolves."

Kevin's last statement hung in the air like a half-filled balloon. The mention of a werewolf stopped her departure as she turned to Kevin with a questioning face.

"Kevin are you sure about this?" Adam asked his friend.

Kevin turned to Adam with a knowing look. "My grandmother had to do it. My father took a huge risk, so I guess it's my turn L-tee."

"You're as insane as the Kordic's. Everyone knows..."

"I know Laura, I felt the same way when he told me. I was ready to lock him in a padded room for the rest of his life," Adam said with a laugh.

"I don't get it, you three seriously expect me to believe that monsters exists? The only monster in this room is me! I lost my parents in a car accident and now I'm scared for life. This is how you intend to make me feel better about myself, by making fun of me?

"Sit down!" Kevin screamed.

Laura was startled so bad that she froze in place. Adam and Kristine both turned to look at Kevin in disbelief at his tone.

"Kristine would you please join Laura on the couch, she might need someone to talk her through this."

The two women quickly sat on the couch. When Kristine put her arm around Laura, she could feel her trembling. Adam put his beer down and was ready to plug his ears. He knew what was coming.

"You sit around all day and wallow in self pity because you think you're some kind of monster." Laura was starting to tear up, as Kevin started to reprimand her.

"I'll tell you the same thing my mother told me. 'At what point are you going to accept what you are? No one is going to fall in love with someone who doesn't love themselves first.' Laura I know this is hard to hear, and it hurts.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Laura asked as tears streamed down her face.

"Because, every time I touch you, you do it to me."

Kevin stepped into the middle of the room and looked at the shaking girl next to Kristine.

"Laura, what ever happens next, I want you to know this. I am not going to hurt you, and Adam and Kristine will answer any questions you have."

Kristine held Laura close as she whispered to her. "Try not to scream dear, it'll hurt his ears."

In the twinkling of an eye, Kevin Dvorska revealed his own hidden secret to hopefully the right woman. As the massive brown werewolf stared at Laura with his golden eyes, her breath caught in her throat.

For a moment, Kevin thought he'd pulled it off with frightening the young woman, he was wrong.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, let me go, let me go!"

Kevin's ears were ringing and he shook his massive head in pain. Kristine was having a hard time holding Laura, so Adam jumped up to help.

"Laura just calm down for a minute, you don't see me and Kristine jumping around, do you?

"Get off me, get the fuck off me God damn it!"

Suddenly Kevin growled loudly at the three struggling forms. When they heard it, they all turned at once to Kevin. He saw that he had their attention and sat down on his haunches and cocked his head to one side. Adam gave a little laugh as he stared at his friend. He looked like something off an RCA record.

"Um -- I think he wants you to calm down Laura."

"Oh Kevin, I wish I had a picture of you right now. You look so cute," Kristine said with a giggle.

"Are you two out of your minds? Get me away from that fucking monster!"

Kevin whined at the comment, as he slumped to the floor and placed his head on his front paws.

"Stop it Laura! Now damn it, you don't like to be made fun of and neither does Kevin."

"Made fun of? Are you serious, look at the thing!" Laura said as she struggled.

"Adam, keep her still for just one damn minute. I wanna show Laura what kind of -- thing -- she's dealing with."

Kristine got up and went over to Kevin. She playfully scratched behind his ear and Kevin raised his head. When he did, Kristine wrapped her sleek arms around his neck and hugged him. She started to laugh when Kevin's long pointed ears tickled her nose.

"Christ Kristine, get away from him. He'll hurt you!"

"Will you calm down please! Christ Adam, I don't remember being this bad when Kevin showed us."

"Bullshit, I remember you couldn't open the door."

"Gee, thanks for the help sweetie," Kristine said sarcastically.

Kevin's massive body started to jiggle as he tried to laugh. "Oh you think that's funny do you?"

Kristine got up and grabbed a newspaper. As she rolled it up, Kevin got up off the floor and looked at her. She swiped at his nose, but Kevin quickly moved to one side. The paper sailed harmlessly by.

She continued trying to swat his nose, but after four attempts, she decided on a new tactic. Kristine quickly grabbed his pointed ear and twisted. As Kevin turned his head to keep from being hurt, she slapped his nose with the paper. After releasing his ear, she tossed the paper on the table.

"That's what you get for being a bad werewolf!"

Kevin decided to pay her back as he moved to a nearby chair and lifted his hind leg. Kristine saw what he was going to do and gasped in horror.

"Don't you fucking dare Kevin Dvorska! You even think about it and I'll get a frying pan after you!"

Adam released Laura's arms and placed his hand softly under her chin. As he brought her face around, he looked into her eyes.

"Kevin has a very special gift Laura. He can't hurt you, I promise. See how Kristine plays with him, if he is so evil and terrifying, then why is Kristine so comfortable around him. The first time you touched him, his werewolf senses went ape shit, that's why he was so confused by you."

"But -- but he's a werewolf. They kill people."

"You read too many books Laura. Now I'm going to let you up and it's your choice to accept what he is, or, you can run out of the house screaming. Me personally, I hope you choose the first one dear. Kevin's been waiting a long time for this."

Adam stood up and moved towards the large beast in the middle of the room. He patted Kevin's fur covered back and headed for the kitchen.

"You need a beer little buddy?"

Kevin headed towards the kitchen and Adam stopped him. "You stay here, I remember the last time you played fetch asshole."

Kevin moved back towards Laura. When he reached her, he placed his massive head in her lap and looked up at her with his bright gold eyes.

"Really Laura, he won't hurt you, I promise," Kristine said in a caring tone.

The young woman slowly brought her hand up and softly placed it on his head. When he made no move to stop her, she ran his thick fur through her fingers in amazement. She remembered as a small child, her parents taking her to a petting zoo. The exotic animals frightened her, but her fear subsided as she petted them.

"You really aren't going to hurt me?"

He couldn't speak, so to answer her, Kevin raised up and placed his immense head on her shoulder. Laura slowly wrapped her arms around his neck as Kristine did earlier. She softly squeezed and Kevin let out a low growl.

She quickly let go in shock, but Kristine settled her fears. "I think he's trying to tell you he likes you."

"Can he understand me?"

"Well sure he can sweetie, it's still Kevin."

"Sit Kevin."

Kevin moved to the center of the room as Kristine giggled. As told, he sat on his hunches.

"Roll over."

Kevin complied quickly so that she would understand why not to fear him.

"Oh Kevin, that is just fucking priceless," Kristine laughed aloud.

Adam returned with the beers. "If you two are done with the obedience training, I think Kevin here needs a beer. He also needs to answer her questions."

While he was on his back, Kevin returned to his normal self. His clothes were torn and he looked like a wreck. Adam handed him the beer and he took a long pull off it. When he sat his beer down, he looked at Kristine.

"You cheated with the newspaper. No pulling on the ears."

"You piss on my furniture and I'll rip that ear right off your furry little body Mister."

"How did -- I mean were you -- like -- bitten or something?"

"Nope, sorry to say Laura I've been like this from birth. The whole fur thing and teeth didn't come around till I hit puberty."

"That's strange I didn't think you hit puberty yet," Laura said with a smile.

Adam and Kristine roared with laughter as the remark hit home. Kevin glared at both of them, but he couldn't deny the well placed come back.

"Ha, ha, very funny Laura, I show you my true self and all you can think of is sit and roll over?"

"Sorry, it's my first time with a werewolf. What did you want me do, hop on and go for a ride?"

"Um -- I wouldn't suggest that one Laura," Adam said as he took a hit off his beer.

Kevin moved over to Laura and knelt before her. "There's something I have to find out now that you know what a monster I am."

Kevin slowly grabbed Laura's hand and held it. He remained like that for a few moments, staring at her delicate face. "What is it Kevin?"

"Now I understand why my werewolf was screaming to get out."

"Is it screaming to get out now?"


"That's so strange. I wonder why."

"Because I love you, Laura."

Long strands of tears ran down Kristine's face as she watched the unbelievable scene unfold before her. Even Adam had to brush away a few as he fought to control his joy for Kevin. Laura leaned forward and placed her lips close to Kevin's.

"I love you too," Laura whispered and then softly kissed her soul mate.

0600 hrs, back of the SEAL compound parking area.

Martina and Lorna Kordic walked slowly next to the three SEAL guards. They had very little to say in the matter. Both of them had waist restraint and ankle cuffs. As the two women approached the car, they saw two muscular well dressed men. Martina immediately knew they were CIA.

"Oh look Lorna, our very own CIA chauffer. Um gentlemen please try to keep the bumps to a minimum, you know how I hate to spill my martini," Martina said arrogantly.

"Good morning SEALs. Is there any transfer papers for me to sign?"

"No Sir. We're just glad to get rid of these two. You might want to gag them. The mother has a pretty smart mouth on her, if you hadn't noticed."

"That won't be necessary, we deal with her type all the time," he replied as the guard took off her restraints.

Once the cuffs were clear, Lorna stuck her hands out to one of the agents. "Here you go Officer, take me away."

"Shut up lady and get in. I don't have all day to fuck around with you," he said sternly.

The Kordic's climbed in the back seat as Lorna stared at her mother for an answer. Martina shook her head for Lorna to keep her mouth shut. As the door slammed shut, Martina saw the rear doors were missing the handles to open them.

"You sure you guys want to do that? I mean if you're out of restraints, you can borrow ours."

"Jesus you guys, how much trouble can two fucking females be?"

The car pulled out and headed for the front gate. As they passed the front entrance, the passenger turned around and glared at the two women.

"Now listen you two, here's the rules. If you behave, we can have a nice ride to the center. If you act up, well let's just say it won't be a pleasant ride."

"I know I can behave. How would you like a nice sloppy blowjob on the way there? I've been told I'm fairly good," Lorna said.

"I might take you up on that when we get out of town. What do you think Bill, Mom up here with me and the daughter in the back?"

"Hmmm, sounds like a good idea, but let's get out of town first."

"Ok, it's a date. Oh by the way, do you girls need some air back there. I can open a window or something."

Martina quickly answered up. "If you don't mind, we promise not to do anything stupid. I'm just looking forward to riding up front with Bill."

When the CIA agent turned around, Martina leaned in close to her daughter. "When they get out and switch us around, you take the driver and I'll handle the other one. Kill them quickly and we'll dump the bodies in the hills."

"I love you Mother."

"I love you pumpkin. We'll get out of this and go someplace quiet."

Martina sat back and prided herself on the good fortune of having to dick driven morons taking her back to the detention center. As she looked up ahead of them, she could see the outskirts of town, but there was a delivery truck trying to back up.

Bill looked around and turned right to go around the blocked road. They came up to an intersection and had to stop for the light. Lorna looked around at the tall buildings and then noticed a car pull up next to them. A slightly gray haired executive was in the back reading a financial report, when he looked up at the two women next to him. He smiled politely at them.

"Hey Mom, look," Lorna indicated to her.

As she turned to see what it was, the man in the back seat smiled even bigger. Lorna leaned over beside her mother and flashed him a bright smile.

"How's it going Grandpa, how about sliding in here for a little mother, daughter threesome?"

The older man chuckled and rolled down his window. "That's very sweet of you to offer, but I don't have the time really," he told her.

Suddenly, he raised the silenced 9mm Sig and fired two quick rounds into Lorna Kordics head. As Martina looked on in horror, she turned to face the elderly man. The last thing she heard him say before two more shots tore through her skull was something about Bravo.

The two Kordic's lay slumped in the back seat, as blood ran freely onto the carpet. Bill and his assistant calmly exited the car, as the other vehicle with Neal Hawkins in it, pulled forward. Bill walked around to the trunk and retrieved a wine bottle with a rag stuffed in it.

After lighting the rag, he tossed the bottle into the front seat. As the three CIA operatives and the SEALs Commanding Officer drove away, they heard a loud explosion, as the gas tank of the car with the bodies of Martina and Lorna Kordic exploded.


The Officer's club was dying down, now that the dinner rush was over. Adam and Kristine sat next to each other at the bar. Kristine couldn't help but show off the large diamond ring that now graced her left hand. Kevin sat next to Kristine and watched the news as he held hands with his true love, Laura.

Kristine sipped her glass of champagne as the words ran through her mind. 'Mrs. Adam Dawson, Mrs. Kristine Dawson, Kristine Duka -- Dawson.' No matter which way she pronounced it, she loved the sound.

"Excuse me Sir, would you mind if I change the channel to something a little less depressing?" the bartender asked.

"Can you wait just a few more minutes, the weather is coming up shortly," Adam replied.

"Not a problem Sir," she told him, as she poured him another glass of champagne.

"...and our final news story. A car exploded this morning around six o'clock near the outskirts of Aviano. It stopped at a traffic signal, when it suddenly went up in flames, according to some unofficial reports. Police discovered two bodies believed to be female inside, but due to the extreme heat of the fire, identification may be impossible."

"Fire investigators are looking into the matter, but police have said that no foul play was noted. Now for the weather. It will be cool with plenty of sunshine tomorrow. Temperatures should reach into the upper..."

Kevin, Adam, and Kristine looked at each other. All three of them had huge smiles on their faces. They had no idea if that car contained the remaining Kordics or not, but it seemed very odd that the two women had transferred to the custody of the CIA. Now there were two women in a fiery car accident.

"You don't think..." Kevin started to say.

"I don't think anything little buddy."

"I gotta tell you L-tee, I've been on my share of deployments, but this one takes the cake," Kevin said as he took a sip of his champagne.

"Well I for one am glad you two were here. I got a few new friends and future husband and maybe a few stories for the grandkids."

"Oh Jesus, we're not even married yet and she's starting in on me," Adam groaned.

"I was just thinking of the girl Jaz I met at the London airport. You know this whole deployment could be turned into a book. I mean you've got violence, love, deception, and to top it all off, the good guys won."

"Christ Kev, no one in their right mind would pick up a book about a werewolf who becomes a SEAL."

"I'm telling you Adam, I'm onto something here!"

"Alright wise guy, what are you going to name it, 'To hell and back' by Kevin Dvorska?"

"Um -- I have an idea," Laura piped in.

"Ok my love, you get to name it," Kevin replied as he kissed her hand.

"It's something I was thinking about after I learned about you and your gift. Why don't you call it 'They walk among us' it sounds catchy enough."

"Laura, I knew there was something I liked about you," Kevin said, and then softly kissed his lovers lips.

Thank you to everyone who has followed the adventures of Kevin Dvorska. I really appreciate all the requests for Kevin to find true love, and yes, Adam was lost when he first kissed Kristine in Chapter 7. For those of you who want more of Kevin and the group, don't worry and look for my Halloween submission. Don't forget to vote and let me know what you think of the story. See everyone in October.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

......still feel sorry for both Martina and Lorna, but esp. Lorna. She must be very young (a teenager since Martina is in her early 30s) and inexperience with life. Granted she has a vengeful father and a strange mother, I really dislike it that you unfairly had the Navy Seals take her young as she does not seem quite as evil like's as if you don't give 2nd chance to misguided teenagers like her? Lorna is way better than the 3 were terrorists and Nadia. They are exceptionally evil beings who wants to end the world, for heaven's sake!!!!!!! While Lorna is revenging for her father, however misplaced that might be, she is only misguided and surely deserves a 2nd chance in life.

WRT Martina, I can understand the SEALS desire for revenge as she caused the death of 4 Seal members, but killing Lorna?? In this respect, I don't quite respect the SEAL who had chosen to take way her life - This action make the SEALs seem petty, personal & unforgiving. Isn't Luka's presence and warning to Adam was about...yet you decided to end Lorna's her life -what contradictions here...:(I((

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

great....stories about Navy Seal, love, betrayal, revenge, sex and weres, wow, that's an unusual angle and read....I look for unique stories like this in literotica...all other category of stories becomes so boring and same old same old after a while....yours could be used for a spy thriller indeed! thank you.!

P.S. after reading a few good weres stories, I like to meet them too, the good ones, that is.. hehe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Why isn't this a book

It is rare that I actually do leave comments... It's a real schlep. For this story though I have to say, "Wow!!" Well done.

I'll be looking for your next story.

pheobecharmedpheobecharmedalmost 11 years ago

Love this story i love love love that jaz is mentioned it makes me laugh. she's such a wonderful author. anyways wtg on a great story and can't wait to read more from you :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Love, love, love this story

I have one minor whiney objection. You have the good women (Kristine and Laura) screaming at their men. Nonono. Screaming out their lines should be for the spittle spraying nasty bitches. Our awesome powerful women may certainly yell at their lunkhead men. Screaming as a general exclamation of fear is okay. (Eek! A werewolf!). Screaming dialog is harsher, more strident and generally psycho. Okay to recap-heroines yell, evil bitches scream. Looking forward to more from you...:)

DoctimeDoctimeover 11 years ago
They Walk Among Us

OMG!!!!!!! This should get the Series of the year award. Fellow Literotica readers, click on this story, I guarantee you a great read. KUDOS!

OmniferisOmniferisover 11 years ago

no this can't end. i loved this series, hope you do more stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Another Book

Just an idea, but if you do write another book/series you shoud use a Special Forces unit again, it is so hard to find accurate military books that are actually readable and fictionous, thanks

MSBLING59MSBLING59over 11 years ago


katgoddess1katgoddess1almost 12 years ago
Really good story

And I loved your cameo of Jaz Cullen!

MoheekoMoheekoalmost 12 years ago

im very pleased that it didnt turn out the way i thought it was going to :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I was writing my angry comment in my head after pg 3 in regards to the 2 evil bitches (excuse my English). I didn't even know I was holding my breath til I got half way thru pg 4 and let out a huge sigh of relief.

Fantastic job on the story. I will miss seeing new updates. Enjoy your time off between stories. And again THANK YOU for sharing your story with all of us.


PS The bit of humor at the end, Jaz writing about Kevin, that was a nice touch. :)

oneboobeeoneboobeealmost 12 years ago

Dang Halloween is so far off!!!! Can't wait.

MizTMizTalmost 12 years ago

You want me to wait until October for your Halloween story to get more of Kevin and the gang. That is just plain mean of you. Ok I'm done venting. You have done a really great job telling Kevin's story, and to know that his story isn't finished is really the icing on the cake. I'm glad Kevin has found his true love just as Adam and Kristine have eachother. I wonder what part Laura might play in upcoming storys. And will we ever get to a point where Kevin becomes a father?.....ok I'm jumping the gun big time, but this has been such an enjoyable story to read. So thank you for sharing it and yes I will be watching not only for your Halloween story but for the continuing adventures of Kevin and those in his life.

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