Those Eyes Alone Ch. 03-04

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A storm growing and the ice is broken.
3.8k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/28/2012
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Hi everyone! Her are the 3rd and 4th Chapters of the story. I put these two together so you guys could read it all at once and it not end so abruptly. Hopefully you guys are enjoying this story and I hope I can keep things flowing in the right direction. I'm not an English major, so this won't be perfect but bear with me. If you don't like it don't read it, I didn't come here for a grammar lesson that's what I go to school for thank you very much. Sit back relax and enjoy. Btw, there is a sex scene that occurs and I utilize HER as an identification of Trystynne, so please beware of that, and said scene may not be as great due to the circumstances of the plot as of now. *Also notice a tense change, its there for a reason, its a hint to something.* So please enjoy and comment.


Him: Okay, I had to get a grip on reality because this was all so unreal. I was honestly attracted to someone who didn't or at least pretended not to be attracted to me, but the lust behind those eyes, the desire behind them spoke to me. I went to my friend Craig, who hadn't been to a meeting in awhile, for advice. He was always joking and goofing off, but he had a reason for it. Being a cancer survivor who was right at the edge of death, he had a reason to be jovial. He was my best friend and informant, but when I went to him for advice and I needed him to be serious, he was. When I walked in his office, he stood up and greeted me with a crazy smile and a joke. Then he saw that I was in need of some advice.

"So tell me what's going on." He said sitting back in his chair.

"Well, I'm in a dilemma." I said and he nodded for me to go ahead. "Well you know that I've been constantly ranting about Keaton and there's this girl at the place, she helps cook with her aunt or grandma and ...Craig she's so beautiful, she pulling me in and I'm falling for her. Brendan figured it out and he was saying it was wrong because I'm with Keaton, be he doesn't understand, I'm trying to tolerate her, but she' so...Craig you see what I put up with. Today she told me her name and Craig she's so...I see the look in her eyes-" I said talking over myself not really making much sense, and pacing back and forward in front of his desk. When I looked at him, he was just sitting there with his mouth open. "Well, say something."

"I will, just start over and slow down."

"Okay look, I've got feelings for this girl who cooks for us at the meetings,"


"Yea, how do you know her name?"

"You know I joke around with everyone, I just wanted to make her laugh and then I talked to her, she's a really smart girl."

"Tell me what all you know about her." I said with a hint of jealousy in my voice. He took a deep breath and looked at me.

"Before I do, don't you dare treat her any differently, she doesn't deserve it." He said with all seriousness in his face. "I won't." I said matching his seriousness.

"She's a 21 year old college student majoring in psychology. She lives with her aunt, the lady who also cooks for us, because she's having a hard time finding a job."

"Does she have any children or anything?"

"I didn't dive into her personal life, but I do know she has no children."

"Why would I treat her differently then?"

"But you'd treat her differently if she was a single mom?"

"Craig, that should be understandable."

"What if you two start dating? You can't accept only part of her. What about Keaton?"

"That's why I came, I need advice."

"Look, I can only give you advice. I think you should get to know her, and try to be friends first, but be warned, have your shit in order so no one gets hurt. Make sure you stay clear of drama."

"I hear you I'll talk to you later." I made my way out of his office and made a decision on what I would do.

******** Her:When I got home that evening, I told my aunt I had a lot on my mind and I went for a walk. I had to think things through. I was starting to get attracted to him. When he looked at me and smiled my stomach flipped. I was like a high school girl with a crush on a jock. I had to get real, he wouldn't go for me. I kept thinking about the possibility of him having a girlfriend and how he would only be after sex if he did talk to me. Then I thought...

'What's so wrong about that? I've gotta lose it anyway huh? Why not get it over with. Then again, what if I get attached? What if I get pregnant? What if I lose my chance to find love? '

I was so confused. A lot of my friends would tell me to take risks and live, but I didn't want to be stupid. What would I do? I needed advice, so I decided to call my friend Havanna. She had so much experience in relationships and if she didn't her rich bitch friends did. When ever they had brunches or tea times, she would invite me. She would fix my hair and help me pick out a nice dress to help me fit in. They would sit around and sip on Chardonnay and talk about their boyfriends, their flings, engagements, or the latest gossip floating around the golf club. Havanna was a high middle class girl who could portray the rich life very well. She never shunned me because I was having problems, and I never really told her about my problems until she over heard a conversation I was having with a debt collector before I lost my apartment. I called her.

"Hey beautiful sista!" She said. "Hey miss cutie." I said smiling.

"What's up? I haven't heard from you in two days, I know you're not trying to break up with me." She joked.

"No crazy girl, I've been very confused lately and in need of some good advice."

"Okay, I'm all ears."

"Well, there's this guy and he is...he stares at me a lot. Today he pushed a plate over to get my attention and when I looked at him, he had this cute, mischievous grin on his face. He offered to help but I told him no. The he walked back where I was and stood there. I didn't know he was there until I turned around. Then he asked how I was and my name and I told him and that was that."

"Is he cute?"

"Yes, very."

"Well I think he likes you, but right now he's in the process of testing you, but he's totally into you. Go for it, take the risk, live."

"Yeah, yeah."

"I'm serious, my friend girl, well this girl I know, Keaton was telling me about her boyfriend and how he's been avoiding her and how he hardly talks to her. She's been wondering if she should leave him or keep him. I told her that she only gets one life and she better make the right decision or she'll regret it and that she may need to look at herself and see if its something she's doing to push him away. Trys, do me a favor."

"What is it?"

"Take a chance please. You never know what happiness awaits you"

"Okay Han."

"Love you much."

"Love you too." With that I made my decision.


Him:That night, when I got home, I was greeted by Keaton who had on red lingerie and there were candles lit. I was shocked, not to mention she had never done that before.

"Um, Keat. What's all of this?"

"I wanted to have a romantic evening. Sit down and relax honey."

"OOOkay." I sat down and she sat down beside me and started massaging my shoulders.

"Baby, I've been thinking and talking with my friend Havanna, and I want to get married."


"Yes, its time we settle down and have children. I want us to be together forever."


"Now, I know you're shocked to hear this come from me, but I want this, I want to be your wife."

"Keaton listen-"

"Come on baby, let's eat a little." She led me to the table and we sat down to eat.

"You cooked?" I said shocked. She hesitated then finally answered.

"Yes." I cut into the steak and took a bite and immediately dropped my fork and knife. That slut lied to me. I know an applebee's steak when I taste one.

"Do you like it?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Nathan, I know you need time to think, but I want this. You told me you would do all you could to make me happy and this will make me happy beyond measure."

"Keaton you need to lis-" She crushed her lips onto mine and straddled my lap. Her hand traveled my chest to my crotch and she rubbed. The friction she was creating caused me to get harder. She undid my pants and fished out my growing member. As she lowered she was staring at me intensely. I squinted against the dim light and I saw HER face. I saw her licking her lips in excitement then rubbing her tongue over the head of my now fully erect cock. I saw HER full, luscious swallow me whole. I felt HER throat relax trying to take in as much of my 9" cock as she could. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of the mouth on me while imagined HER. I imagined HER greeting me in a beautiful lingerie set and heels making her reach me a little better. I saw HER kiss me and ask how my day was, SHE would lead me over to a real home cooked dinner. I imagined HER showing those big beautiful chocolate breasts, I could literally taste them. Keaton lifted up and kissed me. I could taste myself on her lips, I stood up and still imagined she was Trystynne and I took things mid pace. I removed HER panties with my teeth letting my tongue lightly slide over her clit making her hiss with pleasure. I pulled one leg over my shoulder and teased HER juicy wet cunt. I liked around HER clit never giving HER the pleasure of touching the sensitive button and making HER beg for what SHE wanted. I wanted HER to beg for release, but I had that it was Keaton not Trystynne. I climbed up and pushed my stone hard cock into Keaton and plowed into her without mercy. I only saw Trystynne, HER calling out to me, touching me, me pleasing HER. Before I blew my load I pulled out and shot my jizz on Keaton's chest. She laid there rubbing my spunk all over her.

"That was good babe, I want this forever!" she smiled. I got up and went to take a shower. I kept thinking over and over about Keaton wanting to get married. She wanted to be happy, and she wanted this forever, but not once did she say she wanted to get married because she loved. Love never escaped her lips. It had to end.

******** Her:I jumped up out of my sleep from a dream I had. I could feel him, kissing me, touching me. I could see myself sucking on him. I had to either get over this or talk to him, but I was scared. What if he was engaged? I got up and walked to the bathroom, I felt wet and sticky from that dream so I jumped in the shower. I washed up and figured I'd go shopping. I got out, got dressed and went to one of the malls in our town and I a bunch of cute outfits, then I saw a very sexy lingerie set and decided to buy it for the heck of it. I then when to one of the stores and went to the electronic area. I was standing in front a 55" flat screen daydreaming when I heard a soft deep voice speak.

"Mesmerizing isn't it?"

"Very," I said looking at the man then looking back at the screen. I quickly looked back and it was Nathan. He looked at me with a black face. I backed away from him and looked back at the television to avoid looking him in the eye. "Sorry, I didn't notice it was you."

"I see, what brings you to Wally World?"

"I came to get out of the house."

"Nothing wrong with that, usually when I want to get out of the house, I go for a walk. Would you like to join me?"

"Don't you have to be at work?" I said still looking at the television. He reached over and touched my cheek then he gently placed his hand under my chin and turned my head to look at him. I looked in his piercing eyes.

"Now that's better. Does it kill you to look at me?"

"I don't know, I haven't stared long enough."

"It's better than you avoiding me. I'd rather you stare until you can see through my clothes than you looking elsewhere." He said seriously. I looked at him for a minute and couldn't help but laugh.

"You've been around Craig too much." I said. He started laughing with me and people started staring at us. "Ahem. I think we're a little too loud."

"Ah, go to hell." He said. He grabbed my hand and we walked off ending up in one of the deserted areas of the store. When it got quiet, I felt the urge to kiss him, so I turned around and started tinkering with some of the items on the shelf. "So, Trystynne, what do you do when you're not being bored to tears in those meeting?"

"Well," I said and turned to face him. He was leaning back with his arms folded looking down at me. He looked so good. I had never really paid much attention to how muscular he was. "I try to find jobs and take "etiquette lessons". I said referring to the brunches. I told him about my struggle to find a job to see if he would act differently.

"Are you in college?"

I nodded.

"Well I understand how that is, but I used to fish and hunt when I had spare time." He said with a big grin.

"Who do you think I am Martha Stewart? I don't fish, camp, hike, none of that."

"You should."

"Why? I hate heights, I loathe spiders, I love my life and I'd prefer to die peacefully in my sleep of old age, not mauled by a bear or mountain lion." I said. He laughed and grabbed me playfully by the shoulders.

"I'm gonna have to toughen you up."

"Don't you have to go to work?"

"Why? Looking at me starting to kill you?"

"No haha. I just wouldn't want stain your punctuality."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Look at you, you are so neat and trimmed all the time...well except when your stuffing your face, but I've never seen you with a hair out of place."


"Then again, I do only see you at the meetings."

"So you do watch me as much as I watch you." He said with a smile at the corner of his mouth. "What?" I said defensively.

"You've been watching me like I've been watching you. If you didn't, you wouldn't know how neat I am."

"Whatever," I said getting pissed off at myself because I was caught.

"I know you can feel me when I look at you." He said walking behind me and whispering in my ear. He grabbed me under my chest and I couldn't help but shiver at his touch. I had only dreamed of him touching me but to feel the real thing was like an electric current surging through me. "I've been waiting to hold you close to me and I know you've been waiting too I can feel you shaking."

I felt a tingling sensation between my legs, and my breathing became shallow.

"Oh, I've got to be dreaming." I said feeling my face. I had started sweating a little.

"I'm tired of dreaming, I'm ready for reality." He said kissing my neck. My knees buckled and I tried to move away from him but he held me there, close to him, feeling him, wanting him. "I dreamed of you last night, you've been clouding my mind since your eyes first met mine."

"Nathan," I said in a whisper that sounded like a plea.

"What do you want? Tell me, I'll do it." He said kissing little trails down from my ear to my neck.

"I can't, I just..." I tried to speak but nothing was making sense in my head. All I that clouded my mind was asking him to relieve the tension between my legs. I need the release and I wanted him to release me.

"You will." He said kissing my neck one last time "See you Wednesday." He let me go and walked away. When he left there was a noticeable absence and I felt empty. I tried to breath normally but I felt like I was going to faint, so I quickly left the store and went home.

******** Him:I left the store with my hands in front of me hoping no one would look hard enough to tell why. When I got in my truck, I had to catch my breath. Her body was so soft and smooth. I was 20 minutes late for work so I called off. I smiled when I told them I wouldn't be going in that day, I thought about her saying 'ruin your punctuality'. She had been watching me, and with all of my thoughts confirmed I had feel her. When I touched her she shivered and so did I. I thought over our little talk. She had a great sense of humor and sexy smile. When she first laughed it sent a wave through my body. I had been waiting for her to at least smile at me and when she did I wanted to grab her and kiss her. I wasn't going to let keep avoiding me, so I made her look at me. She's a beautiful woman and there was no way she was going to avoid eye to eye contact with me. I drove home, when I got there the house was empty so I got comfortable and lounged around for awhile. I thought about how I was going to take things Trystynne, I didn't want to move too fast, but I didn't want to move too slow. I wanted to get up and drive around town until I found her, but I felt that would be too much at one time. My phone rang and I answered.

"Hey what's up mane?" Craig said trying to sound like Boomhauer off of King of the Hill.

"Craig you asshole." I said laughing

"What's the news on you and Trystynne?"

"I talked to her, we had a real conversation."

"Whoa-ho, way to go bro." He said sounding like a surfer. "Come by the office and tell me all about it."

"I'll be there in a minute." When I got to his office, I told him about everything except that I almost took her in the store.

"Well you know, this might be your step up, if you're going to be with someone why not have someone who's going to be there for you."


"And one of the best parts is that she can cook that good food we get at the meetings and more."

That had me thinking even further than just being curious in the bed. She was beautiful, with a good sense of humor, and she was smart. I wanted to know her more than the simple things; I wanted to know her favorite color, foods, and seasons of the year. I could see her walking around the house playing with two little ones. I was moving so fast and feeling so much, but how could I change that without taking a chance first? Wednesday I walked in and saw her walking to the supply closet. I couldn't resist temptation, I had to talk to her, feel her. I walked in the supply closet and stood there watching her scramble to find something. She turned around dusting herself off not paying attention.

"Well I don't see any-Ahh!!." she screamed and I covered her mouth.

"Shh, you don't want anyone to bust in on our private meeting."

"Ok, you can't just creep up like that; you scared the hell out of me."

"Oh such a dirty word for a pretty mouth." I said cupping her chin in my hand. She smiled and looked up at me with those hypnotizing eyes of hers.

"I do have to work today."

"You're looking for something, who knows how long that could take." I said locking the door.

"Not long. Unlike you this is my only source of income of income and you pay to get this food, so if you want to eat you better bet out of my way." She said never losing her smile and playfully pushing me against the door.

I cupped her face in my hand and looked deep in her eyes searching for the desire. She looked down and away, but I lifted her face and brushed my lips against hers then I gently kissed her slow and carefully. She accepted and moved for another and I met her lips and I kissed her with more passion and intensity than before. She put her hands on my chest and looked down trying to catch her breath. I couldn't stop, I wanted more, so I lifter her face and kissed her more.

"I have to get back to work." She kissed me one last time and I let her go out the door. Her lips were soft and delicious. I could still feel her on my own lips. I wanted to kisses her longer, and in more places, not in a supply closet, but somewhere special. I had feelings I could not and would not repress. Just as I sat down Keaton crossed my mind. I looked over at Trystynne and she was listening to her music and playing on her phone. I wanted her to be mine but I had to get rid of that road block before I messed up something good.

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brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutieover 9 years ago
This story is so good!!

Nathan excellent thinking get rid of Keaton!!

AMHJ89AMHJ89over 10 years ago

Smart man tying up loose ends

i_heart_candyi_heart_candyalmost 12 years ago

I really love this story, and im praying for keaton not to get pregnant- i already dont like her. Awesome job!

MzSapphiriaMzSapphiriaalmost 12 years agoAuthor
Much Thanks

You guys have been really great and encouraging in the proccess of this story. I'm trying to keep you guys intrigued with my writing and I have some great ideas going and I hope you guys like it. I write the chapters before I post them and I try to make them long but they don't seem to be as long on here as they are in microsoft and paper. Thank you guys and please keep reading

Bizzy_BishBizzy_Bishalmost 12 years ago
Great Job!

I really like where this is going... I'm hoping Keaton didn't get any pre-cum and won't get pregnant... That would piss me off so bad... Great job!


NightpleasureNightpleasurealmost 12 years ago

Understand where ur going with the story but we need more to read. I was thinking these chapters would be longer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Pretty good

but this is not a 'chap. 03-04' it's just a chap. 03 - cheata'! Lol - just kidding! Seriously though, this last installment was not long enough to claim it was two chapters. It's barely one chapter. Interesting story so far though. I'm looking forward to seeing if Nathan has anything about him and hope he comes clean to Keaton so that he can move on with Trystynne.

MzMagicBeautyMzMagicBeautyalmost 12 years ago

some mistakes here and there but i love this story i dont know why ...

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