Three Babes


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Perhaps he should ask them both to commit to him and see what that produced.

Yeah great but what would happen if they both decided no and said to him no more sex.

"Jesus they wouldn't do that would they?" he yelled. He knew the answer was possibly.

So let sleeping dogs lie?

Well what eventuated would occur whether or not he tried to manage it. But deep down he knew at least one of them would be right for him.

Oddly enough, the women led Conrad to a defining conclusion.

He told each of them that his 29th birthday was coming up.

Christie said oh she'd have to buy him a present and perhaps they could go out that night.

Adele said well that was something to look forward to and she hoped he'd enjoy the occasion.

Conrad was disappointed with those responses. Adele's was the warmest but promised nothing whereas Christie suggested she fit in and go out with him to celebrate. Neither of them had actually asked when was his birthday. He'd though women were supposed to be nosey and wanted the most minute details about everything.

Well at least Adele was pleasing him. She now swallowed every time she engaged in fellatio and that brought her up to speed with Christie. Um not that he required that of women because it was a person preference sort of thing. For some time he'd been swallowing their juices but hadn't expected quid pro quo.

He then told them, separately of course, that he was thinking of returning home for his birthday to try to effect a firm reconciliation. Both women asked why were he and his parents estranged and he told them, leaving nothing out.

Christie said, "God I wouldn't have done what you did for a woman you'd only had sex with a few times."

In contrast, Adele said, "That was a senseless but nevertheless a very noble sacrifice and you remained true to your commitment when landed with an alarming result than expected. I'm very proud of you."

Well that response put Adele a mile ahead of Christie.

To the second part of those conversation, when he asked would they like to accompany him when he returned home, Adele no she would be studying and needed to be on standby in case any of the restaurants ran into trouble. Christie's reply was rather direct: "No way; I could think of any thing worse."

He was disappointed with both women although accepting they didn't owe him anything but to keep clean for sex and to be pleasant.

However Adele called him next morning at dawn and said, "I've reconsidered. I will accompany you. I can catch up on study and my parents have other people on tap in emergencies."

"No it's okay."

"Conrad please be sensible. I know I turned you down initially but then reflected and know I'm now doing the right thing by saying I'll accompany you. If I'm on my very best behavior I could assist to soften their attitude toward you. Can't you see that?"

"Well yes. Actually I can see my mom falling head over heels for you. Um you wouldn't have to mention that Jeff guy would you?"

"Christ no," Adele said hotly. "That's regarding me as a stupid bitch."

"I'm sorry. God what was I thinking."

Her voice soften and she said, "You were attempting to avoid a train wreck I'd believe."

"Yeah avoiding a fucking family disaster," he laughed. "You are quite right but the trip could end in disaster despite our best efforts."

"Yes of course but call them and say you are coming home for your birthday?"

"Eh? I was thinking of just dropping in on them for a real surprise."

"Darling just think it through. If you announce your intention they have the opportunity of saying don't bother, or thinking well say that will provide an opportunity for reconciliation, or if it's your mother talking to you, it gives her the chance to bawl her eyes out and say yes, come home son."

Conrad thought basically she could be quite right but said, "You don't know my mother; she's almost as tough as your father."

"And you are to deny her the opportunity of allowing attempted reconciliation just because you have that belief?"

"Um no. I was thinking of doing what you suggest."

"Good boy. I wish you were here so I could offer you a breast to suck."


"Just kidding."

"Oh yeah. You called me darling a minute ago."

"Oh did I? My oversight."

"No don't think like that. My heart skipped five beats."

"Don't talk nonsense," she giggled. "I must get ready for work. Bye."

"Bye, oh I'll book a mid-afternoon flight Friday and mid-afternoon or later flight back on Sunday."

"Fine. That sounds you are pretty positive about making up with your parents."

Conrad tried to remember her tone when she said not to talk nonsense. Did she sound pleased?"

He couldn't be sure. But wasn't her decision to go home with him enough?

He believed it was.

"Yes!" he said emphatically.

Conrad considered the ways to ease out of the relationship to Christie and still enable them to work together.

It didn't appear to be easy.

After failing to come up with anything he thought she'd be comfortable about, he adopted the approach of straight-on communication.

"Um Christie, would it upset you greatly if I attempted to date that women over at the restaurant."

"No," she said, and then added, "Have you decided to finish with me?"

"No not exactly but she bent over not far from me a couple of days ago to pick up a fork and I well, I became aroused."

"God you men," Christie grated. "One sighting of pussy and you go gaga."

Conrad hadn't known that.

"Um well?"

"Go and bang her if that's what you want. Andrew has been making noises about wanting us to become engaged but I was waiting to find out if your have longer-term interest in me and obviously you don't."

"Um Christie."

"There's no need to apologize. I know how men are. I must say it was great while it lasted. You fuck heaps better than Andrew."

"I-I don't know what to say."

"Are you still comfortable about having me work for you?"

Conrad said of course and was told not to expect an invitation to her wedding if he was still fucking that bitch at the restaurant.

"I find that acceptable."

"Ha," she snorted, leaving Conrad to wonder what kind of response was that.

Two days later Christie came in and showed him her engagement ring and he congratulated her fulsomely.

Later he heard there had been an engagement party but Christie must have overlooked sending him an invitation.


Looking down from her window seat in the aircraft, Adele said, "I've never been this far south before or knew there was such a place as Big Dome City."

"Well Adele," Conrad drawled. "You can't be expected to know everything."

"These parts were shaped zillion of years ago by retreating glaciers and are now called plains and river-flats and that out there is Mt Dunk in the shape of a big dome, hence the name that influenced first European settlers."

"Omigod, how romantic."

"Eh? The flatness around here gets pretty boring. Have you ever skied in Colorado?"

"No, I've never skied."

"Well we must attend to that," he said, as they arrived at Big Dome City. When renting a car Adele read a sign, Pop. 37,344.

They drove up to the sprawling trucking facility.

"Gosh this is a far larger enterprise than I'd expected."

"Well dad and his business partners spent big on aggressive marketing and today the company is the dominant trucking company. Oh the hinterland we serve as well as the city has a population of 63,0o0-something people and so there's a lot of business out there."

They walked into the office with the sign on the door stating "Joint Managing Director & Company Secretary."

"Hi mom."

"Omigod Conrad," screamed the plump woman who catapulted from her chair to launch into smothering her son with kisses.

When that was done Mrs Pearson turned and said to Conrad to introduce his friend.

"This is Adele Sergio mom who works with me and her folk operate three restaurants."

Susan looked at the tall, elegant brunette with apparent child-bearing hips and probably thought grandchildren.

"Oh darling, welcome. You are so beautiful. Might I call you Adele?"

"You may. Conrad why don't you go off and say hi to your father? Oh and please close the door.

When the door closed Adele said, "Mrs Pearson, I was told something in confidence but I have this great desire to share with you. It concerns Conrad allegedly stealing $15,000 from this company. I know Conrad will never unload to you because he took his stance at the outset."

"Go on dear," Mrs Pearson said, turning pale.

* * *

"Hi," said Kevin Pearson, remaining seated. "How are you?"

"Fine dad, how are you?"

"Quite good really. Take a seat. Coffee?"

"Thanks dad."

Kevin pressed a buzzer three times.

"Great system dad. What happens if you press the button four times?"

"Brenda comes in, locks the door..."

Kevin halted, turning red.

"Great system dad. The buildings and trucks I saw look in fine condition. You always were good in reinvesting some of the spoils backs into the business."

"We are No. 1 in the business Conrad and aim to stay that way. Part of our Business Plan is to look successful and we are convinced it works."

A female came in with coffee. She had a short dress and big tits and Kevin said, "Brenda this is my son Conrad."

"Hi Brenda."

"Hi Conrad. I knew your father's son would be handsome."

She looked all of twenty-two.

Brenda left and the two guys focused on her bouncing tail.

"And mom allows this?"

"Allows what?"

"Come on dad, she adores you and..."

"Well all right. But please don't say anything, even hint anything. Your mom finally decided to accept it when I pledged no one else would ever get to know."

"Your secret is safe with me dad and good on you. Has she left school yet?"

Kevin almost fell out of his chair laughing. His phone went.

"Excuse me, it's your mother."

"Yes, yes Conrad is here with me. Yes I'm coming."

"Stay here. Your mom wishes to see me urgently. I'll send Brenda back in to er amuse you. No touching her."

Conrad grinned as his father raced off. He'd thought fair-minded Adele would be unable to tell his mom the truth and that's why on the drive to Big Dome City he'd casually recounted details of why he'd thrown out of the family.

Brenda came in a leaned against his father's desk and adjusted her bra.

"Oh like your father you're also interested in breasts?"

"Nah they are just piled up heaps of fat."

She looked bewildered and asked, "Then what can we talk about?"

"Do you enjoy having sex with my father?"

She turned crimson and looked at the door. "Must I really say?"

"I would appreciate if you did talk to me confidentially Brenda. I've never understood what attracts females to males unless it's a big dick."

"Oh no Mr Pearson. Size is not everything but it must be long enough to stay in..."

She then launched into an explanation about what compels women to have casual sex with men in such detail and apparent validity that convinced Conrad that the young woman should be at university lecturing on sexual behavior.

Brenda had a breast out and was demonstrating to the fascinated Conrad some of her erogenous zones when his father burst into the room, glanced at Brenda and yelled, "For god sake Brenda, put it away". He then hugged his son and said joyfully, "You crazy, stubborn and misguided fool, you should have taken the rap for Kitty Smith."

"Oooh," Kaye said, advancing toward them. "May I hug you guys too?"

They broke apart hastily.

When Kevin rushed off reconcile with Conrad, Susan said sweetly, "May I ask what is the relationship you have with my son?"

"I work in a restaurant. He calls in occasionally, if fact I was the first person to greet him when he arrived in the city. Since then we've met once a week for sex."

"Oh I see," Susan said, as if not expecting the woman to be so upfront. "I must say you appear rather educated to work in a restaurant."

"Well all types of people work in restaurants for different reasons," Adele said vaguely.

"Um I have place you in different bedrooms."

Adele sniffed.

"Well that's okay if you must."

"I can change that arrangement."

"Yes please. I promise not to make too much noise."

"Omigod," Susan wheezed. "Um what job does Conrad hold down?"

"He's chief accountant for a department store, the largest retail employer in out city."


"What Mrs Pearson?"

"He'll never want to return here?"

"Well who really knows what people will do in the days ahead?"

"You mean you have no expectations of Conrad?"

"No Mrs Pearson. We are only together casually. I have a boyfriend."

Susan mentally groped to absorb that information.

Later when Adele had Conrad to herself while Adele was dressing for dinner and while Kevin was still across the road checking in late-arriving drivers, Adele said, "I understand you are chief accountant at a big department store. How many people are under your control?"



"Your boy has done well huh?"

"Very well. I asked Adele what depth of relationship did she expect from you and she said you only have a casual relationship, that she has a boyfriend."

"Yeah and I bet that shook you."

"Indeed. What I can't understand is why should she go with you sometimes when she has a regular boyfriend?"

"Mom I've never asked her. Perhaps I screw better than her boyfriend."

Susan managed to say well that would be an understandable reason but then why didn't Adele devote all her time to Conrad."

"The answer to that is simple. I allocated her only one night a week and she has to be with her boyfriend."

"Conrad I really can't understand you young people these days. I suppose you are busy other nights because of the pressures of your big job?"

"Yeah you could say that mom," Conrad said vaguely.

"Why don't you go after a young woman with substance?"

"Adele's breasts are quite large enough for me."

Susan managed to cope with that. "I meant why bother with a restaurant worker?"

"Oh I see. You think I ought to associate with young women with fancy job titles and wealthy parents."

"Well yes and relatively speaking your parents are wealthy, or we would be if we cashed up."

"Mom I'll ease your burden. Adele is day manager where she works but her main task is to make the day operation more profitable. Her parents have two other restaurants including the leading restaurant in the city. If you went into it you'd say it was the grandest restaurant you'd ever been in."

"Conrad your turn to shower and dress for dinner. Mrs Pearson may I help with dinner."

"Call mom Susan. Mom is impressed by people of substance."

"Oh he's been stupid Mrs Pearson. My breasts are smaller than yours."

"He means your parents own three restaurants."

"Oh I see. And Conrad's parents run a huge trucking business. Don't you think that's about even?"

"Um yes and please call me Susan."

"Fine Susan. For the record my size is 34D. You know I never thought two women a generation apart would ever get round to comparing breast size."

"Once I was a 34 but I'm having to wear 36B bras now. Please don't say anything about that within Kevin's hearing. He goes on about I'm still the same size as when he married me and I like him possessing that delusion. It's so flattering."

"I really like you Susan," Adele laughed and hugged her tightly.

"You are so sweet. Do you mind if I ask my daughter and husband Al to dinner tomorrow night? I'd like Jane to meet you."

"Yes I'd welcome that."

Susan smiled and said, "I'll call Jane now. Could you check the oven roast and then make two Martinis? The men will have beer."

"Of course."

Susan made the call from the day room at the end of the kitchen but Adele could hear Susan speak.

"Hi dear, they've arrived and we've made our peace with Conrad but I'll give you details tomorrow if you will come for dinner."

"Yes I know two hundred miles is a long way to go to dinner. But actually it's 148 miles and you can stay the night. He's arrived with this sensational young woman."

"Yes your brother. Her name is Adele and she is tall, a brunette with a gorgeous figure and she helps her parents run their restaurant business."

"Yes she does sound interesting. I take it you will come?"

"Oh wonderful darling. Oh your bother is head accountant at a department store and controls twenty-three people."

"I don't know how he got a job like that darling. It could be because he's so good looking. Bye dear."

"Jane can come but couldn't check with her husband because he's on the way home. She'll still come if he has other plans."

"Oh that's lovely. I think your daughter should catch up with her brother."

"Ah yes, quite so."

Conrad slipped into bed that night, erection at the ready, and the excited Adele had already fingered her pussy so that it was swollen and moist, not unlike an over-ripe peach.

"I'm glad we are well away from your parents."

"Yeah they might have kept us awake."

Adele thought that was a joke.

"Push into me Conrad."

"What about all that other stuff you go on about."

"I'm aroused and have been so since we left for the airport early this afternoon."

"Oh right. Anything to please a lady."

In he slid and Adele squeezed him and they worked up to a pleasing pace and they kissed and stroked one another and murmured things they would not recall afterwards.

Conrad pulled out and turned Adele on to her left side and inserted and they got up to speed again and soon began panting.

He wormed a hand between them and thumbed her anus.

"Don't darling."

There goes that word again, he thought, ignoring her request as his thumb worked in past the first joint and waggled.

She whimpered and squeeze hard on him and in went more of his thumb and she yelped and came.

He followed a few seconds later and game over, they snuggled in to sleep after he'd knotted the condom and threw it towards the bathroom doorway.

Jane, who was four months pregnant, and husband Al arrived in time for lunch and she and Adele switched on to one another with ease and mid-afternoon went for a walk, inviting Susan to accompany them, but she said she needed to attend to meal preparation.

"But the men are doing a barbecue."

"Yes Jane but what else do they do, I ask you."

"Yeah of course. They turn meat and then act as if they did everything."

"Yeah it takes a lot from men to surprise women," Adele said and they three of them laughed like old friends.

After rising above the airport next afternoon on their flight home, Adele said to Conrad, "I said to you I enjoyed myself. But the truth is I really, really enjoyed myself. You have a lovely family and I'm so glad you are back into the fold."

"Yeah well it's nice to be back in favor. I could see you had a good time and you and Jane bawling when we were leaving. I couldn't believe it. You two had only known each other for a little over twenty-four hours."

"She's very nice," Adele mumbled.

"She told me I should marry you."

Adele said very quietly, "She said something like that to me."

"Mom was at me too. Dad just wanted to know were you any good in bed and I refused to answer."

"Good for you," Adele mumbled.

"Well how about this as a proposal? "I suggest you edge your boyfriend out of your life taking as long as you wish. Then you move in to live with me for a couple of months to really test our suitability and we talk about how we would manage our marriage once you take on deeper responsibility in your parent's business. Then when we've gotten through that lot, and that shouldn't take too long, we discuss wedding plans."

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure," Conrad said. "I've thought a lot about this every since I saw you hugging my mom and saw the look on her face. It was a close to perfect happiness I've seen since Jane's wedding."