Through Tragedy Comes Love Pt. 03


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Ava's voice seemed more awake and excited. "Can I play too?"

Emily chuckled, causing her pussy to do some interesting things around my sensitive cock. I groaned.

"What's the matter, daddy?" Ava asked, thankfully still from the door.

"He's just groaning because he lost. Now you go back to bed, and when I let daddy up, I'll come tuck you back in. Okay?"

"Okay, mommy."

I watched under the bed, as Ava's little feet turned around and walked back out into the hall. Emily collapsed on top of me. We looked into each other's eyes, and we broke out laughing.

Emily checked one last time to make sure the coast was clear before disengaging our privates and standing. We both moaned as our genitals separated.

Emily quickly pulled on some underwear and her robe. "You get cleaned up while I tuck Ava in."

I simply nodded. I shook my head at the situation, as I made my way to the bathroom.


The smell of coffee and bacon brought me out of my contented sleep. I stretched, and after pulling on my robe, wandered out to see what the rest of my family was up to.

As I came down the stairs, the smells got stronger, and I was greeted by the sight of my beautiful sister working over the stove making us breakfast, and Ava snuggled up on the couch watching her favourite cartoons. A little out of character, when Ava spotted me, she only smiled and turned back to her show.

I wandered into the kitchen, wrapping my arms around Emily. I nudged her head to the side and kissed her neck. "Good morning."

She sighed appreciatively, "It certainly is a good morning." She released the frying pan and reached around, grabbing my ass pulling my pelvis into her. "Can you set the table, please? Breakfast is almost ready."

"Sure." I let her go and quickly poured myself a cup of coffee before getting things ready to eat.

By the time I finished setting the table, Emily called out, "Get to the table Ava. Breakfast is ready.

"Okay, mommy!" The red streak of Ava's fiery hair caught my eye as she hurtled toward me. She slammed into my legs clasping them in a bear hug. "Morning daddy!"

I chuckled, and helped her into her seat, "Good morning Angel."

Emily served the food, cooked to perfection, and Ava dug in without preamble. I just smiled.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" I asked.

Emily gave me a coy look. "Well, Ava has a play date today. Aisha's mom, from her school, invited Ava over for the whole day!"

Clearly, this was news to Ava, because her eyes got big, and she looked excited. A moment later she screamed, "Yay! I get to play with Aisha!"

I covered my ears. If I didn't I think they would have been bleeding from the noise levels.

"Keep it down a bit hun. I don't think they need to hear you in Australia."

Ava just giggled and went back to her bacon and eggs.

I ate a few bites, then looked back to Emily. "And what about us? Do you have anything planned?"

The coy smile returned. "Maybe. But I can't tell you in present company."

I grinned. I couldn't wait until I could find out what was in store for the afternoon.


I could hear the door to the garage close and looked over. Emily was Ava free and carrying a plain paper bag. This piqued my interest. Though a few grocery stores were switching back to paper bags, we didn't frequent any of them.

"What's in the bag?"

Emily blushed so red, her face matched her hair. "A surprise. Give me an hour or so, and then come to the bedroom. Okay?"

Now I was dying to know what was in the bag. Despite my curiosity, I agreed. Emily ran upstairs to the bedroom and I heard her close the door behind her. Soon after I could hear the shower running.

I stayed in the living room watching the game, but let me tell you, that was the longest hour of my life. I have no idea what happened on the TV, I simply couldn't keep my mind off what might be happening in the bedroom.

A little more than an hour later, a tentative call from upstairs let me know I could join my sister. I shut off the TV and ran up the stairs. My curiosity HAD to be satiated.

The door to the bedroom stood unlatched but closed over. I eased the door open and peered inside.

Emily set the room up with the lights off, and the drapes closed. Only a few candles provided dim lighting. Emily lay naked and propped up on the bed. She avoided looking directly at me, stealing glances as I closed the door and approached the bed.

I could tell something was up. Emily hadn't acted anything like this since her first time. Not any of the times we experimented or tried new things to see if she liked them.

I sat down on the edge of the bed. Only then did I notice a few other things she arranged around the room. On the end table, there were stacks of towels, condoms and bottles of lube. We didn't use condoms, and typically not lube, and as far as I knew we didn't have either in the house.

I smiled lovingly at her. "What's all this?"

She blushed again, looking away. A moment later she looked back, and after a deep breath she said, "I want to try something." I smiled and waited for her to go on. "I want to try anal."

My smile widened. I had some experience with anal. It wasn't my favourite way to have sex, but Sarah enjoyed it occasionally. And if Emily wanted to try it, I felt happy to aid her with the experience.

"Is that why you're so bashful today? Because you wanted to try something new?" She nodded in response to my question. "Silly, silly woman. You should know by now, all you have to do is ask, and ye shall receive."

I leaned in and kissed her gently. Despite her desire, I could tell she felt worried and tense, and that would never do for what she planned.

I made out with Emily slowly. I didn't do anything more until she started to relax. Only then did I start moving my hands up to her breasts. I cupped her mammary and felt the nipple contact. She moaned into my mouth.

Once that happened, our passions quickly increased. Our hands started to rove, and Emily started pulling at my clothes. I agreed with her assessment that I remained overdressed for the occasion at hand.

It only took seconds before my naked body was entwined with hers.

As my hands moved over her body while our lips remained locked, and our tongues duelled, I lowered my right hand to her ass. I gripped it firmly, causing Emily's moans to increase. I wormed my fingers between her muscular cheeks and found her puckered hole.

Once my finger made contact she gasped and pulled away. She looked into my eyes with her eyes wide. Thus far I stayed away from her pucker in our lovemaking.

She smiled and kissed me again.

I worked my finger around, testing her hole. I could feel how tight she was, and how her anus twitched around my finger.

I pulled my lips away from hers and started kissing down her neck.

"Oh, yes, Chris. I love that!"

I chuckled and continued to work my way down her body. When I made it to her breasts, I latched on to her nipple. Her hands shot to my head and pulled me firmly to her.

After a moment, she guided me to her other breast, so I could give it the same treatment.

I continued to work my way down her body and soon knelt between her legs. Without teasing, I dove into her snatch. As soon as my tongue swiped up her lips, her back arched, lifting her hips off the bed. She let out a guttural moan and flopped back down. Her fingers wove into my hair and held on firmly.

I grabbed onto her hips holding on, ensuring my lips stayed locked to her pussy, as she thrashed about.

As I licked I worked my way to the top of her slit and uncovered her clit. I sucked it into my mouth and flicked my tongue over it and it wasn't long before she experienced her first orgasm. I continued to lick her as she cum, though I moved away from her clit as she came down.

Finally, I stopped and smiled up at her. She looked down at me with lidded eyes.

"I'm not complaining. That was awesome. But I thought I said I wanted to try something new."

I laughed. "I'm just getting warmed up. Or maybe I should say I'm warming you up." I kissed her pussy, causing her to shudder, before removing myself from between her legs.

"Sit up, and let's get this party started," I said, as I grabbed the pillows.

I handed her one pillow for her head, and took the others and put them where her hips would be. Finally, I grabbed a towel and put it over everything to help with cleanup if needed. I instructed her to lay down, and we adjusted things as needed.

I lay down beside her for a moment and cuddled up to her. "Em, we'll try this, but if it's too much, or hurts or anything. Let me know. Okay." She nodded, and I smiled. I kissed her, before sitting up. "Oh! The key is to try and relax. The more you tense up, the more it's going to hurt."

She looked over her shoulder and smiled up at me. "Got it. Just go slow, and be gentle."

"I will Love."

With those words, I grabbed a bottle of lube and poured some into her ass crack. She jumped when the cool viscous fluid touched her behind.

"Relax," I encouraged, as I used my fingers to spread the lube and started to add pressure to her pucker.

I couldn't believe how tight she felt, especially if she was relaxed. One finger was having trouble penetrating the tight knot of flesh that was her sphincter.

I pistoned my finger in and out of her behind, and it didn't take long for her breathing to intensify. When I looked at her face, to gauge her reaction she looked like she was in pain.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded, but didn't say anything, or look at me.

I poured some more lube onto her anus and continued to work it in. When I thought she was loose enough, I tried to put in a second finger.

As my second finger penetrated the tightness, Emily let out a sound halfway between a whimper, and a moan.

I paused with both fingers in her backside, hoping she would acclimate to the intrusion.

With my other hand, I was stroking her back, hopefully encouraging her to relax.

Soon I began again to move my fingers in and out. Again Emily let out the same sound between a moan and whimper of pain.

"Are you sure you want to keep going? You look like you're in pain, and I don't want to hurt you."

That comment made her open her eyes. I saw the pain reflected there as well. "It hurts but feels good too. I trust you. Go slow."

I felt conflicted. I meant what I said about not wanting to hurt Emily, and I am bigger than a couple of fingers.

"Okay, Em. Remember to relax."

She nodded again. I put on a condom and grabbed the lube again. I coated my dick and poured more into her crack. I lined up my prick with her pucker.

When my member made contact, Emily let out a moan.

I smiled at her reaction and pressed forward. I was captivated as my cock attempted to ease into her forbidden treasure.

She moaned and groaned as my prick moved infinitesimally farther into her bowels.

I tried to go slow. I did. But with how tight she was, and how much pressure I had to exert to pass through her sphincter, it was an exercise doomed to failure.

Once the tip broke through, I lost control. With the sudden lack of resistance. I plunged a couple inches, in less than a second.

Emily screamed in pain. "Take it out! Take it out!"

I complied immediately, and pulled her sobbing body to me, trying to comfort her. "I am so, so, sorry!" I whispered urgently into her ear. I was distraught and crying too. I vowed to myself I would never do that again.

She rolled over so she faced my chest, and she cried into it.

After some time, our crying came to an end. She moved her head away from my chest and looked up into my face. She gave me a weak smile. "I don't think that went very well." I chuckled at her understatement. "But at least we tried it. We can strike that one off our list of things to try."

I nodded my agreement with her.

I was going to say something but was struck dumb when I felt Emily's hands tenderly groping my soft prick. She pulled off the condom and threw it onto the floor. "You haven't cum yet," she said, returning her hand to fondle my balls.

I moaned at the exquisite feelings and could feel my loins tightening once again.

"You don't have to. I just want to make sure that you're okay."

She smiled up at and kissed me. "I know. I'll be fine. I'm sore now and may be for a day or two, but I don't want to leave you hanging either."

Emily sped up her ministrations, moving her hand from my balls to my prick, and started pumping the length.

Though the whole situation cooled my ardour, I had been extremely keyed up. Emily's hand brought me to the brink quickly.

"I'm close!"

She looked up at me with love in her eyes. "Cum for me Chris. Cum for your sister!"

Her words did it. I moved past the point of no return and blasted my essence between our bodies. She kept pumping, drawing out everything I had. Finally, just as I became over-sensitized, she stopped, and let me go.

"We've made a mess," Emily giggled.

When I caught my breath, I looked down and laughed. "You're not wrong there. Let's go shower and get everything cleaned up before Ava gets home."

I was about to get up, but Emily placed her hand on my chest forestalling me. "Chris, thank you for trying this with me. I'm sorry it didn't work, but I'm glad we tried."

I kissed her passionately, "Emily, I'm not missing out on anything because anal is not part of our sexual repertoire. I am glad though, that I could help you learn what you like or not."

She kissed me back again. "I love you, Chris."

"Love you too, Em."


After we finally did get cleaned up and showered, Emily and I made our way back downstairs. Emily wandered into the living room, and I made my way to the kitchen to make up some snacks, and start on some prep work for dinner that night.

I cut up some fresh veggies and peeled the potatoes. It was almost an hour later when I finished.

"Em, do you want anything to drink?" I called out, as I grabbed a beer from the fridge. There was no response.

"Em?" I asked as I wandered to the living room. She was laying on her stomach on the couch. She looked as though she were lost in thought. "Em?"

"Huh? Sorry, what was that?"

I sat down beside her on the edge of the cushion and rubbed her back. "I wanted to know if you wanted something to drink. Are you okay?"

She smiled up at me. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about everything. The baby, and having to move. We really are going to have to start everything over again aren't we?"

I nodded. "I think so."

Emily pouted and turned her face into the couch. "All of our friends. We'll never see them again. Will we."

My heart broke. I knew I could do nothing to ease this hurt. "I can't answer that. But we will have to leave them behind for sure."

Emily let out a single sob, before taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. "I told you not to worry about it all, last night. Then what do I do? Worry about it now." She looked up at me and gave me a wain smile. "It's a good thing I love you."

I returned her smile. "I love you too, Em."


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Coochielover71Coochielover714 months ago

Good story really good.

Diecast1Diecast1about 2 years ago

Chapter 3 ,a very good story. Enjoying it a lot. AAAAA+++++

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 2 years ago

The story is really good. It’s got a solid backstory, setting up a scenario that could work - not something outlandish. I’m looking forward to more.

Suggestion: stop using the first paragraphs to summarize previous chapters. Just one line advising readers to start with Pt 1.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ruined a perfectly good story with the last part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

great story. hope there's more to come

Angel_AzraelAngel_Azraelover 2 years ago

The story it's still lovely and romantic so far. The characters are very real, reflecting on the past, the drama involving the hard decisions they have to make to have a future together... all very well done. Ava is very adorable, and the way all the main characters interact with her always make me smile. I love this story.

And finally! Someone who knows how to do anal sex properly and write about it. Writers and readers, this is how it's done. I'm tired of reading from authors (darkmind222 is a good example) who write about it all the time but know nothing about the basics preparations (proper lubrication, hygiene, and stretching) to do it safely, erotic, and make it work to feel good, and being extra careful like Chris did is also important. Most writers here just shove dicks up the asses like it's nothing, and worse, some authors (again, darkmind222 comes to mind) do the nasty habit of ass-to-mouth like it's yummy (FFS...) making the whole event dreadful to read. And like in real life, not everybody is built for that or enjoy it, and Emily found out about it in the best way possible for her, making the whole event still nice in the end.

But enough of that. You're doing a great work here. Yes, the latest parts are short, but real life gets in the way of everybody, so keep your own pace to write the next chapters and never rush. I always say quality over quantity is better, and yours, is 100% quality.

Take care.

juanviejojuanviejoover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

They sure have decisions and plan to make. But they can continue to be a loving family. I still think sexy Chris can have some sexy chest hair for his masculine, muscular chest!

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 2 years ago

I'm becoming less interested in the sex and more so the lot. Great stuff! The character interaction reflects the same thoughts and emotions that regular people in a similar situation would be reacting to - very "real". 5*

Sune2022Sune2022over 2 years ago

This is one of my current favorite ongoing stories. You have great talent

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